
VIP Member
Rather than post that note to his girls on Instagram, I wonder if he actually said it to them. I get annoyed by people who post’Dear so and so, happy birthday you’re the love of my life’ etc etc to people who are not on social media...what’s the friggin point?! Someone enlighten me, I’m old and I do not understand this!
Exactly this! Sly constantly moans about what a pain in the arse these kids are and telling his huns how he needs “me time” now he’s turned in to fucking Clinton Cards writing deep and meaningful verse - however couldn’t avoid making 8 references to himself - he’s such a “like harvester” it’s embarrassing! I feel the same way about thee people who write RIP nan you’d have been 89 today. Turns out granny died in 1976. Sandra, Granny didn’t have Facebook in 1976 love, so stop pity harvesting you twat!
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Maybe my values are twisted, but I don’t see how someone being a bit of a backstabbing cow is being so demonised to the level of making national news..........while someone admitting to being a prostitute (and ALLEGEDLY even a pimp!!!) is lauded and fawned over by the instahuns.

I had no idea who CB was until this thread, initially loved her classy response to the MOD debacle. But actually thinking about it I’m very conflicted about someone making money from other people selling their bodies, if that is true. Her body fine, making money out of others misery not ok.
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I can’t believe a man, who lined up four women and asked them all to give him reasons why he should choose them to spend the night in his bedroom, has spawned 🤢
(I know it’s the game blah blah but really. Rank 🤣🤢)
His wife used to say he was mistaken for David beckham when they lived in London. He must have lived near an RNIB home
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What I find excruciating is the back slappers and bootlickers that continue to flatter this pair beyond all reasonable sense 😖. The divide between Corbyn and Bojo supporters is actually starting to make more sense to me when I think of just how many people idolise this pair of muppets. There is little chance of SiCLops ever coming back down to Earth, even after this mother of all fuck ups because the people that catapulted them there in the first place continue to ping them back up. They think so highly of themselves they will see one (cringeworthy) comment in their favour for every ten (legitimate) against, and whole heartedly believe ‘they’ve still got it’ 😒 A year or so ago MOD graced her flock with one of the lesser known insta huns on stories, and said huns following shot through the roof over night. MOD and FOD were then messaging the lucky lady to check in on them and see how they were coping with their new level of fame due to MOD’s kind and generous mention 🤮 The fact that MOD described herself as a celebrity goes to show exactly how conceited they are.
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As I brown person I could take offense to many many things. But I don't. Privileged people are clueless. They live in a different bubble. The best I can do is engage/interact with them. I know the difference between someone who is racist and someone who is ignorant/clueless. There is certainly work to be done on both sides regarding awareness and how we behave.
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Me again, so let me get this straight, yesterday they learn that someone close has passed away and today he is dancing around, being a quiz-master 🍆 whilst she waving a giant catcus. Boy, their grief sure was palpable.
Lying 💩👜
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Not Today Satan

Chatty Member
This is what MOD said about Candice

"Candice is often really aggressive and always brings it back to race, priveldge and class because she knows no one will argue with that. It feels like a weapon to silence people’s opinions"

Hit like if you don't think this is racist.

I've followed Candice and this all rings true.

I don't like MOD but I've seen no racism from her.
MOD reeks of white privilege. Maybe if she truly listened to Candice she would really understand why most of her topics come back to race etc.
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Yes!! Someone else said this about the house & the lack of personal tidbits? I can look around my house and have bits from honeymoon, bits off eBay, frames I spent too much on from Oliver bonas in Victoria station whilst waiting for the train, etc etc etc. Theirs is literally a Pinterest board rammed with gifted tat, they don’t even have the ~premium insta mum~ prints like the posh fashion mums do it’s all Etsy promoted listing fodder. That Margate bounty knows the score 😂
Yes that was me 👋 isn’t it weird that they’ve got nothing real, nothing to show any kind of past? It’s like the Truman Show or The Circle or something. Everything placed just so, nothing connecting them to anything. All those pictures he’s taken over the years of those absolutely beautiful children, and not one of them in their house! Their whole life is just an insta-sham. I mean, I get not wanting to have clutter, I don’t have clutter really either, but I’ve got the lamp I had as a baby in my son’s room, I’ve got beautiful photographs of my children up mountains, in forests, and on beaches, we’ve got both of our grandfathers’ war medals properly framed. We’ve got furniture pilfered from our childhood bedrooms, and a serving plate from every country we’ve ever been to. The newness of everything in their house is so bloody weird. That’s what makes it so empty and un-homely. Also the huge amount of child-free zones is so cold. We have a big-ish house, and while we might stick on a film for them in a room occasionally and then maybe eat an evening meal while they’re in there, there’s no way I would divide up the house into kid and non-kid areas. We’ve got kids! Jeez, they didn’t ask to be born, I’m not going to cordon off half the house because I need ‘me time’! I get me time when they’re at school, in bed, waiting when they’re doing a class or activity, or even when they go off to play happily without me. The make my blood boil those effing SODs!
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The BBC article is written like it’s a crime! :rolleyes:
An article on Part Time Working Mummy would be much more interesting. I cannot understand why the press are all so interested in this 'trolling story yet haven't published anything on PTWM paypal account or the Salcone's 'punishment'. HINT, HINT to any Journos reading. Look at their threads!
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Just beggars belief - on the trip of a lifetime, that most will never get the chance to have but hey success isn’t measured in financial terms 🤨 I looked up the word disingenuous and I think it had his name next to it 🤔
what a absurdly selfish comment. He’s a Tory I bet as well as a twat
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Pain of chocolate

Active member
I joined Tattle after the whole Mod blew up. And i have to say it really did articulate all the things i felt were wrong with Instamums. I really did feel like i was alone or perhaps too cynical. But you lot have made me realise that it is a load of bullshit.
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Those International Men’s Day stats are interesting. The crime ones in particular. Who is committing these violent crimes against men? I’ll give you a clue. It isn’t women. There are obviously women who commit violent crime against men but the numbers are (comparatively) vanishingly small.

The crime stats are grim and men *do* matter. However, it is important to note that MEN are also the perpetrators of the vast majority of violent crime. It is almost ALWAYS male on male crime. Longer prison sentences because they are more likely to commit serious crimes which make them a risk to society. Women generally get lesser sentences because they are often sole carers for babies or children and the reduced sentence is for the well-being of the child, not to let the woman ‘off’.
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Yes MP & PP are lovely and actually chat back and forth with no hint of ‘holier than thou’ about them!

I’ve really got a stick up my arse recently about MOD (obvs) and SMS - the pair of them boil my piss.

This whole body positivity bollocks isn’t designed to make us feel better about our bodies it’s designed intentionally to make us feel part of a collective! It’s just another way to reel us in, ‘look at us mums, lumps, bumps and wobbly bits’, its an attempt to connect us to her even more because ‘she’s just like us hey’?! No! She’s not just like us because before long she’ll be strapping her tits into Rigby & Peller while we’ll be strapping ours into George at Asda and wondering why ours don’t look like that!

She doesn’t care how you feel in that swimming costume so long as you buy the one she’s being paid to sell to you and she does that by making you feel good about yourself a bit like those shops that use the changing room mirrors that make you appear slimmer!
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