
Chatty Member
When I take my N95 mask or respirator off at the end of a 13 hour shift, and then see anti-vaccine propaganda, it both boils my blood and makes me sincerely scared for society. Everyone has a right to choose but those who choose not to vaccinate are putting themselves, their loved ones, their grannies, their nephew with an immune condition, society at large, at risk. It’s one of the most selfish things you can do. I could go on about the children I’ve seen in the ICU from vaccine preventable diseases but then I’ll never stop.

she has a (tumbling) platform and could use it for good. Besides the one fundraiser/awareness for EB Ireland she’s never done anything for the greater good from her platform. Speaks volumes about who she is as a person really. Pippa organized a ball that raised thousands, Rosie raised thousands for a hospital after her son was in hospital, Lisa Jordan shares fundraisers sent in to her all the time. Jo is only watching her own back it would seem.
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Shes off her rocker god love her, it's a dose of reality this one needs. I packed my hospital bag at 38 weeks, there was no birth plan as that can go out the window. You don't have much control over that. I had my daughter two weeks ago, it was a traumatic birth. I only dilated to 3cm and my body was pushing my daughter, her heart level dropped , she was very distressed , they had to take a blood sample from the top of her head, I had no pain relief, no time for it, taken then for emergency section , no time for a spinal. They had to get my daughter out fast to prevent brain damage , I was knocked out , my husband wasn't allowed into theatre . All that matters is that your baby is born safe and healthy . It was quite upsetting. As I said - totally taken out of your control.
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The photo with the ambilical cord is absolutely disgusting ( not the actual photo, a photo being taken at such a precious time) & a sad sad reflection of today's society where instead of being in the moment you're there with your phone whipped out taking a photo.

The past 48-72 hours are embarrassing how much she's being on social media & what she's shared. These moments are no longer sacred or just hers. They now belong to the world.
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"Hold on for the fairytale ladies"
I must have missed the Disney animation when Urusla photoshopped herself to be the size of the little mermaid and then goes on to marry LeFou the bumbling sidekick who was actually in love with Gaston.
To be fair her life seems more like the brothers Grimm than any Disney fairytales.

As someone who got engaged with a paper ring (I personally detest the history of engagement rings and love my recycled gold locally made wedding band), in a covid-style civil ceremony in an office, in an off the rack dress ordered online, and had a friend take some gorgeous photos that we treasure dearly - I find the insta-hun fabrication of the *perfect* boy/ring/engagement/shoe/dress/life to be such garbage consumerism and false advertising. It’s nothing to aspire to. It’s pure show. Empty. What does it mean if she has to spend Christmas Day - her engagement day - on social media for likes.
Pure trash to call her life of lies a fairytale.
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Manifesting is such a gross concept, it implies poor people just need to make believe harder and they'll be grand 🙄 always spoilt privileged women with more money than sense banging on with that crap.
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I rang Dyson to complain about her and Grace getting these vacuums. I pointed out both had poor reputations, numerous scandals behind both of them and many bought followers. I told Dyson they had cheapen their brand by being associated with both of them. They said they would pass my complaint to their PR dept.
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I had a look at that @_jakewoodard post she shared... 🤢 makes me wanna 🤮
Chriiiist that's next level shit
"She is like a cosmic flower, filled with intuition, magnetism and love"
Joey is like a cosmic wheeliebin, full of ready-meals, notions and smugness.
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I think this is a huge part of it. Most children have the capacity to discern right from wrong and are able to acknowledge, apologise for and correct unacceptable behaviour.
I really don't think Joanne has this capacity. Sure, she would be able to spew out a generic "I'll do better" statement if enough pressure was put on her, but if you sat her down for a chat, I don't think she'd have the self awareness or moral compass to actually identify all the dishonest things she has done and understand the depth of the upset/hurt she has caused.
I am not saying there is something 'wrong' with her as I feel that's an unfair label, but she has to be wired differently to have had scandal after scandal (all her own doing) and not change a single thing.
Very well put, zero moral compass, you know say what you want about tattle, I use it mostly to vent and will admittedly say I enjoy a good ole bitch, I would never in a million years create a fake profile and troll any of the people discussed here, I have my rant among fellow likeminded people and that’s enough, I know it gets a bad wrap but I generally think it removes some of the trolling because it gives people a place to complain and discuss , I can’t speak for everyone of course just myself. I also understand it’s not the most amazing thing to know there is a thread about you but I really think she could learn from some of the stuff said here.

Also whoever said Joanne is H from line of duty has me loling all day 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Larby expecting us to believe that she only shows us 20% of the press drops she is sent 🙄 If she was sent a bag of dog shit she would proudly display it hanging from a tree outside, draped in twinkly lights with a scattering of dried fruit, and be telling us about how luxurious this dog shit investment piece. Don't even get me started on the bed sheets. She is a desperate woman in every sense of the word

Interesting to see she was in the family home in West Cork for Christmas last year. I wonder will Brenners travel this year?
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I knew she would be like this 🤣🤣 jack of all trades, master of none. This “journey” is one of many obsessions for her. She is the worst dose of shite on Instagram. Void of a personality, sense of humour and common sense 😐 thinks she is miss au natural when we all know she’s a fast fashion addict 🤣 coming on her stories speaking in this condescending manner, about the issues with breastfeeding input society 😩 she wouldn’t influence me to take a shit.
Totally. It was definitely going to become her entire persona wasnt it? Just like every other persona she’s tried. And maybe BF for her is filling the void in her otherwise very empty boring life and giving her purpose. But I mean - even SHE should realise the majority of women don’t have both parents at home full time with one baby. God forbid SHE had to return to work and couldn’t spend all night awake and cluster feeding. God forbid ADAM was actually out working all day or shift working and not there to “feed her her dinner while she cried”. God forbid she’d 3 other kids who needed dinners and school runs and she couldn’t walk around with her boobs out all day with a pillow tied around her. God forbid she was a single parent with no support. The BF martyr act is just so dumb - and counter productive to what she’s trying to achieve. She’s even more out of touch with reality than I’d actually even thought. Women and mothers have enough shaming and misogyny to compete against without some bullsh*t insta hun making things worse.
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We were flown to NYC, well you hardly walked there !
The excessive spending is crazy, by the time I was her age I had realised that material things done mean anything, little gestures like checking the oil on my car and bringing me a coffee means so much more to me, it’s not like Adam had to save for that watch or put a few Bob away each month, it’s just another showy gift for the gram.
My husband moves The tins from the back of the food press to the front where he knows I can easily reach them without having to get a chair. Means more to me than anything showy. I must Instagram it next time he does it 🙄
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