Hope this is ok and don’t want to derail the thread but I have just seen this . Currently on trial . Different but what struck me is the face down issue and CM’s defence.

Just read that myself. The defence is equally as bizarre as Marten's - that the horrible heifer in question who swaddled a 9 month old so tight she couldn't move then strapped her down hard to a fucking bean bag face down and then covered her with a fucking blanket over her head, then ignored the baby's cries and clear distress until she was dead - is somehow innocent because she had never had a complaint before or presumably, been caught red-handed causing a child to suffocate to death. She like anyone in her field and really, most normal people these days, would know every last one of those actions - swaddling ultra tight, placing face down to sleep, face down on a soft surface, covered head - was dangerous as hell and together were quickly and clearly lethal.

I hope she ends up a permanent punchbag in Bronzefield. Got no time for people who take their moods out on the vulnerable, and it's clearly what it was according to witnesses; she had a beef with that baby for crying a lot (or the parents is my guess) for some reason and decided to torture her a bit to cheer herself up, but whoops! Ended with her dead.

I suspect she's done a LOT of this type of shit before, only her ability to hide her actions from the parents due to babies not being able to tell on you, and her luck in not killing ran out and here we are.

Same with Marten - she managed not to kill a child before, but likely only because the authorities got the kids away from her. Left to her own stupidity and obvious lack of instincts and knowledge, she's got an underdressed baby sat in her own piss and shit and dead from something, probably asphysxia, within a matter of a few weeks.

I hope the jury crucify her. Her living kids are better off away from the mad mare anyway.
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Not sure who this person is so I don’t know how reliable this is…but if true, it would explain the cat litter 🙁
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Oh those poor kids. Imagine you're 4, you're living away from your parents (who are shit, but you're only 4 so don't understand that and love them and are attached to them and miss them) you're taken to a contact centre, maybe by some random social worker you've never met, but hopefully by your foster carer, and your parents don't even turn up to see you. And you have to wait another week which is a lifetime for you. You have to go to school, and learn and socialise, and mask all your emotions. You probably have to be brave for your siblings. Counting down the days until you see them again.
Poor little kids.
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All of those SS haters that cheered this couple on whilst they ran. I hope they are biting their tongues. Social workers don’t remove children without a good reason. If anything, I think they are too lenient these days.

These two should never had their hands on any babies.
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Social services may have allowed her to keep the baby, just without him.

She chose a man over her own child(ren).

The exact details regarding her other children we do not have a right to know about.

My thoughts are with all those in the emergency services who are dealing firsthand with the horror of what has happened.
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I just can’t imagine how she is feeling tbh. She seemingly gave birth without assistance, walked however far when the car caught fire and has travelled distances around the country while dealing with bleeding and after pains and leaky boobs and all the emotions that come along with birth/post birth hormones and who knows if she might have any birth injuries. Really concerning.
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Just read a young woman’s post whose twins were taken into care, claiming she was the perfect mother and SS only took the kids because they were mixed race……further down her post admits her violent partner beat her unconscious so the babies were left alone for hours and all only saved when ambulance crew discovered them, oh & admitted SS supported her and her children in housing away from him but she kept taking the kids back to him despite them telling her the damage it would do to them, kids then witnessed him knocking out all her teeth and then she admitted she turned to drink & drugs & then refused to engage with SS when concerned neighbours reported her kids screaming crying when her & the fella were fighting…….but yes they removed them for nothing, she was a great mum & they always had matching clothes which proves it 🙄 honestly despair I need to stop looking at these groups, sad for her but sadder for the traumatised kids who they literally don’t give a fuck about!

I imagine there's shock and trauma experienced by parents when their children are removed, no matter how terrible their parenting. That's undeniable.

However, what these whacko anti-SS groups show is how people who have little self-awareness and who obstinately refuse to take responsibility for their own destructive behaviours find common cause with others stuck in their own closed loops of blame and recriminations. They band together and reinforce each others' delusions. Instead of focusing their energies on improving their situations, they just shout abuse at the govt.

I was peripherally involved in a case during lockdown that saw SS remove a newborn from their parents. Our community mutual aid group was delivering food and groceries to various households around our neighbourhood and this couple raised huge red flags whenever one of our volunteers went to them over a few weeks. We agonised over it but decided to report them to SS because we knew local post-birth visits were limited due to Covid and we worried that no professionals had seen the situation in that house. We made the call that we would rather err on the side of being wrong and being called busybodies than let a newborn infant suffer. It was the right call and our evidence helped SS meet the threshold to remove the child. And it turned out they'd been wriggling out of various offers of support for months, just like CM and MG.

I still agonise over it, TBH, and wonder what happened to all of them.

Child welfare is so hard for all involved. But the rights and wellbeing and safety of the child must always be the priority.
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Sorry if it’s been said but I can’t remember. Were their other children ultimately adopted out then? Or is it an unknown? Was Constance estranged from her family? I’m trying to guess why no family member took on the children. It’s a huge ask of anybody, I know this from personal experience. I don’t want to out or shame myself but my own children were fostered out to family members while I went through alcohol recovery. It was a hard slog for them and they had to register as foster carers and were paid as such. I can’t imagine being from a family who wouldn’t step up when they were needed the most, especially with big money behind them.
Getting yourself out of the cycle of an addiction is absolutely not something to be ashamed about. It shows you’re incredibly brave, and strong ❤
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I see sm is going crazy again, commenting on Constance' fb profile. People did this with Nicola Bulley too, its insane. But people are saying "where is your baby" as if she's gonna message them back while shes in custody telling randomers where her baby is ffs! Some people are so odd
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I live a few miles from where they were last seen. No one will bat an eyelid to be honest I don’t even know my neighbours. It’s different in London.

I think the tent was to throw off the police. How can no other purchases be picked up on CCTV. There’s plenty of cash in hand sublet rentals on gumtree.

The man’s conviction was in 1989 when he was 14. He’s near 50s and she’s mid 30s. Both two consenting adults. There’s no bail or arrest warrant. - someone previously says on this thread why has the police not warned they are dangerous - probably because they are not.. however They must be of some kind of sound mind and not out of it that much on substances which have been suggested to have the ability to run this long from the police. So I am literally one of the people on FB saying let them live as long as the baby is well because there are missing vulnerable children who are not given the same media attention or monetary rewards and it’s heart breaking.

we are the only country to have secret courts, so say they were found and baby was removed etc. they the parents could never have their side of the story reported in the press. They can never discuss their case only with their solicitor.

secondly we are the only country in Western Europe to have an “at risk emotional abuse” clause. This was introduced by the tories Michael gove years ago. This gives social services the power to remove a baby at birth, without the parents ever given a chance. Without there being any evidence of harm.
given the dad had a serious criminal past this wouldn’t of done him any favours like with to ex drug addicts, ex MH ex care leavers etc and anyone with a past.
It’s cheaper and easier to remove a child at birth in this situations based on “at risk of emotional harm”. We don’t hear about cases because of secret courts.

A few years ago an Italian woman who came here for a course had a manic episode whilst pregnant. She had a C section against her will and baby removed from birth. Reasons were “at risk of emotional harm” The only reason why this was media reported was because she was Italian and the Italian government and press reported it which removed UK press restrictions.

the baby hasn’t been registered for a reason so that it’s harder for SS to make court proceedings for custody of the baby. If they’d had court proceedings it would’ve been much easier for them.

there is a solicitor called Ian Joseph’s that helps fund parents who are at risk of loosing their babies at birth. He encourages them to go to Ireland or France where “at risk of emotional abuse” doesn’t exist and most families who would’ve lost their baby to adoption here are allowed to keep them abroad.
Oh lord, where to start! I am directly involved in these types of decisions on a daily basis, and this level of misinformation does so much harm! So much harm. I was also involved with the Italian case you mentioned, what you said happened? Didn’t happen. There was much more to it. Cheaper and easier? For whom? SS? Don’t make me laugh. The outcome for children who are removed from birth parents and moved through the foster/care system is bleak - poor outcomes, hugely expensive, hugely damaging, hugely time consuming and SS have to them support until the care leaver is 25 as opposed to 18. I don’t mind people having a different view, but to perpetuate this nonsense really doesn’t help.
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Real emotional abuse is letting your kids down at a contact centre when they’ve been promised they’ll see mummy and daddy and leaving them distraught. Real abuse is taking a newborn out in freezing conditions in a sleepsuit and camping in a filthy tent with her. But Constance doesn’t think either of these things are an issue so I’d be wary of what she classes as child abuse..
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PND occurs post birth. It doesn't make someone conceal a pregnancy, give birth in a car and then go into hiding.
I’m really sorry to be pedantic but I had prenatal depression and ended up in a mental hospital at 7 months pregnant so it does exist. Some of the lunacy I won’t divulge but when you’ve lost your mind, you can do some real crazy shit. Especially if psychosis has kicked in.
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The BBC podcast this morning was interesting. It said that the prosecution said that CM was lying when she said she’d made a deal with the devil by asking for SS help. In fact she never asked them at all, the hospital made a referral because MG acted so oddly, including standing and looking at the wall silently throughout her long labour.
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Exhausted Pigeon

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First time posting on this thread. Just wanted to say something about them whispering in court. I've seen in documentaries about previous cases, the judge often lets defendants get away with this sort of inappropriate behaviour because it shows the jury the lack or remorse or lack of respect they have for their crimes.
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Polythene Pam

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I can't stop fixating on the fact they left their dead baby in the bushes and went off to buy fish and chips. What the fuck does it take to be that desensitised to the death of your child? It's unfathomable.
I really hope they both get locked up for a long time but sentences for gross negligence manslaughter can be low. Kayleigh Titford's parents got 7.5 years (dad) and 6 years (mom who pleaded guilty)
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I keep thinking about when I went camping in summer. I was in a double camp bed off the ground, sleeping with my partner. We had a big duvet and sheet underneath us, a big duvet and a blanket on top. I had pyjamas and socks on. And I was still cold. I’m a perimenopausal fatso, so permanently hot. That poor baby on the ground in just a sleep suit in the middle of winter. 😢

Poor poor Victoria, Constance is very very far from an excellent mother, she is quite delusional.
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Just reading about Mr Hudson who briefly met the baby when he helped with the car fire. He said he had been so cut up the past year wishing he had stayed longer because then the baby would still be alive. Surely this is the normal human response to the baby's death to feel sadness and regret. It wasn't his fault that she died but the parents don't appear to blame themselves at all.
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I’m actually gonna say in that footage from the restaurant MG looks the one who seems to be caring more for that baby, he tucks her in and moves the blanket (?) off her face. Constance handling her very strangely for a newborn. Again she’s not wrapped in a coat or anything more than a sleepsuit.
irony of them wearing face masks to conceal identity but I bet when it was the law Constance was the first one to decline to wear it.
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