Chelsea Mchodg Gossip Forum

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  1. WhatABore

    Chelsea McHodg #11 Any excuse for a takeaway, flogging tat everyday

    New thread title thanks to @Hagrid20121993
  2. S

    Chelsea McHodg #10 a mouth full of stodge and a home full of clutter that belongs in the gutter.

    Thanks to @cryptix for thread suggestion
  3. S

    Chelsea McHodg #9 30k in the bank, still an absolute grotty skank

    On holiday at Butlins again No sign of Alex 🤷‍♀️ Thanks to @Leighanne02 for the thread title
  4. WhatABore

    Chelsea McHodg #8 House is filthy, stickers on the floor, Chels and Alex have another takeaway at the door.

    New thread time! Title thanks to @Becca0888 Had to cut it down slightly.
  5. WhatABore

    Chelsea Mchodg #7 She's a dirty slob, he's a nob, JJ's got a big gob, has Alex left another job?

    New thread! Hopefully the title is allowed 😂 Title thanks to @cryptix
  6. WhatABore

    Chelsea Mchodg #6 Family take her for a mug, she's so smug. AJ will be here soon,will she kick out the goon?

    New Thread time! Title thanks to @Helliebella Original thread title: Chelsea Mchodg #6 Her family take her for a mug, but she’s still so smug. Alex Junior will be here soon, but will she kick out the goon? Didnt want to take Alex Jr out but it was the only way it'd fit as it's a max 110 and...
  7. WhatABore

    Chelsea Mchodg #5 We all knew you were preggs, but how long before baby boy is eating a greggs?

    New thread time. Title thanks to @cryptix ! Very accurate 🤣
  8. WhatABore

    Chelsea Mchodg #4 Chels will give you the ick with her lick lick lick, all under the eye of an absolute dick

    New thread time! Title thanks to @VillageGirl88
  9. WhatABore

    Chelsea Mchodg #3 The McHodgson's are off on a trip but can't go abroad unless they use alien fellas spaceship

    Thread title thanks to @kayefeluu20 My suggestion was top votes but this one contained the same bit about the alien fella so did this one instead😂
  10. WhatABore

    Chelsea McHodg #2 Trying to be successf-oil

    New thread! Went for the only suggestion we had 😂
  11. Kazzie20

    Chelsea Mchodg

    Tiktok - @chels_mchodg Eats takeaway like there going out of fashion, poor JJ is having kfc almost every lunch time. She never mentions any friends. Pretty sure shes 🍃 in her milkshake videos but ignores every comment addressing it and calls treats ‘munchies’ (the word used when you hit the...