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The paternalistic husband handing her a glass of water and sitting her down to watch a recorded TV segment has made my own “foof” snap shut, good god.
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I just don’t agree that it’s transphobia. I don’t think you can change biological sex. I think women are discriminated against due to their biological sex and we need to protect the sex class that is female. Women need biological spaces that are set aside for them. Whether that be changing rooms, hostels, prisons, or sports. So - I have no problem with trans women and I don’t believe J.K. does either, but this does not make them biological women.

Plenty of trans women agree with this and actually believe trans activism is damaging their cause.

I don’t think J.K. is transphobic. She is standing up for the right for women to be named as such and for that class to include only biological women.

2020 is an odd and devastating year in so many ways, but the one thing I wouldn’t have predicted was women being called bigoted for not wanting to lose the ability to name themselves as a sex class. I went to the doctors this week for persistent anaemia relating to very heavy periods and the form asked what my sex assigned at birth was and what I identified as. If I could identify out of being a woman I wouldn’t be there practically wearing a nappy. So this thread being about Caroline Hirons? Yes it is, and how she answered a woman standing up for other women and at the very least politely and clearly and logically making her point with, and I quote, ‘get in the bin’.
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So, came across this thread the other day. I used to quite like Caroline and thought it was actually pretty cool to see an older woman (tbh, that could mean anyone over 30 these days, ha) in the skincare world. But the last year or so (post-COVID) she's become insufferable. Where to start - remember the big song and dance about the overpriced skin kits in around April time? I was genuinely shocked to see her flogging £300 kits but also! People were falling over themselves to buy them!

I'd see her going live now and then on Instagram but it was always this meandering mess of a rant, like an hour a time - who can be arsed to sit there and listen to her? It's the way it's delivered too, as so many have pointed out... holier than thou, never put a foot wrong, if you don't agree then you're an idiot. There was the constant name dropping (oh I called up Jordan Samuel, going live with Kate Somerville, I'm first on Josh Wood's list - really? Your hair is yellow and ratty), and then we had the Boots scandal. She was acting like the Boots staff were being held hostage and she was the mediator. Now I agree that counter staff shouldn't have been made to work but it was the hyperbole... "don't you dare try and track down ANY of the Boots staff who have contacted me", like, please. Don't get me started on her BLM nonsense either. I just scrolled through her feed there thinking maybe she's done a spotlight on a black-owned business but no, nothing. Her BLM highlights reel is just reshared posts. I know she included Antonia Burrell in her last kit but is that seriously it? She's all talk.

Some of her skincare advice is genuinely useful and helped me but I've always felt that she gatekeeps it, you know, "you need to double cleanse with a flannel. NOT in the shower for god's sake, what are you, an animal?", or heavily pushing extremely expensive brands, but then saying we don't NEED expensive products. Which is it? Eh. I'm over her.
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There’s golden tickets? I’m picturing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory style only in this case the reason they’re living in one cold room is because they spent their money on multiple kits, in the hope of a golden ticket for… what, more kits? Or is there a trip to a factory where freaks are shown around by the orange Oompa Loompas and then the first one tries out the Blue Cocoon and turns blue all over and swells up and pops! Then one of them goes into the Goat Milk room and gets attacked by the goats and gets thrown ‘into the bin’, the next one goes in the great camo elevator into the Insta TV room and shrinks to a teeny tiny trial size. The winner wins the whole factory and gets to help pack kits for the Queen for the rest of their life.
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Someone I know started working for CH last year and made a big song and dance about how it’s her dream job etc etc. She’s just posted about how proud she is for “leaving a toxic, emotionally and physically draining workplace” even though it was her dream. Looks like the oaf is just as vile in real life as she comes across online 👀 ☕
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Really feel for this poor young lady being talked about so patronisingly, and I’m sure she’d be absolutely mortified to receive the bible and some unsolicited products. Thankfully a good proportion of the posts were indicating (politely) that it was a pretty bad idea, but who knows whether Lady Bountiful will take that on board 🤔
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"Educate herself" - what a patronising moron. Acne, especially the type that requires hardcore prescriptions from doctors, is not caused by ignorance or being clueless or not having a multistep routine or not treating skin correctly in the past ("... how best to treat her skin going forward" ffs!) The 17 year old seems to have done all the right things (seen gp, referred to dermatologist, starting monitored acne treatment) and yet the Freaks still find her education lacking. Arseholes.
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Meanwhile a little snip from the freaks group.
I guess commenting that the pharmacist has a point about overloading the skin with products and sponsored bloggers wouldn’t go down well 😄

😳I have just spent the last ten minutes defending Caroline to my pharmacist!!!!!!

My local surgery said to see the pharmacist about my skin, he spent the whole time telling me I was using too much skincare, not to listen to these bloggers as they are secretly being sponsored and just want my money and then suggested I use spot cream on my forehead and vaseline for my face!!!!

# whenyouknowmorethanthepharmacist

This is a photo of what I wanted help with...

Oh and I asked about a mark.on my cheek and he said you'll know if it's a mole or something worse if it gets bigger and darker.....oh ok I'll wait and watch it develop 😳😳😳 — with Caroline Hirons.’
I was just about to come and post this. Absolutely delusional aren’t they. 😂

ETA: the way she put “defending Caroline to my pharmacist” like can you actually imagine that, some woman standing in the middle of Lloyds Pharmacy ranting at the pharmacist saying “WELL THATS NOT WHAT CAROLINE SAYS”, they’d be thinking….. who the fuck is Caroline? 😂😂😂
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Pandemonium is about to start. She's done a live and announced kits will be on sale tomorrow but hasn't revealed the contents yet...

Look at this comment on her live


Here we go!

#unpaidcarer #iworkwithautisticchildren #iworkforthenhs #ihaveanhsdeskjobbutitstillcounts #ivegot36grandkids #allmymoneygoesonmykids #fuckthesehashtagsjustgivemeafreekit!
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These twats are just too much. Either the bullshit alarm is very loud with this on eor the idiot talks about her like she is a mate 🙄
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One of my cousins is a big CH fan and introduced me to the whole Cult of Caroline concept and her related online channels, etc. She is also going through a very premature menopause (she's in her twenties). She had watched one of the lives this week and it upset her. So, I watched it yesterday to see what upset her so much: CH was talking (again and also in her usual very negative style) about being menopausal and how her ovaries have shrivelled to raisins, how she's now an old woman, how she's planning on getting all of the tweakments because her skin will go to shit because of the menopause and all her collagen fucking off, how everything is collapsing, how part of her has died and how no-more babies has made her sad, and my cousin was listening and became very upset. Her mum actually rang me to calm her down. For a woman who has the thinnest of thin skins (she literally shouted at someone on this live for saying she looked tired despite one of the first things she said when she started it being "I'm tired and can't be bothered"), CH really has no grace or tact in how she approaches sensitive matters that may be affecting other people's headspace, people who are vulnerable or in positions not as secure or gilded or fortunate as hers. I was so angry. I know my cousin could just stop watching/listening, but she's a fully paid up member of the CH flock and I just wish she wasn't, as the negativity of CH and her obnoxiousness is just no good for anyone especially people who are feeling low.

Also in more Not As Woke As You Think You Are, Caroline news: in this live CH just confirmed her soft bigotry by insisting that in a previous life she was a Jewish mother because she often makes chicken soup and how she would have been the best Jewish mother ever. Regardless of the offensiveness of appropriating the history of any other ethnic and religious group just because you feel like it, reducing Jewish women to chicken soup is not a good look and then making it some weird competition where she would win? Gross. And that's before you get to the sheer awfulness of talking about past lives and reincarnation and riding roughshod over very specific Jewish religious beliefs (and a very specific, persecuted history) in order to apply them to her very not-Jewish ideas and very un-persecuted not-Jewish self just because she makes chicken soup. With her weird habit of culture tourism I'm seriously just waiting for her to liveblog a DNA Ancestry test to see what other cultures and nationalities she can claim and add to her already extremely tenuously multi-hyphenated self.

Sorry for the novel length rant, but this whole thing with my cousin really upset me yesterday and I needed to get it off my chest. I'm going to insist that she stops watching/reading/engaging with CH. And I think I will too. Her destructiveness is honestly not even worth a hate-watch.
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I’ve just found this thread.

Long story short, I discovered the Beautymouth blog in early 2012, I’m oily and acne/spot prone, followed her advice (skincare, diet, supplements) religiously, developed full blown acne, acne didn’t improve at all, persisted for years with her advice and following her word as gospel (because honestly I was young and naïve and trusted her advice), went on the pill to try and avoid scarring as I had moderate/severe acne, acne subsided to persistent spottiness, came back after coming off the pill, started using really basic AF fragrance free, barrier supporting skincare routine and some hardcore actives (adapalene, azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, BHA gel), and my skin has never been better. I get 3-4 spots A MONTH (!!!!!!) Skin has now been clear for 2 years.

Whilst I fully agree there is so much that can contribute to acne and not just a simple answer and most of the info on her acne cheat sheet is really helpful, I feel pretty mugged off about her not addressing using prescription strength actives to treat acne (like retinoids, azelaic this because at high strengths they are prescription only? She mentions prescription strength for "anti-aging" so I wonder whether she doesn't mention it for acne because of it being more of a medical condition?), her preference of salicylic acid toners over benzoyl peroxide for acne, her stance on mineral oil (it’s the most inert occlusive ever and it’s saving my skin from irritation from the hardcore actives I am using), her blasé blog post about Differin and one paragraph info on how to use it with no mention of buffering, protecting delicate areas with heavy occlusives, working up to using a full dose, using a “thin layer” - HOW MUCH IS A THIN LAYER?! Her attitude that she doesn’t need to wear SPF daily, her attitude that the sun cleared her acne.

I used to love her blog and I have found some really fantastic products because of her. No longer use a lot of them as I try to stick with fragrance free. I purchased one of her kits in 2017 maybe? It had Zelens Power D in it (what I really wanted it for!)

She mentioned the freaks FB group in a video or on Insta or something and I felt really left out. I felt like, hey, I’m a loyal subscriber who’s followed you for years and hearing her talk about her Freaks group getting early access to info I felt really mugged off. I joined the group in mid 2018 and I commented on peoples’ posts with advice a few times, I got fed up with people asking basic questions and not looking on the blog first which a simple search could have told them the information they sought. Now I just feel exasperated at how much the freaks group worship her and the mob mentality.

I feel as though Caroline has really changed in the kind of content she is putting out. She doesn’t post any content that I find interesting any more. I used to live for her cheat sheets and I feel like all that she posts is ads and info about her kits. I also sometimes struggle with the way she talks about herself and the team she works with (My team – should it not be the team I work with?) I really struggle when anyone talks about “my people” or “my team”. They are not “yours”, they work with you and support you.

I bought a Bondi Sands facial SPF on her recommendation and it’s the worst SPF I've ever used. Heavy, greasy, sticky, despite the post saying it’s none of those. I’ve gone back to look and the post is an AD, shocker.

During the time she was really pushing Beauty Backed, she made a few comments that really made me angry, about how we should all be queueing up when the salons reopen to make sure the beauty industry doesn’t collapse. I’m sorry – I can’t afford to because I'm self-employed in a completely different industry and I’ve lost about 70% of my income and I'm ineligible for any kind of government support. Whilst I completely agree that it seemed ridiculous that pubs were allowed to open and salons were not, I felt like there was a complete lack of tact and consideration for other industries also struggling to keep up business due to Covid-19.

Sorry, rant over.
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This thumbnail reminded me of a Spongebob meme which made me laugh so hard I choked, leading to my mouth being devoid of saliva because it all ended up in my lungs! So I was wheeled to A&E and to add insult to injury, my boyfriend of three days dumped me so I’ve been crying nonstop. What products do you recommend for swollen eyes and dry mouth?? Tata Harper products only please, send them my way, I’ll pay for the postage if it’s covered by GFM (which I will be setting up to pay for getting my lungs removed due to saliva being stuck). 🤬🤬 #yeetmylungs #NHSuser #emo #blackandwhite #carolinenoticemesenpai


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