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Compare her newest IG to the infamous black strapless bra footage, one of these things is not like the other. GET A BRA THAT FITS ZOE!!!!

Also on the topic of them and Soppy getting married, I honestly think it's gonna be quite some time or maybe even never, both Alfie and Poppy grew up with unmarried parents (they only got married sometime in the past few years) so to them that's the norm and just being committed and kids would be enough, I don't think either are dying for a wedding anytime soon however I do see Sean and Poppy having kids in the near future compared to zalfie.
Her boobs are no way near as big as she tries to make out. That black & white pic proves it.
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Serious question. Does she EVER go to any other house than her own for a change? Has she ever been to Marks? Do they ever go to Poppy and Sean's? It must be a control thing.
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Shes got half a million views on her last vlog because of its clickbait title.
That’s probably made her so happy like it’s adding fuel to the marriage conversation... I dunno seems bizarre way to want to commit your life to someone... does she not know that it doesn’t have to be like this and she could be with someone who adores her and respects her idea of marriage and is ready to have a family with.

Also I feel like if they were to break up and Alfie met a cool model type girl who was different and fun he’d be so excited he’d give her a ring straight away just and want a family with them straight away... don’t know why but I just have that feeling
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This comment about influencers always confuses me a bit. I don’t have any black friends. I live in a really white area, there was only one black person in my year group at school, and literally have about three friends #introvertlife

Zoe’s problematic in lots of ways, but I’m not sure this is one.

(Feel free to call me out/educate me, always happy to learn!)
Yeah, I think people forget just how white the UK is apart for a few areas. I similarly when I went to school had one black person in my year group and one Middle Eastern person. I suspect for most places it's probably a similar demographic. It wasn't until I went to uni and moved to one of the biggest cities in the UK that I really started to make some non-white friends.
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Chatty Member
More time u look like that and have to point out other people "flaws"
Hi Zoe, are you enjoying Tattle so much you decided to join in?

I still can't believe with all the money she has, that she can't get a decent hairdresser, Sam seems to be God awful, if Zoe's hair is anything to go by.
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I dunno about anyone else but I just don’t understand how soppy and Alfie etc can’t see how star struck Mark is. I think mark thinks he’s actually won the lottery being able to be friends with a YouTuber he always idolised. I just don’t know how that friendship works! I saw him once before just at the end of 2019 down a side street in London and was with a girl and she was taking a photo for his Instagram and I was so close to saying hi but he just seemed so unapproachable and stuck up like I could be totally wrong but just felt this way. I think good on him but I think reality must hit him now and again thinking wow has that really happened haha! Coz it is safe to say she has helped his career but when they are together I just think he has some sort of act on around her and when he goes home he must feel like he can be himself again! He can’t afford to lose that friendship
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I used to love Zoe but I've come to realise how stale that she is. It's honestly frustrating to see her and Alfie be in this stale unprogressing relationship when she so obviously wants more than she's saying. Plus, her not going out and staying in most of the time has had an unhealthy impact on me in the past... I feel like that's what I should be doing. It sounds weird, I know. Like, being 'cosy' is the most important thing.
It's time to move on from Zoe and Alfie.
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Just a few pointers...
shes thinks a tea infuser is a mini icing sugar sieve
She says the apple on her Gucci trainers is a symbol of what she did in Lockdown- yep because you did fuck all apart from play animal crossing
clickbait title- only in your dreams are they planning your hen do.
she has a cupboard full of her discontinued products and says they are for people to take...well clearly no one wants any apart from Mark because the cupboard is full!
Says shes looking forward to autumn because Christmas is time when she spends it with family and friends-you mean Alfie's family.
Is there a reason she can't spend time with her family at any time of the year other than Christmas???? I mean, obv with covid, she prob can't see her grandparents but I mean in general.
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Surely it would be more odd for her to hang out with a black person or person of colour just because of the colour of their skin?
It would be odd to do that, but what we’re pointing out is that as big as she is, the multiple companies, the multiple products, the multiple books, the multiple employees, the friends, there is zero diversity there at all. Look on their company website she only employs white men and women, all the meetings she ever been in regarding any project has been white men and women, the other influencers she gives shoutouts to are white, I can’t think of a single time she’s even interacted with someone that wasn’t white. So it’s odd to be in such a diverse industry, living in a diverse town, and her have no diversity in any element of her life.

Also the affiliate linking books for BLM, that was actually gross, she should have shared those books without the commission.
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Chilli pepper 19

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i just want to say that I agree with you, and it was an explanation I came up with for her behaviour, not an excuse. If it helps, my childhood was awful, and I never even had a Christmas tree. I know the feeling of yearning for family quite well.

And yes, she should learn to adapt. Families come in all shapes and sizes. There isn’t always a mum, a dad, a brother and a family dog. I was simply pointing out that she’s very cosy with Alfie’s family, and it’s my opinion that she has latched onto them because she feels “homeless”, and it’s a big reason why she doesn’t want to lose Alfie. Both for all the years she’s put it on the promise of a future family, and because she’s adopted his family as her own. It’s quite evident from her behaviour that she’s very nostalgic of her past and hasn’t properly got over her parent’s divorce, despite it happening later in her life, either in her late teens or early 20s(?). She probably never had much time as a single woman learning to navigate life and a newly-shaped family by herself. Now she’s 30 and losing Alfie might, through fault of her own, make her very lonely. I think just a few pages ago, a user pointed out that she entered into a relationship with Alfie just 3 months after her last mention of Wilf on Twitter.

I do want to apologise if I’ve offended anyone by saying Zoe might feel her family is too fragmented to feel Christmases are festive with them. This is a Zoe-specific bury-head-in-90s-hermit-hole explanation. Many people not so hung-up as Zoe have blended families and enjoy them immensely. Blended is the new normal, anyway.
I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for Zoe and the supposed trauma she's had because of her parents divorce. If she was young then maybe but what did she want. Have them stay together so she's got the perfect family. So many people go through much worse and awful childhood and yet still don't just abandon those people close to them who love them.

The fact she's so desperately trying to stick to her teenage years shows she had a happy childhood. I suspect one or both of her parents have dared to say no or disagree with her and that's the reason she's practically cut her family out. Joe seems to have coped and not abandoned his family despite going through the same childhood.

The reason she’s still stuck with fraggle is because she's got rid of anyone her life who would dare have their own opinion. She wants to be queen bee and now she is in her pathetic little kingdom.
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Ugh why am I not surprised that she’s one of those people - the people whose house you stay at and they get up really early and start banging around and texting you like ‘you awake?’
No I’m not awake it’s 9am on a Saturday morning 😂
Putting it on Instagram is a little bit shady too, it's like she's calling him lazy
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In all honesty can you really see Zoella with a baby? I'm not saying she wouldn't be a good mum but I just don't get the maternal vibe from her, I see her as kore a cool aunty who will take the kids out shopping but won't want to deal with shitty nappies and baby sick etc 🤷🏼‍♀️
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It seems like the only time he goes is if someone else is with them and he can take his bike or scooter because that’s what every 27 year old does 🙄
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Oh Zoe, the granny.

Why are 90% of her conversations about her being a kid. Does she need therapy or something?! Its so bizarre.
When I saw her mask, I immediately noticed it was too small & KNEW she had bought a child’s size. I just didn’t think she was that weird to mention it! 🤦🏻‍♀️


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Mark just did a Q&A on his stories and someone asked ;if Zoe and Alfie split up would you get with Zoe?' and Mark replied 'your barking up the wrong tree there'. :giggle:
Well, we here have all known he fancies Alfie and has for a long time.

Just because I think it would be the most interesting thing to happen to the three of them in so long, I would love to see Zoe and Alfie break up, and Alfie get with Mark instead of a generic Insta model. At least Alfie and Mark have chemistry.
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Seeing her old videos, it's no wonder she longs for that time again! She was at her best back then I think. She was really pretty, radiant even, and seemed bubbly, but now with sad sack Aldie she's dull - both in her physical appearance and mentally - and lost any sparkle she had.
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There are a few plausible reasons he is keeping it vague. Cynically, maybe he is making the ambiguity part of his brand (that sounds horrible and I don’t think it’s the case). Maybe he’s bi and deliberately omits gender because that would lead to almost tallying up from the kids and would be weird. Maybe he is uncomfortable with coming out to his audience- I hope not, that would be a shame. Maybe he is going with the presumption that people know that he’s gay and that’s fine. Maybe he’s a very camp straight man! Or maybe he feels it’s nobody’s business.
Anyhoooo call me the queen of you were, sorry!
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