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Chatty Member
I dunno about anyone else but I just don’t understand how soppy and Alfie etc can’t see how star struck Mark is. I think mark thinks he’s actually won the lottery being able to be friends with a YouTuber he always idolised. I just don’t know how that friendship works! I saw him once before just at the end of 2019 down a side street in London and was with a girl and she was taking a photo for his Instagram and I was so close to saying hi but he just seemed so unapproachable and stuck up like I could be totally wrong but just felt this way. I think good on him but I think reality must hit him now and again thinking wow has that really happened haha! Coz it is safe to say she has helped his career but when they are together I just think he has some sort of act on around her and when he goes home he must feel like he can be himself again! He can’t afford to lose that friendship
Yeah it’s definitely an interesting dynamic, and I think him being a huge fan and so adoring of her is what kept him closer to her, since she likes to surround herself with people who inflate her ego. He’s definitely putting on a bit of an act, and you can sometimes see that he’s not in the mood and doesn’t want to turn it on (some of the vlogs from last fall come to mind), but he kind of just has to go along with it since he owes most of his following to her. Even the trips they’ve gone on, I’m sure Zoe paid a lot of his expenses. It seems he has an active social life outside of Zoe, so would he put all this effort in if he wasn’t indebted to her?

With all that being said, I do think he’s a good friend to Zoe, despite the weird power imbalance. You see her smile genuinely with him much more than with Alfie or soppy, she’s more willing to go out and about with him, take public transit, etc. I do think him being around has improved her life in certain ways, but it’s sad that only Mark seems to bring out that side of her.
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Chilli pepper 19

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I really hope she isn't pregnant. Having a baby is amazing but also the most stressful thing you can go through. It tests even the most strong relationships and months of no sleep makes you want to kill your partner, let alone someone as fucking useless as Aldie.

You also have to put yourself last as your child and what they need always comes first. There is no way either of them are mature enough to ever put anything or anyone ahead of themselves.

On a separate note, I see Zoe's unable to travel again and summoned Joe and Dianne to hers. I wonder if the high neck frumpy outfit Dianne's got on was Joe's idea 🤣
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It would be such a risk for him to cheat with being a ‘public figure’, it would have to be someone who didn’t know him and so couldn’t use it as blackmail, so probably an older woman. And what woman in her mid 30s+ would want to shag Alfie?! I’ve just got visions of him saying some daft shite like ‘this is so sick’ part way through
don't forget YO! 😂
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I’ve mentioned before that I live in the town she went to secondary school in and I’m almost positive the girl who (in normal times) does my brows will have been in more or less her year. I was going to ask her but to be honest I’m a bit too embarrassed! I might throw my daughter under the bus and say that it’s her who is interested!
I did have a long chat with a lad who was a ‘friend from home’ of Joe’s. This was five or six years ago and he was absolutely giddy with the fact that when Joe came to visit they could go out in Bath and get free entry to a club, a cordoned off table, free drinks all night and girls hanging off them, it was very sweet!
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Meeting people in Brighton would require her to interact with someone who isn't part of the Deyes family though
Exactly! the reason Zoe has no black friends is because she only has a couple of friends i.e Mark, Poppy and Sean. If she socialized more instead of staying in her bubble of yes men she probably would have black friends.
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Such massive hypocrisy. While they post about clapping for the NHS and so on they were getting paid by a brand using slavery, ironically causing more problems by not following health guidelines! Makes me so angry. Moral vacuums, the lot of them.
One thing that has annoyed me so much about influencers recently is that they went mad posting about BLM but now Boohoo are actually facing allegations of modern day slavery, and exploiting BAME workers, and everyone is silent. Getting gifted free cheap tat from Boohoo (who own Nasty Gal, Miss Pap and PLT) is their bread and butter. Disgusting as Zoe has worked with Boohoo before several times. It's been in the news for days but seen nothing from anybody -
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I honestly feel that Zoe is depressed, which would explain why she could do so many things with her channel but chooses to do fuck all. I think bc of all the “haters” ( I call it constructive criticism when most of what people say about u is correct -see advent calendar, books etc) she feels no one understands her and no matter what she does she will be badly criticised, so chooses to do nothing out of fear. Instead of taking it as a challenge, and trying to actually BETTER herself and her content/projects, and take some of the advice people are giving her. She should be glad there are people out there that call out her shit, who would want friends and fans who constantly kiss your ass?

Re-Alfie, I’ll never understand why two people so different are still together. I can see being together for 2-3 even 4 years, but after that it’s very clear they both suppress their real desires and this “relationship” is going no where. Don’t forget Alfie was brought up in v hippy Brighton and his attitude towards life is so much different to Zoe’s English middle class upbringing 🤔

& how awful they both use marriage related click baits for views and likes. 😑 That just says everything, no one who takes marriage and children seriously would choose to click bait their audience based on that. They’ve done it before with baby talk. 🤮 I genuinely believe if these two ever do have a baby it’s gonna be the end of them, their “relationship” is not strong enough to handle a baby
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I do feel bad for her in the whole children and marriage situation, I feel like a complete failure in life because I don’t have kids or aren’t married yet, it actually really impacts me massively. She should really find someone different to Alfie, I think finding someone who can lift her up and give her the things she wants will make her a better person and give better content.

she used to be soo enjoyable to watch back in the day
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Yeah, I don't get this either. I'm Latina but I grew up in a predominantly Asian neighbourhood so pretty much all my friends are Asian. It's not like I go out of my way to only have a specific race of friends, I don't think Zoe (or other influencers) do either. Why do people care so much who others hang out with? It would be way more annoying if Zoe forced herself to add more minorities to her circle just for the sake of brownie points.
Zoe grew up in a really small sheltered area, I get that, but she lives in Brighton now which does have more diversity so it does surprise me that that there isn’t any diversity in her life at all, but that could also be because she never leaves home.
My real issue here is that while she posts stories about being anti-racist she’s also posting swipes and blog posts listing books to read on the subject, those links are affiliate links, so she’s profiting off this. A White person profiting off being anti-racist because they went to university and studied this or had unique experiences and wrote a book to educate others is one thing, a White person profiting off this that has zero diversity in their life, has no education in this area, and has never once spoken up about BLM until every other influencer in the world did is wrong. Also she probably didn’t even read any of those books 🙄
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Victoria sponge cake

Chatty Member
I’m genuinely curious. Do people actually think Zoe and Alfie will ever get married and have kids or will ever break up? Every time I see a YouTube couple break up I think surely it’s their turn next. I can’t ever imagine it but also I never imagined any of the others. What do we think like hand on heart if you had to bet on it?
For me I can’t ever picture them breaking up or picture them getting married and starting a family, I feel like they’re just going to stuck like this for the rest of their lives because I don’t think either of them would be able to end it and alf is never going to pop the question, if he really wanted too he would have done it by now 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Her genuine smile is so pretty imho but it's sort of sad that she doesn't show it in pictures with Alfie
First of all, Mark keep moving love, or someone might think you're a deckchair and sit on you.
Secondly, Zoe does look lovely here, but please can she put the chewing gum away?!
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For her Zoella book club, she could film videos with authors and do interview style videos. So many authors would LOVE to have that much exposure.
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I hope for the hypothetical baby's sake that she isn't pregnant. They may be wealthy and able to provide for a child but together they would make horrendous parents and the kid would be the next cash cow without a doubt.
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I’m surprised her views aren’t badly affected when she does vlogs with Mark. Nothing less appealing than the ‘hahaha we are so hilarious’ when there is no wit at all, just 2 unintelligent people finding it hysterical when the other thing says something wrong or in an accent. At least Louise was actually funny sometimes and took the piss out of Zoe a bit.
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