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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
I think she deffo did cheat on him. Why would the bloke she cheated with just let himself get tarnished all over twitter for a shitty MIC storyline? I reckon Sam has known for a while, I remember a DM article way way back of a very tense argument between them... but yeah I reckon he has known for a while but they've just pretended hes only just found out for a MIC storyline. Let's be honest Zara moaning about whether Sam is gonna propose isnt a very interesting storyline is it 🥱🥱
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Anyone else getting sick of Sam and petes videos. Same shit every week just different concept. Sam loving it Pete wishing he was somewhere else (but going along with it for likes)
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As someone who suffers with disordered eating, seeing her flaunt her weight loss is so problematic. The real issue for me is the inclusion of the "3st". If she had simply stated that she'd lost weight and was happy I wouldn't care, but she knows that that's going to be triggering and doesn't care at all. Also, I know the conversation has moved on, but how on EARTH is she getting away with posting all that stuff about Sam. If my ex posted a VIDEO of us with that caption I'd get a restraining order
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It is obvious that on MIC that re-act scenes so of course that wasn't the first time he heard the news. It has however made her a big name, given the biggest plot line to MIC (which is very dry) ... they knew what they were doing.

I do think that them breaking up is real, and the effect it has on her career and rep is real
My theory is that yes she cheated, yes it came out later. However, I think they knew they’d stay together so sold the story to MIC for £££. It was gonna come out anyway so may as well sell it. I bet this happened ages ago.
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I find it so strange that Tiff is involved in this lol. Like when she was with Sam and his mum and the fact she's friends with Zara. Like it's so freaking strange! I could never imagine my ex boyfriend and my mum both discussing my current relationship issues(if I had any😂)?
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I have a serious laugh to myself at people who say Sam doesn’t like Zara, embarrassed etc.
Lads, he has a post up 4 days ago saying “i love you” how more clear does a man need to be 🙄
They are both cheaters let them at it. Sam is not an angel!!!
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Chatty Member
I really hope they don’t get back together that will genuinely piss me off!

Zara is a spoilt brat who throws her toys out the pram when she doesn’t get what she wants.
She continually shagged that ugly producer guy and continues to like his photos, if that doesn’t make her a “fame hungry whore” I don’t know what does.

Agree she over edits her photos it’s absolutely cringe, she is obviously pretty - don’t see anything else about her to be honest, I guess that is love island/ influencers for you. She’ll be a forgotten name over the next few years
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Can’t bear to watch her, who in their right mind sits with their ex’s mate after cheating on them (her sitting in the park with Mytton) asking advice on how to get back with him, do people honestly have no shame? God the desperation, I’d be mortified she must have balls of steel 😂 yeah won’t be surprised if they get back together, then it comes out that Sam got with someone when they’d split and she acts like she’s been mugged off as she was sending him gifts etc, and turns it round so she is the victim, can see it now!
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
My skin feels like it’s crawling every time I see her wear that pathetic S necklace, Is she 12, she’s so embarrassing! The way her manner changes when Sam hasn’t responded how she wants him to on mic is alarming. I can’t understand how he can go back there, she’s so manipulative and fake
Wonder if she was wearing that S necklace when she was shagging that other bloke 🤣 or did she buy it out of guilt 🤷🏻‍♀️
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This girl is just making shit up and it’s so dangerous! On her fitness page she posted in April that she was “2 stone down” from her heaviest, a couple months before she says in a post that she is 58/59kg and her height is 170cm - this gives her at that point a BMI of 20 at the very most which is healthy. Does she really expect us to believe she has lost ANOTHER STONE since then (she looks exactly the same) - that means she would weigh around 52kg (just over 8 stone) and her bmi would be underweight at 17. Not only is this obviously not true as in unedited pictures she looks perfectly healthy, it’s such a dangerous message to broadcast that “losing 3 stone” when you’re already slim is a healthy thing to do. I fully believe she lost 2 and got down to the size she is now, but for god sake she clearly didn’t shed another stone between April and now.
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Chatty Member
Lolllll at her statement about the press running stories that aren’t factual but she can post a picture that’s altered, airbrushed and photoshopped to an inch of its life and claim that it’s really her 🤔😂 Hilarious!
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I think she’s at the point now where she is so desperate to be famous she doesn’t care what it’s for anymore so the fuss about her cheating on Sam had died down. As had the reports of them getting back together, she needed something to get her back in the headlines. I think she’s done it to get people talking, knowing that it is dangerous and will trigger a lot of people but thinking her need to be famous is more important than anything/ anybody else. A true fame whore!
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I’m so disappointed if they are properly back together, so much time has passed since the initial cheating scandal that they BOTH should have moved on by now. It will never work, how does he expect to trust her ever again? She’s only sorry now that she’s been caught otherwise he’d still be non the wiser
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Same with me! If I ever went back to my weight at 18 in my early/mid 20s that would be concerning
i really don’t know how this girls not been cancelled, she’s cheated oh her boyfriend and now promoting this extreme lifestyle... get her in the bin
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Chatty Member
All her posts are like some out dated cheesy porn shoot, so cringeworthy! That latest golf one is awful! Why does she try and make every pic ‘sexual’ she looks ridiculous! Put it away David walliams....
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