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So she keeps jumling further and further into finance. Hosting another finance gig, his bitch is nor qualified

Also her continous begging of like, share and subscribe is annoying, such a beg
Every single photo has a caption telling you something like 'tag a friend you'd want to go here with'. All so she can try and get a bit more engagement.
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Yeah well all that external show usually hides a feeling of inadequacy. She’s mentioned she was bullied at school. It’s sad that she thinks a Givency bag and Stella shoes elevates her status. She’s just one of those sheeple who thinks all that makes her look like she has status. She’s quite vacuous in that respect. She actually doesn’t truly believe the shit she spouts. It’s all just show. She’s got a massive ego but is actually less engaging that most. She’s like a geek trying to be cool. I pity her on so many levels but then can’t stand what she thinks she is. It’s pathetic. She’s a lot like Meghan Markle. Narcissistic social climber!
Just like how all the girls in her uni house got along bit not with her. Always blaming women not liking her, but if they all get along excrpt with u, maybe ur the problem? Shes a priviliged piece of shit who thinks everyone needs to bow to down to her.
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Not sure on the exact rules so I may be way off here (please correct me if you know better!) but shouldn’t she be declaring ad/gifted on her most recent stories? In one story she mentions it but it’s not written on the screen anywhere and tbh I never watch her stories with sound as her stupid voices annoy me. The other story not even mentioned but clearly it’s been sent for free. Also seems a bit suspect that she’s tagged the PB brand in her feed post.

Any food brand that’s actively gifting to these influencers at the moment is going straight on my “do not ever buy from these bastards” list.

Also guys, little update as I know you’ll all be struggling without it - the coffee tutorial is coming this weekend! Thank god for that, I’ve spent the last 2 decades of my life unable to make basic coffee and I’m so happy that Zanna is finally teaching me this out of the goodness of her heart!!
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Just read her palm oil blog post, loads of it is blatantly copied and pasted statements as it has no flow and reads very strangely. Then of course it says at the bottom it is affiliated, why do people want her to represent them? Her work is super shoddy.
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I just love how whilst trying to say happy birthday to her best mate she’s managed to get a photo of her in a hospital gown having ‘almost died’!
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Oh god, she’s so bloody predictable. So far in NZ, 2 plates of food, 3 embraces of the man child 🐜, gone for a run, few outdoor scenes, not photographically worthy but with one of them in it, view of the room but no info about the hotel, no info on where they are. Great travel blogger Zanna you loser! So predictable, so boring 😴
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I have an idea Rosanna for your next blog... How to complete a jigsaw puzzle... It will be as boring as all the rest. But may be a bit more interesting than how you make a mug of coffee, 😴 unbelievable, just unbelievable.

So desperate now for content and we're only 1 week in, I'm not religious but I pray that this lockdown will be the end of these vile people, I really do.
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Officially cancelled my holiday today (would have been my only long-haul trip of last three years), felt a bit upset for a while but then realised that my suffering is nowhere near to what Zanna must be experiencing. Held a minute of silence for all her lost trips, brunches, and exercise classes. RIP.
We are all suffering and we all have to handle this. It’s heart breaking and yes we know there’s always someone worse off but it’s like Zanna is stating the bleeding obvious on her posts to “sound good” or for likes. There’s never any humour or realism to her posts it’s clearly what she thinks sounds right or appropriate but she’s like a robot just trying to con people into spending money and whinging about 100mph....yes because it’s self serving Zanna! Ffs

Officially cancelled my holiday today (would have been my only long-haul trip of last three years), felt a bit upset for a while but then realised that my suffering is nowhere near to what Zanna must be experiencing. Held a minute of silence for all her lost trips, brunches, and exercise classes. RIP.
I’m genuinely sorry for your lost holiday, it’s crap and you need to allow yourself to be upset. I’m sure Zanna will explain it better than I! Probably tell you to buy some £9 granola and a £200 bikini and all will be ok
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She should be thankful she’s still got a job or sorts and hasn’t lost anyone close to her.

A cancelled trip ffs? Christ I know people who’ve had to cancel weddings that have been planned for ages and had thousands spent on them, I know people who’ve had to miss the funerals of close friends and family, I know people who’ve not left the house since March, I know people who’ve really struggled financially. Whinging about a postponed holiday is so disgustingly trivial at the moment!


This whole crisis has made me realise how self absorbed a lot of people are. I’m just thankful I’m in good health, I don’t know anyone who’s died and I have a job to go back to when it’s over. That’s more than a lot of people have got.
I agree 100%. I’ve had my whole year cancelled, we’ve had holidays, my best friends wedding abroad, festivals, parties and family events. But my god I’m lucky I’ve remained in my job and I have not lost a loved one. I would never EVER moan about something so trivial. Selfish person
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I’m zanna and I wake up early 🙄🙄🙄
I just don’t get the hype around Zanna waking up early. She goes to bed pretty early as well, so it’s not really different to a normal persons day. If that’s how she works best then good for her, but it’s clear she’s trying to use it as a humble brag.

She just seems so desperate to paint this picture of her being this amazing productive person. It’s funny because her time management is nothing amazing if you ask me. Every time she does a video involving her morning routine I’m amazed at how she can wake up so early yet faff so much.

She did a health test YouTube video once which scored her really poorly (way below average) in the organisation category. Her then trying to justify it and repeatedly stating she’s the most organised person she knows made me laugh.
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Don’t use plastic, oh, and by the way, I had bowel surgery last year. Any fucking opportunity. Another thing that annoys the shit out of me is her banging in about menstrual cups. Clearly does no research on anything she plugs. As long as she gets paid or the items are free, she promotes it ....
I'm pretty sure the woman in this article had had more than one child and was tugging on the cup rather than breaking the seal on the vacuum. Not to defend Zanna here but I use cups and have done for almost two years now with no issue.
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So Zanna gets off the gifted business class flights, goes home, and immediately goes out to get an (inevitably overpriced) oat milk coffee. Wow her life is so difficult.

I get that there’s an argument for staying normal and positive during these times, but I’m now stuck in Spain for the time being and it’s like she has no realisation that people are genuinely being affected by, let alone dying from, this.
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“It’s my job and my passion” tough shit love. It’s some people’s jobs and passion to eat meat or support the fast fashion industry, doesn’t mean they get an exemption for their environmental impact. She really doesn’t get it at all. I’m blocked so can’t see the response but hope there’s an ounce of measured critique going on. She would honestly sound less ridiculous if she pledged to make changes/made content promoting alternative travel options but didn’t fully commit to it. This whole “everyone needs to be aware of their environmental impact except me” shit needs to stop.
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Yes, she doesn't really need to get up at 5am does she? I don't think she works as a PT anymore, so could quite easily go later on. The other two girls still work as PT's and have clients, teach spin etc. They still have proper jobs basically. I don't consider an Influencer/blogger whatever you want to call it as a proper job.
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Chatty Member
Now the travel insurance stories are just being used as another way of bringing out the emergency surgery card again.

In case anyone's wondering, I had my appendix removed when I was 7. Don't worry, I'll remind you all again three times a week for the next few years so you don't forget.
Oooh, lets all go on holiday to celebrate your survival!!
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This is someone who prefer picking up rubbish at a beach than to explore the UK. She doesnt know shit about London as she is never here
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On her “morning coffee thoughts” today was “I hope more paid brand work comes in for me “ or something along those lines.
Erm....: does this stupid bitch not realise that she’s already hugely wealthy compared to most and isnt ever going to struggle in the same way that those who have lost their jobs or most of their income overnight will be?!
How pathetic that she actually uttered those words or thereabouts. Zero shame.
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