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Chatty Member
What a pillock! 🤦🏼‍♀️
Zanna has done a lot of self absorbed, out of touch things (especially over the last 2 years) but this dance around the kitchen because she had a negative PCR for a holiday… I’ve always rolled my eyes at her and found her irritating or laughed at how ridiculous she is, but this?? nah, this is gross 🤢
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I’m pleased that she’s finally shared some donation links but the whole ‘I didn’t read the news’ is such bullshit. She was on Insta stories and posting throughout her holiday, she was replying to comments (and no doubt deleting comments) and alluding to the situation with shit like ‘I hope this content provides escapism’ and she even responded to a question yesterday asking her about Ukraine. What’s the point in lying, she knew what was happening and chose to ignore it and is now panicking about losing follo

THANK YOU, I was kind of gaslighting myself and thought I was just being sensitive but I get a super ableist vibe from her (especially with her emergency surgery and the superior way she talks about her body/lifestyle). It’s a big reason why I don’t follow her anymore as there are so many subtle things she says and does that are big red flags imo and it’s just - urgh!
She became one of the most toxic parasite on the Instagram.
Amazing how someone can become so annoying 🙄
The Influencers are just so over for me. I cannot respect those who always beg for something free because tHeY hAvE FoLlOwErS. Get a real job something for your community...AND NOT SOME SHITTY SWIMSUITS NO ONE NEEDS.
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Chatty Member
It's cute that people still think she cares one tiny bit about sustainability. She doesn't give a shit. Remember her long rambling list of lame excuses when people called her out for travelling so much, she just basically fully said "I couldn't care less about my emissions I just want to travel loads"

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FORTY POUNDS for SIX meals??? or £60 for 12 servings?!
one being a kale and chickpea dahl (and it doesn’t even come with rice) which is such an easy and cheap meal to make, you literally just throw everything into a pot and could
make a week’s worth for far less than £7 - what a mark up that is!

Jesus Christ almighty £60 is what we spend on a full week online shop (literally everything - meals and snacks) plus extras and treats for two of us and we have a really varied and interesting diet (and 95% of our meals are vegan or veggie and I use a lot of oat milk because I’m obsessed)

I’m all for convenience (although Zanna probs just pretends she’s too busy and important to cook) and things like this are great if you’re busy / ill / cba and sometimes good for meal inspo if you wanna try something you’d never usually cook but that just seems like such a rip off??? I’d rather get a fucking takeaway, it’s almost the same price 🤨
I like those boxes for when I know I'm traveling soon and don't want to make a big shop and have tons of stuff go to waste, but for the vegan ones, you really do wonder why the price is so high up when most of them include inexpensive legumes like chickpeas, lentils, beans...

On another note, on that "show us your 19, 20, 21, 22" trend thing, you can't even tell there's a pandemic in Zanna's. It's all lush traveling during the pandemic. Wanker.
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I’m so happy to read all your posts about Zanna especially today with her ignorance. I agree with all of you so much.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s spent the day blocking people from her post comments and DMs. I think she’s also lost a lot of followers because of her posts today. She’s so ignorant and defensive about it so I think she’s pissed lol. Tbh I hope she keeps posting her regular shit because she’ll lose even more if she continues.
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Had a proper lol at her comments regarding Emily Ratajkowski's book and it not being mind blowing 😂😂 Now, I know little about ER apart from the fact she doesn't appear to have an actual job and always seems to be photographing herself on holiday wearing very tiny swimwear. Yep, agreed Zanna, nothing mind blowing there at all 😉
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Hi hello so I’m currently really unwell with an allergic reaction and covered in hives so I’m in a bad mood and I’m gonna just say how I feel about Zanna and her total lack of empathy and ignorance and grinning away and saying nothing about the war because hey she’s on a boat living her dream she can’t have time for anything else.

Whilst I’m of the opinion that a person doesn’t necessarily have to voice support publicly for something to show they care…this isn’t a small matter. This is a legitimate war. She parades around the world and pretends to care about it and then says nothing to support the followers I’m sure she no doubt has who are going through shit. All she does is promote her own business like the thick-headed narcissistic twat she is. It’s disgraceful. I’m beyond mad that asshats like her think this is okay. Just one bloody mention or even thoughts and prayers!!! Which is the flimsiest expression but god at least it would be something!!! NO NO MUST PROMOTE OVERPRICED BEACH TOWEL.

OMG I’m cranky and tired and had no sleep at all last night as my skin is burning and itching and I’m fed up and I really needed to let that all out. Arghhhhhhhhhhh.
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Guessing she’ll be forming her opinion from her brexiteer Dad for the last week that all it’ll bring is more god damn foreigners into our country 😂😂
Good point. I also don't know what Ant's politics are. Banking Blokes can be... uh... how to put it... callous Tories.
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I’m sure the people of Ukraine would sleep much sounder tonight if only they were able to watch Zanny‘s calming content 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Was just wondering... When will she address the environmental issues with diving? 🤔

I can’t speak to the sustainability of the company she’s with and the specific trip she’s on, but it’s no secret that diving has its issues. If she’s so much about sustainability as she’s proclaiming to be, isn’t this the time and opportunity to create educational content about it? Or... maybe she’s not with a sustainabile company and their practices aren’t the best? Then, understandably, you would shy away from that aspect of diving.

But she must have seen plenty of lifeless coral by now to make her at least wonder... no? Or is it all about bragging what sea creatures she’s managed to capture on her camera?

View attachment 1095248
Wait. Wouldn’t reef hooks damage the reef?
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Chatty Member
Didn’t, a few months before they bought the house, she say stopped buying her daily oat milk lattes to save money? I remember her going on some shit about trying to save money and I kept thinking it was such performative bs.
Omg remember when she moved into her Gifted Nest and wouldn't stop going on about the bloody coffee maker and hOw MUch maintenence it was
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I am fine with her sharing the fundraiser for her buddy (her donating a meager 300 quid is a slap in the face to him, but that's another story), but she should also be fundraising for Ukraine. If she's a secret Putin supporter (honestly nothing would surprise me with this asshole of a person) she wouldn't even need to make it political, donating to the Red Cross or the UNHCR is about helping people suffering, regardless of who they are. None of those organizations would turn away a Russian, for example. But no, she's somehow pretending that Ukraine isn't going down in flames.

I so wish I could yell in her face that she's a waste of human space and of a platform.
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Chatty Member
They’re a fashion* swimwear brand* and no swimmer would want to wear these, both outdoors and pool (why is everyone suddenly talking about outdoor swimming as wild swimming???). I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is no depth to her character, her house, her (un)sustainability, her relationship…? She probably asked people “friends” to like or comment on her post following her deleted woe is me because engagement with my shite is low. I do keep wondering what her family makes of this stranger who visits them and where she’s put their daughter.

*in loosest form of definition
..... but, but, they're not fashionable?

Anyone buying a bikini for a holiday is not spending £100 on one ill-fitting plain red thing, they're paying a tenner for 6 from ASOS or they're buying super fancy ones from any number of swimwear brands who make actually pretty options?

I feel like Zanna has missed the fundamental points of 1) fashion, 2) swimming, and 3) marketing.
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I cannot cope with the level of smugness on re reading those screenshots.

"For this trip you must have had plenty of fancy expensive holidays to have got 150+ dives under your belt and be super duper confident and advanced qualified in deep open water. Then, and only then, are you able to confidently announce that you have your own favourite shark."

She is an entitled Instagram Princess yet seems to think she's Jacques Cousteau.
This is what I took from it. “To be like me you have to be rich and to have been taken on exotic holidays at an early age to be able to do this”. It’s like some rich chelsea type being amazing at skiing because their parents took them to St Moritz every year since they were 4. Sooo relatable
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He's a man on the boat trip, or specifically a 60 year old man (we know how hung up Zanna is on ages 🙄) and seems to be the boat 'joker' and wrote 'clunge' on the dive information board. Which of course Zanna thought was totes hilaire
So strange, odd behaviour from a
Zanna and Andy. Two people I wouldn't want to be stuck on a boat with
#clunge 😒
so cringe I can’t deal. Does she really think posting 39368 videos underwater and then multiple videos of a 60 year old man is relatable #content for her audience 😐 clearly nothing better to share. 🤦🏼‍♀️
I wonder if Andy knows he is being shared to thousands of strangers on the internet …
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Just how cheap looking their new range is? I have tights that offer more coverage than these bikini bottoms 😬 You can see all of Zanna's anatomy here. The bra doesn't offer any support, and Zanna hasn't got the biggest boobs in the world, and the way it's squeezing the side of the boob looks painful.
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Chatty Member
I’ll just leave this here... If I can’t unsee this, y’all are in it with me!


P.S. One of my biggest pet peeves is shirts too tiny for a man 😑
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