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Re: the poll above ⬆
There’s no option of ‘I don’t give a damn how she gives birth to her fetus’
The poll is meant to be humorous and mostly poke fun at Rachel's plans. I doubt anyone aside from Rachel actually cares where she gives birth, not even Dennis. Didn't put an option in because yeah in absolute truth, that's the default, nobody cares. But that wouldn't make for a very fun poll.
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I listened to the podcast. The usual bullshit. And boring.

Only good thing was that her nickname has always been the dragon.
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She is soo deep in the woo right now, but (don't judge!) she reminds me a little of me post partum🤣 I was soo into natrual birth/ bf/co-sleeping/ sceptical of vaccines etc and it was my whole world for a while with a newborn. Then the baby grew, I snapped out if it and realised these things that seem so huge at the time, don't actually matter in the long run! And Leah wont have any trauma at all because of how she was birthed! -her birth actually sounded nice the way she described on her podcast at the time. (My children are fully vaccinated now btw) Difference is I didn't post my thoughts online like her for millions to read!🤣 maybe she will look back at her posts in 5 years time and be like 😱 did I actually post that!
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I don’t follow her anymore, so may I ask:

1) What artisanal sausages did she spew snow? Like context? Lol I gotta know!

2) A weighted blanket? That’s extreme and I believe warned against. What’s wrong with gently swaddling? A few layers of soft cloth are much easier on their fragile systems than a weight distributed down on them. Maybe there’s a new style 🤷🏻 I don’t know of.
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They left them out on the counter overnight and they have some mice that ate parts of them. 🤮
A couple of things from her stories: 1) Dennis seems to be glaring at Rachel in this pic. Yikes. 2) Rachel’s sister is cleaning out her fridge. Rachel says the fridge mess has been bothering her for ‘years’. Didn’t they just move into that house before Christmas last year? I am confused. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Who the actual fuck (pardon my language) would want to be interested in her filthy fridge and/or rotten cookies in her bin??
This is beyond absurd.
And I see man child Dennis is doing the very ancestral way of parenting: holding a smartphone instead of holding a baby correctly.
They both should be CANCELLED.
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I thought “FREEBIRTHED” ancestral kids don’t need any documents…🤔 I thought they just kind of live wild in the Swedish woods and bathe in the lake or whatever…🤔
What a total twat 🙄
They need documents if you want to get maternity pay for them. She has boasted about that before.
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Yes! One of the things I find most infuriating about her is that she has a knack for acting like she is the FIRST and ONLY person to experience completely normal human things, like grief, giving birth, gardening, parenting, yoga, social issues, etc.
As soon as Rachel discovers something, everyone else has to hear about it from her as if she is the ONLY expert on the matter. And if you don't regard her as an absolute authority on whatever whim she's focused on this week, then you're 'against her' (or in the case of her vegan days, if you don't agree with her, you deserve to die LOL).

The play-by-play stories of her food intake and gardening chores lately is most definitely geared towards future ads. She can sprinkle them in (unlabeled, as usual) and try to shill even more nonsense to keep the grift going.
With a newborn, I assume she's going to lean even harder into her latest TradWife schtick and aim to never 'work' another day in her life. And as long as she can keep the con going, she'll continue to succeed, at least long enough for her to eventually inherit Daddy's billions...
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Also, Rakel darling.. take a note of this short video.
my opinion? As a parent, you have totally failed.
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so, I've never had a kid, but is that baby red as a beet normal?
As she seems to spend a lot of time with her baby outside - is it possible that the poor infant is sunburned??

She has stated many times before, sunblock is 'full of chemicals' and she doesn't believe in it.
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Putting her baby under a red LED light for his throat 🙄 the way she films herself but closes her eyes as if she’s actually relaxing is so confusing. Does she ever relax? I don’t see how it would be possible, being on my phone all day filming every little thing I do
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Does anyone else think it’s odd how they seem to be pulling Lea’s shirt sleeve up over her new iwatch so it’s very visible? I suppose there’s a chance she is doing that to look at it, but it seems odd to me for some reason. It’s all i notice now.
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I call bullshit & laziness on that. Did she create the account in Sweden?

She's been saying that since the Aruba days. It's also bs because there are apps to caption your videos externally and then upload them. It'd take more time but if she actually cared, she'd do it.
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Hmmm maybe a bit too harsh, she has been through challenging stuff and instagram does not show everything.

Harsh?? 🤣 I’ve been quite kind actually, I could rip into that grifter and her “challenges “ big time.
Honestly, I’m not even going to waste any time or energy trying to explain why I totally disagree with you.

You, of course, are entitled to your opinion.
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This is 34. Still genuinely genuinely disturbed at her complexion, I cannot say it enough.. It reminded me to buy tinted sunscreen the other day.
The constant idiotic laughing at thousands of dollars of upgrades she wants to commence on her third/100th house? With a wrap around porch. Man she’s so relatable!!
A woman of 1. Million followers can’t be bothered to shave her immensely werewolf hairy legs for the camera.

It’s ancestral, it’s so down to earth. See she’s just like us! 🤣🙄 to be honest with you I would never show my legs in this condition on such a massive display. That’s just meeee.
She is using a filter. You can see it super obviously in the screen grab I'm posting here, her skin has an unnaturally smoothed over look around the forehead and cheekbones. You can post photos or stories that have a filter without it showing up if you download them first and then upload them.

Sneaky as always.
The audacity to say in those stories that she felt bright , rested lol
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They are leaving now and Lea is still with them. She posted a mysteroius sentence about doubting in the goodness of the world. Is she talking about palestine or did someone denigrate her to Leas school? We will soon find out...
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Safe? Sweden has gone downhill
While I agree that the situation in Sweden has changed lastly in the past years, those numbers you post are slightly questionable. How many rapes you believe were reported in 1975 vs. the rapes that actually happened? Luckily we have gone a long way in 2023 and more rape cases see the light of day while back in 1975 a lot of women didn't report it at all or didn't believe it was rape as it happened within a relationship. I bet the statistics of number of rapes (or domestic violence) look much higher in many western countries nowadays than 50 years ago.
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New yoga app? Ha! She is really trying to suck every dollar she can out of “Yoga_girl” No wonder she refuses to change her outdated name. She has always been an unethical yoga teacher and the more she keeps exploiting it the easier it is to see right through her.
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Everyone looses hair as we age but why lie about it? Why gaslight everyone??? The other day she mentioned not loosing a single strand of hair with her latest pregnancy because she now eats tons of meat but looking at her stories tells a very different story! LIES LIES LIES.
Yeah these pictures taken about 1.5 years apart. Maybe she lost hair before her pregnancy.

But agree why boast you have not lost a single hair?


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I agree with you all, we can't believe a single word she says. She twists and turns everything to fit into her agenda, which also changes daily lol. How can she be so stupid and think that no one notices that she constantly contradicts herself?
Or do you all think she might not even realize that she's compulsively lying? I mean it would make sense if she didn't even notice herself - then our observation might be correct that she's living in her little dream world where everything he says and manifests becomes true And it would also mean she's going crazy

Speaking of PPD - she could also be a candidate for pp psychosis lol [I'm exaggerating on that, I'm so very happy we've finally opened the public conversation to issues regarding women's health and it's nothing to be ashamed of.]
I wasn't following her when she had Lea but how did her PPD show?

Also - is anyone watching her stories (I don't want to give her the extra views) and could tell me if little Finneas is alright again? He might just have a cold but since babies can only eat/drink when their noses aren't blocked they might loose weight rapidly if not monitored closely. I feel so so bad for him and poor Lea :(((
She was bragging about him having gained weight just yesterday so he's probably okay?
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