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New member
Wonder if breastfeeding is enough, considering how worried he is and that he seems to sleep so bad. Not that I think she would ever try some synthetic, evil, non-natural, poisonous formula. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I might get a backlash for this… but that baby 😱
I don’t want to use the U word, but honestly I haven’t seen such an unfortunate looking baby for a long time. You know the ones, that you would have to REALLY pretend that they are cute and sweet, but instead make you flinch.


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If I recall correctly she harassed the women who owned the farm into selling it by constantly being at (yet another of) her dad’s property also on the farm.
Wasn’t that their last place, the one that overlooked a lake? I know they have a lake at this property as well but at one point they were living in a house that was right by one. And then they moved not too long after because they “needed more space” or whatever. Could be remembering wrong, but I remember feeling low key sick over the fact that Rachel had harassed and guilted an elderly woman into selling her beloved home (I recall that she told her she should sell it because they were a family who would treasure it for a long time or something like that) only to turn around and ditch it after like a year. That told me a hell of a lot about Rachel’s character and who she is IRL.
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I like that she didn’t use filters- can’t stand to see the fake, totally filtered content.

On her podcast a while ago she has talked about not shaving for ages, so that’s cool.

Where are the upper lip lines? Did she get Botox on them or has ancestral living made them vanish? Maybe they were Vegan lines and bone broth made the lines plump up and disappear?
I think she is definitely going to get botox at some point. Rakel fancies herself as cosmopolitan. I think she's already dyed her grays.

Even though she is cosplaying as an all natural salt of the Earth blue collar farmer. :rolleyes:
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I don’t think there will be any yoga content. She has zero interest in the yoga girl platform, this renewed interest in yoga is probably because she reads here and saw the comments about her needing to rebrand! Hence yoga girl doing….yoga.
She clearly makes enough from the podcasts and the air bnbs. It’s much easy to blabber on for an hour than sit down and plan yoga content, get it filmed, edited and uploaded.
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VIP Member
All of it! 😄
I have two nieces and the second one came when the older one was in Leas age. It was really hard for her not to be the center of the attention anymore. They fighted a lot and now ten years later they still don't get along well. And my niece is by far not so spoiled like Lea is 😉
Totally hear you. Similar experience here with my godmothers daughters. She had the second one when the first one was 6 and the one day she actually found the 6 year old had drawn the baby in a toilet bowl trying to flush it.

Considering how Rachel is as a parent and how she calls this baby their sun, while Lea is just the moon, I expect rough times ahead.
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She should change her account name to Ignorant Girl.

View attachment 2500149

Because no female queen, prime minister, president has ever started a war or anything 😄 How can she be so ignorant and her thought process so flawed and shallow?
And that's not even mentioning her continued idolization of motherhood. As if pushing a baby out of your vagina (cause remember, any other option is evil) suddenly conferred upon you magical wisdom and goodness.
And the juxtaposition of the following image had me absolutely laughing. I was going to take a screen grab and post the two side by side because it was truly hilarious to see how much of a show she’s putting on. She posted this and then the following was a video of her rifling through bushes with the header “TEA TIME”. I mean, what is that? “Oh let me write out this drivel about having a heart. Ok that looks fine and believable, now, Tea Time for me!” as she frolics off to her tea leaf bushes… she’s as disingenuous as they come.
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I see the ugly hypocrite is sooooo ancestral that she flew out on an ancestral airplane no less than on All Saints’ Day when we are supposed to remember our dead and our ancestors. Just like this time last year dragging her lot through the cemetery so she can put it on Instagram.
Oh, and where is her concern and compassion for the poor people in Palestine with her fucking fake tears for them?
Fuck off Rakel!
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She is using a filter. You can see it super obviously in the screen grab I'm posting here, her skin has an unnaturally smoothed over look around the forehead and cheekbones. You can post photos or stories that have a filter without it showing up if you download them first and then upload them.

Sneaky as always.
Good Lord, this is with a filter? Yikes. That explains the lack of lip lines and the fuller lips than usual. But yes, very sneaky. So not only can she practically never post her real face, but she can’t even disclose that she is using a filter? Wow.
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Yes, and also, maybe quit DOING stupid shit all the time. 😂
Not only doing stupid shit but documenting it for engagement. She claims she’s soOoOOo fucking busy all the time, but somehow always manages to have the most amount of stories than any other “influencer” in one day I check on. Is that the case for anyone else? Granted, I only follow like 5 other “influencers”, she’s the only one I hate-follow.. 😂
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She's an absolute quack, it's terrifying.
She claimed she was taking an online herbalism course, so I assume that's where her renewed sense of plant superiority is coming from. Part of me is skeptical because she hasn't mentioned the name of the course or tried to monetize her relationship with the company yet (which is exactly what she did with astrology and the Path of Love courses she took...). And again, if we are taking Rakel at her word, she would have started this herbalism course not that long ago, maybe a few weeks or couple of months, max. Certainly not long enough to be spouting off herbal treatments and remedies with any sort of authority. But we all know Rakel is gonna make herself an instant expert, regardless.
I think she actually did try to monetize her online herbalism class some months ago, earlier in the year. So yeah, we only know that she has actually done stuff when she tries to monetize it. 🙄 But it seemed like she hadn’t started the class yet, when she was advertising it. Maybe she got the class free in exchange for some promotion. We would never know because she is sneaky about her ad disclosure, if she does it at all. Anyways, I suspect she hasn’t completed much of it with the pregnancy. Even after completing it, I doubt that makes her enough of an expert to give advice to her followers.
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I just had to google her age, because I genuinely assumed she must be nearing 40 given how poorly she constantly looks. I'm absolutely gobsmacked learning that she's 34. That is a HARD 34, especially for someone who pretends to have found all the answers to healing, well-being, and 'natural living'.
If this is what a lazy, self-centered, overly indulgent, and sanctimonious existence gets you, I'll happily avoid anything she's shilling or advocating for 🤢
Exactly! I'm her age basically and I thankfully do not look like that. The fact that she has all the time and resources in the world and she still looks like this tells me the rot inside comes out with people like her sooner or later.
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So glad I found that this insufferable hypocrite has her own thread. For me it looks like a strong turn into cuckoo-ness around the time they moved from Aruba to Sweden. After that it just got weirder and weirder. Did she say that they did fertility treatments in Europe after being unable to conceive kid nr 2 on Aruba? Havent been following the whole story.
As far as I remember she said something like they decided to have another baby and boom her "little sun" was on the way. But who knows if this is the truth. 🤷‍♀️
She will talk about the birth in her next podcast. Who will be brave and listen for us?
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I don’t believe ANYTHING she says PERIOD

Didn’t she disappear from SM for three days around the birth, she could have been in hospital or have midwives around to help or private ob/gynae for all we know.

Like I said before, any photo or story can be put on social media without any proof whatsoever.
She’s also a proven liar, can’t even get her previous birth story straight.
I don’t believe a word the grifter says, not that I follow that thing anymore, I only come here every now and then to read what’s going on.
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