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Its Got Flavur

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This is what filling a few hours on a plane looks like. Sure, I should have watched a movie, but I didn't. The airplane bathroom didn't get nearly as much use as YITS stateroom bathroom did during a livestream. Whoosh!

It's #32 of your threads but #1 in your heart. The high-minded scholars here chose the very erudite and mature title "Dawnarrhea". And who is the poet who penned a title so classy it could have come from the playground of The Burger School? Oh, koodles to me! I'd like to thank you for this honor. I'd also like to thank my wife and family for disowning me.

And don't forget Dawn and her colon for working overtime. She flushed FOUR times in about five minutes during a livestream from their cruise ship cabin. I'll bet her arms were really flailing. As Will says...those ladies getting ready. What do you mean? We're the ones who needed to get ready. Warn us next time! That hit harder than a Lincoln Navigator at Buc-ee's.

Well, let's recap! Like Will in a rock wall harness, it won't be pretty.

Will and Dawn just celebrated 8 years on YouTube. They should go to Chris Ruth Steakhouse. Nah, gas station pizza is fine. If they ate pizza that is...

Will and Dawn have been home for nearly three weeks, yet the Cruise/Orlando videos just wrapped up. Will loves to make you think that they are still gone while they hide out on their asses at home. I put in more work than they do. Marie Bruzdowski has yet to send me one SuperChat. Dammit.

On Royal Caribbean Uh-venture of the Seas. Will sal-uh-brated his birthday turning 46 on January 4th. Dawn and Will ordered brie but they didn't know what it was. Literally the next word on the menu was cheese. How on earth could they know? They might have liked it had you told them it came from a gas station in France.

The waiter saw Dawn struggling and cut Dawn's meat for her. No big deal. I'm sure he does that all the time for other passengers. Yeah, the ones in high chairs wearing diapers. Open up the hangar! Here's comes the airplane! And don't get me started on steak frites. How is that confusing? It's all right there in the fucking name!

But Will and Dawn didn't just eat on the cruise. Wait. I mean they did. They ate a lot. Steaks, caesar salads, lots of pork, ice cream and trips to the buffet. Will even burned his one of his big fat mits reaching for food. Will does not like that the Windjammer closes from 3 to 6pm to prepare for dinner. Three hours. The horror!

There were excursions, too!
Going back to NASA! Not the space center - The Bahamas. This is the second time they've been to Nassau and they still can't get it right. They saw some pirate display for content and it sucked.

Will and Dawn think Nassau looks like Haiti. Y'know...brown people. They said there was an incident in Haiti. It was actually Nassau where a man jumped into a circle of dogs to get them to move. Dawn took it upon herself to chastise the man even though she is a guest in his country and it was none of her fucking business. He was poor, scruffy and - gasp! - wearing two different color shoes! Dawn must freak out if she sees Punky Brewster.

On a livestream afterwards, someone called her out for being insensitive to the underprivileged. To which the always intelligent and thoughtful Dawn said, "You wanna talk about underprivileged? Me!" Someone please throw that grifting bitch back in the well and put the cap back on.

Will kept bragging how they went off the beaten path. He's Christopher Columbus, bragging about discovering places where people already lived. You're on a tour bus. People were there yesterday, a year ago and they will be there tomorrow. You wanna talk about off the beaten path, how about the path to the kitchen you never use.

Look out Adam. Dawn said she found her new love. It's something else to ride - a wave runner - even though she was petrified to park the thing. Will was so full of himself. He was riding a wave runner while wearing a button-up Columbia shirt with Santas on it. Oh, yeah! That didn't look stupid at all. He said he was jumping six feet in the air. Will, you barely stand six feet in the air.

Will and Dawn called Labadee the best day ever. Dawn called Haiti her happy place. One of the poorest countries in the world is Dawn's Disneyland. So underprivileged.

There were a few other moments on the cruise. Dawn still can't spell YMCA. The song has only been around almost 50 years. She'll catch on one of these days. I'm sure the YMAC, whatever it is, appreciates the support.

Will played mini-golf like a jackass: playing guitar with his club, swinging it around like a sword. He was so full of himself. The wind blew Dawn's dress up. It was like Marilyn Monroe as a walrus. Can I sue the wind for emotional trauma?

Will climbed the rock wall. He claimed he almost rang the bell. Maybe the dinner bell. He made it maybe half way up and then he gave out. Kinda strange how we never saw how close he got to bell. Wonder why? Will was very sore afterwards for a guy who claims to go to the gym. Maybe that's where Will lost the two pounds he claims he lost stuffing his face on the cruise. Such an amazing diet. Will, sign people up for your diet plan. You'll be able to afford a studio with gold-plated shit on the shelves.

Once again, Will and Dawn slept and ate. They even said waddling to a restaurant to look for a plastic duck was pretty far to walk. They ate ice cream and got up late. They never got a spot by the pool. You need to be out by 10am to get those. They like cruising so they can eat, don't have to cook and someone cleans up after them. Makes sense. Their condo looked like a tornado hit it. Based on their studio, their house probably looks like Hurricane Katrina sublets it.

After the cruise, Will and Dawn needed to relax. Because if there's one thing cruises are known for its being strenuous. Phew! They spent four luxurious days in one of the finest timeshares $125 can rent (not buy - it's a timeshare).

Dawn said she did six loads of laundry. How is that possible? They had two rollaboards for five days. We saw Will's four shirts hanging in on the dining table. They wore the same things twice. What is this? A washer for ants?!?

After three whole times in the Orlando area, Will and Dawn have traditions dontcha know. Traditions like going to Disney Springs. The other tradition is not spending any money. Amazing isn't? How Will and Dawn's "traditions" are always free or cheap and fucking repetitive. How many times do we have to see this shit? Whenever you are reading this, Disney is being vlogged. Nonstop. But surely we need to know what two ignorant hillbillies think. Why do they go to Disney Springs? They don't watch the movies. They don't know the characters. They can't name the parks and there are only four of them! They do it because everyone else does. Mickey see, moron do.

One of the things they didn't do is see Adam the Woo. Sadly, the sexual fantasy of Will and Dawn was too busy with his new house. Amazing, since he has been vlogging with Jacob the Carpetbagger, Tim Tracker, World of Micah and a bunch of other hipsters who all look the same to me. I think it's funny that Adam uses the same busy excuse on Will that Will uses on subscribers who want to meet YITS. "I LEARNED IT FROM YOU! I LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU, OKAY?!?" Such a vicious and tragic cycle.

By popular demand (by Will), it's The Showcase of Citrus! What kind of name is that? Sounds like oranges in a Las Vegas revue. At the 10pm show they expose their navels. Hey yo! Thank you. You're a beautiful audience. This citrus farm is in a different location but the exact same thing they did before right down to the Cuban sandwiches. Only last time Will and Dawn said the sandwich truck was authentic because the people spoke Cuban. That is a thing that really happened. No, really. Go back and see for yourself. I'll wait.

Will and Dawn love to travel and get away from The Smokies. What better way to do that than to do the exact same things that they can do in The Smokies. No, Dawn, you can't go to Disney. We have to spend money on a giant wheel and an aquarium, just like the ones in The Smokies. After that it was a meal at Julio's or as Will pronounces it "jew-lee-oh's". People have to correct him, right? He's gotta be trolling. Someone has to have told him. Anyway, no better place than a Mexican restaurant to have a chef salad and some kind of bowl, a known Mexican delight. So you did activities you can do anywhere and ate food at a Mexican restaurant you can get anywhere. Why are you going to these places?

It doesn't stop there. After days of stupid shit and laundry, it's time for stupid shit with no laundry! Treasure Island, it's like Dirty Myrtle's slightly less slutty sister and place we've been before. There's the cinder block motel, giant chicken wing, gaudy souvenirs and not eating seafood at a seafood restaurant! Dawn ordered chicken. Why are you there? The wind blew Dawn's blouse up to reveal a stomach that was bulbous, a little veiny and pale. Kind of like a bratwurst. If the bratwurst lied about losing 43lbs.

But wait! There's more. They drove to The Sunken Garden. Will says it's a sinkhole. It's not. It a pond the original owner drained and planted trees and flowers around. It's the world's prettiest hole. (No. We're not making any jokes there. No! Stop it! Behave.) It's just a garden. At the end you stand like 16 feet underground. While she was down there, do you think Dawn got any decorating ideas? "Oh, THIS is what I should have done to my well! Flowers would have given it a homey touch!" She probably had flashbacks. Save me, Spritz the goat! Save me!

While Will and Dawn were working their fingers to the bone, The Smokies were getting washed away. It was fairly severe for awhile. Of course Will minimizes the severity, saying it floods in The Smokies a couple times a year. The Smoky Mountain Family got over a million views on a flooding video. Doesn't seem to mild to me. He went even further to say you are guaranteed a viral video if you post flooding in The Smokies. Hey, Will. The Gatlinburg fires say hi. What an asshole.

Will has to belittle other YouTubers for making easy content like filming the floods. Will then interrupts his exciting vacation series to show us how it's barely snowing in The Smokies. Once again: Uploading flooding is bad. Uploading snow is totally different and much more difficult. Got it?

In two weeks Will and Dawn went to Tijuana Flats. It must be named after the tortillas, which according to Dawn, taste flat. Ooookay.

While driving around on a livestream, Will and Dawn got hungry. Have you been to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg? It's not that big. Will and Dawn could have driven home to eat. I mean except for the fact that there's no food there. There are probably things growing in the studio shelves but I doubt you can eat it. Even though there are restaurants a plenty in The Smokies, Will and Dawn decided they wanted Casey's Pizza. Yes, Casey's Pizza. If you're at a gas station, it's gotta be Casey's. They wolfed down the pizza with grease dripping down their arms. What am I saying? Will and Dawn don't eat pizza. Will says they don't even like pizza. They don't even get it very often. Except for on board the cruise ship. Oh, and twice that we know of at the gas station. But who's counting? Not Will. Mainly because he can't count. That and he lies.

Speaking of lying. Guard your cars. Lock up your windshields. Thieves aren't after catalytic converters. They've switched to wiper blades. Will and Dawn say the reason their windshield wipers squeak is not because they are old and need to be replaced. No. It's because someone stole one of their wiper blades and replaced it with an old one. What? So you watched someone approach your vehicle, detatch one wiper blade, replace it with an old one and you just watched and didn't say a thing? What happened to your gatt? Your chainsaw? You didn't even yell? And on top of that they only touched one wiper and then replaced it? You know, I'm pretty sure that story was originally about the Jeep. They were driving The 300. Either way, it's not an excuse. You can still go buy new windshield wipers. Which Will hasn't done. He's probably still traumatized. I think we need to call Fred, Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby to see if they can solve the mystery of The Wiper Swiper.

Now it's time to pause the comedy portion of the show (as if it ever started). I'm a little worried because Will has best friends and relatives who are attorneys. He talked to them and they said that Yankee Mouth is guilty of slander. The videos they recently posted were pretty tame in my opinion. The earlier ones were much more critical of YITS and Denise. First of all, the videos are parody and YITS are public figures. Sorry it gets under your layer of fat, but YouTube isn't all SuperChats and gas station pizza. You're going to get criticism. Instead of taking it in stride, Will was obviously riled up and coached by Watching From the Sidelines, the person who brought it to his attention and is totally not his mother. Will was using big words like "slander". Those attorneys he knows must not be very good if they don't know something basic like the difference between libel and slander. He went off on how a mom and dad making silly little videos with their daughter was child abuse because they were teaching her to hate. Now had he stopped there, it would have just been Will throwing a stupid tantrum. What happened next crossed a line in a big way. He wondered what else they did to the girl and that they should be reported to CPS. Wow. He went there. That's the big insult these days: unsubstantiated claims and accusations of pedophilia. People who do that don't care about kids. They just want to silence people. It's disgusting. Very often the claims are actually a confession. I'm not saying it's the case here. Mainly because I'm not a scumbag who will go to the lowest levels to silence someone.

He claimed to have their real names and location. He implied it was so he could confront them. Really? What exactly do you plan on doing? You're afraid of the wiper swiper. You're not going to get into a fight even with the little girl. All the little girl would have to do to get away from Will is walk fast. She'd lose him after half a block. Dawn might walk fast but what is she going to do? Flail the girl to death with her arms? Take a seat, tough guy. Oh, you're already sitting down eating gas station pizza? That's what I thought.

It was real insight into the real Will and Dawn. We all know they lie. That's a big reason why we're all here. But I thought it was harmless. Will and Dawn are low level carnies who lie to their viewers to get views, gifts and SuperChats. But he's willing to stoop to those levels. He could have just said they were dumb and not funny. He could have said anything. Of all the things to say he went to the lowest of the low. That doesn't reflect at all on Yankee Mouth. That's an indictment on them and their lack of character.

Here we are. Ryan AIOT has over 80,000 subscribers and constantly growing. Meanwhile, YITS are hovering under 95,000 and have been for awhile. Will was supposed to have his big 93,000 sus-cribers contest like two months. I think it was before December. Will has kept pushing back because he's fucking and he has no clue what to do next. Whatever it is I'm sure it will be cheap, easy and stupid. Looking forward to 94,000 giveaway in March. He'll get his plaque, but give up his Smoky Mountain leadership to Ryan AIOT. Maybe one day YITS will get to Roma Table.

Looking to the future of Yankee in the South, Will has big plans. They're going international, and back to Florida soon, and on another cruise and...huh... what's that? Plans have changed? What do you mean Will and Dawn are going to be home in The Smokies this summer?!? Things are too expensive? How? When? It didn't happen overnight. Things have been expensive for awhile. Will says they're dreamers. I say they make shit up. It's not dreaming when you say your wipers were stolen. It's not dreaming when you make horrible accusations you know are false. It's not dreaming when you lead old people on who think you're friends. Nothing Will and Dawn say ever quite lines up. They've got an excuse or a story for ever
ything. Nobody calls that 'pathological dreaming'. No. It's all lies.
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I'm getting really sick of Willy's schtick when he daintily takes one or two bites of what he's eating, coquettishly puts his hand in front of his mouth when he's chewing and grandiosely declares that this is too much food and he can't eat any more and he'll have the rest for dinner.
Who the F--K do you think you're kidding? You don't look the way you do for no reason. Did your recently get your stomach stapled?
That food never even gets to his house. As soon as the camera is shut off he has a feeding frenzy and the inside of the car windows are splattered with condiments like blood at a murder scene.
At least Dawn is honest and eats her whole meal before you even start.
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I keep watching these lives with the hope that their shelves will just collapse during one of these things.
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I’m glad to see FREs subs going up. Hey FRE, if you ever come out to Seattle drop me a line and I’ll take you out for dinner and beer. You deserve to be treated bec you bring us so much laughter
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Hey Hussey, just in case you read here, you look even more pathetic after you talk shit about YITS when you go into their livestream and kiss their asses.
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just watching the live, they are so flat and depressed

it feels like when your aunt and uncle arrive at a party after a massive argument and sit pretending nothing is wrong. 😂
I will have to watch this one if they are flat, sad and depressed. willy brings it all on himself.
One day last week, I got in an argument with Mama Sidelines, I was talking about Everything Auto, Smoky Mountain Family and Nerds on the Go, and Adventure is Out There about how they will all donate gifts, gift cards and money they receive from their stans. Everything Auto even makes a whole vlog of going to the grocery store and looking for those that might be needy over the holidays and he will help them fill up a cart with things to fix their holiday meal, and I applaud all those channels for giving back. Well, mama sidelines says willy does give too but the Bible says don't give and be boastful. I even suggested to her, if willy was giving to charities, by all means make a vlog, he needs more content and views, and he would get lots of views for doing that. Lo and behold, Sunday evening willy said they can't accept anymore gift cards or money. That if he receives it, he will mail it back to the sender. He did have a shit eating grin when he said that about sending it back.
In another comment section argument I had with Mama Sidelines, I said willy had promised giveaways and he has done nothing and that the stans were starting to see the true willy. What do you know, when he is out for Mexican with Mama Sidelines he comes up with 2 gift cards for the giveaways.i had an exchange with willy maybe a month ago and I was asking about being blocked, and he said I have seen you and my moderators have seen you in the comment sections of other videos and we see how you talk about us, so no, we will not unblock sorry for getting so long winded, but I say all that to say this, I know for certain that willy reads this board. I now know that he takes the times to read every comment on every parody channel, and it seems like weekly there is another new channel hammering on willy and dong.
He sees the comments, he can't do anything about them though. I was talking in comments a month ago saying it's nice to talk in the comments and willy can't block them. The very next Sunday he was saying he would be ok if people criticized him, as long as they weren't ugly and that he needed new moderators, another thing I think he did in response to what he reads in the comments. There was talk just the other day about willy and his future and how would he be able to retire, now today he is talking about needing money over the next few years, and having to budget travel. I honestly think between reading here and in all the comments of the parody channels, willy knows he is toast. He sees how people really feel about him. I think him seeing the amount of harsh but truthful comments, along with the fact he is broke, is why he is having such a pity party. I really thinks because AIOT and others are turning off super chats, that he should as well. I think that's where the comment in the live came from about someone told him to turn off super chats so he won't turn them off since they told him to. Turning off super chats would finish him off for good. Now willy, as someone else mentioned today, you can go fuck yourself and when you get done, do it again! Cause I have no pity for you, you lie cheat and steal too much for me to give a shit. Ok, im done!
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It is not registered or filed for in any state as of today. He is setting himself up for another "investment". He plans on suing anyone who uses his crap videos and is salivating at the prospect of a big payout 🤣. Funny how he started this after the Yankeemouth situation and not with FRE etc.
If anyone has any throwaway money, they should start actual YITS Productions LLC, then sue him for using it’s name without consent. 😂😂
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Just a suggestion Will: Your 95K suscriber appreciation prizes can be autographed pictures of AIOT receiving his 100K YouTube plaque.
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The instrumental hymn music they’ve been using is making me so angry. Also, nothing like the dead of winter to show off the overlooks. I love looking at bare trees and all the brown.

And a thought about how Will insists “Dawn’s a good cook” and “Dawn cooks all the time”. They’ve posted 4 food reviews the past week. Will insists they eat one meal a day, so when is Dawn doing all this cooking? He also mentioned during the Wing Stop review that next time they are supposed to bring food to a family get together they should bring wings from Wing Stop. And at Thanksgiving he mentioned they bought the pies to bring. If Dawn is such a good cook, wouldn’t there be a dish that she would be asked to bring??? Instead they always bring store bought food. That’s the tell tale sign you aren’t a good cook.
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Just catching up on the shitshow......

His "friends" in Florida tell him he wouldn't want to live there. Stop shiting on the state, you sure like to visit, and we frankly don't want you here anyway.

Willy is really into relaxing, cruising, eating on a park bench. It must be exhausting having no responsibilities.

Big trip coming up, still being secret squirrel about it. We know mama sidelines is taking you all to Germany. I hope she's paying for more than 1 hotel room.

Dong is really into getting things for their trip. It seems they never have anything they need when they travel. Maybe it's just getting all their Mickey Ds app points together.

As someone mentioned the desk banging is insane.

Why does he need to stand up to show his phone for the drawing?

What is a great big small giveaway? Moron

So what school did dong graduate from that had a death march song?

DECA needs to send a cease and desist letter. Also, if you have been in trouble so many times how are you allowed in a school club or sports??

Wow willy sure is proud of his detention record. Also what school gives you that? I suspect he stole it, allegedly.

Dong was late 347 times in one year?????? Underprivileged????

Willy really wants us to believe he smoked behind the gym....OK.

What does "when the tribes were fighting" even mean????

I know when I think of Brown City MI I think of thug life 🤔.

What 45 and 50 year old go on and on and on about graduating high school???

Well that was a real cluster. 😳
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