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Thread suggestion - Wright At Home #3 Steak like leather, beef so dry, 10 inch thick potato on a fish pie
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I know we all parent differently but I would say that eating your dinner and then having a pie/bacon sandwiches/a whole cake for ‘supper’ is a bit greedy. I wouldn’t have never been allowed that nor do I allow it for my kids. If they’re hungry later on I say have a bit of toast or cereal and milk. Or am I mean😭😂
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It won’t be long till she’s Ella in tha pink pleather jacket she was saving from her teens 😂 how many people do that 🤭
Poor child! There is nothing wrong with hand me downs but who doesn't buy their children new clothes now and then?! I hope that jacket disappears under mysterious circumstances! 🤣

I actually think we are now seeing the real Helen,previously it was probably an act,thats why she stopped vlogging because 1)there was no money in it 2)when pregnant she had no brand interest,remember how she kept tagging Channel mum on all her posts 3)she couldn’t maintain the pretence. People have said it before, the boys seem quite nervous at times in vlogs,not always sure if it was Helen or Danny,but get a feeling both parents are overbearing
I always found it uncomfortable to watch when they would be sat down on the sofa patiently waiting for their presents because there was zero excitement on their faces. They looked nervous incase they said or did something Helen and/or Danny didn't like? I don't know if I am reading too much into it but they both come across as people you don't want to get on the wrong side of.
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Her greed really p's me off... Now to me a catapillar cake is a birthday cake.. or at least an occasion cake, so her grabbing it just for a treat for the boys may of taken a birthday cake away from a child who otherwise wouldn't get one.
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The portions are eye watering and what the hell was this?? made me thirsty just looking at it!

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Not being nasty, but its when she says 'the boys will eat whatever Ella doesn't eat'

No offence, but i wouldn't want a toddlers sloppy seconds, I've got a thing about sharing food where the thought of someone elses slavers on the food, especially a toddler 🤢

Are they that hungry they'd finish Ella's food as well? After just having massive portions. Also who wants a dry salad 🤮
To me salad is fresh salad leaves, chopped tomatoes, cucumber, diced spring onion, a lovely homemade dressing and sometimes we add tiny bits of diced cheese as well to give it a kick.

Who wants dry salad leaves
Does Danny not let her go anywhere alone? He seems to be with her on every night out, which is absolutely fine of course, but is she not allowed a girly night out now and again? He's at every night out with her.
Sherri needs reported so that Morrisons can look into this . Im sorry, but she does. If she's giving helen bags of yellow labels on the sly it's wrong and it's theft. I'm more convinced now that she doesn't hang around the shops for hours, i bet she gives Sherri a list every week of what she needs, isn't it convenient that she always manages to get what she needs on yellow label each week. Especially after convenient that she needed sickness bands for Ella's car sick and they happened to be on yellow label.

As mentioned we are out a lot, all over Scotland... I've been in many supermarkets some of the biggest and they've never had the yellow labels helen manages to bag every week.
I'll have a nosey if im in at the right time but even at late I've never seen meat reduced the way she gets it.

She's getting it from Sherri im telling you.

Pair of wrong uns
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She’s not thick skinned ,she lost it over comments about Ella’s mushy dinner 😂 it’s her that puts her kids out there ,invading their privacy, she seemed quite happy getting gifts sent to her she just can’t take the rough with the smooth .
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She just buys a load of crap. Assuming she didn’t go shopping last week as there was no haul and this week her shopping was £20 ish what the hell is she spending the rest of her budget on 🤷🏻‍♀️
She's just got so stingy and miserly as the years have gone by. The quality of her weekly dinners have really suffered as a consequence of buying everything on yellow label, and then trying to throw together a 'meal' from a haul of random foods which don't belong together in the shopping bag let alone on a dinner plate! Just because you CAN put it on a plate doesn't mean you should.

I've got to laugh when she proudly states that she's managed to make a ready meal for one stretch out between the 6 of them! That's not stretching it out...its no longer the ready meal it once was if you've added copious amounts of other things to it. She'll add ANYTHING to a 'red sauce' or a 'white sauce' or a 'cheese sauce' and call it a day...just chucks it all in! (lovely)

I used to like her videos years ago, she should be quite good fun and she would also do weekly vlogs, gardening vlogs, birthday vlogs, seasonal vlogs - days out, recipe video! That's all gone now. She's worked out that the money comes from the weekly dinner videos and 'shopping' hauls, and that's why those have survived and still going. It's all about the money with all of these people - what starts as a love of doing Youtube videos quickly develops into greed.

Her presentation is also shockingly poor now and her videos as SO short. She's just doing the bare minimum to keep the Youtube ad revenue coming in. If she wasn't getting the Ad money - there's no way she'd put the videos up. She clearly doesn't enjoy doing YouTube anymore - that's glaringly obvious and you can hear it in her voice, you can see it in the slap dash presentation. She just can't be bovvad :sleep:
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I was watching some older videos and she said 'Danny's on lates this week so I'll just use odds and ends for me and the kids'

Also, she went to tesco for milk and there were pork chops on offer - she took EIGHT PACKS 😳because there were 'loads and loads and loads'
I've noticed when she takes loads she over explains herself that there were 'tons' or because they're a large family and go through a lot... I'm a large family also and we don't use half as much as she does we buy what we need and manage just fine on a healthy balanced diet. So she knows clearly she's being greedy.

Also what's her obsession with 'back ups'
'I buy two of everything as a back up incase I run out' just go to the shop if you run out?

Same as when they'd buy 4 big packs of butter a week 🤦

Strange ways.
What annoys me is you can buy fruit and vegetables cheap enough in aldi where its fresh and will last, same as tesco they do fruit and vegetables in their more affordable brand range for under £1.

Yet she'll think nothing in paying full price for her and Dannys alcohol.

Dannys just as bad I feel, in an old video she was going on about a trolley and he's like 'it's £1 cheaper in B&Q'

Both as bad as each other.
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That's why I don't feel guilty at all for having a valid opinion and discussing my opinion with you guys on here.
If you're putting yourself out there then unfortunately you're opening yourself to judgement from others, no one from what I've seen leaves any nasty comments on her YouTube or social media, if she goes out of her way to look at what's being discussed here then I don't feel guilty for that.

I don't like greed, especially from people like her and Danny who are in a better financial position than a few other families. As they say there's givers and takers in life, clearly they're takers.

I don't like the selfishness towards the kids either... Why wouldn't you want to give your kids the best of everything if you're in a position to? Yeah teach them the value of money, that we work hard for our belongings...
Yellow labels, cheap caravan holidays and worn out 2nd hand clothes, and a day out on birthdays is as good as it gets for them.

I get a weird vibe from both Danny and Helen, the kids always seem like meek mouses around them
When they'd have to sit and get a present each handed to them at a time on Christmas 🙈 I used to find that very odd. Growing up our presents were set out and we'd be able to run and dig straight in opening them, as do my kids on Christmas it's the whole excitement of Christmas
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New meals in the week video! Where to start :rolleyes:
Plate 1- How many peas are on those plates!!!
Plate 2- another completely yellow label 'just heat and serve' dinner:sick:
Plate 3- How much rice does one person need? It's actually hanging off the plate! And the worst offender,
Plate 4- SUNDAY dinner was yellow label frozen pizza :sick::sick::sick: She's just gotten so lazy! No food inspiration there at all.


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I dislike her very much for that reason, she's extremely selfish and greedy, that's a matter of fact.. I used to like her but she's shown her true self through the yellow label shopping as I've mentioned before we all love a bargain, but Danny I'm sure earns a reasonable income, she'll earn from YouTube now maybe not a lot but she'll still earn something as well as hair, you can do quite well with hair.

She takes the yellow label shopping to the extreme there's been videos where she's said 'getting this into my freezer is like a game of Tetrus I really don't need anymore' yet a day later she'll be out buying loads of yellow labels again.

There's families out there on the bones of their arse, really struggling and worrying about how they're gonna feed their families, and she talks about bloody having supper at night, 🤦some families are lucky to manage one meal a day. These yellow labels can be a life line to some people and families

I remember on one shopping haul she had towers of yoghurts and admitted she took the lot 😡I remember thinking you absolute greedy b*tch.

She'll also go and buy birthday cakes for the boys to have as supper as well, it's pure greed that could be a cake for a child who's parents are really struggling to get by, for instance on a shopping haul she took a big ass milky way cake, and a big chocolate cake for the boys both of which could have been birthday cakes for a childs birthday.

She got sausage rolls once and said 'the boys were jumping for joy', 😳 this made me cringe so hard, it's like have they never had a sausage roll before? 🤣 Same as sweets they act like they've never had a treat.

I just dislike her, I think they're extremely tight and greedy.

Get kids never seem to get anything of luxury do they?


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Sherri just proved us right 😂 if everything’s above board there’s no reason to change her bio, she could’ve just made her account private 🤷🏼‍♀️
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She bought Ollie two boxes of chocolate hoops cereal and said she doesn't normally buy chocolate flavoured cereal but says "as a treat he's OK to have it once in a while". Yet she thinks it's ok nearly every week to buy huge chocolate cakes or some boxes of chocolate muffins to have for supper. She doesn't make sense!! Fully loaded carby meals, cakes etc, their diet is horrendous anyway so why is chocolate cereal considered "a treat"? 😂😂
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She’ll be drunk & singing & making a tit of herself at the karaoke in the clubhouse tonight. 🙄
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That 'steak' dinner :sick: Helen said - "Danny can't have this bless him", I bet he was absolutely gutted about that Helen.
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I agree. I get really controlling vibes from her with Camron, I can imagine he doesn't get to make financial decisions on his own.. I bet he has to ask for permission when he wants to buy himself something from the money he earns. Of course if he has learning difficulties which I'm sure Helen has mentioned that he does have learning difficulties, then it's only natural that she'd want to guide him with his money, but seeing how tight they are, I have a feeling he wouldn't be able to make many decisions on his own.

Me and my husband work fulltime, we aren't well off either but we always make sure that in the summer our children have plenty of fun activities and days out planned, which includes eating out as a treat. We save all year round for a fun summer holiday every year and I have no regrets, our children have happy, fun days out and memories to remember. Of course it's not always about money, but our children don't stay young for long and it's nice to treat them if we can.

I can imagine them turning up to the clubhouse and whipping out their own snacks and drinks 🤦
Danny seems just as bad with money though, I've heard him complaining in some of her videos about the cost of things.

There was one takeaway video where he was going on about the takeaway being £20 for the five of them, because they'd bought kebab and chips that they'd stretched between them all
I agree regarding Camron,I think Helen has babied him,I have to admit I think more to control rather than protect. They bought him a car as soon as he was 17,he has worked steadily since leaving school/college. I think Helen possibly has more educational special needs than Camron and certainly has controlling issues with money. I think its become more noticeable over the past few years just how selfish Helen and Danny are with spending on themselves. The boys are very sweet but come across as very nervous around their parents,we only know what she says,but have no idea if any of that is true. Theres every chance,once Camron leaves home,he may blossom, without constant interference from Helen. Sometimes children can be held back by 'well meaning ''controlling ' parents.
Interesting, because I've never seen anyone 'pick apart' the children,criticism has been aimed at her and Danny,because of their behaviour . Helen can not take any kind of comments that don't kiss her backside. When pregnant she was very nasty with people who asked her genuine questions. I do believe Helen has 'special needs', which is probably why vlogging isnt a good idea,because she takes everything as an attack,she responds in a very immature retaliation way.
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