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Just had a sudden memory of a heartbreaking news story about a man who was the victim of an acid attack (I think it was something to do with his ex girlfriend). There was video footage of the actual attack and it would later became really haunting; a few years later he won the right to die via assisted suicide. He was only in his 20s/30s I believe.
Mark Van Dogen- his story was covered on Seeing Red today. I’ve just been listening to his father’s victim impact statement. While he was in hospital his dad would split his time between working in Belgium and being with Mark in Bristol. He seemed to have so much strength for his boy.
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The millennium dome heist. The whole story is so fascinating and how the Flying Squad were on to them from the beginning and just followed them was so interesting.
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That guy that threw the poor kiddie off The Tate,he is in Broadmoor and already caused more problems being violenT.

my god so dangerous.
That was unbelievable. The poor child 😓
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Sometimes you particularly remember how you heard about the story too. I remember going to bed one night and waking up to hear that the bomb had gone off in Manchester the night before. Awful.
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There are 3 that absolutely haunt me. I remember the Beslan School Siege going on and what those poor children and parents went through, how scared they must have been breaks my heart.

This is a girl I went to college with and I just don’t understand how her partner managed to go on I don’t think I could have this poor angel I can’t even comprehend how bad it would be to be one of the police officers who discovered him.
The Claire murder happened outside my old shop, I had a doctor's appointment and had to close about 10 minutes before it happened. It's heartbreaking.
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The little girls missing in Soham Holly and Jessica... Everyone desperately hoping they were ok😭 we had just moved to NY for a year and everytime we rang home we were hoping for good news...

From my student days, 1991 I was over in UK from Ireland staying with an uncle in St Albans for a holiday and were allowed out for the evening with his neighbours teens, cinema,takeaway etc - a bomb went off in the city centre, .... All over news thought mom would be so worried... Nope , not a word😂. So I rang her the following day (fuming😠) smart mouthed of course- "I'm alive" ....
The scottish wee woman was having none of it "I'd have heard if you weren't" 😂😂😂 absolutely no f*cks given!
I also walked past the site of the St Albans bomb 30 mins before it went off, we had been to see The Commitments at the cinema as it wasn't on in our local cinema. I remember getting home, getting a drink and sitting down, putting the TV on and there was St Albans on the news flash, couldn't believe it, I woke my Mum up and she didn't believe me till the following morning when she got up. (loved the Commitments film though)
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A case I always remember and think about often is the murder of Jill and Kirstie Foster. Christopher Foster shot them both (wife and daughter) then killer their family dogs and horses then burned down their house and killed himself. This happened in 2008 in Shropshire and was covered heavily in the press at the time.

I was the same age as Kirstie at the time and just couldn’t believe that a dad could do something so heinous. It still makes me feel sick thinking about it. Such a terrifying and tragic way to die.

Edit - typo of the date. This happened in 2008.
I remember this, it was so sad
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there was a documentry on bbc iplayer I think about the vegas shooting and how its all been hushed up. Mainly because if all the bad press for vegas carried on then it could have kept people people away so they tried to keep it as quiet as possible. Its weird how its never really been explained (or has it?) like why did he go up there to shoot so many people and how did he get all those weapons up there without being stopped? The documentry touched on the idea of a second shooter or multiple attacks at once but was explained away as the sound carrying across the strip so no one knew for sure when the attack was happening.
Yea and I remember reading days afterwards that it was possible the guy was framed and he had no reason to do that… it’s just all so fishy the story, like why didn’t it get more coverage?? I think it was the biggest mass shooting at a concert in America like. All sees kinda weird but I think about it every now and then like woah. I remember being in my gym all watching it on the tv when it first happened like this is crazy!!! And then for all the news outlets to forget about it 3 days later found so bizarre
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The alesha macphail murder

I remember being on the other side of the water from the island in the early morning when she was first missing. Seeing the amount of emergency services getting the ferry across to help local officers we knew something awful had happened. I followed the news right through the trial and it’s horrible knowing that because he was a “young offender” he’s now just up the road in Polmont YOI
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I hope they have found a way to deal with what happened; what a horrific experience. It comes back to me whenever an Ariana song comes on the radio. All those lives lost, and the thought that the man had already been reported as suspicious makes it so much worse. I was getting ready for work when the news broke and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I truly hope it never happens again. My heart also goes out to Ariana, because she was just singing her songs and she didn't deserve that.
It’s just devastating. Gigs, concerts and festivals are meant to be safe places. He’s doing okay now.
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Very traditional

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I listened to this today too, absolutely dreadful thing to do. I felt so reliever they allowed the assisted suicide, what that man went through is unbelievable and his poor Dad.

Mark Van Dogen- his story was covered on Seeing Red today. I’ve just been listening to his father’s victim impact statement. While he was in hospital his dad would split his time between working in Belgium and being with Mark in Bristol. He seemed to have so much strength for his boy.
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It was a very interesting (and sad) case. The blood spatter exhalation explanations I found really interesting at the time. I still don't know what I believe in terms of S. Jenkins guilt or innocence.
I don‘t know either, he was an odd man for sure, but that doesn’t make someone guilty of murder.

Interestingly his wife believed he was guilty, divorced him and I think went to live with their kids in Australia or possibly New Zealand.
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I know it’s recent but there is something not quite right with this case. I really wish I am wrong but there is something about her Husband that just feels odd. I can’t stop thinking about that poor woman and her baby 😥

I 100% agree.
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They often show the Bradford City Stadium fire at these training courses as well. That’s almost as bad. Also had locked fire exits I believe.
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The murder of Kris Donald. I was only young at the time but I remember crying when I read all of the horrific details. I still get a knot in my stomach when I think about it.
I can't begin to imagine his terror. It was scotland's first ever racially motivated murder.
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Kim Mild

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For me it’s the murder of James Bulger, many times I think about him and his mum. I still can’t believe that two children did this to a toddler and how evil could show up like that.
I also think about Sarah Payne and how scary the world felt when she was murdered. The same with Hollie and Jessica.
I had only seen April Jones a few weeks before she was murdered and I still remember the shock of realising that was the lovely little girl I had met. She was so small and innocent, like a little angel- only a monster could have done that to her. Pure evil.

Lockerbie also played heavily on my mind. I remember as a young girl seeing the haunting image of the cockpit in the field on all the front pages of the newspapers. I now live under a flight path and I often get the jitters hearing planes take off. Which is highly ironic because I’m cabin crew and my partner is a pilot. So even though it plays on my mind I often think it couldn’t have bothered me that much. But if I’m honest I’m more scared of aircraft crashing near my house than me being in an air crash. Bizarrely it’s my most recurrent dream- that I see a plane falling from the sky.
I ave the plane falling out the sky recurring dream too. I even remark that I have dreams about it , in my dream !
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