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VIP Member
My other half absolutely HAVING to buy a bloody ice cream every time the van comes down the street 🤦🏼‍♀️ £10 yesterday and £10 today on four ice creams for him and the kids. I’m saying no out of principle!
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My friend had a baby last weekend and I posted a big bundle of teddies/clothes/nappies etc as a little gift as I can’t see her. I sent it recorded delivery and was notified that it was delivered... she’s spoken to me every day this week and hasn’t said thank you even though I know she’s received it 🙃
Maybe slip into the conversation “oh, did you get the gift I sent?” Could be tiredness from the newborn baby on her part and hopefully not ignorance.
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Chatty Member
The bashing of people on benefits. Even though a lot on benefits do work and work fucking hard. Like if you're entitled to something and dont claim it, more fool you. You're not on any moral high ground, you're being played.

The fact minimum wage hasnt risen anywhere near the rate of inflation. Saw a woman on a group moaning that minimum wage is going up so she has to pay her staff more. You cant expect staff to be available every time you want them and then get snotty about paying them.

Current housing prices being on average 200k plus when the average wage is 37k. Not right sorry, who the fuck let that happen.

England has no backbone. My mum was telling me earlier ny grandma and grandad once attended a mass.pritest against poll tax in London with a crown of thousands. This country is full of corruption and the Toties are ahead in the polls. How times change hey!

Sorry most of my current grievances are political, I wish they werent and were more trivial and "first world problems" based and one day I hope they will be again.

Being labelled as 'radical' and 'extreme' for wanting people to have a decent standard of living no matter their background, work etc.

My parents feeling the need to mention whether someone works or not when talking about ANYTHING. Again, my mum was telling me earlier about their v short time as landlords in the 2000s and how the person they rented to worked part time and claimed benefits so her rent was paid directly from her benefits to them. I really dont care if someone is on benefits or not, it dowsnt make them less of a person or it doesnt make someone more of a person if they work 80 hours a week.

Englands obsession with wealth inequality. See above. People thinking those who dont work every hour under the sun deserve to shrivel up and die. If it's for someone poor, it's a handout, if it's for someone rich, it's an incentive. Just like how areas of poor income are labelled as rough, they arent, the people there just have less money and live differently because of it.
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Once again, I am going to take the side of the doctors.

When you fall behind, it's the doctors who get bad publicity. Surely you must know how much work doctors have after seeing patients. Your job in part is to answer calls.

26000 is a large number, how many doctors are there.

As someone who used to be involved in that field, I can't honestly say I feel bad for you.

If you are taking over other surgeries you might get some of their staff.

If you are not getting extra staff, just be glad that you are not the ones getting taken over and loosing your job.

It may sound harsh but you are talking as if you have no idea of what else goes on in a practice.
I don't expect anyone to feel bad for me. I have the utmost respect for all of the GP's that work in the practice, they support us as much as they can, as do we to them. They do an amazing job. There are 6 GP's, 2 nurses. We will be getting extra staff as 3 of their admin staff are coming to us. So that's definitely a positive. My post is simply about 1 person, the practice manager. She's not supportive, we work as hard as we possibly can, there's always a negative to everything, sometimes it's just nice to have some sort of gratitude for how hard your staff are working. They have a very high staff turnover and there's clearly a valid reason for that.
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The fact that our government are pussyfooting around trying to decided how to manage the zlisters coming back into our country, when most of them are now on way back and our boarder still open and no quarantine procedures yet in place.

Another spike in three weeks and they will wonder why
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Just had a client on the phone who I know is definitely over the age of 40, yet kept referring to her late Mother as "Mummy". Not sure why but it really boiled my piss
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watermelon sugar

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1) I bought myself a pack of digestives and my bloody fella ate half of them when I went to bed. Fair enough sharing is caring but he didn't wrap the packet up and just left them on the side so now their all dry and grim 🙄

2) one of my "best mates" just liked a post on fb i put wishing my son a happy birthday (I'm one of them Mums😚✌🏻) she hasn't text me saying happy birthday. Or commented. She hasn't spoken to me since November which was lockdown 2. Because I didnt want her visiting cos I didnt wanna break the rules.

3) ive just splashed bleach on myself and ruined my fave pjs!
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Everyone banging on about back to school and posting photos of their kids in uniform. I get it. Mine are going back today. But not sure harping on about it is helping matters. It’s a bit scary but it’s where they should be, what they should be doing and ultimately I believe what they need. So let’s just get on with it.
And if one more person tells me to draw a kiss or heart on their wrist.....🤬 No thanks. Each to their own, you do you, but I don’t want to encourage my kids to think they’ll miss me or be upset when it washes off!
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He hates my Mum he'd be livid if I suggested anything of the sort!! Apparently cos I am the Mother to his Mums grandson means I have to speak to her twice a day? Right

LOL so it's fair for him to hate your mum and refuse any contact but for some reason you're exempt from having any opinions on how many times you can tolerate speaking to a person you aren't even related to?? 😂 Sounds reasonable. Sending hugs, don't let it get to you. You've heard the YABBA YABBA more than enough for this week imo haha
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Mulholland Drive

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I am South African by birth, but because of a certain strain of the Covid-19 virus originated from South Africa, as soon as I mention where I was born or where I come from certain people think I'm instantly infected and will somehow kill them purely because of what they read on MSM!

Apparently, there is another Covid strain originating in Kent, England. Does that mean anyone living in Kent will instantly kill outsiders?
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Chatty Member
I've put the beef on over lockdown (I know many of us have) and my clothes feel uncomfortable. I'm losing weight, but more slowly than I'd like.

I need to kick myself up the arse and get focused but I'm just not in the right head space.
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Boyfriend has been unemployed for nearly 18 months — he’s finally sorting his CV out this week and he says he’ll need “two weeks” to do it. WTAF. Just sit there and write it, two hours, job done!
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watermelon sugar

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I had to work while my OH and kids were home all day. I know technically he was working from home but he could still do some stuff around the house. I get home at 6:15 and nothing has been done. Not even the dog has been fed. And when I blow up he blames it on my period. No it is because you are a lazy asshole!
Ughhhhhhh I hate it when fellas use your period as a reason why you're in a mood. If he does something that pisses me off when I'm on he always goes 'can tell you're on your period!' No im pissed off cos you pissed me off 🙄
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My neighbours kids play on our lawn, in fact they are doing it right now, riding across it with those fucking electric scooters. Pisses me off.
I’ve been tempted to start pissing in a bucket and waiting until it’s full of piss and throwing it on the little cunts who are going up and down my apartment complex at all hours of the morning on their electric scooters.
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watermelon sugar

VIP Member
We have pork steaks in the fridge that say 'use by 3rd Feb' but got other stuff to use today so was gonna freeze the pork steaks. I said to fella yesterday 'have you frozen the pork?' He says yeah, was just in the fridge making a brew and it's still in the fridge.. 🙄 if I put it in the freezer now will be OK?

Also can't stand the way whenever the baby wakes up at 5.30am it's always me who has to try and get him back to sleep and eventually get up with him cos he doesnt go back. I dont mind really but the offer would be nice. I'd like some sleep sometimes too...
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Chatty Member
My husband !!!
Today he announces that he has lined up another job for as soon as he gets back from Spain,and that will run straight on to doing season 2 of his current production in Spain in August ... we we’re supposed to be going away ( covid permitting obvs) and instead he’s lining up job after job with no breaks!!! I’m so angry as he’s been pulling this crap for 15yrs now and it’s always ‘we will go next year ‘ but next year never comes. I might as well be single as I’m living my life alone anyway 🤬
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