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Bloody doctors surgery . Not prescribing me what I asked for .. it’s a pain killer not heroin ffs .. now I’m bloody caller 24 ..that’s an hour on the phone I won’t get back

And it’s always shit music too
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I had a text message last week, reminding me of an appointment today at 10 am with Dr blah blah ..
I couldn't remember what it was about, possibly a follow up to a fall I had a couple of months ago?
I clicked on the number to cancel it and noticed it was actually for the hospital, I've been re-referred to a new rheumatologist. . SHIT!! I cant miss that, sling myself together, brave getting my car out from the drive in thick snow and drive the journey there in not very nice conditions.
Arrive, check in, oh no, shes not in today, all her appointments are telephone appointments 😡
It didn't say that in my text message!!
Guess who sat in her car, outside the hospital for her consultation? 🙋🏻‍♀️
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The aim was to use one or two drops.of lavender oil to help me sleep after a bad evening. My dumb bitch brain thought it would be fine to do this in the dark and I accidentally squeezed nearly 10 drops on my bed because I couldn't see if the dropper worked. It smells like I'm taking a dip in lavender hand soap. I had to open the windows and switch my bed side. Make it stop 😩
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watermelon sugar

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Not today, last night but food just plays on my mind. I ordered a Mcdonalds from just eat and put in the notes 'sweet and sour sauce please' and they give me ketchup. Mcdonalds ketchup doesn't taste good since they got rid on the Heinz. It just bothered me. Mcdonalds fries without sweet and sour sauce are just sad and disappointing. Also, the salsa you get with the mozzarella dippers is rank. Overall a very disappointing Mcdonalds 👎😂
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Does everyone’s partner agree with them?
if you see something/ someone annoying on tv or read something controversial do they nod or go
“ my god I know it’s so annoying”
Do they always see the other side of everything, to point that if you were found murdered you could just imagine them muttering to the police “ she probably had it coming “

just occasionally if I’m moaning about someone/ something/anything I want my husband to agree that yes they are a dim bastard or what’s their name is a fucking fool or the new roundabout near us is mentally taxing and that people who drive up your arse trying to push you to your death need to be punched hard

I don’t want to hear about the Highway Code or that I should move out of the way so that Mr Small penis can get past even if that means me driving up an embankment or how that person on tv seems okay/reasonable in fact charming

I can’t be alone 🙈
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Had an argument over something daft with my boyfriend last night, he was being an arse and I didn't want to spend time with him after the way he spoke to me. He did apologise but I just wanted to be on my own. Anyway, I gave an olive branch this morning and he threw it back in my face. Now at work eating my feelings, I've got stuff I need to do but I just can't get myself to do it. All week I've been saying "I'll do it tomorrow". It's really not like me to keep putting things off either.
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They say things come in threes, I fell over yesterday, got shit on this morning and now I've just laddered my tights. :cautious:
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Told my boss I don’t feel safe driving to work due to the snow (it’s a 10 mile drive and my usual route has been closed so I’d have to take a diversion which adds 5 miles). He asked me if I’d attempted it and if not to at least try first. I replied saying no I don’t feel safe and worried about getting home as well as the snow is still coMing down thick, he said “I’ll have to manage then”.....
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So we had an unofficial diagnosis of autism for my 5 year old daughter from the paediatrician yesterday so now waiting for a more official on paper diagnosis.
If one more person says to me today though “oh there’s nothing wrong with her” or “she doesn’t Look autistic” or “she’ll outgrow it, it’s just a faze” I’m gonna go insane!!

my neighbour who was talking to even started saying well I haven’t seen that in her or when I was telling her how she’ll spin on the spot with her tongue out for 20 minutes at a time or sits flapping her hands went on to tell me “well (her sons nam) has always been my special needs kid I think he just makes me cringe”

wow jeez thanks
I got a lot of that when my son was diagnosed two years ago. It got to the point where I just learnt to ignore it. Some people you can educate, especially children, others not so much. I think a lot of people just don’t know what to say or are actually quite ignorant to conditions like autism (especially older people, I find). Currently waiting for the official diagnosis for my younger son now and it feels like deja vu. He has to have a blood test done to check for other developmental disorders.

I hope you’re doing ok yourself. It can be a gut punch hearing from a professional that your suspicions are correct. I cried for about a week when my son was officially diagnosed, despite fully expecting it and also feeling relieved that we were being taken seriously after being told I was being stupid. ❤
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The idea of schools opening in 3 weeks. NO. We've done it, saw what happened so why the hell are we doing it again?

It's too soon and nobody can be arsed with another lockdown, I won't cope. Can't we just do it right for fucking once.
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Blue Rose

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This is completely irrelevant to the current conversation topic but it is what pissed me off today.
My sister’s wouldn’t get out of my room and treat me like shit. Now obviously no one gets on with their siblings all the time and I have heard sisters are the worst at this so it’s nothing surprising but in the past year my sister’s have started treating me horribly sometimes.
For context I’m 19 and the eldest and my sister’s are 14 and 12. Despite being quite a bit older, however, they’re both almost as tall as me and stronger than me, especially my middle sister who always been really strong. Meanwhile I’m a walking twig. The issues tend to start when my youngest sister will come into my room to ‘hangout’ with me when really all she wants to do is pretend she’s occupied and go on her phone because she’s not supposed to spend all day on it. Then my middle sister will likely join and before I know it my ‘me time’ is being taken up with dealing with the 2 children who won’t leave me alone. It’s not like when they were little and just wanted to play, now they just use me as an excuse to go on their phones. When I tell them to get out they won’t and we’ll physically fight (and I’ll loose every time because for some reason I’m weaker) and eventually I have to yell at them until they leave. It wouldn’t be that bad if they actually understood why it’s not nice to invade someone’s private space. I might not be doing anything especially important but sometimes I just want to be on my own. I came upstairs after doing something with my mum this afternoon and they were both lying on my bed on their phones. Then when I get cross and have to hit them to get them to leave my youngest sister acts like I’m unreasonable. I did ask them nicely multiple times beforehand and they just laughed in my face. I’m an adult, I’m going to university this September to study primary teaching, how am I going to get a class of children to respect me if my own sisters treat me like shit? I know I shouldn’t get so angry with them but how else am I going to get them to what I say if they treat me with no respect?
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Paying our university over 9k a year then being stuck at home watching recorded out of date lectures from 5 years ago and sending 6 emails to tutors about something really important before you get a response.

I'm in a shit place mentally and they couldn't care less.

I'm a healthcare student who's going to qualify this summer, if I make it that far.
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My couch couldn't fit in the lift and it turns out that the emergency stairs to the flat are narrow, steep and spiral. Back to square f*cking one.

Tried my best to cover my emotions but on the inside, totally crushed that it came so close.
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We were forecast lots of snow for tomorrow but every time I check the weather the predicted chance of snow is getting lower and lower. I was really excited, still holding out a bit of hope for some of the white stuff
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I pissed myself off today. I struggled to get going as I had been awake most of the night and it wasn’t until 4pm that I decided to start working on a project. I did do quite a lot then but I feel like I wasted much of the day.

I’m heading to bed, have an alarm set and a list of things I want to do tomorrow so that I don’t piss myself off again 😆
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I lurked a senior colleague's social media and saw them moan about how they worked overtime to complete a deadline when NONE of the rest of their colleagues met it. This colleague pulls people up for 'professionalism' all the time, which is fair, but I hardly think it's professional to paint all of your colleagues as incompetent on a non-anonymous social media account where you actively talk about the fact you work at (The Presitigious Organisation We Work At) and have the workplace name in your bio.

It's also bullshit and overdramatic, because I was set no such deadline and I imagine the other people with my role were not either. So she's painting us all as incompetent...even though it seems like only a handful of people were involved in what she's talking about?

I think she's referring to a specific set of colleagues. But she needs to cut them some slack - they have had mental breakdowns within the last year and her workload is much smaller than theirs. One of these colleagues is doing a PhD alongside their full-time job here and the other actively works with the DfE, which school staff will know is a struggle! One of the people she's talking about defended her (not aggressively or meanly) to me, so nice to know she repays this person for their patience by slagging them off on a public social media account.

This colleague went through some personal difficulty and I was really nice to her when she slipped up - but when I made a mistake, she involved my manager lol.
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My boyfriend
He's kept me up the last 3 nights snoring because he has a cold , I'm knackerd from that and working so my fuse is very very short.
He's got his kids for the day ( they're a bit of a nightmare its an ongoing process with them , thier mum's not great they're almost ferel)
Anyway he's taken his two out for a walk , my son didn't want to go.
When they're out he's bought them both a drink , which is fine , dump the bin before coming in and no one's any the wiser he brings then in here parading the empties around , and I said where's one for my boy? " Well he didn't come with us " I said well that's not really the point more is it sending out the right messege to them ( this has been an issue in the past so I'm , and so should he be very conscious about making all 3 feel equal and the same )
Nope , stubborn dickhead having none of it and creates an argument , Infront of all the kids in which I end up swearing , so he's then leveled his anger up to tell me what a bad person I am .... In my own home , yes my house not his
So I told him to fuck off
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Everything hurts or aches it has random spasms
My back ....fucking sick of it
hip and arse agony due to piriformis syndrome compressing my sciatic nerve ffs
My elbows
Is this my life
We bought an expensive memory foam mattress topper ( not bragging we saved up for it) even that fucks me off, trying to turn over in bed is like trying to turn over in quicksand
The pillows feel like they are suffocating me
Random hair swishes across my face
Fucked off everynight get up fucked off
Got to the stage where it’s more comfortable to sleep sat up on the sofa
😭 feel sorry for myself

thank you for reading I just wanted to get it off my chest
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