What’s annoying you right now #10

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Being spoken to like shit by customers all day every day! People think they can talk to you how they like because you work in a call centre.

I’m practically tee-total, have been for a few years after being borderline alcoholic. I only have one or two drinks when I really fancy one/special occasions.
Today is the first time in a long time I’ve wanted to drink to numb the pain/relieve stress.

Laid here at 2am silently crying and feeling anxious about what tomorrow is going to be like.
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I’ve had a shit week which has ended with me burning myself with the kettle, dropping a glass and cut all my hand and the bin banged my leg causing this massive bruise
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I love Midsomer Murders (I know ) and bloody simpering, vacuous Holly Willoughby’s in tonight’s episode.
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A family member I haven’t spoken to in years has just messaged and asked to borrow £30 for food and tampons.

The silly cunt forgets I can see her posts and she went from dark brunette to blonde at the hairdressers yesterday.

Same cousin who let her brother slander me to other family members and spread false accusations about me. Same cousin who spiked my aunties drinks at a party and then told everyone it was me.
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My mum died last month and the weekend after she died my friend asked me if I’d like to go shopping that day to take my mind off things, I said yeah and she just blanked me. I had bigger things going on so I just wrote it off as something weird and forgot about it.

Said friend didn’t bother with me for the next couple of weeks after that until she was off work sick and bored. She repeatedly spammed me with messages and would spam me on another app if I didn’t reply within ten minutes, even when I explained that I didn’t feel like talking due to being upset about my mum. The things she wanted to talk about weren’t important, just silly things that weren’t important to anyone and did not require me to be spammed. It lasted the two days she was off sick stressed me out quite a bit. I went to the supermarket so of course I didn’t reply to her texts, only to be met with ‘Why have you gone to the shop?’ And when i replied saying I needed food, she replied with a bad attitude. Again I just ignored it because she’s always been a very needy friend.

Then she arranges to come to see me on Saturday. I cancelled plans with my sister to see her instead and at 10am that morning she told me she’d be coming to my house at 2pm. Then it was radio silence. I saw that she was elsewhere with another friend of hers instead. But I didn’t say anything as although I was annoyed, I couldn’t be bothered to make a situation out of it.

Until later that night when she asked me to go out with her and this random friend. I said no and she once again kept spamming me trying to get me to go. Calling me a pussy, etc. And so I explained that she was taking the piss a bit when she didn’t even tell me she’d had a change of plans earlier that day. She said it slipped her mind and I didn’t respond as I couldn’t be bothered with all the palava.

Then all night I’m getting spammed with her ‘apologies’ although they really weren’t apologies. Instead she tried to ‘one-up’ my mum’s death by mentioning a situation that wasn’t at all relevant or anywhere near the same. Once again, I asked her to just stop messaging me as I didn’t have the energy to deal with it. But the spamming lasted all night and into the next day. When she sent another message to say how upset she was but there was still no real apology or acknowledgment of her own behaviour. So I snapped, I told her that I didn’t care about her feelings when she was minimising my feelings towards the loss of my mother and acting like I should be getting over things just because she wasn’t upset by my loss. It’s so frustrating as I’m a really low maintenance friend and I really wouldn’t have been bothered in either situation if she’d just text to say she had changed her mind.

I’ve constantly been there for her throughout her ‘problems’ which are never really problems and instead just stupid situations she’s put herself in. She expects your full attention whenever she demands it and is very draining but we do have a lot of good memories together too. Her victim complex is insane.

I’m particularly upset about her trying to one up my mums death. And now she’s gone full on ‘be kind’, constantly posting stories with infographics about checking in on your friends and being being kind to people, as if that isn’t the exact opposite of what she did to me. I know she’ll have twisted the situation to make me look like a bad person with out mutual friends. It’s just really frustrating, especially at a time when I’m grieving.
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I'm sorry to hear about your mum, I hope you're doing as okay as you can be.

In response to this, this person is not your friend. They don't sound like they even have the capacity to think of anyone but themselves. The initial reach out of wanting to go shopping to take your mind off things was sweet but it was all downhill from there and the fact that you're actually spending time thinking about this situation when you've just experienced a loss in your life is not good. Your energy needs to be spent around people who truly value and care about you, and some people literally don't have the capacity sometimes.
I had a very entitled friend like this and eventually I just had to cut them off. You can't be the victim in every situation, it's draining and exhausting. Being there for someone else will not kill you. Also the posting of how to be a good friend and being kind - is your friend my ex friend cut your losses and cut them out in my opinion. You don't owe an explanation and you need to focus on yourself and your journey.
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I'm sorry to hear about your mum, I hope you're doing as okay as you can be.
Thank you so much

I completely agree with you and really appreciate the advice. I’m sure in six months time I won’t be the one missing her and it’ll be the other way around when she’s got nobody.

Regarding the ‘be kind’ posts, I’m sure they only post them due to some kind of subconscious guilt about their own behaviour
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Posted in the local fb group asking for nail tech recommendations as mine has moved away and it’s too far for me to travel.

Post was declined with the feedback of ‘we don’t allow advertisements in this group’. Right, fair enough.
Next three posts I see in the group back to back - ‘can anyone recommend a child minder/cake maker/piano teacher’.
How I cannot seem to sleep through the night for the life of me. 5hrs of sleep, then wake up and struggle to go back to sleep until my alarm. Seeing 2am, 3am or 4am in the clock all the time just isn’t it
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Bloody stupid online speed awareness course. I booked to do an online course rather than getting points, logged in on my laptop and the trainer logged in a few minutes later, he checked my license, told me what time the party started - then went.
I sat there waiting for it to start for 15mins, logged out and logged back in, then tried to log in on my mobile but he wouldn't admit me.

From looking online, it seems you are supposed to log out after the trainer checks your license, then log back in when the session starts. But he didn't explain that.

£90 and half a days annual leave wasted, cheers Drivetech, bunch of twats
How I cannot seem to sleep through the night for the life of me. 5hrs of sleep, then wake up and struggle to go back to sleep until my alarm. Seeing 2am, 3am or 4am in the clock all the time just isn’t it
I understand and feel for you, I'm the same, watching every hour going round, I'd love to be able to just have a decent nights sleep.
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I used a foot mask a few days ago to soften hard skin on heels, blimey it's been peeling alot, so sore, it's abit like having sunburn then peeling, have now smothered them in sudocream, shan't be doing that again!
My son does a performing arts class and a seperate dance class, at both classes each week there is a child who sobs and begs not to go into the class, I don't mean 'need a bit of encouragement' reluctance, but a full "please please I don't want to go in" screaming and crying and being forced by their parent. These classes are completely extracurricular and not compulsory, there's no Tap n' Twirl twag man issuing fines and warnings for non attendance, so why do these parents torture these poor kids? One girl sounded so distressed a few minutes ago I actually had tears in my eyes and I am made of granite!
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I need to shower, my hair looks gross but I don't want to, it's cold and I have to blow-dry my hair. Too much effort.
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Minor annoyance that the weather is going to be 24° today so I won't be able to wear my new winter coat and boots. Piss off summer, your time is up.
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It’s so bloody hot and I’m all sweaty and disgusting, yet everywhere I go people are wearing their winter coats
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Massive internet outage at work. It's been over two hours and can't do anything. But do they authorize telework? No of course not. Much better to have us all sitting here on our phones, doing sweet FA.
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