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VIP Member
I don't regret not saving but I do wish i had spent my money on travelling in my early 20s rather than clothes and makeup.

I also regret not getting to know my husband sooner and wasting working together but not getting together for 2 years - i just think of the things we could have done and seen in that time, especially now our world has become so small for a little while.
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Well-known member
if you‘d like to eventually get back to holidays again maybe you could build up with little goals
  1. ferry to Isle of Wight
  2. eurostar to France - come back same day
  3. overnight in France or Belgium
  4. weekend in dublin
  5. weekend in europe
just build up your confidence slowly rather than try a whole holiday in one go xx
Some good ideas there thank you :) I have been meaning to do little trips even random sleep overs in the uk like a local ish hotel and stuff ❤ Thank you for trying to help xxx
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VIP Member
I regret not living at home longer and saving money and going not going to uni sooner. I'd be much better off rn.
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Well-known member
Too many... going to uni.... not going to America when I was younger and now I have a fear of going abroad.... staying friends with toxic people too long .... letting anxiety hold me back ... millions more haha x


Chatty Member
I regret not making a better decision about what I wanted to do when I left college. I just left and then got a job 2 weeks later and was there for 10 years. I wish that I had taken the time to do a night course and really aimed higher and not been doing crappy admin work for the last 13 years now. I feel like I don’t have a lot to be proud of when it comes to my working life and I regret that. I regret that it means that I won’t ever earn much, regret that it means I can’t give my child the best life they could possibly have, I regret that I will have to work till I’m 70 because I won’t be able to afford to give up.

I also regret sleeping with a meth addict but there we go :)!


Not putting any money aside for savings when I was younger working full time and just throwing it away every month

Not travelling more before I had a child

Please don’t judge but, not waiting till I was a bit older to have a child I was 21 when I got pregnant but my partner had been told he couldn’t have children and he’d tired previously with another partner so it didn’t feel right to not have the little one


Thanks. She was an amazing person and I cherish our friendship so much. I miss her everyday. She did make me realise that true friendship will last a lifetime. I know that the memories we made will stay forever and I value them more than I would having a false friendship with people who cannot be bothered with me.
I too have a family now. I am a totally different person to who I was when I knew most of the people it bothers me about. But it still bothers me. I also look at the way some of them treated me when we were friends and I know the right thing would be notto be bothered, but I am.
have you lost any friends having children? I have lost one friend who I considered to be one of my best friends. We lived together, he stayed with my family, I got him two jobs but I had my son last year and he no longer bothers with me x
Thanks. She was an amazing person and I cherish our friendship so much. I miss her everyday. She did make me realise that true friendship will last a lifetime. I know that the memories we made will stay forever and I value them more than I would having a false friendship with people who cannot be bothered with me.
I too have a family now. I am a totally different person to who I was when I knew most of the people it bothers me about. But it still bothers me. I also look at the way some of them treated me when we were friends and I know the right thing would be notto be bothered, but I am.
have you lost any friends having children? I have lost one friend who I considered to be one of my best friends. We lived together, he stayed with my family, I got him two jobs but I had my son last year and he no longer bothers with me x
Sounds like you had an amazing friendship and it's so nice you have many memories to cherish ❤
No i haven't had it from having kids, but it's such a shame that your friend has done that after everything! Mine is from loads of different friendship groups from school age ones to one's not so long ago where it just seems to be me that's not part of it anymore, I just wonder what it is I do to push these people away 🤷‍♀️ it's not like I've fallen out with anyone. I am having a bit of a shit year and I think it's bothering me more because I'm realising how much life is to short for it all x
When he told me he liked me as in liked liked me and I walked away stupid mistake.

Also never listening to my head when It told me to leave 7 years ago

Also laughing it off when he tried to kiss me

Ffs I really am a dumb bitch


VIP Member
Being away :( get really home sick and have panic attacks can’t sleep or anything when there xxxxx
if you‘d like to eventually get back to holidays again maybe you could build up with little goals
  1. ferry to Isle of Wight
  2. eurostar to France - come back same day
  3. overnight in France or Belgium
  4. weekend in dublin
  5. weekend in europe
just build up your confidence slowly rather than try a whole holiday in one go xx


VIP Member
Not having driving lessons when I was younger. I was so much more confident then. I'm almost 47 and in i couldn't even think about having lessons now. No confidence at all :(
Do it! A friend of mine learnt and passed at 50 and wishes she did it sooner!


Chatty Member
Moving to another city to stay in the same line of work then absolutely loathing the job in that company and the place, staying there for two years as my mum has this small-town, saving face mentality, where she cares too much about what others think - couldn’t have her daughter doing a big move to the city then coming back after six months.
I wish I’d just moved abroad after the first contract was up, would’ve saved me two years of misery.
Getting a pixie cut - the grow out stage was awful.
The countless times I’ve gained weight back after a decent loss.
Having not seen some relatives for years before they died.


Active member
Another one... Over the years I've drifted apart from friends, I know this happens but when I look at all these friends they are all still so close to others who we were friends with too. It's the case with most of the different groups, I've obviously come to realise it must be me 😔 I don't know what I do wrong, I wish I knew what it was 😢
Please don’t feel like it’s you. It’s not.

we all have different ways of forming and maintaining relationships. I’ve lost a lot of friends due to being in a relationship. Sometimes it’s too hard to keep several plates spinning in terms of dedicating enough time for everyone. Perhaps they’re a bit like me! It’s never too late to reconnect either! I’ve reconnected with my best friend from school after not speaking for almost 3 years and our conversation flowed as if we had only seen each other yesterday! x


Active member
I understand how you feel - I felt the same and still do to a certain degree now (my son is 8). He wasn't even born prematurely, I had a super easy pregnancy, straightforward birth...and I know the first weeks, even years are hard for all parents, but I often thought "I really shouldn't have had a baby". And he was a lovely baby and is mostly a great kid. It's just..I don't enjoy being a mother. I don't think I was made to be a mother. I never really liked playing with him, I hate playgrounds and I often found activities with him excruciatingly boring. I love him, I really do - but I feel I would've had a great life without him, too. Sorry if this sounds mean, it's not supposed to be. I try my best to be a good mother and he's a happy child (I think!). I'm just glad I never had a second one. And yes, it does get better as they grow older. But I think it's also OK to admit having a child might not have been the best decision.

Edit: I did enjoy the lockdown with my son :)
Thank you for this.

I'm sure I do have a bit of postnatal depression - I went to the doctors when he was a few weeks old and told them I didn't want him and didn't love him - the GP told me it was normal 🤷🏻‍♀️ so after that I didn't mention it to anyone again.

But I think overall it was just the wrong decision for me to have a baby. He's a wonderful toddler, happy, silly and bloody beautiful and I do my absolute best for him as none of it is his fault but if I could turn back time I don't think I'd do it again.


VIP Member
Too many... going to uni.... not going to America when I was younger and now I have a fear of going abroad.... staying friends with toxic people too long .... letting anxiety hold me back ... millions more haha x
have you got a fear of flying or of being away from home ? X


Chatty Member
Not sure if you are interested in doing an allied health care degree, you are able to get funding regardless of whether you have done a degree prior. Only condition is that you haven't already done an allied health care degree (if I remember correct). This can be anything from nursing, physiotherapy, radiography etc.
Oh that's interesting. But I think those courses require A levels. I failed all of mine due to problems at home. I got into my degree course with my portfolio of artwork, it was an art course.


Well-known member
I wish I had worked harder in school, went to a good college then to uni... if I done it all now I’d have to start at the very beginning and it’d cost a lot of money!

I also wish I had tried harder at breastfeeding. I ended up expressing for a slow and painful 5 and a half weeks but if I had tried harder at helping my baby latch I maybe wouldn’t have had to express instead 🤷‍♀️


VIP Member
Not having driving lessons when I was younger. I was so much more confident then. I'm almost 47 and in i couldn't even think about having lessons now. No confidence at all :(
I passed first time at 31 in an automatic. Never felt the need to drive before as I'd always lived in places with brilliant public transport. It was having kids that was the spur. Tried learning in a manual but I was too nervous and hated the pressure of stalling at lights/roundabouts. Automatics are so easy. X