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VIP Member
woke up around 8 with a terrible headache because my bf wouldn't stop talking through the night
took a painkiller and went back to bed until about 10
had breakfast and went to the couch and napped some more
when i got up i tidied a bit around the house and played some videogames with bf
now i'm going to get ready and then get my brows done for the first time since march lol

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Up at 4:45, and went for a 10 mile run (with mandatory mask on - not easy)
Home, showered, dressed in casuals, checked work emails
breakfast, read online papers, Tattled
Zoomed g/f for 20 mins
IT work for a couple of hours
Had a dip in the pool, read book on patio
lunch of a simple salad
Drove to Pretoria Central for some odds and ends.
Now in my bedroom continuing with my IT Citrix studies for another hour or so

under the ivy

VIP Member
It’s my final day of work today! I’ve not had any leave since April - doing a PhD isn’t a taxing job compared to front line workers, retail staff and everyone else who has been hard at work this year. But I need a break nonetheless!

Woke up at 8, had a coffee
Sent some emails / set up my out of office
Did a leg workout with my weights / 30 min spin on my exercise bike
Had some soup for dinner
Started putting my books/notes away - I don’t want to look at them over Christmas
Currently waiting for an Argos delivery whilst Tattling & eating a bar of Galaxy!

watermelon sugar

VIP Member
Not much, as always. Slept better last night. Woke up at 6
We went for a big walk to the prom & had an hour at the park with the little one. Walked back
I nipped in Asda. Was gonna buy my fella an advent calendar but they were all crap. Spotted this "cheese roulette" and we love cheese so I got it
Got home put baby down for nap. So we played cheese roulette. Spin the dice you eat the cheese the dice says
There was a proper dark red cheese we both had half it was sooooo spicy probs the spiciest thing I've ever had. This was at 2pm and we can still taste it
I developed a bit of a headache in the afternoon so I went for a nap. Not done much else cos I feel sick, just lying on the couch :(


VIP Member
All I have done today is wake up, put my ear drops in, had a couple of cups of coffee and made phone call to a shop asking if they have the Jacket I need in stock.

I'm not working today, yesterday was brutal, cold, wet and I got home after a 12 hour day feeling like a drowned rat, I got soaked so today I'm stiff and sore and very tired.

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Up at 6am, showered and dressed
Had breakfast at 7, Tattled and read some news
Set off for Carlisle for 10am PCR test
Bought a few stocking fillers while in Carlisle, had a BLT and returned home
Did some more packing, slowly emptying chest freezer and fridge
Tattled and snogged the arse off my g/f, who will be heading home tomorrow :(
Decided to take my Christmas tree and decs down because I won't be here for Christmas, and it will look quite ridiculous returning home in April to be greeted by a tree in my living room!
Will probably spend the rest of the day in a state of high anxiety and getting drunk/high as I wait for my test results - which will probably happen tomorrow
Had scrambled eggs & bacon on toast for tea
Switched off chest freezer now that its empty
Posted last of the Christmas cards to neighbours
Final night with g/f for 4 or 5 months so we'll probably have a few drinks and eat junk while watching TV in bed
Day done


VIP Member
Another day in isolation for us.
Woke up just before 8
Made kids breakfast
Kept them alive for the day
Sorted out my wardrobe and bagged up clothes to take the clothes bank when I’m out of isolation
Had a shower and washed my hair
Airwrapped my hair
Made the kids tea, bathed them and put them to bed.
Now watching blind spot and waiting for a belated birthday takeaway (I turned 31 yesterday)
happy belated birthday! ❤


VIP Member
Not a lot today....

got up put a wash on
had a cuppa and came on here
had shower and got ready
popped to the shop
came home cleaned kitchen
watched tv for rest of the day while dipping into the celebrations. :LOL:


Well-known member
Fab day today
Bumped into parents (truth - tier 3 so not allowed to see)
Butchers, Bakers and Greengrocers
Dogs walked 5 miles via garden centre
xmas tree bought (they deliver)
hubby made tea whilst I did a bit of cleaning
hubby watching cooking program and I’m on here ( bit bored which is how I came upon this thread)


Well-known member
Hey, I’m really sorry to hear this.
Over the past 2 years I’ve had a couple of operations on my left kidney to remove a stone that my surgeon thought had been in there since childhood, I found out a few weeks ago (also on the phone) that basically my left kidney no longer functions. It wasn’t such a shock but still obviously worrying. If you ever want to chat just reach out. I hope you and your boy have a good day tomorrow x
I may hold you to that. Just trying to get my head around it all. Doesn’t help that the husband is acting like a child because he can’t see his parents tomorrow 💕

under the ivy

VIP Member
Walked to Sainsburys local just to get out. It’s a 30 minute walk there and back.
Tidied up a bit. Set my new FitBit up.
Made chicken burgers and sweet potato wedges for tea.
Now watching Gossip Girl with pretzels.


VIP Member
Tidyed the house
went to Costa and treated myself to a turkey and all the trimmings Toastie and a Terry's chocolate orange hot chocolate :)
popped to B&M to get a few bits
came home got my tree and xmas decorations out
and I've just put a wash on.


Chatty Member
Got up at 8am
Went for my brows maintenance at 9:30
Then to M&S to pick up some Christmas gifts and food
Home - walked the dog
Cleaned up
Ironing while binging Dawson’s creek on Netflix
Tonight I’ll watch Strictly and probably more DC
I watched it originally when it was aired and now reliving my teens watching it again on Netflix

under the ivy

VIP Member
Was so tired this morning - didn’t get to sleep til 2am. Got up made a coffee, took some paracetamol and went back to bed with coffee.
Had a shower once I felt better.
Tesco shop came.
Took down Christmas decorations
Made tea
Watched Masked Singer / Tattled
Now in bed watching that celebrity documentary on iPlayer


VIP Member
Worked from 9-2
Went for a walk & to get coffee
Came back, 30 min HIIT workout
Had a bath
Cooked dinner
Now waiting on a Zoom call for a birthday party for one of my friends back home.

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Woke at 8am (had a nice 2 hour lie-in)
No run this morning, just went for a leisurely walk (with mask on)
Returned home, showered, had breakfast with parents
Zoomed g/f for 30 mins - told her I would be returning home to England next Saturday.
Spent another hour reading online news websites
Helped mom with changing bed sheet and washing
Helped Dad drain and clean the swimming pool
had lunch - chicken and salad sarnies
Watched last couple of episodes of S1 of the Crown
Sunbathed for an hour (fell asleep)
Zoomed a couple of friends
Had dinner - roast chicken
Showered, read an IT book for an hour
Now watching The X-Files on my tablet by the pool on the patio
5 days to go.


VIP Member
I made a cheese and red onion loaf yesterday evening. Big big mistake.
The entire house reeks of the most foul bad feet. Its bloody freezing and I'm sitting here shivering watching dinner date with every window open. It seems to have permeated through the entire house. My daughter's room is in the attic and when I went to wake her this morning she said' what's that bad smell' 😬.
It came alright and tastes okay but I used two cheeses and one was extra mature 🤦🧀
Maybe there should be a thread on cooking disasters.
Sounds lovely to me. Have you got a smelly candle you can light?


VIP Member
Woke up around 4am, tried to figure out the time for a while and went back to sleep. Woke up again around 7, sorted myself out, had breakfast and a coffee because I was still feeling a bit tired. Worked from home until lunch, did a bit of tidying after having some pasta and salad. Afternoon was pretty much dead in terms of work so I watched some Youtube and had a chat with a friend who lives abroad. Early dinner was fresh bread and cheese 🙏 Watched some TV, had a cup of tea and did my stretches. Now I'm Tattling for a bit before I go to sleep. Killing my sleep with all the screen light as I type!