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VIP Member
5 hours of working in between school runs and it was busy, so I feel tired.

Catch up on here after school with my boy watched Christmas Chronicles 2, which I really want to watch but just couldn’t be bothered to focus on today!
I’m having an early bath before tea now. We’re going to have a chippy because I’ve realised I don’t have the mozzarella I need for my recipe. So it’s a good enough reason to completely sack cooking off!

Then will do some school reading, get things ready for the morning and do some more of my puzzle whilst we watch I’m a Celeb.
Got are you awake off of stepdaughter at 4.30 this morning told her to get in bed with me and try to sleep kicked in the ribs till 5 gave up at 5.30 painted her nails and toe nails red and gold surprised I managed to see nail at that time in morning. Talked about Christmas got her ready for day so her daddy only has to feed her breakfast and rebrush teeth. Got ready for work partner took me to work. Stepdaughter cried. Nice 8 till 7 today. Don't know what doing later.. but tomorrow another 8-7

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Up at 4:30am just as the sun was rising
Another mundane 11 mile run
Showered, dressed and had a full English breakfast - my first since arriving in SA 3 weeks ago, and was fab!
Zoomed g/f
Spent an hour sunbathing on the patio and reading a book about Citrix administration
Had lunch, zoomed g/f again
Tattled and sunbathed for another hour
Becoming my grumpy without access to alcohol. Parents getting on my nerves
Currently watching "Simon Schama's Power of Art"


Work. Lots of work. Besides, I'm sitting at home right now, so there's nothing interesting going on. On the bright side, I started reading a new book that I've been putting off for a long time. If anyone knows a good pancake recipe, let me know, it will be something to do.


Well-known member
Woke up at 5.30. Cup of tea and painkillers. Back to be at 6.15. Slept till 9. Up and let dogs out, they then returned to bed 😂. Wrapped some Xmas gifts. Washed a load of bedding. Packed a bag for a night away tomorrow. Had a bath. Styled hair, ate toast. Remade beds. More drugs. Sat tattling and watching a documentary about the dingo baby in Australia. Called dad to tell him dinner ready at 6.30.


VIP Member
Normal Sunday for me, computer and video's on the Kindle.

I did finish off an experiment with an old Asus eee desktop computer, total failure sadly, installed a SSD and windows 10 but it was so slow and wouldn't update so I just put the original drive back in it. Might of been a failure but it was interesting that win10 actually installed in the first place.


VIP Member
Walked the dog
Took Christmas decs down
Played a board game
Made tea while watching All Creatures Great & Small special
Are tea
Watched 2 episodes of This is Us.


Well-known member
Had my college class online this morning as normal, afternoon one was cancelled.
Took the dog to the park.
Rest of the day is pretty much just finishing whatever bits of coursework I have left and then getting ready for bed I suppose.

under the ivy

VIP Member
Woke up still feeling ill, laid in bed on my phone checking emails/tattle
Had a shower/coffee
Took my kitten to the vets (all ok just jabs)
Sent some work emails
Got in bed and napped as I’m not feeling well
Woke up again after nap to have some tea
Got back in bed and I watched Nigella and University Challenge

Sick of this stomach bug/cold (no pun intended 😆)


VIP Member
Not much but just came here to say that every time I read this thread title I sing ‘to make ya feel proud?!’ to myself.


VIP Member
Not a great deal today, woke up about 10am, coffee, tattle, played Lego Rock Raiders on my very old computer a good part of the day. I'm back to work on Tuesday, well I'm phoning up the office and asking them if they want me in. It's possible they might want me to standby at home in case there is work down my way.

under the ivy

VIP Member
Feel better today with stomach bug so caught up with PhD work.
Took delivery of Sainsburys food.
Made tea - had loads of veg. Felt like my body needed it.
Now I’m in bed watching Series 2 of The Crown with some chocolate shortbread.


VIP Member
woke up at 7 got up at 8
cracked on with work while having a coffee
a friend of mine joined me and we worked together until 11:30
then bf made ''breakfast'' and after that i continued working
had a business call around 2 and then worked some more
going between phases of not being able to do anything and working like crazy
i think i'm done with work for the day otherwise i'll quit
gonna have a nice long relaxing shower now and wash my hair
then my sister will come pick up some stuff and then i'll go for a walk
probably dinner after that and some videogames
just to add: had a two hour long conversation / crying session with bf 😂


Well-known member
Woke up at 8.45am, had my first class at 9, had a break from 10.30am to 1.30pm so spent the time cleaning up around my room and washing my hair, second class from 1.30 to 3.30, continued cleaning and filled in my journal. I had my dinner around 5.00pm as I was quite hungry, and have just spent the evening in bed watching TV.


VIP Member
Woke up 9ish with a banging headache. Continuous late nights do me no good. Stayed in bed for about an hour and then dragged my bed loving 8 year old out of bed too. Had some breakfast and went on the Switch to play his new game with him. Then did another bag of Lego and played with some of his toys.

Did a bit of washing and put another loaf of bread on. The bread making is going well but I’ve been ruining it by slicing too soon. This one is cooling fully before I slice it so hopefully will be better.

Made us turkey baguettes and watched “in for a Christmas penny”. It’s so stupid but makes us laugh out loud. Made a Slimming World tikka masala to freeze for when I have to be good again in the NY 🙄

Now back on the switch before giving the boy a bath and early night. Will watch a bit of tv tonight but then also get off to bed earlier and try not to be distracted by phone or tv!


Chatty Member
Got home from work around 8.15, helped get the kids sorted for school/nursery and husband did the school run while I had a shower and stuck on a load of washing. Folded clean laundry to be put away, tidied away toys in living room, had a roll with square sausage and a cup of tea then went to bed. Woke up at 1.30 as husband had to collect 5yo from school early to take him to specialist eye appointment, so 3yo stayed at home with me. Made him a snack and watched Inside Out with him, too tired was nice to chill. Later put up more Christmas decorations/lights outside and am now making dinner.
That’s very little sleep, especially after working :oops: how did you function rest of the day?


VIP Member
A nice quiet day actually. Got up and pottered about, prepped Beef Stroganoff for dinner while listening to the radio. Put the washing away and attempted a small dog groom which wasn’t a disaster. Walked the dog now dinner and catch up with the Masked Singer with the kids.


VIP Member
Up and did the before school routine. Called at the shop on the way back from school run to get sausage and buns for mine and other half’s breakfast. He was a right mardy so and so yesterday, so I thought this may put him in a better mood.

Made us brekky, he left half his as the sausages were “spicy”. They weren’t.

I decided to get on with some cleaning. Dusted and hoovered the 3 bedrooms. Cleaned the bathroom. Hoovered the stairs. Listened to the new My Dad wrote a Porno Christmas episode at the same time.

Came downstairs and wrapped the rest of the kids presents.

Received no help during all of that. He was doing some work, even though it’s supposed to be his day off. Fed up of his miserable attitude so went upstairs to chill for 20 mins before the school run. He came up and made a sarcastic comment about having a great day off. Clearly it’s my job to suggest something to do, as he can’t possibly! I called him up on his twatty attitude, he told me to forget it 😂

Thankfully it’s now school run time so I’ll go do that before I knock his block off. Bloody men. Sorry for ranting, I feel better now though!
Hope he cheers up x

1001 others

VIP Member
I cleaned out the messy cupboard in my hallway, which I've been meaning to do for absolutely ages - and I found something I thought I'd lost forever which made my day :giggle: ... goodness knows how it got in there; anyhoo, it was a great find. I even managed to sort said-cupboard, getting my Dymo label printer out in the process to neatly label what's on each shelf.

I feel inspired to keep going ... I really want to deep clean my kitchen cupboards next, so might make it my mission to do one wall each day this week.


Well-known member
My day has been spent working and shopping online for Christmas presents. Going to have an early night tonight as I was wide awake since 4.30 this morning.