What do you want to rant about today? #19

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Urgh Dolly has probably done more to improve literacy than most academics could dream of! Some people just get off on pulling others down to try and raise their own profile. I think the majority would see right through this with the profile Dolly already has, like you said she just comes across as the sweetest lady!
The more vile abuse people pump out the more clicks and money they get.
People click on nasty rather than nice. 😔
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I am really annoyed that I’m feeling so insecure and comparing myself to women in their early 20s. Just wish I looked like that still :(
The only thing that helps me with that is reminding myself that they will be over 30 soon too 🤣 no one stays young forever
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The only thing that helps me with that is reminding myself that they will be over 30 soon too 🤣 no one stays young forever
Yeah, I'm 55 soon & I'm at the stage where I don't give a toss! Everyone else is really only thinking about themselves & don't notice anyone else anyway. Just try to be happy in yourself ❤
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Im 33 and do this constantly to myself and it gives me so much anxiety and insecurity.
I was okay with myself until I hit 40 and that feeling of not being young anymore was really devastating for a while, still it a bit sometimes. I still feel like a "girl" despite my years.
Yeah, I'm 55 soon & I'm at the stage where I don't give a toss! Everyone else is really only thinking about themselves & don't notice anyone else anyway. Just try to be happy in yourself ❤
My mum reached that stage, it is very freeing. I cannot wait for it to happen to me!
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To be fair, another thing that helps me is seeing some accounts on Instagram of women over 40 and 50 and older even who are in amazing shape, super fit and look much younger. There's something to say about taking care of your skin, eating healthy, exercising etc. I'm pretty fit now and I hope I can stay like this for a while, so those accounts motivate me as they show it doesn't have to all be downhill as you age
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Yeah, I'm 55 soon & I'm at the stage where I don't give a toss! Everyone else is really only thinking about themselves & don't notice anyone else anyway. Just try to be happy in yourself ❤
Absolutely. There is something very liberating and wonderful when you suddenly realise that you don’t really care what people think of you and say what you want to say (without being harmful or disrespectful) to others. Yes, when you’re in your fifties or even forties and you suddenly feel less attractive because you’re getting old andyour figure is going south! You then start to have the energy, time and money to invest in yourself with diet, exercise and products.
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I bought some zip bags to organise the kids toys, I had to go to my parents house last night, came back this afternoon and the bags are nowhere to be found and everyone claims utter ignorance. Kill me. Someone knows something.
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So, I know the Telegraph has certain biases and will be using this story to push an agenda but it still absolutely boils my piss to see Dolly Parton, one of the sweetest and kindest and most accepting people alive, as far as we can tell, be accused of all these things by Jennifer Stone.

This person is everything wrong with academia in the 21st century and an utter disgrace who will do more harm than good. What is wrong with these people!!!

God this is infuriating! I suspect anyone attacking Dolly and her amazing Imagination library scheme has zero first hand experience of growing up in poverty - unlike Dolly who did grow up knowing very hard times, and as a result completely understands how much difference having access to books can make to a child's life.
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Only place I can say this as obviously wouldn't say it to anyone I know personally but my 8 year old is a spoilt, rude little witch.
I know it's our fault for spoiling her but her attitude is disgraceful and she has started swearing which of course she always gets disciplined for.
When she does get told off she starts fake howling crying to make herself actually cry saying noone loves her. At bedtime we put her to bed and she gets out at least 10 times. And is still bleeping around at 10pm. In the end I just shout get into bed, we've had enough and she eventually goes.
She has big black circles round her eyes because she clearly isn't getting enough sleep.
On the first of many times putting her into bed she starts with the depressive fake crying voice saying I'm so sorry for being a disappointment and for for being naughty. It actually pisses me off because it's every single night and just another ploy to get out of bedtime.
We make sure she's well exercised so it's not even as if she should have any extra energy.
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Only place I can say this as obviously wouldn't say it to anyone I know personally but my 8 year old is a spoilt, rude little witch.
I know it's our fault for spoiling her but her attitude is disgraceful and she has started swearing which of course she always gets disciplined for.
When she does get told off she starts fake howling crying to make herself actually cry saying noone loves her. At bedtime we put her to bed and she gets out at least 10 times. And is still bleeping around at 10pm. In the end I just shout get into bed, we've had enough and she eventually goes.
She has big black circles round her eyes because she clearly isn't getting enough sleep.
On the first of many times putting her into bed she starts with the depressive fake crying voice saying I'm so sorry for being a disappointment and for for being naughty. It actually pisses me off because it's every single night and just another ploy to get out of bedtime.
We make sure she's well exercised so it's not even as if she should have any extra energy.
Do you think ignoring her would work? Honestly O think most children can be assholes. I’m yet to meet a perfect child
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Do you think ignoring her would work? Honestly O think most children can be assholes. I’m yet to meet a perfect child
We were offered a camel for her when we went to Morocco. Should have taken them up on the offer 😉

I'm mostly ignoring her now. Whenever she comes down now I just say get to bed, without even looking at her and she goes away for 10 mins then comes back so I just say the same again.
She's just came down now and said she won't come down again. At this point I don't even care if she stays awake in her bedroom. Just piss off 😂
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Only place I can say this as obviously wouldn't say it to anyone I know personally but my 8 year old is a spoilt, rude little witch.
I know it's our fault for spoiling her but her attitude is disgraceful and she has started swearing which of course she always gets disciplined for.
When she does get told off she starts fake howling crying to make herself actually cry saying noone loves her. At bedtime we put her to bed and she gets out at least 10 times. And is still bleeping around at 10pm. In the end I just shout get into bed, we've had enough and she eventually goes.
She has big black circles round her eyes because she clearly isn't getting enough sleep.
On the first of many times putting her into bed she starts with the depressive fake crying voice saying I'm so sorry for being a disappointment and for for being naughty. It actually pisses me off because it's every single night and just another ploy to get out of bedtime.
We make sure she's well exercised so it's not even as if she should have any extra energy.
I get you with the spoilt child thing. I love mine dearly of course, but I am too soft on her and I do give her lots and she can be so bloody ungrateful. I know I'm overcompensating for my childhood as I always said I'd be nothing like my mother.

I always think of that verse by Phillip larkin (?)

They duck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. And add some extra, just for you
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Only place I can say this as obviously wouldn't say it to anyone I know personally but my 8 year old is a spoilt, rude little witch.
I know it's our fault for spoiling her but her attitude is disgraceful and she has started swearing which of course she always gets disciplined for.
When she does get told off she starts fake howling crying to make herself actually cry saying noone loves her. At bedtime we put her to bed and she gets out at least 10 times. And is still bleeping around at 10pm. In the end I just shout get into bed, we've had enough and she eventually goes.
She has big black circles round her eyes because she clearly isn't getting enough sleep.
On the first of many times putting her into bed she starts with the depressive fake crying voice saying I'm so sorry for being a disappointment and for for being naughty. It actually pisses me off because it's every single night and just another ploy to get out of bedtime.
We make sure she's well exercised so it's not even as if she should have any extra energy.
Do you think she's spoiled or she has some issues? No expert on children at all but I was a tantrum child and I'm a tantrum adult and really wish I got some professional help. I did have something awful happen to me but was a tantrum child even before that. Some kind just have major negative affect personality for no reason
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Absolutely. There is something very liberating and wonderful when you suddenly realise that you don’t really care what people think of you and say what you want to say (without being harmful or disrespectful) to others. Yes, when you’re in your fifties or even forties and you suddenly feel less attractive because you’re getting old andyour figure is going south! You then start to have the energy, time and money to invest in yourself with diet, exercise and products.
Not this part for many of us nowadays but you can do stuff without the need for cash, like walking and working out at home. Healthier food tends to be ridiculously expensive which is something I wish more would campaign against... drives me barmy when all the special offers in supermarkets are only on the junk like chocolate biscuits.
God this is infuriating! I suspect anyone attacking Dolly and her amazing Imagination library scheme has zero first hand experience of growing up in poverty - unlike Dolly who did grow up knowing very hard times, and as a result completely understands how much difference having access to books can make to a child's life.
People like Jennifer Stone are almost always what they claim to stand against - white, wealthy, well educated. They baffle me utterly and I can only assume they are self-hating spoilt brats having a tanturm for attention.

The good thing is I've not seen anybody defend this person, even fellow academics are expressing disgust.
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Only place I can say this as obviously wouldn't say it to anyone I know personally but my 8 year old is a spoilt, rude little witch.
I know it's our fault for spoiling her but her attitude is disgraceful and she has started swearing which of course she always gets disciplined for.
When she does get told off she starts fake howling crying to make herself actually cry saying noone loves her. At bedtime we put her to bed and she gets out at least 10 times. And is still bleeping around at 10pm. In the end I just shout get into bed, we've had enough and she eventually goes.
She has big black circles round her eyes because she clearly isn't getting enough sleep.
On the first of many times putting her into bed she starts with the depressive fake crying voice saying I'm so sorry for being a disappointment and for for being naughty. It actually pisses me off because it's every single night and just another ploy to get out of bedtime.
We make sure she's well exercised so it's not even as if she should have any extra energy.
If the acting out is a sudden change, maybe speak to her and see if something is bothering her. Maybe she's having problems at school that are upsetting her?

My son is around the same age, and we've had this getting out of bed phase twice. The first time it turned out something was bothering him, but the second time he was just pushing his luck.
I knocked it on the head by telling him for every time he got out of bed for anything other than needing the toilet or being unwell, he would go to bed 15 minutes earlier the following night. And I always follow through on this sort of thing, so it only took a night of being sent to bed at half past 6 for him to realise I was being serious.
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Not a rant as such but just a sad thing I can’t get past.

held my baby neice yesterday and was stroking her little cheeks when her head lolled and as a result I ended up poking her in the eye. Can’t stop thinking about it and feel so awful when I remember her sad little cry 😭 genuinely so scared to hold her now
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Not a rant as such but just a sad thing I can’t get past.

held my baby neice yesterday and was stroking her little cheeks when her head lolled and as a result I ended up poking her in the eye. Can’t stop thinking about it and feel so awful when I remember her sad little cry 😭 genuinely so scared to hold her now
Aw don't feel bad! When I first babysat my neice she cried nonstop and I lasted half an hour before I called my sister. We can laugh about it now about how we were both traumatised. She still is unsure of me now 😂 she wont remember it.
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Not a rant as such but just a sad thing I can’t get past.

held my baby neice yesterday and was stroking her little cheeks when her head lolled and as a result I ended up poking her in the eye. Can’t stop thinking about it and feel so awful when I remember her sad little cry 😭 genuinely so scared to hold her now
Aw don’t worry, she won’t remember!

I once looked after my niece who was around 10 months at the time, she was sitting down and fell forward onto a step. The size of the egg on her forehead was massive! It looked horrendous, I’d got a 5 yr old and a 1 yr old at the time so I was well experienced in looking after kids. Luckily my sister was ok about it!
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Put myself forward to work in the polling station for some extra money as I’m not currently working, didn’t realise until I was chosen that I’d be working 0615-2200 without a break! It does say that they know it’s out of the legal working hours and that we must bring our own food and drink as we can’t go anywhere to get anything. It’s £200 for the day, plus £30 for the online training I did but you also have to pay tax on that (unsure if I will need to as I don’t have a job currently, but I’m sure they will tax me regardless) 🙄
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