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This tweet predates her 'Jewishness' and says she's done genealogical research into her (paternal) family, directly contradicting the 'lots to unpick' tweet.

View attachment 413490

(Apparently her family owned the whole of the west end of Glasgow, or something).

View attachment 413510

ETA "the Partick of Byre" in the first screenshot is a nonsensical phrase. Does she mean the byres of Partick? Who knows. When she first started working through in Glasgow, she described everywhere in the west end, from Queen Margaret Drive to Park Circus, as "Kelvinside".
Further ETA - sorry about this, uh, ~granular~ take on the geography of Glasgow, it's just she was acting like the expert in all things Glasgow when she started working here and was getting really basic stuff completely wrong. Park Circus isn't Kelvinside you dolt.
For some reason this is the stuff that has made me laugh the most. Your family owned the West End? DID YE AYE? But you don’t know anything about anyone beyond your immediate grandparents? It’s like the kind of chat you‘d get in a gaff at 5am at a Glasgow uni after party back in the day.
One of my theories about the Judaism thing since we know that so much of what she does is related to her aesthetic:
Perhaps she believes that her dark striking looks and bold features fit with the (entirely stereotypical) view of what Jewish women/Jewish beauty look like? Not agreeing with this stereotype at all but this struck me when she first starting going on about it. As a child, I found the Jewish faith fascinating (and still do) and I find so much about the culture appealing. But any conversion to a religion is surely based on a discovering of faith and, in this case, a relationship with God? My bet is that she will re-convert back to Catholicism since they are the group that statistically suffer the most hate crime in Scotland (I’m not a Catholic btw).
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I only knew of Vonny because I used to buy the National. I stopped buying it because of said aforementioned roaster who isn’t her who harassed me.

Unfortunately there are a group of zoomers who got semi famous off the back of the Indy movement. She’s one of them. He’s nowhere near as high profile as Vonny. He’s a legend in his own lunchtime.

Vonny reminds me of Jack Monroe in the respect that I used to see Vonnys tweets and think what a terrible time that girl is having

Took me a long time to realise how awful she is.

Wings over Scotland is another one who has made a fortune off the back of the Indy movement and has dined out on the no one does more for the Indy movement than me

Personally. It’s folks like them who ruined yes for me. I’ll vote yes when the time comes but too many people have made cash out of yes when it was people like me and others who did the hard graft in 2014. Like thousands of leaflets in all weathers
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If you did - and that’s a big IF - pull the same card every. Single. Day. For 2 years - do you think you’d notice that “the universe” was trying to send you a message sooner than after 730 consecutive days?
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@Leskank why did it end it tears. Wow, all the tea tonight, love it
I’d split with my ex by the time Vonny and his friend split but from what I recall, he moved in with her and the kids VERY quickly and was immediately put on daddy duty. They argued like hell and it was very on and off- this was around 2014/2015. Next thing she’s with Mr Vintage and has a whole new aesthetic, as is her way. She was more mod/soft core punk whilst with my ex’s friend. I think there was some overlap between the two guys if I recall correctly.

But aye, my ex thought she was an absolute shitebag. They were making that satirical news show, his pal met Vonny and started riding her and next thing she’s muscling her way in claiming to be a journalist and wanting to be artistic director of the whole thing. I mind him saying they would be working away in their office and she would just appear and start spouting shite about what she thought the direction for the show should be and she just WOULD NOT LEAVE. It caused quite a bit of tension between him and his friend because the two of them would be sat there sucking the faces off each other whilst they were meant to be working 😂
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Oh no, that's only been up an hour and it's already got 1.6k likes 😂. No wonder Vonny's being all defensive about it. She's such a joke.

ETA sorry she's a "well known Journalist", according to .... her.

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And here she is 'outing' her 11 year old on twitter to prove some sort of point (she's done this before with her daughter).

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but she was doing the job of five people
"So the uni doesn't close for good" 😂. How *did* Stirling University survive before Vonny started maternity cover?

Did she ever update the “it looks like I have Covid a second time”, to whether she did test positive? Why can nobody who posts online seem to get a test? I live in the same area as her and booked a test for the same day with results back the next day
Yeah, it's weird, despite going to the hospital / doctor many times for COVID-related ailments, nobody ever thought to actually test her for COVID 🤔
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I think vintage guy looks like a 1940s chap who brags to all the ladies that he's a spitfire pilot when in fact he's really in the Catering Corps, on account of his wheezy chest.

He never uses one word when he can use five flowery ones instead. The sort who 'perambulates to his local victualler for some choice provisions' rather than just popping to the shops for a pint of milk.

Love all the insider info tonight
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I think one of the reasons so many people are onto her, is because she decided to present herself as a highly regarded Scottish journalist which is very far from the reality. This has led to many real journalists and media folk taking an active interest in whatever she says and does - she is the talk of the media steamie, let me tell you.
But beyond that, so many of her online followers likely just take a passing notice of her posts and haven’t followed for long enough to see the constant transformations and identity appropriation going on beneath their noses. So on the one hand she continually builds this follower base of people who assume her to be the real deal, while also developing this growing army of journalists and their associated networks who can’t look away and want her to be exposed.
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Vonny first mentioned being Jewish on twitter on the same day as the Squirrel Hill synagogue shooting, which predates her romance with her new husband who as far as I'm aware is not Jewish.
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Sideboard Bob

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She said she's been eating dairy since March because she's not been healthy enough to eat a vegan diet. This doesn't add up with her previous statement about her vegan diet being rich in nutrients. I wonder what her reasons for being vegan were in the first place 🤔
My tinfoil hat theory is that she hoped the press would pick up on the “33 year old vegan runner (with Covid)“ thing in the same way that they did with the “super fit 44 year old” Louisa Compton (Current Head of News and Current Affairs at Channel 4).

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I understand yous need a place to vent but pages like this can cause huge damage to someone so mentally unwell...
I understand what you're saying but it's infuriating just for the casual observer to see her lying for years and years and years - and from someone who considers themselves to be a journalist too. Lying in print is hugely damaging - the Lightning Process thing which was published in the Guardian is evidence of that, in which she shilled for some snake oil company at the expense of people who suffer from debilitating illnesses. It's damaging to journalism itself too. But beyond that, I feel that people close to her want her to stop this nonsense as she's written some extremely hurtful stuff about them and they have no recourse, because she's the one with the twitter (and cultural) clout. If she stops lying, people will stop pointing out her lies - pretending they're going unnoticed is not good for anyone, herself included.

No, I agree.
She's had munchhausen syndrome since a young child. She obviously won't admit this.
She isn't Jewish, doesn't have autism, hasn't had COVId, doesnt have a single degree let alone multiple.
The lies and false identity are most definitely a perpetuating sickness. Stopping and holding her hands up to a life of lies would break her. She won't get help and instead has lost everyone good in her life. It's sad but she will never change
ETA - I do genuinely hope she gets help. I think at this stage it's probably best if she doesn't try to go back into anything in the public eye because her house of cards will come tumbling down. I also think it's good she's off social media as it's just full of enablers who can unintentionally make her even worse and cut her off further from reality.
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Just wanted to pop in and send a virtual hug to @Devorah it must be very difficult to see a family member go through this, and these days with social media (and the actual media sometimes in Vonny’s case) you literally see it all. In olden days you could move further away and catch the odd bit of gossip, but otherwise not see all the ins and outs.
I am also willing to crowdfund for a moon ring!
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Ok so I did some digging and she hasn’t been active for a year but her profile still exists on a certain website. This is the text from her profile.
“A Goddess to be worshipped – but you knew that already.

Contrarian. Disciplinarian. Enjoys the creativity that emerges from the imposition of rules. Vulpine. Anime proportions. Sharp-tongued. Handy with a crop, a heel and anything else that comes to hand. Never cruel unduly – except by invitation. Vampire rules: beware allowing me in.

Exceptionally thorough. Leading a scandalously libertine existence, revelling in grosser satisfactions. Je voudrais attaquer le soleil, vous comprendre?

Interested in creative play, elaborate scenes and pushing the limits of myself and others. If you like sex, books and fine conversation, get in touch.

Particular kinks include language play and verbal humiliation, rubber, dressing up, collaring, militaria, bootblacking, rope play, medical play. Though I am always open to imaginative suggestions.

Do not send Me a first message with demands or requests. There is little that irks me more than topping from the bottom. Those who get my attention do so through deference, politeness or genuine creativity. I don't want to see your cock as an opening salvo. I don't want an invitation to stamp on your balls before so much as a 'hello'. My company, digital or otherwise, is earned.

"'an utterly intelligent women who is a complete slut"

"Weird, deviant witch"

"a primal sex queen"

Capital M. Weaklings need not apply. Manners are everything. Don't add me without sending a message first.“
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Finally, a thread on this absolute lunatic.

*gets giant cup of tea and settles down to catch up*
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I really should have waited to start this thread until after I'd sorted through all my screenshots! I have so much to share! Just as soon as I tidy up my desktop.

She once had an online CV which boasted a degree in astrophysics, I shit you not.

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Screenshot 2020-11-22 at 10.44.25.png

We are now entering a Temporarily Presenting as Male Online Vonny phase. This is to protect her from men who are sexist enough to doubt her honesty.

Hint: It's not her sex that makes people doubt everything she says. It's the near constant lying.
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Guys I know there must be a good well of chef/duck face/sufferer of life threatening allergies Vonny to draw from but I just remembered another incarnation.

Obviously “leftie household” Vonny permeates everything but have we done specifically Communist Vonny?

Highlights include:
- her 12 (?) year old son coming home from school and announcing he is a communist (clearly the result of his own deeply thought through and independent research)
- her son refusing to reciprocate his girlfriend’s Valentines Card because that is “capitalist crap”
- Reminissing about how much the Bolshevik revolution excited her as a young school girl (also used as an opportunity to highlight her undiagnosed-til-30 Aspergers)
- Marxist twitter thread analysis of Covid, gender and food
- Going off on Kirstie Allsop for her pandemic neo-liberalism
- Buying Fuck the Tories hoop earrings, facilitating a nice lip focussed selfie...definitely what good ol’ Karl would have wanted

Sorry I wish I had the screenshots to back this up because she puts this all far more entertainingly than I ever could
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