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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
I've just taken double dose of painkillers. The new cast is so tight, I feel like my arm is trapped under a building.
I feel so ungrateful after all you did for me. Jaffa cakes and tea too 😋 , flowers and lovely things.
I went to surgery at 4pm after dozing all day with the tennis on. No food since the previous day and no drink from 6am. I think I got back from the recovery room at 7pm. I heard the consultant tell the nurse to tell me it was textbook surgery. I had a chicken mayo sandwich and tea (yes!) while semi conscious. My blood pressure (normally on low side) was raised and they were worried my oxygen levels were low so I was on oxygen.
I'm so pleased they kept me in as I spent the night asking nurses for painkillers...for the loo at 4am...and they were thing BP , oxygen and temperature every 2 hrs.
They let me lie in a bit....'s over. Recovery starts now.

Yes, arm is up, told to move fingers but it hurts. Early night I think. 1❤

Yes, arm is up, told to move fingers but it hurts. Early night I think. ❤
So, so glad they kept you in. It’s too much to be sent home feeling weak and vulnerable. I remember post op they asked ‘On a scale of one to ten..’ ‘ELEVEN’ - I mean, it’s so much pain. Go to sleep. Love ya. With you every step of the way ❤❤
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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
...when you go back on the other thread and realise you missed a lot of posts and you think...hmmm...thing is c@assy ...not! 🙄
Tell me about it. Haven’t gone back there since my last post last night but ... yep.. classy as ever. At the weekend, the subtext was Can one of you ancient, decrepit, has-beens help me out here? Is this the way you dress for concerts? Then, when I tried to put her straight You completely missed my point - I’m not going to be talked down to - you have your opinion.....

Such an irritant. Provocative comments and then defensive reactions. Pathetic. And then there’s always someone trying to explain what she really means. No thanks.
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@Milking Keynes and others - Have you watched the movie "The Book Club"? Thought it was apt to suggest it as we have all shared various books here!

Hubby and I just watched the "Friends" reunion on the old fashioned television! It was fabulous. (We always get everything late here in NZ, so it was probably first aired a couple of years ago, knowing our luck). 😆

Another recommendation, which is probably an oldie - is Bill Bailey's "Limboland". We watched that a few weeks back and laughed our socks off!
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We would never, never, ever think less of you. Ever. I, for one, feel blessed to know you.
Words - my mouth - you took them!!! 🥰🥰🥰

Tell me about it. Haven’t gone back there since my last post last night but ... yep.. classy as ever. At the weekend, the subtext was Can one of you ancient, decrepit, has-beens help me out here? Is this the way you dress for concerts? Then, when I tried to put her straight You completely missed my point - I’m not going to be talked down to - you have your opinion.....

Such an irritant. Provocative comments and then defensive reactions. Pathetic. And then there’s always someone trying to explain what she really means. No thanks.
Needs telling off I thing?
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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
Thank you very much, @Oops and @Geranium for your advice. I am preparing my shopping list as we speak - blunderpuss, pulpit, ferry ticket (blind eyes in post, courtesy @Oops), prodded fork and letter of admission posted to Sr. Purity. Job done! Thank you both for making me laugh so much - you sometimes have to when you realise the absurdity of the situation. Right - I know what to do now. Onward and upward. XO
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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
I have to give the poor lad a smidgeon of credit - he thought that it might be problematic for me, (and he's not keen on heights himself), so he actually went up the gondola a few weeks earlier as a test run. Having found it to be 'not so bad' the stage was set for engagement day! 😂 However...what he hadn't banked on was going up at exactly the same time of day when they were loading some of the gondola things (what are they called!?) with supplies for the restaurant at the top. I probably would have coped better had it been plain sailing, straight up and done. But no. We kept stopping every couple of minutes, suspended in mid air. 😂😂😂 (Still - give me a gondola any day of the week over a ferris wheel!!)

I can see how your experiences would have an impact on you. There is just something about black water which is quite freaky!

I would not have liked to share my ferris wheel cabby with a mad teen. I was white-knuckled enough without that kind of thing going on! :sick:😨
Aww - that is romantic! Cudos to Mr Fedup 🥂🥂❤👏🏻 What a lovely idea.
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Today’s vid - The kindness of strangers..

😭😭😭😭:giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle: Just lovely Thank you xxx

What could be better?
There’s nothing it seems
Than a marmalade doorstep
And bunting that steams
A milkshake of shamrocks
A hug from a friend
A friend we’d defend
TIL the world had no end
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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
Totally agree. Poor her travelling under such stress and then feeling guilty as well for living so far away. I really feel for her - I didn’t post, though, because everybody else has already said what I would say, but yes, a mention would be a good idea. ❤
@Namima ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ You’re back! So good to have you back in our arms. I know you must feel so heartbroken and vulnerable right now. Xx Sending the biggest hug.
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🎁 Geranium’s Girl 🎁

I’m sure we all (just like we oughta’)
Send birthday greetings to your daughter
And may the time you spend today
Help you to brush your blues away
The sun’s been out the air is warm
Just like it was when she was born
Mercurial and so much fun
That’s Gemini and that’s your Hun...
So give your girl a massive hug
And let her jolly birthday jug
Brim over and make sure she knows
A mother’s love just overflows
Thank you dear @Oops...
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Oh, there’s a happy face! ❤☀☀

@Geranium. I started Shuggie Bain, and, although it’s beautifully written, it’s not for me at the moment. I told you I’d give you an update - and I’ve only read three chapters - but it is set in the most depressing setting of Glasgow tenements with an alcoholic mother and such a deprived existence for the main character. This is all depicted in it’s bleak depiction of recession and hardship. It makes for a very hopeless situation for mother and son.

I would not recommend for summer reading as it is so bleak - it’s quiet draining, to be honest. The friend that gave me the book is very drawn to this kind of broken situation. He gave me Canada by Richard Ford and I hated it’s plot, pace and length but above all, the bleak foregone conclusion - nothing was going to improve. I stuck with that book til the bitter end only as a courtesy. I’m not sure I’ll do it again! So, no, it doesn’t get my thumbs up. ❤
Thanks for the update. I think I'll defer reading it for a bit. I'm feeling a bit "on the edge" emotionally (six monthly disease check up incoming !!) so distracting myself with mystery or thriller books right now. Appreciate you giving me the heads up!
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Your wish is my command @MilkingKeynes xx


I know she will love the Jaffa cakes more but just in case she fancies a little bit of a change later…💜
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My morning visitor. Peeping in at the scullery window. Although I am in a major coastal city, we have lots of protected wildlife that visit us on the daily - monkeys, mongoose, ducks, egyptian geese, storks. The monkeys love to peep in to see what's on the menu to swipe lol. The monkeys are able to push door handles down to open the doors - doors have to be locked ! The cats and dogs mostly just ignore the monkeys - although the monkeys love to interfere, very playfully, with Kaiser our German Shepherd. He loves it though !

I wish it to be known (formally) that since I am known (personally) to Kaiser that I am (frequently) able to offer my services as Keeper of ALL Wildlife in your beautiful paradise garden. I merely need a straw bed in one of your outbuilding and a permit to enjoy.

Thank you so much (bags packed subject to immigration, Covid, quarantine and anything else any politician could possibly imagine or indeed think of to deter me...) 🤷‍♀️

Oh, this made me chortle this morning! 👏🏻👏🏻👒👒❤

Can I just say a big, huge thank you to all of you for your warm wishes and positive energy and support for Anna during her exams. ❤ She only has one left - Classics - in ten days time. So she is pretty much done and got through it unscathed!
:m:m:mYAY! No migraines I take it? Classics? WHAT could be more head-bendingly easy? GO ANNA!
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Girls, it's me.
Just got home.
It's all a blur but thank goodness I have your record of what happened 😁
Eating cake my neighbour made...fortunately not Elsie's burnt undercooked offering.

Oh no, I missed the disco 😢
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Bestspinster Abbey - Chapter 5.

When it got to 7 o’clock and the fishing boat with Teddy Bear and his fishing Stag Party on it had not returned to harbour Gem and her bridesmaids knew something was wrong. The harbour master had been given no bad news about accidents at sea and little Gem hung on to that news as she trudged back with her bridesmaids to Bestminster. What could have happened?

Teddy had set sail with his pals that afternoon. Everyone had been in high spirits and the banter and camaraderie (which Teddy had been practising so hard for) was great fun. They all made good natured fun of him and his love but he didn’t mind that because his prize was Gem and what more could any dog want? Teddy was a bit worried that his box of sprat mackerel bait had gone missing and he wasn’t sure how to overcome that problem, but he figured if the worse came to the worse and they didn’t catch anything they would still have had a super time trying. It would take more than this to get him down. It was then that he noticed the water starting to seep up through the bottom of their fishing boat. Kaiser took command of the situation immediately. Start bailing everyone! Grumpy Snoopy and Roo, you take it in turns to steer the boat back into harbour! Come on every one bail, bail, bail!

Buckets and cups and all containers in between were pounced on and used by the resourceful crew. Ralph and Jasper (who really hated getting wet) tried their best not to come into contact with the wretched water. Jax really put his back into the effort, he was longing to get back to Bestspinster in case Mariah Carey sang a song that night. He was madly in love with her but it was his best kept secret. Marley who was an electronics wizard managed to get the ship to shore radio working and telegraphed Klaudio back on dry land. He was bound to be able to help. Nero ran around feeding everyone tiny treats to help keep their energy up as they bailed. Teddy was absolutely certain he saw a shoal of Mackerel swim by. He could not believe they were all going to miss this opportunity and as his instincts kicked in he felt strangely impelled to jump into the water. His nose was telling him that all those mackerel were rightfully his…

Chapter 6.

Friday morning had dawned and the MOBSG were out in full force standing on the Dublin doorstep of Mrs Bonnet Bennet. They were to form the escort to get their friend to Bestspinster Abbey in readiness for the wedding next day. Miss Namima Marple had brought the smelling salts, Miss Geranium Aspinal had brought the cold compresses, Miss Canthus had brought her book - Latin Phrases to Soothe the Afflicted, Miss Oops-a-Daisy had brought her quill with which to write a gentle verse if necessary and a few mackerel fillets for her beloved Teddy Bear. Miss Midnight had cleverly fixed the mosaic-overload-clack-bunker-sprocket and the pre-loved Tardis was ready to break the space time continuum to get them all there for the wedding. Mrs Bennet Bonnet was overcome and had to be encouraged gently into her special seat next to the pilot. She refused to get into the Tardis unless she was allowed to sit next to her comforting Australian genius friend Miss Midnight. Mr Bonnet Bennet had at last managed to untie himself from his wife just before the Tardis was ready to do its countdown take off. She had used heavy rope to tie him to her but his skill for undoing complicated knots was great. He could now be seen waving happily through the window before he returned inside his house to carry on watching his stocks and shares TV. After many Oh My’s! Nobody knows how I suffer..! Oh my poor nerves..! the Tardis began spinning through space and arrived at Bestspinster Abbey four hours before it had taken off from Dublin.

Klaudio and his trap had been sent to collect them and the six friends piled in amidst much glee and skilful arranging of wedding presents. If truth be told they were all looking forward to tonight and then the wedding tomorrow. After they had settled down it took them no time to realise there was a very potent pong in the air! Oh! Are we to be gassed alive? shrieked Mrs Bonnet Bennet! Klaudio stopped his gentle cantering and looked back at the ladies. If you look under the seat Ma’am’s you will discover a box of rotten sprats put there by Mr Marrow when he stole them after they arrived for Teddy Bear earlier this week. Miss Namina Marple and Oops a Daisy lifted the box between them and threw it into the ha ha next to the Belvedere at the Abbey. Klaudio continued at a steady trot and very soon they arrived at the house. They were greeted by wailing. Mournful wailing.
Carson ran out to meet them. He wore a grave expression and was shaking his head. Mariah walked out to meet the new arrivals. She cradled a wailing Gem in her arms. All the wailing fur babies gathered around. All but one…

To be continued…
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VIP Member
Hello, everyone! Where have you all been?? I missed you. Love Island is over and now someone on the thread has the idea of rewatching S1 again - as if live - on the thread! Will I go for it? Probably. Oh, dear. Another seven weeks out of my life - time will tell. The break from Lydia has been lovely, though!

How have you been, @Oops, @Geranium, @Miscanthus, @Namima, @MissMidnight and all our wonderful members of the Vignettes (like The Roxettes)? Hope you are all enjoying your summer. ❤❤🐶🐶🥰🥰
I’m ok, thank you! Just had a very big birthday and am approaching retirement with trepidation! Hope everyone is well. I can barely tolerate Lydia these days, so I just lurk in the threads, I think watching a vlog would finish me off at my advanced age. X
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