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@fedup90210 I'm so glad your family is doing well on a hill. Hopefully everyone got evacuated to safety. Earthquakes are scary. I experienced a couple before and still remember it to this day.
I'm quite used to them now, and they don't upset me. I know of some people who are traumatised by them though. More than likely that they have some form of PTSD from the 2010 quakes, depending on where they were and what they saw. Fortunately for me, I almost learnt to enjoy them. 😂My advice - ride them like you're in a speed boat, or on a wild steed! Now that all of our furniture is attached to the walls, I know that there's no major items that can fall on us! It's funny though, even though I am fairly blasé about them, I would never put any shelving or artworks above any of the beds in the house!!

I think I remember seeing a statistic somewhere that there have been hundreds of thousands of earthquakes/aftershocks since the major one in 2010 which killed 185 people. Crazy eh!?

We watch a lot of British shows (Grand Designs and the like), where they build with concrete blocks, using zero reinforcing, and gasp! 😅 (Difference being that the UK doesn't sit right on top of a fault line). ;)🤗🤭
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So sorry to hear that. So sad. Sending hugs.😍

No funeral? I've never heard of that either....
Thank you for the hugs... I've been feeling pretty fragile since finding out. Lots of tears. :cry:
I wonder if I'm just an incredibly selfish person - but I've always thought of a funeral as the final sendoff where you can get together with other friends and family and honour your loved one, share memories and so forth. To not have that seems a bit mean (of the family).
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Milking Keynes

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Just had to buy this today - because, you know, sin é Sinéad ❤
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I can highly recommend this book. I wouldn’t call it a memoir or an autobiography - it’s more like vignettes or excerpts from a diary. It is warm, honest, funny, contradictory, frustrating and absorbing. I’m not a fast reader and I read it in two days. In parts it’s very poignant and sad as we see this quest for forgiveness for her childhood abuse but you get the feeling it’s closure she needs and is never going to get. You also get an insight into the music industry and, of course, the famous Dr. Phil episode. The tearing up of the picture of the Pope on SNL is interesting because the actual picture came from her mother’s bedroom wall. She had carried it around for years, on the death of her mother, waiting for the opportunity to tear it up as it represented child abuse by the church, ignored by Pope John Paul and the abuse she suffered at the hands of her mother - while keeping up appearances as a pious catholic - so it was deeply personal as well as brave. It resulted in being treated for decades as a pariah and shunned. She didn’t seem to mind as she was not about money or fame. Just as well, because by 2020 - after four years of not working due to a radical open surgery hysterectomy and resulting breakdown - she had 8k in her bank account.
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Milking Keynes

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I came in at 5am…
I came back at 6.30 am
I’ve now sat in the corridor on that hard bench until 11.30 am and am still no wiser.
I will come back later…just to check…

Just whilst I’m here - I am thinking of releasing my latest single - written whilst I have been waiting - it’s to the tune of ‘Born Free’…it‘s called
‘Grawn Pree’…Whadderyathink?
I also have been popping in and out. Oh, I hope our friend is ok. It’s a worry.... I’ll join you on the bench in a mo. I’m picking us up a few coffees wiv a straw each, en route. Your new single is very catchy...Grawn Preeee
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So, so glad they kept you in. It’s too much to be sent home feeling weak and vulnerable. I remember post op they asked ‘On a scale of one to ten..’ ‘ELEVEN’ - I mean, it’s so much pain. Go to sleep. Love ya. With you every step of the way ❤❤
Awww...thank you.
Definitely 11!
Breast cancer surgery was a walk in park...!
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View attachment 1376036
I have just spent a happy time re-reading your birthday party from last year @Milking Keynes! Here’s a reminder of you and @Miscanthus with your structured bag embroidered by an itinerant pipe lagger! 😂 We should win an award for the best comedy thread I swear! You and Miss Canthus went home with busts and silver candlesticks you secreted in your bags, Geranium got planted in a tree pit by Mr Archer Karcher and Dandy Tandy came and went in Trunchy’s golden coach drawn by squirrels! I mean who writes this stuff? 😂😂😂 I am now reminded that @MissMidnight will have had a birthday too just recently…💜💜💜. Namima shocked everyone by ending up on the Naughty Step in the cellar because of her flagrant behaviour with Archer Karcher! Shocking! SHOCKING! Happy Forest sang Elgar! She did! She also was found stroking the stone floor in the cellar but I didn’t see that.

So, now we need to think of our trip to NZ because Fed Up will be finished with her finals in July. We agreed to go for Christmas 😜😜😜
Who does write this stuff? You couldn't make it up🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for the laugh. Lots of us going through a rough time at the moment 😔
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Weeeeerrrlllll….better late than never! I have just read through all the posts I have missed. I was oblivious and it just goes to show what happens when you don’t remember to check in when you should! I have given myself a jolly good kick in the way of apology!

Dearest Geranium

Your lot are selfish! None of them are considering your feelings or your position or your well-being. If they aren’t happy they should not get married and they should acknowledge you for all the concern, effort and indeed money you have so kindly spent. Also, when you do nothing - nothing happens! So doing nothing is infuriating and not expedient. It’s cost you a fortune so far and they are seemingly impervious to that. In addition your sister will be spending a small fortune coming over to attend. If they do marry you will still be worrying they aren’t happy. This is a no win situation and the love hearts are the heartbreaking cap on the man! I really feel for you! Isn’t it odd how just a small thing like that has the power to unleash a whole torrent of feelings? They know you are sensitive! A bit of sensitivity from them would not go amiss would it? I feel a bit miffed on your behalf as you can probably see…I know what I have written isn’t useful but I think you have been put in an untenable situation. My shin kicking skills are entirely at your disposal; if you want to despatch the culprits I will be happy to oblige!

Dearest Namima

I have been thinking of you so much. Your posts have been even more spectacular lately (if that was even possible). How is your father now you have gone home? I know you will know we are all there for you. It‘s such a time of quiet reflection and introspection. I really hope you are being kind to yourself at the moment and spoiling yourself as much as possible. I am only 3 inches tall so will quite easily fit in your pocket as your pocket rocket if you need a tiny bit of extra support in this area. I can easily get someone to post me to you!

Dearest @Milking Keynes -

Just shut your teenagers in a lockable cupboard and get on the ferry with Gem NOW!

In fact can someone work out a way we can all get together please? I often think how lovely it would be for us lot (@Miscanthus has just had a tax rebate so no excuses!) to meet up for a long weekend. I get teary just thinking about it. Big sigh xx

Enter @MissMidnight and @Namima SL

Miss Midnight and Namima (in unison): Oh! Yes! Absolutely - we are just popping over to UK for a long weekend…

I was thinking it might make a lovely screenplay to actually write about how we all found each other and then met up!🛎😜🍾🤪🥰👒
Please write the screenplay- I was actually contemplating a trip to Dublin!! Xx
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Thank you dearest one - how was Galway?

I have been watching love island too! What a vacuous lot especially that footballer who wants everyone one to think his promiscuity is a ‘test’...I can’t bear him. The Geordie boy who could only speak about himself and imagined he got on really well with the girl who gave him rein to talk about himself. Never asked a single question - just talked about himself and was barley articulate or able to speak clearly. What diction? HOURS spent every day ‘getting ready’...None of the girls seem natural or even interesting. I can’t remember any of their names apart from Hugo and Liberty. ALL of the boys are dull apart (possibly) from the new racing driver. I am sure all this is due to the editing though because Production want them all to appear a bit thick. Also - as Production want to promote and then demote certain characters the switch over becomes really obvious. I don’t care who wins because I don’t seem to be able to become invested in any of them although at this stage it seems clear that Liberty and the Bristol bloke (what diction) are being promoted to win. I’d love to hear what you think. I know what I’ve written might seem harsh but it’s what I feel. I am too old for this world...:eek:...Did I shriek so much at their age? Was my behaviours SO infantile and self obsessed? FLOBBY HELL!

Dearest @Namima - so good to hear your news! WHAT a relief!! Thank goodness you haven’t got to endure this level of fear and stress any more. I thought you lived in Durban but wasn’t absolutely certain. Thank you for enquiring after Teddy Bear - here’s his latest photo 💛. Sending love to all xxxxView attachment 682089
Oh look at his wee tongue poking out 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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Agghhhhhh! I am sooooo sorry! I was kidnapped by unexpected people who insisted on wine! I got locked in my own cellar by them and they have only just gone! Imagine that. PLEASE forgive going now for a quick shufftie...🥰🥰
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Sorry to hear you were not having a good day. Are you able to articulate why you feel like this? Sending hugs ❤
Thank you Miscanthus! All hugs greatly received.

I was/am feeling like this as I am completing a law degree, and I received an assessment back which I felt that I had really nailed, and I got a grade which did not meet my expectation. (If I am honest with myself, it was still a very good grade). Most people would agree that studying is different when you are older. You have sacrificed the chance to earn money, and time with your family to do this thing. I've been struggling with trying to improve my grades, and it all seems rather in vain. I suppose I'm frustrated, and I also don't know where to turn for help. I used to work within the faculty so that brings its own challenges that none of my friends/colleagues will touch me with a barge pole (for fear that they look like they are giving preferential treatment an ex-colleague). The issue is that I know I have problems with expressing the 'analysis' part of legal writing - that is, applying the law to the facts. I can make sense of it in my head, but since I haven't really been able to receive any help with it, now when I try to approach it for exam preparation, it fills me with anxiety, and I just cannot do it. :cry: I know it's stupid, in the wide scheme of things - it doesn't actually 'matter'. Right now I feel like an imposter. I know I will be a good solicitor, but I also feel too lacking in intelligence to even get to that stage.

I suppose this isn't helped by having constant heart palpitations and other ongoing health things. In all honesty it's likely that I am going through perimenopause, so it's possible that my hormone levels are completely out of whack. I think I'll be popping off to the Doc next week - at least that's an easy thing to do.

Sorry to dump this on you all. I suppose it's just real life. I am grateful to have the love and support of those within this thread. I know I'm always saying 'thank you', but I am thankful! 😌;)

Em looks gorgeous . I’ve never ridden a thoroughbred- I’m more of a cob person really. I always seem to end upon the bigger horses though and generally find them easier than opinionated ponies but omg sometimes you look down and think ..... the ground seems very far away. Now I’m a lot older I worry more about breaking bits of me 😂
I showed one of my horses in the cob section, however, looking back, she was actually quite streamlined! (She was a quarterhorse/thoroughbred cross). Extremely naughty! Almost put me off riding altogether. 'Opinionated ponies' - I just love that!!

I am very worried about breaking things. My old dressage instructor has a wee menagerie of horses/ponies/foals, and I pop out to see him yearly (at least) when I need cuddles. There's something about the smell of horses that I just love. And their eyes! 🥰
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Thank you @Namima, my pal and comrade-in-arms, hopefully she will get through it as well as your lad ❤🥰. Thank you all - I can literally feel all the positive vibes from all around the world. You are the best. X ❤❤
Eta - I took the photo off my phone which was of the School Yearbook so pardon the quality. x

Thank you, @DandyTandy, here are my humble ‘three sister’ geraniums - as requested - don’t all shout they need more water at the same time - I’m watering them - dehydrated little monsters 😡😡
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@Miscanthus has disappeared the whole day - her excuse was ‘not at Tattle HQ’ Hmmmmm very suspicious behaviour - was she with Mr Colin Firth-Darcy at the boathouse? Was she with Ali G at the golf course? Not so much as a speech bubble before she rushed off - don’t worry, I will get to the bottom of the antics of Miss Canthus. Leave it to Mrs Bonnet-Bennet, ladies.
What glorious blooms, as Josie FM would say! I’m hoping mine will be good this year 😃
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Milking Keynes

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It's funny you say that! I'm the same...I would rather leave mine in the garden (I'll bring them inside when they get on the other side of being at their best and are completely blousy! Or if I know rain is imminent, then I will prevent them from getting waterlogged, and pick them then.
Bowl of Beauty doesn't seem to be one that is commonly available here at the moment - although, the next best thing seems to be 'Top Hat'. (Unless I come across someone that has it, in which case I might just beg for a division). 🤭

Greetings all! I'm missing the regular conversation around here.
I wonder if anyone remembers that I had a friend that was recently diagnosed with an aggressive lung cancer? Sadly she passed away this morning. There's been some tears. I'm also so disappointed that her family have decided not to hold a funeral. (I've never heard of this before!)
Thought I'd leave this here...
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Beautiful photograph. So very sorry for the loss of your lovely friend. I’m sure you will miss her dreadfully. I am also confused by the lack of funeral service - it’s very hard to understand and I agree with you, it does seem mean of the family. Sending you a big hug and I hope that you can hold on to all the precious memories you both shared to get you through your grief. ❤❤
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Ooh that lil madam has previous! A weapon! X
Ooh....what's occurring?

Just had text from my doctor...she's ordered a bone density scan for me. Now I can't stop thinking about cancer especially as one of my old cancer group was buried Thursday. The breast cancer had reappeared in her bones. 😐
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Milking Keynes

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A cat page I follow on IG posted this : It is just so scary and heartbreaking 💔 I pray this war comes to an end very very soon.

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It is incredible during this war how much decency abounds. Families of three generations are not forgetting their pets even though they have to cross 600 miles with tiny children and elderly relatives. Heartbreaking. Hard to believe it’s 2022 and this is happening.
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