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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
Talcum powder gets rid of enemies? Well, you learn something new every minute around here. I am off the make an enemy of a camel…I may be some time…🙄
It’s a multi-tasker... it gets rid of foes and frenemies alike but you must apply liberally. That is the trick. Btw, you looked stunning last night.

Is @Miscanthus home? Her Bendyness has had way too much fun. She has Tattle duties awaiting and should return immediately if not sooner. We need our Cap’m.

How are you, @Geranium - any updates you can let us in on?

I have wonderful news this morning! I finally got membership to my local tennis club. I was on a waiting list - I’m so excited to get started and to maybe get my daughters interested too for the summer. This is me just so you know...

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Why thank you Mrs M-K!

No, she didn't give me any tablets - but talked to me about the amount of stress that I'm under, and how to balance that out (although she acknowledged totally that there was no way to avoid stress completely with exams coming up). She mentioned that the heart palpitations could be caused by irregular sleep, caffeinated drinks (guilty), and lack of exercise. That's the funny thing about exam time - you feel guilty every minute that you are not revising your material. 😟 Anyway - I'll try making some changes, and see how it goes. Last night I only got to sleep at 0630 (not a great night - ended up listening to lectures, and getting grumpy on the 'other' thread).
She really didn't want to talk about hormones at all - which was a bit frustrating - but is sending me off for a raft of blood tests (thyroid, glucose, kidney function, heart disease - all the basics really).

Anyway... might try and get an early night - need to get to University tomorrow. (Need half a sleeping pill I think).

Have a wonderful day you beautiful creatures!!! 💕
Hey @fedup90210 ... if your GP has already ordered such a comprehensive panel of blood tests it would make perfect sense to have your hormone levels checked (particularly your FSH levels) at the same time, if only to establish a baseline for future reference.

Would you be comfortable calling her to ask if she would be willing to add hormonal bloods to your pathology slip?

PS: I hope you sleep well tonight ... I know only too well the horrible adverse effects that insomnia can have on one’s body and overall mood. ♥
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Thank you ladies for your lovely messages. I am so happy we have each other to vent and ask for advice.
My heartbroken dad is not doing well. He has literally aged overnight. He says he feels lost. My parents spent all day, every day together. And so to find a new normal, is proving to be especially difficult for him.
We have arranged for him to speak to a grief counsellor, suprisingly, he agreed to doing so. He had previously spoken to a Cancer counsellor while my mum was in hospital ("She made me cry" was his response to our question how did it go 😁)
So that is a step in the right direction.
I, on the other hand, just seem to be blocking my emotions, which I know is wrong, but I feel if I start crying, I may not stop. I'm just taking it day by day.

Sending each and every one of you lovely ladies lots of love xoxoxo 💓
Going in search of the new rest of your life is never a journey we choose is it? There is a good book by Judith Viorst called Necessary Losses. It’s sprinkled with humour, trenchant insight and not a few funny poems. She discusses the many losses we all go through during the course of a lifetime. She does help shine a light on each situation in a thought provoking way. I had a verse from one of her poems written on my office wall at home many years ago as it always made me smile to read it in those days. I will share it: in this chapter she is discussing love and hate in the married state and this is the sixth verse in a really funny poem depicting the loss of unbridled passion…

Oh somewhere there are lovely little boudoirs
With Porthault sheets and canopies and whips
He lion hunts in Africa at weekends
She measures thirty-three around the hips…

She goes into the loss of loved ones in the book and I think you may find a resonance in her words. Your father might do too. I will send you a photo of it. My copy is battered because it’s been so well read over the years.

I hope it may help a little. Sending huge hugs xxx

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How have you got on this week @Geranium? Has it got any easier/ better for you? I have been thinking about you and glad to see the odd post off yours show up from time to time.

Are you coming to Kitchen Disco tonight? 🎹🎧 I’m taking the train down and will be leaving for the station in an hour. I have made myself some marmalade sandwiches and filled a thermos with Irish Stew (for the journey).

Sending big hugs xxx

@Namima how is your father, how are the weather conditions and mostly how are you? Some amazing photos drops from you this week! You have really caught some hum dingers and our friend who appears cracks me up!

Sending much love (I STILL haven’t been able to manifest the monkeys from your lovely garden to appear in mine btw! ) xxx
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…whistles tunelessly…

Hmm…wonder if she realises I’m still here waiting? Waiting for some pearl of Captain wisdom…

Tum, tum, tum te tum…
Might have to eat soon…la la…la, la de dah…

🎵 I see a little silhouette-a of a man…tum te tum, tum te tum, tum te tum… a man’s banjo🎵…big sigh.
I'm here, sorry, so uncomfortable. This is worse than the fracture 😭
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Hello, my lovely Vignettes 🎤🎹🎼 like The Roxettes...

Just had to come here to say that the Leaving Cert results are out today and my Anna got 577 points that is more than enough to get her in to Architecture at UCD. She got 6H2 and 2 H1s - a H2 is a low A, ie 85%+ and a H1 is a high A ie 90%+.

All of you here know that she had a breakdown at the start of the school year and it was a very upsetting time for the family. I wanted to let you know because you have been the most supportive group and I have been absolutely blessed to have you onside this last year. I know @Namima in particular understood the stresses as her boy took the Matriculation Exams in South Africa during Covid. If you were here now - I’d give you a big hug. We thought the year would be written off academically but she managed to pull it out of the bag.

You all also know that I have posted her art on this thread and delighted to say she got a H1 in Art - never before in the history of the school has it been given.

After a year of worry, this is nothing short of a miracle. Thank you guys - I will never forget your kindness and support. ❤🥰🥰
Sending huge congratulations to Anna for getting such excellent results for her Leaving Certificate! 🥳

What a weight off her shoulders (and your family’s) this must be, given she had such a difficult time at the beginning of the year and was so incredibly anxious and worried beforehand.

Please let her know that I’m very happy for her! 💖
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Wow!! Thanks for sharing that. It's spectacular.
@Geranium It's cool eh guys!? :mThis next one was about half an hour ago. We're just getting into the bit where it changes colour. Hubby just woke Mr(7) for a wee lookie - that didn't go well! 😆 #toosleepy He didn't bother trying with Miss(6)!

@Milking Keynes - oh wow! There's some awesome pics of it on the internet in the U.S. I don't know about you lot, but I always feel that it's pretty cool that the moon and sun that you guys see/experience is the same as what we see and experience. It kind of brings the world together for me. (That was a bit deep). ;)

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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
Mr Geranium has told them to wait until the end of May to make a decision.
My sister in law is coming specially for the wedding from NZ, she has booked flights and accommodation. I’m just sick when I think of telling her.
They both say they still love each other but that things aren’t good. Her fiancé is in a job he hates but he has handed his notice in- but he has to work until end of July so it’s difficult to know if it will make a difference to the relationship. They seem to be living quite separate lives in the same home.
I have proposed various options - cancelling, postponing, scaling back the wedding - but I’m met with blank looks and “I don’t know” when I ask what she wants to do.
We will lose thousands if we cancel but I’ve accepted that. It’s just this being in limbo, it’s like a slow motion train crash.
I was sat up last night crying over Love Heart sweets. You can order personalised mini packages with the date and bride and groom names on. I was crying because I couldn’t think what I’m going to do with 100 packets of these. I think I’m focusing on this because I can’t deal with everything else.
Sorry again for going on…..xx
I agree with @Miscanthus and you, in that the limbo is the worst possible position. To me, though, your daughter confiding in you that they are ‘not happy’ is enough to cancel the wedding. I’m really sorry but how are you going to feel the day after this beautiful wedding? Are you going to feel confident that they are starting married life feeling elated, joyful with hopes for their future together? Or are they starting from a point where they have already run out of steam? Are you going to caretake their marriage, trying valiantly to bring them together when she has already told you the relationship has hit a wall.

There can be a milieu of reasons that can ‘fix’ this relationship, ie his employment, etc but where is the iron will to do so? They need to be determined to fix it and that love conquers all - but they seem to be ambivalent. I just think cancelling is unavoidable and @Miscanthus is correct - for goodwill all round - sooner rather than later.

On a personal level - I really feel for you. I can picture you with the love heart sweets in your hand and my heart breaks for you. ❤
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Well, I do confess I am partial to the delights of Aldi and Lidl - you don’t have them yet in NZ? Don’t worry, they won’t be long.... with their magical third aisle ❤

My next move is planting three sisters hydrangeas - know anything about them, green fingered one?
I shall keep my ear to the ground regarding the (almost) imminent arrival of A&L! I think we were supposed to get IKEA, but doubtful that they will come down south, and I don't think they've arrived yet! (Backwards little country that we are!)

I have never heard of 'Three Sisters' hydrangea - but Mr Google just showed me a pic, and it looks lovely! Fancy being able to make it multi coloured like that! I have put my green thumb on, and suggest that you don't plant it in full sun, (but I'm sure you know that anyway). Over here hydrangeas aren't that fussy - dig a hole and chuck it in. (I never bother amending soil or anything - for us it's just a matter of navigating the rocks! :ROFLMAO: )

Where are you going to pop them? 💚
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It’s all phone appointments at the moment and I’m not sure I can face going into everything on the phone right now.
However I have had a long chat with the nurse who manages my condition and she has reminded me of my coping strategies and is going to check in on me.
Thank you so much for caring.
The kindness of Tattlers has been a light in the darkness for me ❤
That's a good start.
I don't want to preach to you but daylight, fresh air and regular exercise all help, plus a good belly laugh at ridiculous influencers of course!
I will be checking in with you too. Make sure you keep trying for a face to face appt... everything is getting a bit easier now.
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Milking Keynes

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Thank you dearest @Milking Keynes this week has just been unreal - so scary - apparently this was just Phase 1 of an attempted coup !!!
My nerves are shattered - and in my area, we heard no gunshots, no explosions, so we were relatively protected in that regard - I just cannot imagine how people living in areas directly impacted coped !
Thank God for the brave men and women - normal citizens, not police - coming together and providing protection for their communities.
We are so so fortunate our business were protected - our factory is 45 minutes away from our home, so not knowing what was going on, especially to our staff and those who stayed behind to protect our premises !!! So many businesses and homes have been destroyed, it is devastating to say the least.
It is just so heartwarming now to see people coming together to clean up and help those in need. We are praying for the calm to continue.
Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.
I can't tell u guys how comforting it was to just sit and read TL - seeing all the familiar names and reading posts kept my mind busy !!!
Love you guys !!! ❤

Apologies for my thoughts being all over the show, in normal circumstances lol I'm pretty shite at expressing my feelings !
Thoughts and prayers to you and yours - a shocking situation. So heartening to here that your staff stayed to guard your premises - they have a reason to be so loyal and protective. Wishing I could give you a hug - you are so valued on Tattle and I can imagine that you are well loved by your staff also. Sending warmest wishes, @Namima. 🙏🙏❤❤☘☘
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Milking Keynes

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Ha ha!
Hoping I've not annoyed people on the other thread by going OT with personal stuff. I always think that our Jules is very focused and single minded 😊

You are right Oops... i was waiting for yesterday's appt before I panic. I am still processing what I can't do 😐 it's ridiculous. always handwrite notes about the thread before I do a recap...
The quiz was easier to do on my tablet. I am a great list writer too.
Now I'm worried about basic things!
Not going to lie, it's painful and tiring but I don't really want an op. They said if i was 80 and inactive they wouldnt do it, as the reduction (realigning the bone) was good, but I'm not and it's my dominant hand.
Really hoping our tattle sisters are ok.
You haven’t annoyed anyone - I think it’s a lovely part of our community that we can all share the good and the bad. I do feel for you - I really do. Whatever about the writing, how are you managing even showering and shampooing your hair let alone even towel drying it? What about opening packages, getting dressed? Even putting a sock on is a trial let alone a bra strap? Insurmountable.

I remember not wanting the op too. I was very tearful the day before. But that’s perfectly understandable as your hand hurts and you don’t want anyone near it. It is the best course of action, though, and the longer you leave it, the more damage will be done. They will do a fine job and you can start your road to recovery. I was the worst at aftercare - didn’t even bother with physio or pain management clinic visits. I’m the worst at following orders, though.

The main thing for you is to rest and take your meds until the op. Try not to get frustrated. I recently got immersed in Conversations with Friends. I watched it on Rté player but you should get it on BBC - it’s a slow starter but if you can hang in there, the payoff from Ep 9 is brilliant. Also, it’s my Dublin. Some Irish programmes don’t display the Dublin of my experience but this is my locale - Melissa and Nick’s house is in Monkstown where I grew up and the Dart, Trinity, all the landscapes of our youth.

A couple of books I can recommend, ie good page turners, are The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (Taylor Jenkins Reid), Who did you tell? and/or The Rumour (Lesley Kara) - both kinda dark but riveting stuff - really keeps ya guessing. XX
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Milking Keynes

VIP Member
I categorically will not be off to Strawtop thank you - I need s-p-a-c-e.... :rolleyes: . I wish there was a way we could all just get together (only us of course) because we could be joined on zoom for those too far away. Some of you live quite near I believe wink wink @Miscanthus...Oh it would be sooooo lovely. My daughter says I make the best summer Pimms in the world🍓.Bags I don’t have to cook though...:rolleyes:. Our UK members could all get here within 2 -3 hours depending on mode of transport. @Miss Midnight needs a holiday and could come for longer than a weekend and I’m sure @Namima and Fedup need a holiday too. Good luck with your exams dear will smash them I am sure. The FED’s are comin’...

As a complete aside - is anyone else fed up to the back teeth with the yodelling Dominoes pizza advert on the telly? Teeth - gritted - sound - off. Grrr....

Deck chair and Hermes book is all yours - fully booked even if I have to bring it to Kilkenny... :m

First 2 weeks of August wherever you are going sounds good to me. I don’t walk - at all - so you will have to stay behind to look after me! Ha! Perfect...If necessary I will turn up in a bath chair to exaggerate this point. I can borrow one from a local museum. (I can walk of course but choose not to on holiday) I am good at sitting and chatting and there my skill sets disappear. Ain’t no mountain low enough for me to climb... :m. I have some very pretty bonnets though which will make up for my lack of enthusiasm in the walking department!;)
You and me both! Sitting and chatting are my skill sets too. I don’t really understand spending hours climbing up a mountain - for what, though? To plant a flag? Ernest Shackleton?

I don’t know about the Domino’s ad, but I highly recommend The Kominsky Method on Netflix - it is amazing!! If you haven’t already watched it, please give it a go. It is funny and clever and heart-warming and you can even see me on Ep2 singing The Way We Were if you keep your eyes peeled.

I'm not surprised that you won't be off to Strawtop - even though a Lord partially owns it.

I have just consulted Master Google regarding Mount Juliet, Kilkenny - count me IN! (That is stunning @Milking Keynes 💕 ) Totally happy to 'zoom ' in though! Can you imagine it!? The varying amount of accents would be a right hoot! (We might need some sort of translation service - especially for you lot to understand this kiwi - especially as we tend to get rid of most of the consonants, and definitely all of the vowels! LOL) Enter Michael McIntyre's skit where he compares the Australian accent with the kiwi one. 😂😂😂 Very sad, but true!!

I've been fed up with a few things lately (hardly surprising), but I have to say I'm not familiar with said advertisement.

I have tried Pimms once in my life, and I have to say I rather liked it - so come on down Oops! (Hehe...thank you for the well wishes for exams - you know I'll be in and out over the next couple of weeks - maybe a party might be in order after that!! I love the idea of 'the FED'S are coming!' 🤭

Rightiho you lovely characters (does anyone get my little joke? wink wink!), as soon as I figure out the two legal tests for knowledge, I'll be off to beddy byes.

So nice to have a short chat with some of y'all again. Love from down under! 💕
Yes, Mount Juliet is very nice but we always go there so I think we might need to venture to Galway instead. Hope your studies going well. Xx
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