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Chatty Member
She gambles alot genuinely losing all the house money. Her & her partner have a drink problem. She has also said on lives that she does coke.
She sits on lives completely ignoring her young daughter who just wants her Mum to interact with her. Begs on lives for money as has gambled it alway. Then starts crying saying they're behind on their mortgage payments.
Saw a video from her tonight saying she knows about this page & she's a good Mum. Love you are far from a good Mum, you genuinely need to get some help.
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She slags her partner off something rotten but everytime he comes in from work he's straight in the kitchen with shopping bags sorting the kids out for dinner. I'm assuming she needed food bank handouts to feed her kids down at this holiday home? She's been saying all week she'd pissed her spends away and ALL WEEK she's done nothing about it. She's a bloody disgrace. Always on about calling women's aid. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting her fella is perfect. But all I've seen so far is him buying her ciders, cooking her dinners and simply asking not to be filmed for tiktok. And her followers eat it up. I've convinced myself they only watch her for a poverty p*rn fix.
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here, it’s poverty porn and making them feel better about their own lives..
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Unfortunately for her its not her room any more its Sachas room, and the way she has behaved and still behaving I wouldn't off been surprised if she had turned up to find a skip with all of her stuff in. I mean let's face it, that's all she deserves and most her "stuff" is probably only worthy of a skip anyway!!
Also I would be changing the locks so she couldn't empty the house while Sacha was at work!
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Those bed sheets must STINK!!! She's asleep on live with that girl in the background
My other half is aware of her and he said if I acted like that I would be out on my ear. Gambling all their money, smoking, a lazy arse, can't even do the clothes washing. She doesn't even do the morning school run, her old mum has too!!
The fucking state of it right this second!!
I can't watch her. The anger that bubbles inside me isn't worth it. Those two eldest daughters need to get out and fast. She keeps harping on about her own trauma but look at the trauma she's inflicting on those poor kids. She's a selfish little twunt. One day she'll be alone and she'll be one of those mums who says she doesn't understand why her kids won't talk to her.
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She's on live now, talking to three randoms who clearly dont give a damn, about her past drug abuse, saying she's now clear headed. The woman is deluded. I have my own boat load of childhood trauma, history of drug abuse, promiscuity etc. But I also have two kids now. I understand that even on the worst days, I have to pick myself up and be okay for them. I'm genuinely baffled at her willingness to share this stuff within earshot of her children. I dread to think the kind of things they've been exposed to.

Is anyone here familiar with Laura Greaves? Social are always on her case, and rightly so. But if you stand her next to Victoria she looks like a Saint. Maybe social are involved. Not something you'd want to broadcast if they were. But from reading this thread back as far as it goes, it's clear this is a constant pattern of behaviour.

Edit: Don't wanna spam the thread so I'll add this. Her daughter is literally desperate for her attention and she's sat there grinding her weed telling her "leave me to do my live on my own, go away". Vile. Also, she never bloody asks people if they're okay listening to her trauma dump. She just goes right in and spills all with total strangers.
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So someone has called the police and social services on her. Did anyone see what happened? She also said there's a video from last night circulating on tik tok? Has anyone seen it?
She also said she only smokes a tiny bit of weed a day, and she always trys to make sure her daughter isn't in her room when she smokes. Well if people believe that bollocks there's no hope. She smokes all round that house and the joints are the entire day. I've seen her plenty of evenings with the daughter in her bed asleep with Victoria puffing away!
She’s honestly the most terrible mother on TikTok and that’s saying something!
She was completely out of it last night and falling asleep with a huge joint in her hand, all while her little daughter was in bed behind her! She could of started a fire and burnt the whole house down!
She reminded me of someone who freezes when they’re taking some strong drug! I understand that she has been through alot in her life and obviously needs help. and not capable of looking herself let alone children! Her husband is drunk every night and she’s totally off her face! I worry so much about her children, especially the little girl who can’t get away from her!
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You’re right she’s delusional 100%. She said earlier she fell asleep due to narcolepsy - more than likely she fell asleep due to the constant joints she smokes, the fact that she stays up most of the night, the shit diet she has or her meds. It’s lifestyle choices more than anything! Clearly her eldest kids are doing most of the mothering duties. It’s how she downplays her responsibility for any problems that really grates on me though, that and the way she glared at her daughter. Awful
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I can't fucking bear it any longer. I know the enablers from her live read here so this is a message for you lot. The simple fact that you're all cheering for this doped up dickhead and practically whooping and hollering that her ex partner is undoubtedly upset is disgusting. Encouraging her to take things from the house is DISGUSTING. Three of her children still live in that house and soon, a fourth probably will too. If a man upped and left his family he'd be torn to shreds if he took vital things from the home. Bunch of Jeremy Kyle mourning wankers, the lot of you.
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Someone reported her for smoking cannabis on live in the same room as her youngest child. To social and police. They knocked on the door this morning. She says they didn't come in, just gave her a telling off at the door but that won't be the end of it. I reckon whoever reported her will do it again because she's still puffing away on live. She's a complete mess.
Nothing is ever that woman’s fault - if she spent as much time and effort on her family as she does on that frigging book of hers and reading out extracts to randomers daily, she might be in with a chance of salvaging some of her kids childhoods. I honestly feel for the family, she is a selfish, self-absorbed woman. I know she’s had a difficult life but it sounds like for most of her kids lives she’s been off her face. Most people go through shit but they do their best to ensure the cycle doesn’t repeat with their own. Coming from a childhood where one of my parents had issues I know how those kids feel and it’s horrendous. I would never put mine through the same, ever.
Cycle is definitely repeating. She shares her weed (on the rare occasion shes feeling generous) with her eldest. Medication, my arse.
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Chatty Member
The young boy told Vic that they're selling the house, moving somewhere nicer & going on holiday to America.
Sachas shouldn't be saying stuff like that to the children at this point. Yes Vic is a nightmare but they both need to stop involving the children in all of this & sit down & talk to each other.
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Chatty Member
Nobody can convince me she doesn't physically abuse that little girl. When she's crying out for attention and kicking off, Victoria pauses the live and when she comes back the girl is crying and sniffling. It's absolutely disgusting.
I have seen her live push and shove her daughter out the way. She's also been off camera and I've heard a slap before and the girl has been crying. The other day she told her daughter to fuck off and leave her alone because the girl wanted some lunch. Its getting worse
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Chatty Member
The stuff she was saying last week was very alarming, she mentioned about her dad you know what in her mouth and was very manic with her youngest daughter there.
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VIP Member
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head here, it’s poverty porn and making them feel better about their own lives..
Suppose with Jeremy Kyle off the air, they've gotta get their hit somehow! All they're doing is enabling child neglect, drug and alcohol addiction and sheer bone idleness.
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So she gambled away £80 yesterday at the bookies and left herself with no holiday money and now today she’s live at ( I think) a food bank telling her life story to get some food. Fucking hell, talk about complete and utter piss take. I feel sorry for her in some respects but Social services need to intervene here, the complete and utter disregard for her young children is sickening. She’s always got money for weed and fags I note. I hope her little girl gets the care and attention she obviously craves.
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Chatty Member
Please tell me S isn't going to be there and that she KNOWS this person? That little girl doesn't sleep. Gross behaviour if she's going to be around, too.

I've been thinking, too. I wonder if she'll be back on the class a's before long. She has this crazy sense that she's free and when people get that rush they make stupid, rash decisions to try and feel like they have an element of control over their life again.
S is at dads tonight,so is safe
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You've got to be joking 😡 what the absolute hell??? I don't even have the words anymore. Constantly harping on about how she's a recovering addict. Recovering, my arse. Even some of the lowest of the low try and shield their shit from their kids. I wonder if the school report any complaints to the social. There's no way they don't see whats going on. She was walking to the school with a big fat joint in her mouth the other day. She's got to absolutely stink when she picks her up. And I can't imagine what the poor little mites uniform smells like.
Sickening isn’t it. I guess that’s why the Nan is so involved because she must see what a lazy c*nt Victoria is. The school must have concerns surely.

And yes that bedlinen hasn’t been changed since the last bloody coronation has it.
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I could understand her mum coming to do the school run with the meds Victoria is on. They would probably make a fucking elephant groggy first thing. But the fact that she's up, dressed and just watching her mum do everything is baffling. She doesn't sound like the youngest lady either so she wants to pull her big girl pants on and start being independent or that rug is gonna get swiftly pulled from beneath her when nature takes its inevitable course. Not to be morbid or anything. But it's true.

I would imagine that Sacha can't do the school run because of work and why should the two eldest do it? Shes a joke.
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Chatty Member
Does anyone know what's happened today? I briefly caught her live earlier and people were saying they called the police and telling her to leave her husband.

Right now her views are very high but she's going to sleep and talking about how abusive he is towards her every day.
He partner came home from work & had a right go at her & the boy. Swearing, threatening, she just sat on live staring into space. Someone posted her address so the police got called. She cut the live but once they had left she came back on & her partner was in the background saying he was in shock that 4 police came around just because he was shouting. That is was stupid that someone from tiktok had called the police for him just shouting. Her older daughter was laughing about it with her Dad. Vic was just sat there staring into the live saying nothing. Vic obviously didn't say anything to the police as he was just left there. Yet later on once in her bedroom she said she was in a DV relationship & needs help, no one understands & no one helps her.
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Finally a thread about this woman. Every time I see her live she's staring into space or ignoring her kid. She seems very troubled and in a low place. Police called to her last night on her live over the bf/husband being verbally abusive. I offered to help but was screamed at and blocked. She's now live talking about it Infront the child which in my eyes shouldn't be happening
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