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VIP Member
I’m appalled at the way this shitty government shows time and again that they are at war with disabled people. My god, if they don’t get kicked out of office next time, god help us all.
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Some were also quick enough to criticise Qatar during the World Cup last year, for LGBT and Human Rights abuses, exactly which religion is dominant in that country?
I don’t necessarily disagree with your post overall but I will note that it’s interesting that when a Christian country is intolerant of LGBTQ+ or outdated beliefs about the place of women it’s usually not linked to the influence of religion in that country

My uni city constantly had Christians protesting against abortion and targeting uni students specifically. Not really chalked down to a problem with Christianity as a whole though

We know from other threads here, notably the likes of Archie Battersbee one, that there are Christian organisations actively trying to influence government policy too. Little gets said about it though
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At this rate they’re handing it to the conservatives 😂
Let's be honest, it's easier and more fun to be in opposition and the party of protest. I wouldn't want to pick through the smouldering ruins of whatever the Tories leave behind and then try to produce results. I suspect some Labour MPs are thinking the same.
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VIP Member
It's really not helpful to focus on London. What do all the higher crime rate regions have in common? Apart from Leeds and Bristol, they're all in the North.

A part of the country that needs serious attention.

People living outside the capital ranting about "lawless London", pretending it's got the most social issues and then crying that their cities are underfunded and London gets all the money don't see that they're doing themselves a disservice.
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VIP Member
From 2018


Cameron's return can't be a sudden decision. Sunak can't have phoned him last night and said "hey mate, fancy a spell as Foreign Secretary for me?"

It's not like telling an MP that they're now a minister. This has to have been planned, discussed, negotiated for some time.
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VIP Member
The people who voted for George Galloway voted for him knowing he made the vast majority of his campaign based on the war in Gaza. He used the Palestinian flag on his campaign materials. Those who voted for him knew what they were getting.
Although I agree, when you are struggling to put food on the table, making ends meet and getting an NHS appointment - then Gaza is not your primary concern. Galloway will do very little to help individuals with such issues.

Galloway clearly thinks of himself as some International Statesman, when in fact he is a many times failed political chancer, who has gotten lucky this time.
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VIP Member
This was funny, yesterday BBC presenter Maryam Moshiri got caught giving the finger live to camera ... not sure if it was to the viewers or to Boris.

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VIP Member
Do you think it’s worth pointing out to people who post things like this that things might just possibly improve if they stop voting Conservative?
I think anyone who’s swallows the DM/Tory party rhetoric to the point they are determined to still vote Conservative at the next election won’t be persuaded by people telling them things might improve if they didn’t.

The UK is full of people who bemoan failing public services while always voting Conservative and fail to see the connection between the two.
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VIP Member
Is what Sunak just did classed as a Party Political Broadcast or something? I thought he was going to make some really important annoucement, it was just rhetoric.
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VIP Member
This is the post: .

I'm not sure really. I don't know if it counts as marketing and if it is just a screengrab I don't think there is any copyright/ reason to credit etc.
I feel really bad for this newsreader to be used in this way when she probably already feels a twit for having done this
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I'd have to say Johnson first just for being an absolute, arrogant, cock and getting such a godawful Brexit deal. Don't even mention his handling of Covid. :mad:
Cameron next for doing a shit job on the Remain campaign and so leading to Brexit.
Then Thatcher for destroying the North of England.

Blair did the least damage to the UK but was a monumental fuck up with Iraq and the David Kelly affair is unforgivable.
Talking of Blair ... This prick seriously has some serious selective memory issues. How he has been accepted as some sort of political mouthpiece/commentator I will never know.

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VIP Member
Back in the day the Tories were dead against this kind of "Big-Brother" snooping. I mean, the bank checking is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what powers the government actually want to give to the DWP: They want to give them police powers like arrest and seizure of assets, and the ability to demand detailed information from anybody who is connected with someone under investigation, whether they themselves are claiming benefits or not. It will be a field day for anyone who likes making malicious reports to the Jobcentre.
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VIP Member
Everything aside, how big of an issue are care worker dependants when it comes to overall immigration? Also, couldn't they target a job that isn't on the shortage list? Seems counter productive.
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Chatty Member
Sweet Jesus. What happens when there are no dregs left in the bottom of the barrel, what are you scraping at exactly?
They went through the barrel a while back. They've drilled through the ground and are currently boldly heading toward the earths core like in that film IMHO.
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VIP Member
Housing/property is seen as an asset and means to wealth in this country before it's considered a form of shelter which is a big part of the issue.

That's why there have been more policies to inflate house prices than ones which provide more housing and affordable options because that would risk "devaluing" the market.
Also because older generations are more likely to own their own home than younger generations and will vote for the party who isn't going to enact policies which devalue their asset.
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VIP Member
People aren't going to forget how the tories have behaved in office over the past few years. They have absolutely no chance at the next election.
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VIP Member
Seriously? Policing thoughts now? 😂 🙈
Stop 😳
Bit more than a "thought" though, isn't it?

Braverman's "thoughts" were feeding through to policy targeting already oppressed groups and influencing the public mood. It's her "thoughts" that saw counter protestors leave their houses on Saturday armed with batons and knives, sending each other messages that they were planning to do more than protest.

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