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VIP Member
@thegirlscout Re Bibby Stockholm, 2 weeks ago it was apparently given the all clear from Legionella and the plan was put migrants back in.

Personally I think it a disgrace. It's performative and insulting to the majority of us with half a brain. It's more expensive than putting them in hotels and gives an imagery of putting them in jail. I can just imagine how it got signed off. 🤬
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Just another example of a government that ironically 'doesn't have a plan' (copyright Rishi Sunak). They just react to each issue as it arises often causing two more issues somewhere else. They are stuck in vortex of continually chasing their tails to achieve the impossible that their policies demand.
I still think it was a good idea that all those COVID WhatsApp messages 'got lost' because it would have revealed to the general population what an utterly corrupt bunch those who govern us are. I think there would have been civil unrest. I also think the security services have all those messages. There is no way in my mind all of the prominent politicians in our country do not have their phones-tapped by the secret service. It seems inconceivable. Shame I won't live long enough to see all the messages leaked!

Good Luck Julian Assange btw ... ugh, imagine publishing details of human rights abuses perpetrated by your own government and YOU get thrown into prison whilst the people who actually ordered the human rights abuses are living high on the hog. Sickening.
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Even if there was a ceasefire tomorrow the hornets nest it's stirred up is going to take a long time to calm down again. I stopped reading Twitter this morning when my timeline was about a Muslim woman being abused at a bus stop and the very next one was a Jewish man being abused on a train. This was in-between tweets of Galloway acting like the cat who got the cream ( ;) )

A war in the middle east should not have affected us and our everyday way of life the way it has. Out of interest is there demonstrations going on every week in other European countries?
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Whatever you think about her politics, this is utterly, utterly appalling.
“The Conservative party’s biggest donor told colleagues that looking at Diane Abbott makes you “want to hate all black women” and said the MP “should be shot”, the Guardian can reveal.

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Bit pathetic to sack her without condemning the things she's said or done recently. Would it have killed Sunak to show some integrity?

And I'll hold my breath, the last time she was sacked before a reshuffle she was almost immediately reappointed.
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Happy Lady

VIP Member
And now ministers resigning right left and centre in support of Suella.

IMO she said what many of us were thinking. But she shouldn't have said it in the first place.
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The Blair/Cameron years were probably the most moderate as far as domestic policies were concerned.

The wheel really came off after the 2019 election and Boris and his Brexit MP's got in. The Tory candidates literally just had to support Brexit and they got the nomination. All the decent, moderate types like Rory Stewart, Dominic Grieve, David Gauke had all been ousted ... I wish they'd come back.

Anything extreme is bad news whether it's far right or far left. They're two cheeks of the same arse as George Galloway would say.
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It's all kicking off in The Commons right now. MPs voting on whether the House should sit in private, which would be a total blackout to TV.
The Speaker spoke out of turn. It's all about wanting a ceasefire in Gaza.
It might be 'all kicking-off' but in reality our government has very little bearing on what happens in the Middle East. It's kinda embarassing really. What you're watching is a bunch of political wannabe's and people too ugly to break Hollywood getting some attention for themselves. Biden has already given Netanyahu a big old hug so nothing will change unless the US says so.
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He's no doubt a fame whore, but I'm getting a bit tired of all the mainstream news media outlets discrediting him. For what I can tell he's no worse than quite a few current MPs. The fact that he's not 'establishment' really seems to have put a lot of people's noses out of joint. It'll be amusing to see all the left-leaning pro-Palastinian voices in the media twisting themselves into knots over this result though.

As for Tice calling the election fraudulent, well that's straight out of the Donald Trump playbook isn't it. Pathetic.
Any criticism towards Galloway is totally warranted.

He is clearly anti-semitic and homophobic, with past comments he has made.

As others have already said, he was only interested in standing where he thought he had the best chance of being elected.

He is not interested in Rochdale, nor dealing with its many issues. This election win is all about him.
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Putin (probably) orders the murder of political opponent Navalny, cue anger and outrage in The West. King of Saudi (probably) orders murder of Journalist, cue state visits and arms deals. :rolleyes:
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He said he was advised not to meet Bates and that he was also lied to by the PO, which is believable given they lied to everyone consistently throughout. I believe that he did eventually meet with Bates a few months later. Given that many are still struggling to get their compensation I think it is a bit rich to use Davey as a scapegoat. Still Kelvin Mackenzie has a long history of being an attack dog for the far right. What is his explanation for the period after the coalition government?

Keir Starmer was on the Nick Ferrari show (yes, I know, you would have expected him to take an easy route via James O’Brien) and came across very well I think.
He is a decent bloke who just wants to do his best to turn the current mess around. He didn’t duck any questions and is clearly being very careful about not making promises or fanciful claims that he knows he can’t keep.
He was the DPP when I worked at the CPS and I was fortunate enough to sit in a few meetings with him. Unlike other DPPs he didn’t turn up to talk at us, he asked questions, was genuinely interested in the replies and did what he could to make changes where changes were needed.
Since becoming the leader of Labour he has spent a great deal of time travelling around the country talking and listening to people and that is coming across strongly in his pre election interviews now. He even mentioned the numerous meetings he has had with foreign officials about the Israel//Gaza/West Bank situation and is obviously positioning himself as the PM in waiting.
Whatever you think of the Labour Party, I believe that Keir Starmer, given two terms in Government, will overturn much of the damage done to this country after 14 years of misrule by incompetent, self serving, tone deaf politicians (I use the term “politicians” loosely).
If there is any justice, none of the Tory front bench will retain their seats. We need politicians in Parliament who are there first and foremost to serve us and the country, not themselves.
I think I was just disappointed in Sir Ed. Him, Vince Cable, Jo Swinson ... all so easily 'mislead'.

My problem is I just don't trust any politician now. There has been so much damage done over the last 10 years in particular it is so easy to be so despondent.

I like Sir Keir. He's getting my vote. He seems like a decent, honest man with some integrity and at this stage that's what I'm looking for rather than
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New member
I definitely sit left of the spectrum but the current iteration of the Conservative Party is vastly different to the one my grandparents voted for.
Like they’ve damaged so much of the uk waterway ecosystems through essentially allowing water companies to discharge raw sewage into rivers and onto beaches.

they seem fine with that but if someone’s coming to this country to flee death that’s not ok? “Too many born to foreign mothers” says woman from a foreign mother. Half of the cabinet (current and previous) have been from immigrant parents.

the trans thing also gets my goat. People can’t get a bed on a ward in most hospitals but they’re focused on if a trans woman should be on a woman’s ward?
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
Tell me you read the Daily Mail without telling me you read the Daily Mail 😆
Do you think it’s worth pointing out to people who post things like this that things might just possibly improve if they stop voting Conservative?
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
On the radio this morning the presenter kept asking why Rishi only said something about it a day or so later :rolleyes: erm 10 million 🤷‍♀️
Part of what he said about the MP was racist but the shooting comment, when I was younger I'd hear it all the time, maybe it's a regional thing but I often heard 'I'm gonna shoot you' between family members, friends etc. Sounds alarming but it was just a way of saying you're annoying.
There's no way they're going to refuse all that cash if he still wants to donate BUT I can't fathom why on earth he would still want to. Maybe he's part of the reason they are this way now, no use to left or right.
You have got to be bloody kidding me. Are you try to play down a man saying that a woman should be shot? Seriously?

I don’t know if anyone else watched PMQs, but that useless twatwaffle Hoyle ignored Diane Abbott and instead took the final question from the ridiculous Mark Francois, who blathered some incomprehensible nonsense about DDay.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
He’s now denying actual statistics and blaming excess deaths on there being lots of old people and fat people, and Britain being crowded.
And yet at the same time we were world beating and he got all the big calls right. So it’s “our” fault, not his. 😡
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