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VIP Member
Doesn’t state what type of crime!
The pandemic was good for something!
Is this a comparison of London and other areas or what?

I'm not sure what I'm meant to be looking at here to be honest. One graph shows the total number of knife crimes and violent crimes in London and the other graph shows violent crimes per capita and total.

It would make more sense to show violent crimes per capita for London and other areas. At the moment you just posted a random assortment of graphs with no comparable data.


VIP Member
I have read two articles and not one stated what Farage actually said beyond accusing Corbyn of believing an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory

He would have to prove that Corbyn actually believes that Jews run the world. The closest thing I can see to that, based on a quick google search that is, is that he wrote foreword to a book that claimed this. Don’t think he would have much luck proving it based on what Corbyn has said recently or who he apparently supports
Does that theory not centre around Oct 7th and Israel using it as a false flag to target Gaza?


VIP Member
I completely agree.
I also think that the fact that Diane Abbott has been extremely outspoken in the past and has currently had the whip suspended is actually irrelevant. She’s the victim here.
Some will think it relevant if this is used to reinstate her.


VIP Member

This is going to be an interesting test for Starmer.
How so?

from what I have gathered one of the problems for Labour right now is that they’re taking a very middle ground approach with Israel and Gaza situation and it’s putting off the Muslim voters (and probably the younger ones too)

He’s just going to take the middle ground or align himself with Israel

Piff paff puff

VIP Member
I've never heard of Crispin blunt but saw a pic of him. Not that it's better or worse, just an observation, I wonder if the rape allegation is male.


VIP Member
Sadly we live in a world where the media uses its massive power to try and destroy anyone or anything that doesn’t suit their agenda.
I assume you refer to legacy media and for good or ill their power is diminishing by the second (due to numerous factors I won't go into now). I'm speculating, but I would guess no one under the age of about 35 reads a newspaper or watches mainstream news. How this relates to the age of people who actually vote I don't know, but it would be interesting to find out. I do know that in the US there are a lot of angry poor white men with guns who vote, in their droves, as compared to minorty groups and/or women. It kinda skews 'democracy' in that sense and it's bloody scary!


VIP Member
Is Reform going to have a possible impact on tactical voting?

Could they possibly make a deal with Conservatives to step down in some areas?


VIP Member
"The case' is about a hearing to decide if the Home Secretary's decision to revoke someone's citizenship was done in accordance with the law and government policy. It wasn't so the person concerned won 'the case'. That's all it was about.

It 'made the papers', well one paper because the Mail on Sunday knows that by selective reporting of facts, careful phrasing and obfuscation of the timeline they can get some people terribly worked up by pretending that it was about something else and relying on their reader's unwillingness to find out (not to say studied indifference) to the facts behind the Mail's hyperbole. No 'system was gamed'. It is a meaningless phrase made up by a desperate Home Secretary and adopted by similarly minded people as shorthand for something they should be angry about. The reason an MP (Iain Duncan Smith) commented, as did a 'security expert' and a person from an anti-immigration think tank is no doubt because the MoS asked them to. The Security Services have not commented and neither has the Home Office.

There has been plenty of information in this and the 'asylum seeker' threads, including a link to the actual SIAC Tribunal decision, which explains the background to 'the case'. I would guess that anyone who hasn't bothered to acquaint themselves with it by now is simply not interested.
Maybe because the HO and intelligence don’t comment on individual cases , Did you know about this case before DM reported it on?
The car stuff is reminiscent of the Red Barchetta lyrics:

It is the gall of Mone to suggest she might give her title back when it should be immediately stripped from her that gets me.


VIP Member
If MI5 says he poses a danger he shouldn’t be allowed to stay. They believe he might encourage other extremists to launch attacks in the UK but can’t be sent back to Sudan on human rights grounds. What about the human rights of the British people. Why should our right to safety be put at risk by men and women like this? It’s a joke. People like this shouldn’t be allowed to stay here and be granted anonymity.
As I said previously I have no problem with action being taken against ISIL supporters. The authorities had 9 months to take action against this man while he was in the UK. They could have detained him, charged him, put him on a tag, removed his passport and thus his right to travel. They did none of those things. Instead they waited until he was out of the country and then bungled their attempt to remove his citizenship by not following their own laws and policies.


VIP Member
How so? I think there should be more social housing for people on low incomes and I am against wealthier private landlords exploiting ex local authority properties. I don't understand your thinking with that.

Labour built fewer council homes between 1997 - 2010 than Conservatives. But neither party have got remotely close to replacing the 2.5 million council houses sold off under the Conservatives. That had the biggest impact on the lack of affordable housing that neither party has been able to reconcile.
Maybe this statement points to the fact that social tenants shouldn’t be allowed an opportunity?? It’s not their fault that demand is outstripping supply…Surely that’s down to government bodies🤷🏼‍♀️ are we as homeowners responsible for our neighbours situation?



VIP Member
Plenty of MPs are controversial. Diane Abbot’s views aren’t really the issue here though are they?
The only issue is that a Tory donor has publicly not only been heinously racist and sexist, but has expressed a view that she SHOULD be shot. Is he offering to do it himself or hoping some other nut job will? Isn’t 2 dead MPs already 2 too many?
These comments were apparently made five yrs ago and they haven’t cut him off.
There are hundreds of these commemorative places around the country. Why can’t the Muslims who paid the ultimate sacrifice for us have one too?
Why can’t all denominations have one?