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Active member
Do you think that the war in Gaza is going to hold sway for people in the general election like it did in the local ones? Like George Galloway etc
100%. Sectarian politics has come to Britain (shock) and Labour will lose a lot of votes to Galloways party. Some of those towns are beyond saving but what do you expect when Labour opened the doors all those years ago.
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VIP Member
Huh?! 🥴😩🤣🤣 this is the classic of “blame immigration for every problem”


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I'm going to start a political party called Down With Boats N Scroungers N Bring Back Hanging. Will go down a storm I reckon.
This does remind me of the two short lived UKIP spin-offs called An Independence From Europe and We Demand A Referendum Now 🤣
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I can't stand NF but agree with him on what he said about the NHS around 19 mins in (watching on iPlayer catch up)

I do really like the Green Party co leader so far she is coming across really well.
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VIP Member
Labour have so much as not even mentioned people with disbailities and illnesses in their manifesto from what I can see.

I do fear we are just in for the Tories in another colour if Labour get in.

Nobody gives two shits about anyone vulnerable. Well, maybe the Greens. They at least mention us.
They won't be as bad as the Tories, who love demonising vulnerable people. It might be a low aim, but the first step has to be getting the Tories out.

Personally, I liked seeing Stephen Flynn taking Labour to task in last Friday's debate over Brexit and other issues. Labour majorly need to step up and yes, I agree, people with disabilities is an important issue that Labour should have addressed in their manifesto.
I was in Crete when the result of the referendum was announced. There were hardly any English tourists in our resort so we were targeted as soon ad people heard us speak. We were constantly asked “what have you done?” All we could say was that we didn’t vote for it but it was clear that the result was not expected.
I happened to be in Lille on the day we left the EU, very glad to be out of the country and not to see idiots celebrating it in Trafalgar Square. Every local I spoke to thought that people were crazy to have voted Remain. A few of them bought me commiseratory drinks which was nice.

I'm a poltical nerd but I'm not sure even I can cope with another one
I don't know, it'll be another chance to see how batshit insane Penny Mourdant is.
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Wackie Jeaver

VIP Member
I know this is behind a paywall, but surely it has to be made up? As if a fourteen year old could articulate themselves like that. If he’s real he sounds like a right snooty little twat.

I'd love to read that, bloody paywall...
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Cannot stand career politicians like Jonathan Ashworth. Very slimy and inept. He also needs some media training as well as he seems incapable of keeping his cool under questioning.

Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I don't answer my door unless I'm expecting someone, so that makes no difference to me.
Speaking of not answering the door. I do pay a TB licence but I rarely watch live bbe or tv unless it is sport. I got a letter through about ‘switching to a digital tv licence’ or some bollocks. Which I am not going to do as they make it sound like you need to provide your ‘paper’ tv licence to avoid a conviction. I can show my bank statements to the scamming fuckers. I want to cancel but don’t want to do anything illegal but has anyone cancelled and what do I need to not watch to do so properly without me ending up in jail with Anna or Shazzy?


VIP Member
I live in a Tory safe seat area and just had Labour representatives knock on the door and all they did was pretty much tell me not to vote Lib Dem 🤔

Wackie Jeaver

VIP Member
Our polling cards came through today. Youngest is driving 70 miles home to vote. Oldest has given me her proxy vote. Bring it on!!

Still nothing from any of the parties standing though?


VIP Member
Sure, but the fact you can afford to send your kids to private schools is indicative of the kind of social circles you likely have and the kinds of people you're talking to are probably of similar level of privilege to you (that's not a personal dig, it's true of most of us)
Are you serious? I don’t mix with any of the school parents and have a very broad range of friends and family!! How narrow minded of you. Far from privileged; chose private school for smaller class sizes and chose not to move house and have to watch our spending to allow for school fees. I know families where they are that rich that voting labour and the tax will have no impact, yet I know families where it will have a huge impact. There is such a misgiving about the types of people who send their kids private.