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It's rare that the losing team don't do that in knockout football finals these days. Guess they don't want to be reminded of the rawness of their defeat at this moment, but I suppose they may learn to treasure the medal in time..

Anyway, onwards and upwards...Olympics next week. Plenty of great sport to watch and hot athletes (male and female) to ogle :love:

Yes! We need an Olympics thread!
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Don’t hate me but I am a bit disappointed in Gareth Southgate’s management during the final to be honest. Bringing players on in the dying seconds just to take a penalty without even giving them a chance to play and get a feel for the game and run off some nerves very rarely works out well. And funnily enough both Rashford and Sancho missed and don’t get me started on poor Saka. Southgate said he made the choice in regards to who take the penalties. The blame lies solely on his shoulders for that. It just wasn’t the game to be taking such silly risks and putting so much unnecessary pressure on players. They should have been brought on much earlier, they were stood waiting at the side lines for ages. Grealish should have been brought on earlier too, Henderson was a pointless sub to make, we just left everything too late and didn’t try to get the ball off of Italy at times.

That’s not to discredit all Southgate’s work during the tournament but I hope he works on his in game decision making before the World Cup because it was so frustrating to see such a shoddy performance at certain points in the game. At one point during the second half we had only 21% possession ffs it’s just ludicrous compared to what those players are capable of and what we have seen them do.

Hopefully we can do the same at the World Cup but this time win it instead❤🤍❤🤍
Yes, yes, yes.

I was surprised to get home and read the other comments. Gormless Gareth got it wrong last night. Aside from the opening 10/15 minute we were out played all over the pitch. I don't believe man for man Italy are truly a better team but they were better coached and had a better gameplan. It was clear for all to see from half time that Italy were about to score and Southgate changed nothing to challenge that

There was no leader out there for England and as the game wore on we looked more and more lost, if you're captain some of that buck stops with you, it was a very weak captains display from Kane. He didn't even have a touch in their box. What an over rated, uninspiring captain. Shaw was electric for 10 minutes and then stopped bombing down the wing - surely that was an order?

Gormless Gareth's tactics both got us to the final and lost us the final. It is what it is. Character building, or summat!

At least we have the football that really matters coming up soon.


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To be honest with you, football claims it's a respectful sport, but it really isn't all that respectful. The cheating, diving, biting, crowding of the referee and shouting at him, the list goes on.

I can point to a myriad of incidents on the pitch which show there's little respect in football. That's why it's laughable that people say it's disrespectful to boo an anthem, yet turn a blind eye to the crap that goes on during matches.

Racism incidents on field, Suarez biting incidents, PSG players throwing a wobbly in the CL and getting sent off, Diego Costa spitting at another player, an Italian player disrespecting Zidanes mother, then Zidane lashing out with a headbutt. Ronaldo winking at Rooney when he got sent off etc. Some of the worse goes on in Latin America too. Watch those matches and you'll be surprised.
You are 💯 right my son plays for an under 9 team and some of the coaches from other teams give those young kids dogs abuse I’ve had to provide proof of my sons age because one of the teams they played last week didn’t believe he was 9 yr old because our team beat them in a cup match , this coach left his young team in tears calling them for everything because they lost the match,you need to instill respect when they’re young..,this is the text my sons coach sent me he was so annoyed as he insists they have respect for the other teams they play and doesn’t pressure them to win he congratulates them regardless
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Look at the age of the bully boys I hope you that footage is used to snare the bastards
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I can see it both ways, Kane going first as our best penalty taker can show strength. Also what if the Italians didn’t do as well/Pickford saved more, surely it’s better to have the best takers first as it might mean the penalty shootout is over before the later takers need to take one. I don’t agree that he should’ve been last with his age and the pressure but I also believe the best takers should go first.

Wanted to add I’m assuming they decided who would take penalties before hand, seeing as some of the players who took them had just come on. Sterling getting abuse for not taking one, it’s not like he has a good record of taking penalties and without him we wouldn’t have even got to the final.
I guess we’ll just have to disagree, you have trust in your keeper and you start well and end well, you don’t leave England’s first trophy to be decided by a 19 year old who’s never taken a penalty. Not when you have 7/8 other more experienced players watching.

Southgate has a world class squad and is a great people manager but he’s been saved on his poor tactics by the players being so good. Even Kane being captain is a joke, he’s never shown captain material and you can see the players think it. Henderson is the captain in every element except title, even without him Maguire should be captain.

It makes me so angry that these 3 young men at the start of their career are now being subject to racial abuse and will have their confidence is tatters because the manager chucked them to the lions. He didn’t trust 2 of them with game time but trusted them to take a penalty, where’s the logic?
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Don't understand the violence and never will. Seems like some of the men in that video were seeking it out
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