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VIP Member
I have no words for that tiktok.

Firstly that outfit could not be classed as cosy and secondly, she needs a bra or needs boob tape to stick the top on.
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Chatty Member
Over on her tiktok she's on about Sean buying the flowers for her for mothers day that the twins shur wouldn't have a clue they are only 5. Sorry but I'd nearly bet my life that most schools make a mothers card / picture etc with the kids. And if not strange that the teachers would put emphasis on the family unit, fathers day etc where Julie has numerous times had a good old feel sorry for herself for being a single parent, but yet fail to celebrate mothers day 🤷 just proves everything she does on her insta / tiktok is purely for atten
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thread suggestion - Oh my God, social welfare fraud, Julies living the dream, on the HAP scheme
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7 pints in 2 hours and only getting in the mood to stay out. Wow that's a lot of alcohol. 4 pints of beer id be asleep. Shes going down the 🦎 route unfortunately. Shes not capable of minding the kids that drunk. She has no one to answer to so she can do what she wants. Kids have no hope im afraid.
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Her second Saturday bringing Fionn to a match and she is already complaining. Yeah Julie I think it's on week 4 that the team bus turns up.
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Completely fake who goes and sits in the car and tells their 5 year olds follow them out and all the idiots believing her . I can't wait until those kids tell her to feck off and not to put her on insta. Also I bet she had lipo on her tummy in Turkey aswell she seems to have lost weight since she got back but she is not doing much to loose it that quick
Dr niamh lynch has been posting all week about laws of influencers posting their kids online. The sooner it’s brought in the better. No way in hell we should see them kids the amount we do.
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The gob on her. Air in rows has the same misfortune looking lower face. Anyone here saying they love the hotel or have booked in there over Easter should go and enjoy the break. Why would ye let a sleaze like Julie ruin anything for ye. Yes, she's making a fortune by acting the gormless ape on instagram but that's all she has going for her. Her children are dragged up and appear miserable half the time. She doesn't enjoy motherhood. She's no man and will never have a decent one, which to her is ultimate goal in life. She literally cannot cope with 100% support from her mother and brother. She'll be in her forties, living the exact same life
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What was she saying in the video? I'll be killed if I play her nails on chalkboard voice (video seems to be gone now?)
Is it another one of her traveller call outs?
It is on TT, just saying dressy on top, comfy mom jeans on bottom. A lot of the comments are all very sleazy but she knows what she is at. She did glamour shots at one stage too, she is not shy like she pretends.
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I really couldn't careless whether she goes out or not ...she can be just so insensitive saying she with hwr kids everyday like its a chore. There's mums waking up today who maybe trying to get pregnant and can't and mum's who have lost kids would only love to be spending the day with there kids. And yes everyone deserves a break now and again, I just think she is so self centered and would never think she could upset people with her comments.
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Bad when Sean is telling her she isn’t even a mother!!! And she thinks that’s content! 7 pints in 2 hours. Classy lady!
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I reckon all set up Julie bought herself the maxi twist and the kids the others but just had to lie for content. It's getting very annoying now
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Me-Droolie droopy diddies is off out again, she’d want to put those pancakes back in the pan, Jesus wept the smell of desperation off her for the want of a ride. She’ll have a big red Timmy Tinder chin and nose come Monday & a smell of sardines off her!! 🤮 Let hope droopie diddies doesn’t piss herself tonight. 🤣


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Chatty Member
Sad fact:the majority of people who can afford hotels now are the social welfare players(not users),the scroungers,liars and evaders.And even more sadly there's enough of them out there to make it worth their while associating with Julie to reel in her kind
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Of course the kids were just waving her goodbye and closing the door, they’re so used to her leaving them!
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Same and the trip to funderland yesterday, camp and hols in 2 weeks! But do ya know what? It's all just over compensating with her. The lies this morning are coming from guilt because she knows she's allergic to her own children. Nothing against camps at all but no need to ship 2 jnr infants out when she doesn't work and ye can be sure there will be another camp next week. She tries to buy their love and affection with things and places to go. They would much more value time at home making jigsaws and the like. She is clearly very unhappy and I wouldn't want to be her.
I fully agree, she barely tolerates the kids, takes every opertunity to dump them with anyone who will have them.... She drinks herself into oblivion, acts like a gobshite, openly admitting to pissing herself.... Craves any man who will have her, cos she thinks thats going to make her so happy, and relieve her of "doing everything herself" which we all know she has tonnes of help.....she hates her life, and i would too if i was her, although i firmly believe if i had those 2 chuckies for a week or two, i would teach them manners, which they sorely lack
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