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I’m assuming her mouth is totally not normal. When she pulls at the wrap around her head she still can’t even talk properly and looks like she had a stroke. Something doesn’t seem right at all there. Is her tongue swollen or something? I wouldn’t say there was an awful lot to suck out and they damaged a load of nerves connected to her tongue, lips etc…
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She is just an ugly person inside and out and no amount of surgery will ever fix it
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Your kids aren’t animals Julie, you’re just a lazy bitch. They’re 5 nearly 6 and if you see that when getting out of the car you wipe it up not leave it to build up. Teach them that’s normal to do so they start being careful or help. Like is this one as thick as shit. That chiselled jaw is looking fabulous lol. I’ve seen people get this procedure from actual good doctors and even with the swelling you see the difference - can’t see a bit of difference with hers - only a wonky mouth and mad teeth... But sure wasn’t her money she wasted away. And bullshit on the sick mother story, she’s minding those kids more now than ever before…. Julie has the most child free time than everyone on the planet put together…. Minding everyone my ass!!
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Look at Shannen who got a massive go fund me payout and is JuLies good friend laughing her head off. The TT is hide the money there is poor people around. Dig at her having the GFM money?

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Mejoolie sounds like a saint - on her own with the twins all during the pandemic, watching mums on insta having a glass of wine at 8pm while she was trying to rock her twins to sleep 😳
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Frilly Milly

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There is a bit of a difference with her eyes. The hooded lid is gone. But can't see anything with the jawline. Maybe when the swelling is gone it'll be more noticeable.
I think the eyes look a bit different because she's not wearing false eyelashes which may be the culprit to weighing down her eyes in the first place.
God love her she's trying to convince herself her chin is sorted!
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Brenda is equally as annoying as Julie I think. She's trying so hard to be funny it's embarrassing. She just ends up screeching and shouting.
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Congrats @TeaAndABun for the winning title🥳🥳🥳
The last thread started with Joolie buying some furniture. I say buying but it was more likely an ad and she got it for free/ discounted or bought nowt at all. The kiddies went missing along the way.Whether it was to Monaghan or Mammy Haynes no-one knows but God bless Joolie she did her best to convince us they were there. Didn't work mind you😀 There was drama about passports but she never mentioned what. Turns out she needed it to go to Turkey.
What did she go yo Turkey for I hear you ask? Well according to Joolie it was to spend money and help the economy. She did this by getting the fat taken from her eyelids and lipo on her chin and neck area. According to her for flights, accommodation, and the two procedures it was €2,000 . She priced it here and it was €11,000 so off she went to Turkey for four days.. The plane was full of people going for procedures if u were to believe her. Boy manager aka Eoghan was also in Turkey getting procedures but he stayed a week. He was in a different part of Turkey as he said he was two hours from airport whereas joolie was 40 mins. Now unless Joolie lying but we all know she wouldn't do that🤣🙄Sean was in Turkey too and came home the week before Joolie.

Have to add this to recap 😀


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Irish wannabes

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When will grown adults stop saying

Ahhh Nahhh
OBSESSED or as Julie says Upsessed
Said I pop on

I do cringe when I hear any of the above
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It really annoys me when these insta huns get free stays for them and there kids. Fair enough if there was a massive discount then for booking but there's not. They can well afford. I priced a few hotels for family of 5 and the price get a holiday for a week thw price they charge for 2 nights just so unfair on families who would deserve it more
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Is she for real?
She’s the one doing the mothering, parenting and minding? Eh, news flash JuLie, they are YOUR kids?? You’re supposed to parent and mind them??
Also the “I hide stuff from my mam”
There’s no way you could hide that big monstrosity of a head you have!
She’s deranged she really is!
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She’s an awful liar. No way she pass up a local colab (who let’s face it, they wouldn't touch her with a barge pole)…. She went on her own? She forgetting her Ken Doll posts..???? I never wish harm on anyone but in this case I hope she’s left regretting her treatment. No pain my ass, she’s as high as kite in meds in those stories 😆😆😆😆
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She sounds so rough shouting at them! Why couldnt Erin Rose open the door herself. She really makes it obvious that she is the favourite child.
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It is was Wednesday or Thursday she got the first dunnes delivery! Didn’t she say she told him she got her wisdom teeth out that why she’s wearing the bandage? And then she got another delivery yesterday. Why is she lying, just making things up for something to say?
Also why she turn down a collab because she didn’t want to have to talk about it and then she went on to talk about it anyway?? She got offered no collab, they’d be hard pushed having the likes of her doing advertising for them, they’d lose business!
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