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Anonymous One

Well-known member
‘We’re going on holiday!!’. Ah that’s lovely she gets to holiday with her boys…oh wait it’s with a bloke she met a few weeks ago while she dumps the boys with nanny and they get their hair washed and brushed.
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Its a mid Thursday morning shes posting about being in the gym and getting hair nails done meanwhile her children live in a house with dirty floors and no carpets, she's claiming benefits, getting her children taken to school in taxis not funded by her and even posting about low income grants she's trying to get because she's clearly struggling so much. Shes supposedly struggling yet owns 2 vehicles, constantly eating meals out and having coffees out, has airfryers and coffee machines on her worktops worth 100s, pays a gym membership and nails, always wearing branded clothes and buying her children expensive hauls from surf brands not just primark etc but she claims she needs extra help
Imagine if everyone did this? Where would the money come from to fund everyone living this this type of lifestyle? She’s an absolute joker.
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I know all relationships move at different speeds but a boyfriend of less than 6 months isn’t a ‘partner’, and there’s no reason he should be looking after her children alone on a weekly basis. Not sure which one of them is a bigger mug.
I thought the exact same thing. And shows how deluded from the real world she is after starting working 4 days a week she doesn't have time for the gym and social media anymore 😆 try working full time and not having some random guy you met a few months ago to watch your kids whenever needed
She must have gotten rid of the car to get a 7 seater not the van, it's too beneath her to not have 2 vehicles and she's too selfish to get rid of the van, what would she do about dragging the boys around to festivals in the middle of the night if she got rid of the van
It's such a joke this girl who claims every handout goint, gets free taxis for her kids to school, free half term clubs, free food vouchers can both go away to London and the alverton (quite a posh local hotel) within January where most families are struggling to pay bills
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Those stairs will never get finished she doesn't have the patience . Probably crashed the van whilst trying to film herself driving
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Anonymous One

Well-known member
As if she’s trying to get people to nominate her for a glomama award. Is there a category for ‘just about avoiding involvement with social services’?
  • Haha
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So she's treated herself to a gym membership and a spa weekend, how about get carpet in the hallway and shoes that fit the boys and maybe start looking at Christmas presents for them??
Can guarantee a few days before Christmas she will be on stories upset saying she's had no time or money to buy the boys many Christmas presents and she just finds it too overwhelming
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The story of her crying… it doesn’t do anything to raise awareness, she’s centering herself in a topic she clearly isn’t informed enough to speak on.
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I don't know how he has the patience for the kids.. it looked manic last night..I can't see him hanging around.
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She's passionate about education but takes her kids up to Manchester on a school day for something entirely selfish. Nothing for them at all, and since they are not in her talk she must have left them with a stranger babysitting. Missing school only weeks after missing over a week to take them on holiday wow what a fantastic example of a teacher really putting her boys education first
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Roaming freely when she doesn’t even have a garden?
And a herding breed that is well known to snap if not worked?
It always baffled me why she got a dog in the first place, and a high energy, working breed at that with three young children, a tiny house, no garden and swanning off all the time. Absolute madness.
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Roaming freely when she doesn’t even have a garden?
And a herding breed that is well known to snap if not worked?
It’s always on the local pages that the dog is roaming free with no sight of her… so sad! A risk for the dog and the public! I expect it toilets everywhere too!
  • Wow
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It's strange she's tagging her new boyfriend saying how much he does for them, and putting a song about 'my father' in the background, she's really hoping new people think hes the triplets dad after dating him for 5 minutes isn't she. All that back pay from child benefit she still can't buy shoes the right size or feed them nutritious meals so they are not just skin and bone!
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"I dont have any childcare except from school" only 32 hours + (especially if they are in clubs aswell) and she doesn't work. Poor her having only 32 hours child free a week . She's managing to find the time to go to the gym every single day but yet apparently is so busy. Most parents (who have to work for a living) are desperate for an hour to them self even once or twice a week to go to the gym, let alone 6.5 hours a day to do whatever she wants
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‘We’re going on holiday!!’. Ah that’s lovely she gets to holiday with her boys…oh wait it’s with a bloke she met a few weeks ago while she dumps the boys with nanny and they get their hair washed and brushed.
I thought the same she kept saying we're going on holiday I thought that's nice she's finally doing a nice kid friendly thing with the boys, but no just all about her again!
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Imagine the state of that loaned tent when or if she returns it. Good to see one kid can now see a bit better after his self haircut. Jessica behaves like an overgrown toddler herself.
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She's said today a late night for the boys tonight, when it's a school night again and she seems surprised they are falling behind at school! I do not understand why she talks about the wild warriors stuff like its her brand or she's put loads of hard work into it personally... she does a few hours once a week not even a full day and most likely not even every week yet makes out she's working so hard on their projects. She's so unbelievably lazy
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Well-known member
So she's treated herself to a gym membership and a spa weekend, how about get carpet in the hallway and shoes that fit the boys and maybe start looking at Christmas presents for them??
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Given that she is supposed to be a trained teacher I cannot believe how many times the boys school logo on their tops has been shown on her stories , where is the safeguarding. Her only interest is getting content for her instagram. Also constantly putting the children in unsafe carseats not installed correctly or even the correct seat for their age.

The taxi doesn't surprise me at all, I did think how she was posting the boys were still at home at 8.40 saying she was a bit late given the distance from her house to the school. This women does not work, has 2 vehicles yet does not take her own children to school how sad for them to go in a taxi, most likely exhausted from their late night before, with a stranger whilst their lazy mother sits around at home on instagram
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