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I know for fucks sake just get back on bleeding plan! Omg prison slop meals spot on 😂😂
looking forward to hearing her moan at Disney when she's cold and knackered, she said she can't wait to be "walking 20,000 steps a day" she yawned from the effort of walking from her living room to the kitchen ;)
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Anyone else notice the absolute manky state of the box she got her new engagement ring in? There's no way she got that from a jewelers 😂 made herself sound all high and mighty aswell 'oh we just had to upgrade to platinum' shame she can't upgrade her personal hygiene and buy a bottle of shampoo whilst she's at it. Dirty mare


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An M & S reduced fat croissant, stated 154 calories on my fitness pal they come up as 195
think this is for the gammon thread ma love ;)
but please do re post it in there as I thought she was telling porkies about the calories too!
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She's so snipey in her replies, she put on Facebook that they were feeding some random parrots in the park, someone replied saying the parrots aren't that random as they get them in their garden (they live in London). She replied by saying they were to us. Snotty mare
Tan knows best ma love 😉 she's an expert on laarrrf
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assumption videos = ways to stroke their egos yet again
far too many kiss ass "you're amazing" comments 🤮
thumbnail of the vlog V's her in the vlog = catfish
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Gammons posted a pic of a wreath she got for £15.99. Far nicer than the tacky monstrosities Tan sells!
I voted she paid £5.99 🤣🤣 I choked at £15.99 for it as it's a bit sparse😲 But Tat with Tan is absolutely taking the fooking piss!!!
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She'll be back next week after Halloween is over because she'll need to start flogging her Christmas reefs. She bought loads of stuff for making them in the sales last year, only £40 with larrrttss my luvs !
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missing woman
last seen almost nodding off on her sofa after a hard day pumpkin picking
answers to the name Tan but could also try "ma love"
says she's a saaaarrze 10 but more like a 14 these days
don't bother thinking anyone with clean hair is won't be
yawns a LOT, has dodgy lashes and may have been spotted in "arseland"
if found please return to youtube as us tattlers need our fix ma loves ;)
Omg - how true. Where is she ma love ?
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I'm the same height as her and, after all the festivities, I'm now 14st 😂. I'm nowhere near a size 12. A 16, maybe 18 in some shops.
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Oh my good grief had to pop on and mention how terrible Tanya looks with those dodgy lips. Why does she bother when she’s a stay at home mum who doesn’t go out? What an absolute waste of money all those ‘beauty’ treatments are! If she spent less on them she’d be able to afford some actual fresh food for once!
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Shes just put another post on Instagram of her before and after pics......did you know she lost 7 stone in 16 months by just swimming once a week. We know Tan but your only as good as your last weight in
It makes me laugh the she hasn't mentioned on the post that she's put 3.5 stone back on!! How funny ma loves.
I'm not saying she didn't do really well because she did but on her before pic she'd just had her youngest two days before so she was bound to still look big around the stomach area
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Pair of cons is right,no mention of Chris's bad back after the old lady's insurance paid out! was she not quick to condemn the people whom were supposed to have conned her after she crashed into them.He was attending physio unable to move while playing crazy golf and on the roller-coaster at the pleasure beach makes you wonder???
Bloody hell someone should report them for fraud if they claimed on it. Funny how they're getting a mortgage now 🤔
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