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VIP Member
Just watched the fab fit feck off un boxing to the end. How desperate are these companies to use these uneducated people to front their products. Faux fur. It's a silent X Tan, no Tan knows best and pronounces the X. Dear God. Why wouldn't you do some research and get someone on board whi actually makes a vlog having had a wash first. As if you're going to be tempted to buy stuff like that on the recommendation of a slob. Oh wait check out the comments and the sheep have followed suit and ordered. So predictable 😂😂😂

Yes, how uneducated can one person be 😂😂😂🤷‍♀️
Cringeworthy. Doubt very much QVC will be headhunting our Tan ! 😂
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I see she posted a story on ig with a pic of her christmas tree from 6 years ago vs her christmas tree now and saying there has been an improvement 😬 her tree this year is ghastly. Far too much on it, just looks tacky. The one from 6 years ago was quite nice tbf!
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Unbelievable isn't it, that along with all the recipes for the main meals she has on it, that can easily be found on her Chanel if your that desperate to want to make them. I have no idea how much she charges but even a fiver would be overpriced, kinda lost my likeness for her a little after seeing it! Personalised my arse, that's everything she likes to eat there's nothing personal to me on it and she even asked me for my likes and dislikes 😂

Oh they were in there on week 2 😂 Im guessing by that she means tinned new potatoes because iv never seen an actual potato on her channel that wasn't a jacket or made into a mountain of chips 😂

And who the fuck would eat carrots with tuna pasta? Tinned of course, our tan wouldn't know a real bit of veg if it hit her across the face
Look at her spelling of shepherds pie 😂
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She does look good in the first one to be fair! It does suit her. At least she admits she has gained weight unlike gammons. I do agree with you all that she is definitely more a 14 than a 12 lol. And ffs if you are going to do a clothing try on haul have a fucking wash!!
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Genuinely can't believe the state of that meal plan!!! She should be ashamed of herself, I've not followed slimming world in a year and could do better than that!
2 Alpen lights and 3 babybells for breakfast followed by a mugshot and a fruit salad? You'd be absolutely starving!!
Her snacks are completely ridiculous too, yes eggs and meat and low fat yogurts are/were free/low syn on slimming world, but they're bloody high calories compared to fruit and veg 🙈

Seen it all now ma loves
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I bet she'll be moaning her arse off walking round Disneyland Paris, it'll be good body magic though ma loves
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Imagine her nonstop shopping hauls if they ever get a mortgage. I couldn’t finish the vlog where she talked about them calling up to get quotes so I don’t know the outcome.

Maybe it’s different I’m America but I was surprised that she fixed the driveway and had Chris put in another electrical outlet (for her dressing table) in a rental house. Yeah the driveway looked bad but it’s not their house. They paid for these updates with their own money?
I'm in the uk and I don't understand this either. In my time, I've rented many places and I could barely put a picture up without asking permission!
Didnt they pull out hedges from the back garden too?! They also changed the floor in the kitchen at some stage!
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Not sure what tax year she’s doing but she says she’s almost up to date and then she’ll only have to do up til April when it goes in?
Ermm Tan, the correct tax year that has to be in at the end of January 2020 is for April 2018 to April 2019, so you should already have all your figures for that period?
I have a suspicion 😉 she doesn’t do her tax, it’s not the first time I’ve heard her say this.
Definately ! sure she counts on her fingers FFS.

So she gave everyone a "prep" talk in her latest vlogs, she felt really hungry the narrrt before but embraced the feeling as she knew it was her bod-eh losing weight, wow she talks a load of shite!
She picks her spot, her lashes and her hair all the way through and of course treats us to a fair few yawns as she drones on about being a weight loss expert, did you know if you exercise you need more protein?? so she's had some boiled eggs for lunch and has slaarrrced meat in too, she ate leftover pasta bake with mayo over it bleurgh! and she feels hungry after it because star week is looming maloofs ;)
Same old! same old! still rockin the orange hoodie aswell I see ,wonder when it last seen a wash?
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VIP Member
thanks for sharing guys

just going off wat some one else how the heck do they spend so much at aldi is that a monthly shop nearly 200 pound AT ALDI my mum used to spend that 120 and that fed 5 adults and 4 kids when we all lived at home we would all pay towards it but that was to feed 9 people how the hell does she spend that much feeding 4 ?
considering she rarely seems too cook either, even now back on plan she stocked up on arseland ready meals despite doing a big grocery shop, I think she buys a load of crap from those centre aisles 😂 bet their garage looks like aliexpress headquarters!!
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She certainly doesn't follow her own meal plans anyway 😂 pretty basic, told her I didn't like mushrooms so she's clearly just used one she has or possibly the only one she's ever made, edited it and wrote "minus mushrooms" 🙄 then forgot to edit the one for the Friday 😂 I got 4 weeks worth and every snack section says the same. Her famous tuna pasta is on 3 of the weeks surprise surprise! And no, I didn't pay for them and thank fuck for that, I'd of felt robbed 😂
Fucking hell what a con ma loves!

Omg howling....."marrnus mushrooms" "larrrt mayo" "fruit salad with favourite fruit" "mugshot" where's the tinned spuds ma love??
Trying to laugh as quietly as I can incase I wake the kids up 😂

Oh my goodness! That's shockingly poor and yes, it's just SW re written in her own words.
Those poor buggers could just buy a SW magazine and follow the 7 day plan from it. There's one in every edition!

I don't really know what else to say, just appalling, glad you didn't pay for that load of shite!!
You're right it's appalling! These people who are buying the plans could buy the magazine as you said or there's loads of Facebook groups where you can get syns etc. Total con!
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What’s the threshold for tax is it 12k? I bet she fiddles it somehow so she doesn’t pay anything and once again who the fuck is buying the bloody meal plans?!

OMG the constant yawning! She yawned from 11am to 6pm, no one yawns that much!
Unbelievable isn’t it, never known anything like it myself
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Lars Guinard

VIP Member
Here you go
I think Tan is a brilliant inspiration for weight loss...keep posting them pics and we’ll all be put off our food.
I know she said ‘The food dun’t haff ta luk pritteh’ but come on Dim Wit Tan, make it look edible.
What is it with her and the Gammon making mince look so watery and anaemic...they literally ‘can’t make mincemeat of it’.

Also, why are you asking random strangers for advice about medication for your child or even the teachers at school,before speaking to a professional?
May the Lord help that baby bird because aaar Tan will be waiting for the vlog to go up and check in’t comments fer answers on’t youtube!
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so someone presumed she was "harrrr maintenance" and got her back up but its ok as she knows its just down to the fact she has her lashes done...yes Tan thats the reason ;) and does she ever wash her bloody hair??? yes I know im obsessed but man alive ive never known anyone live the greasy life as much as she does, imagine her pillow cases :sick:
And those brows. They look like bloody caterpillars stuck on her face.
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And why does she feel the need to grope herself whilst trying it all on! She made me feel sick rubbing her tits all the time 🤢 Some of it it did look ok on her but I can't say I'd wear any of it as a bodysuit with jeans 😂😂🤦🏼‍♀️
she were checking herself out ma love, listening to er bod-eh, it were telling er tu ave a cheeky grope for more views from pervs ;) she's been watching rebecca lamb......she'll have her arse out next and be doing speed cleans bending over a lot!
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Think the nippy comment was on her FB page !
Saw it, how fucking rude. I’ll have speed food if I want to. She’s a snotty twat

I did really like her I followed her she followed sw but now it’s just ads for money and crap vlogs I had to unfollow her, she’s changed so much she’s no interest in herself specially since she got engaged, Christmas Day the way she spoke to the kids all for recording was ridiculous she sounded like a down right miserable cow wouldn’t let them open there presents the boys where excited and she took all that sparkle off them she just sees money for vlogs, adverts etc, she’s actually a bye bye now
Yeah she’s totally changed. I‘d like to unfollow but I’m too nosey 🙈
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