Travel Trolls TV #4 No more travel in their pee stained van!

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Well I've watched tonight's slog and I'll get my rant out of the way, I absolutely despise anyone using animals, and in that heat they should be prosecuted and imprisoned, just my very strong opinion. There was a man near the beach I think it was, with a few birds, looked like cockatiels. The poor things, I'd end up getting arrested if I was there.
And that poor Pelican, what sort of life has that poor thing got. It actually upsets me the way animals are used for human gain. I turn into this

Oh Mazzy, don't hold onto your crotch, people can see you. Not a good look, you're not Michael Jackson. (When she was dithering about, attempting to stroke the pelican)

I don't blame them not buying that scrub and cream at them prices, Mazzy when you see this, get yourself some Soap and Glory, Flake away, and body butter. Nearly always on offer at Boots. S&G also do other body scrubs. Your welcome.

I do hope it's not the kiss of death for 'Marika and Me' getting involved with these two grifters, (remember BE visiting TT).
I can't believe they accepted not one but two freebies from the man who writes on the grains of rice. No shame, I would have insisted I paid for one of them and still promoted him.
I can't believe the comments from their gullibles, telling two grown ass humans to drink water and be safe. Makes me wonder if BE gullibles are also TT subscribers and commenters. The tone of comments is very similar.
I think (attachment) sums most of us up pretty accurately


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Well well well, what's the saying 'birds of a feather flock together. Could be very true.
Just watched TT new bessie mates, Marika and Me. Looks like they could be another pair of grifters.
Think his name's Paul, telling their 3k subscribers that they can buy them a coffee or two, I translate that to send me some money. He then said about someone had bough them 10 coffees. Hint hint
When Dan and Mazzy went over to them he asked dan if he'd enjoyed his free meal the other night .
Of course everyone is wonderful and gorgeous and really nice. They've spoke for a few minutes for fuck sake, excuse me while I get the sick bucket . I know I'm a cynical old boot but please, do people really behave like this in the real world???
I did have a laugh at the comments though, either a commenter has read on here, (maybe one of us).
I don't think I'll be following them anytime soon, unless a tatler fancies taking one for the team and let's us know if there's anything we might like to have an opinion on.


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Update on Marika and Me slog,
I'm sure Dan said this isn't for camera, and was talking about a vietnamese restaurant that wouldn't let him film inside or even the menu. He said the owner told him it was illegal as from either that day or day before. Mr Paul(he calls himself) said it's not illegal. Dan said probably because of illegal workers. Why think that, owner probably didn't want him disturbing other diners.
Why is Mazzy so secretive, Mr Paul asked her where she was from, she didn't want to say, Dan jumped in and said she was born in Ireland.

Watched a couple of M&M slogs,( just for research and skipped a lot of them). And I can confirm that it is looking like initial observations were correct. They have a monthly subscription/patreon of €10 a month to support the channel.
How does that work, do they mean to support them ?
Having said that, Mr Paul's commentary sounds professional and educated. I'm not sure if they only slog in Pathos, looks like he knows a lot of people so they could live there.
If they meet up again with the TT things may become clearer.
Or they could take note of their comments and distance themselves.
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Did you also notice that Mr Paul invited them for a drink and Dan said no as they had just ordered a takeaway and they left and then in their slog the next morning they said they had had a hefty night with their new friends and were hung over.
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@ChatterboxCharlie ---- oh yes, something a bit off there. I think there was a lot of off camera chat.
Are we convinced that it was a chance meeting when Dan 'accosted them' (Mr. Paul's words) or pre-arranged. I've said this before, I'm a cynical old boot.

And they revealed, think it was the day after slog at breakfast, (no evidence of any food), that Mazzy hasn't had a drink for four months and she had kept it secret. Think there's more than that she's keeping to herself
On M&M's slogs mr Paul said they are in that Pelican restaurant, think fridays/ Saturdays, not sure why unless it's for viewers/subscribers to meet up with them.
It'll be interesting to see how this new found love fest pans out after the negative comments they've received from their subscribers about the TT.
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I've just watched a slog from 2 days ago, looking at all the excursions, not buying any and looking at a menu. They really are ignorant, I wouldn't normally pass comment on someone's intellect, but he spouts all this shite like he is all knowing.
The menu had suckling pig, he said why don't they just call it pig.
Well Dan, the reason they don't call it just pig is, it has only been fed off its mother, hence suckling pig. Usually killed between 2-6 weeks old and they normally serve it to you whole.
Even though I'm not vegetarian, I couldn't eat that or veal.
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So mazzy had a meal!!! A quarter of a sandwich, a few chips, left the salad, which she loves and then said she feels as if she has overeaten!!!! I wonder if she’s had a gastric band or something
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Can't understand why they're struggling to eat?

I like the all inclusive places that have a variety of specialist restaurants you can book cos you can still hit the trough (buffet) after you've had the a la carte nosebag
Don't Dan fucking moan! whinge whinge fucking whinge!

Shut up and get on with your 'job' you knob!
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On yesterday’s vlog Dan said he didn’t know the name of the church they were visiting so Mazzy told him. He was not happy that she knew it and he didn’t.
As a previous poster said, he wants the viewers to think he is so knowledgeable when he really isn’t. I think the only person who thinks he is clever is poor Mazzy.
On today’s vlog another comment about how they are doing the filming for “us”. So not for the money then?
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If Dan had taken a minute to check his smartphone, or looked at Google Maps like he's been going on about, he'd have known the name of the church. He even comes out and says he doesn't know and he can't be bothered to find out. Or that he doesn't have time to do any research on the places he visits because he's too busy editing

Hey Dan! It's a travel vlog! At the very least you should know the name of whatever it is you're looking at. As opposed to treating your viewers to close-ups of the sweat stains on your shirt.
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So mazzy had a meal!!! A quarter of a sandwich, a few chips, left the salad, which she loves and then said she feels as if she has overeaten!!!! I wonder if she’s had a gastric band or something
Their eating is so weird! she ate a small bit of a sandwich, a couple of chips and no salad - they have barely eaten anything so far! they are either stuffing their faces on late night chocolate and crisps or it’s the diet drugs! Trouble is they are so secretive that you end up reading what’s not said more than what is! Pair of weirdo’s
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It's like Dan doesn't even want to be on this holiday. All he's done is moan and snap. Clearly hates being in Cyprus. Their hotel is absolutely shite. The area looks rough as fook, but they can't risk saving face.

And I have no clue how mazzy is sticking those hair extensions in that heat 🫠
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Definitely agree he doesn't seem to be enjoying himself. I think it's because it's not all inclusive they are having to get out and by going out she's going into shops every day and spending.
Take your kids and have a family holiday, oh forgot they probably won't have anything to do with you nowadays.
It's just like Spain all over again. To tight to spend any money so just wondering around making out they are enjoying it. Someone suggested to hire a car, he doesn't want to because he can't have a drink through the day. Can't go on the boat because they don't like swimming, just go on the boat see the sights and relax.
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Some people thought he was a tour guide

'Hello, my name's Dan, welcome to Scruffy No Nothing C**t Excursions....'

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I see cunty Dan had to put Mazzy down, not once but twice. Told her to stop saying actually. Then proceeds to say it himself about that dried ocra, I think it was, 'actually it's got seeds in'. What a twat.
Does anyone else think, like I do, he's been running her down more since she's lost weight. Some men,(and women)don't like it when their partners lose weight, they might ditch them along with the weight.
On the blog that Mazzy said she wasn't as beautiful as Marika, Dan should have built her up (like Mr Paul does with Marika). Watch and learn Dan.
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