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Full of Baloney

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I just watched her videos of this morning with Julian. Lmfao. He didn't kiss her. You know why!? 100000 bucks says because she doesn't normally act like that and talk like that to him. She’s just doing it for the likes. You can hear the fakeness in her voice along with her fake accent. Julian is probably confused thinking who is this lady and where's my normal bitchy mom. He's confused by the kiss because she probably never asks him for one. If she always gave him a kiss she wouldn't even have to ask or if she did ask it would be automatic. It amazes me how fake she is. 🤯🥴
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Can we just talk about how gross Lorenzo from jerseylicious looks now?!?! lMAO his post today made me cringe
Did you see his girlfriend she looks like a man with a cheap wig lol

Can we just talk about how gross Lorenzo from jerseylicious looks now?!?! lMAO his post today made me cringe
His girlfriend is scary that wig she rocks needs to go🤣


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I’m not gonna lie I forgot she existed for like 2 weeks:ROFLMAO:
The tell all shit and the post about fearing for her life over his friend arriving on a motorcycle turned me off so bad I haven’t even looked at this thread
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pretty rich coming from someone who has no skills (not a political post just mentioning the obvious). She couldn’t handle a 4 year school, got mommy and daddy to pay for her cosmetology license, had 5 minutes of reality TV recognition, got married in hopes of a spin off, popped out 3 kids, got divorced. She has no life skills, what the fuck would her resume read?
- sCoRpIo
- mOm of 3 wHo HaS her KiDs 10 dAyS a WeEk
- LoYal, as long as you can give me money. If the money runs dry, I will blast you and drag you all over the internet while acting like a victim
- a1 BJs according to me, only me
- spoiled brat, my daddy pays for me and the 3 kids I refuse to provide for
- 4 jobs! No I can’t tell you what they are but just know I do it all on my phone
- Facetune Queen, I spend hours changing what I look like in photos and my kids, too!

I am sure I missed a lot but y’all get it. This girl couldn’t get an office job if she tried, unless it was being called as an escort to the office of her secret man who has a wife or girlfriend.
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Listen, I'm all for having a good time and letting loose. But if I didn't know her.. I would NEVER guess she's a mother. She straight up acts like she's still in her 20's DESPERATELY clinging onto her old life for as long as she can. I cannot get over how much she has fucked up her face.. I mean at this point it doesn't matter how much weight she loses, the damage is already done. Does she not realize she's making it easy for Corey to move on and how hard it is to attract a decent man when she's acting like that? You know what's attractive? Keeping things civil for your family, keeping all that info you just needed to tell the world to yourself, to go to the gym instead of taking the easy way out and focusing on your children and getting a job that can actually support your family.

Here's what I think happened. Tracy was a very spoiled brat growing up. Then she flipped the script once Jerseylicious happened because she thought she'd be rolling in dough. So the portrayed this go-getter independent girl who relies on no man. Well once she realized this show wasn't making NEARLY as much as the Jersey Shore cast she got bitter. Once Corey got that $$ then she went back to being a spoiled brat who thinks a man should take care of her day in and day out. So you know what, I guess you could say she was acting in JL since she clearly does not have that mentality anymore.

And I honestly wouldn't doubt if Sammy was in on her "man games" pretending to be some rando guy when it's really just them fucking with everyone. Aside from the catfishing :D
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He's a sweet little boy.

She wants to be the center of attention. She has no concept that her attire wasn't appropriate for a kid's bday party. But even if she did, she gave zero fucks. She wants to prove that she's still desirable, that she's more than just a mom. I think she thinks that she doesn't want to appear to be matronly. I've been to alot of kids parties over the years and I've never seen anyone mistake it for a costume party and show up dressed like Peg Bundy.
Even if she wore the infamous workout pants with a Barbie t shirt and I’ll even say if she knotted it in the back with cute sneakers and hair in a pony tail she would look 100x better than this mess.
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Someone caught up on tattle i guess 😂🥴 sorry but trashy u said you have the kids 80% of the time yet you’ve gone on 3 boat trips, got drunk at 2 birthday parties (mind u your kids were with u) went to the beach, went to get ur drag makeup done, sammys bday, are on yourphone 24/7, stood on the doorstep with your son which showed how disconnected you are with him! Went to multiple dinners and bars, and hair/nails/boobs/lip appointments. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SAY U ARE AN AMAZING MOM??? The day u got divorce u resented those kids and only use them to get back at corey which is why u filed for full custody to hurt him because u know he truly loved those kids. They are better of with corey 100% even if he is a drug addict or they are sleeping on the couch because with u they are ignored, neglected, unwashed, uncombed, sexualised, and dumped on the first person who will say yes to babysitting. Your parents put up with u because of ur kids and because of the whole gotta love ur kids shit, but deep down ur dad is embarrassed and ashamed and so are your brothers they dont even come close to u in pictures. You really think Mr Maloney wants to go to the country club and hear how his daughter had threesomes, sucks poprocks of her husbands dick or has her udders hanging out in childrens bday parties, is a alcoholic, talks about blowjobs constantly, thinks shes a sex symbol, photoshops her whale ass to make her look 10 sizes to small or the fact that she is a shit mom and somewhat of a whore (even though its all a faccade) to trying to look sexy and some sort of sexual amazing sex kitten fire bomb in bed person) when in fact it was wham bam thank u maam under the sheets with the lights of with corey on top doing all the work because hippo can do a squat to save her thunder thighs!!!

Excuse the bad grammer and spelling mistakes, was on a rant lol 😂


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Everytime I look at this picture again I get more irritated. Her being in front with that outfit and the color of it make her the center of attention. Ashley is an after thought even being in the barbie box. I really don't like how she wore the pink to the party. It's not her party or her daughter's party. You shouldn't be drawing attention to yourself when it's not your party. Like would she wear a wedding dress to someone else's wedding? That's how I look at it. Unless the invitation says to come in pink you should not be matching the theme of a child's birthday. Even the children as far as I'm concerned. If it's not your child's birthday they shouldn't be dressed as if they're the birthday girls. There's definitely a way to do it mildly if you feel the need to match every fkin thing you attend. Goodness she gets on my nerves. Can she ever let anyone else be great and have their moment!? Rhetorical question. She's such a tacky self-centered human being. Rant over lol.
She doesnt wear a wedding dress to a wedding, she wears a bra and leggings
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its soooooo obvious that’s Tracy on her moms account😂😂😂 Only Trashy uses that hand clap emoji when it makes absolutely no sense to use it!
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Here we go… Bitch put your FUGLY tongue away! I can see why this chick does not have a boyfriend, said absolutely everyone.🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
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The east coast is supposed to get hit with hurricane Henri tomorrow. I could never be away from my kids during a storm like that! I would be so nervous I would have trouble getting back to them. And here she is partying not caring about them at all!!! And I’ve lost track of whose weekend it is, but If it’s Corey’s , he isn’t even there!!! I don’t care he’s away working , if she was any kind of mother she would of kept them
Home. You know- since she has sole legal custody 🙄. If you really have full custody Tracy why didn’t you keep your kids home and safe during a hurricane ?
I’m sure she doesn’t have to give them to Tara for the weekend if Corey isn’t there. Oh wait- she wants to party so she would literally hand them over to anyone. Sickening .
And yes- I know they are safer and better off with Tara. My point is Tracy’s a shit mother .
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