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Totally get it, I have had to go for therapy for my deep rooted jealously of her. I want to be able to go out and be able to have my phone in front of me filming me provocatively sticking out my tongue.
And my perfect twerk my life goals 🤣 👏 👏 👏
You had to go to therapy too? I thought i was the only person. My therapist thought i was crazy at first to have such jealousy of a z-list, dirty, thirst trap, but once i explained how she had A1 blow job skills, had special Sicilian skin and my man was in her DMs, she completely understood and prescribed me medication.

In this reality, which is where 99.9% of people live unless your name is Tracy Maloney, there is no jealousy. No man wants to come home to her. She is scary looking. I mean look at what she has done to her past marriage. She is detached from her kids and lives on mommy and daddy's dime. She parties all weekend (without her Bae) pretending all these men are after her, um RED FLAG. Real men want a woman that they dont have to watch over to make sure she doesnt embarrass him, doesnt want a woman posting thirst traps, wants a woman that shows she is a good mother (not just saying it) and a real man doesnt want to support some 30 something and getting nothing in return. Marriage is a partnership, hence why her marriage failed.

So Tractor Tray - you can say you have all these men in your DMs, you can take videos partying with all these men, but no REAL man, FAMILY man, HONORABLE man, wants a woman like you. So take the men no one wants, you do all other girls a service by taking care of the low life men and leave the good men for the deserving woman. You are doing your Christian service by helping woman out that way. You get the scraps leaving the desirables for the REAL woman/mothers/sisters/daughters/humans.
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I couldn't deal with him touching the hand sanitizer on the floor then the water wall and then his fingers in his mouth. Plus the running in the street. None of this is his fault, but what the hell why record and not tell him no??? OMG I freaked inside, I could be classified as a helicopter mom but come on, not only COVID! You can catch SO MUCH from a dirty floor and water!! HOLD HIS HAND he is little cars may not see him. Simple mom things she doesn't even do.
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Oh boy - I am away visiting my mom, trying to fly home with a hurricane hitting and so much to catch up on. Ok I’m sorry but does she really think this behavior makes her cool or wanted ? Does she have no self respect ? She looks desperate and pathetic. Normal mothers don’t count down u til their free weekend to go party. Who in their 30s looks forward to hangovers anymore ? There is a level of sophistication that she tries and fails to portray. Sophistication at 30 is hell different than your 20s. It’s not getting sloppy drunk while your kids are with their dads family.
Second - I applaud Tara for taking the kids when Corey is away. She stepped up for Corey. And I would rather the kids be with her during a hurricane than twat bucket Maloney. She would probably tell the kids to go play in the flooded roads to show how great swimmers she made them.
lastly I just really wonder how long she can continue this out of control behavior. Because it’s not cute anymore. It’s no funny nor is it cool. It’s desperate and pathetic and shows downward spiral.
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🤢🤢🤢So this guy must have cut off her nasty dirty pant bottom mad here he has it in his mouth! Between this and the community bottle being passed around with everyone’s tongue shoved on it, you can tell these people are absolutely disgusting and will literally put ANYTHING in their mouth!
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You know, I've never been a fan of this girl because she's so...aggressive. As much as she claims she's nice and loyal and all that, she's not humble. In the few episodes of her podcast I've listened to, she likes to talk about herself all the time. It's very telling how insecure she is. She's not strong in her convictions and talks a bunch before she really thinks about what she's saying. Even in the responses to comments, she always has to be extra. Then comment shared above about the follower vibing or grooving along to her stories, T could just say "Thanks, it was a blast" but instead goes into a TedTalk about being a single mother and doing it all and she's allowed to have fun blah blah blah. She wants so hard to clap back at everything to boost herself up. She's really struggling.

T if you read this, I see your manner. You're going too hard to show how "alright" you are. No one needs to see you flaunt your life, just quietly do your thing. There's no innocence or sweet moments, it's all "look at me" culture. Cut it out and focus on your babies and their innocence that you will never have again.
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*eye roll* at the pinned comments. Her kids are average. They all look like her bald daddy, except Jayden, and he looks like a great value mr. clean. Stop acting like your kids are going to be models. They probably have bad attitudes, they have horrible teeth and will grow up to be like you because you think the world needs to cater to you.
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I didn’t think it was that heartwarming, honestly (not to sound mean toward you). I actually felt it was sad and hard to watch when I saw it, she talks so aggressive to him and as someone else said, you can hear the impatient Tone she has 😞 he’s doing so well and it almost seems like it isn’t good enough for her. The way she was scolding him was just very aggressive and nasty almost like he was a dog. She asked his name and he said it and she goes “ya great” or something real bitchy and not warm at all. She just does not seem like a warm and fuzzy person, it’s actually very sad.
That was the most aggressive, annoyed and disinterested interaction.
The tone she had in her stories with Julian is the tone she has with her children 90% of the time. The other 10% is when she’s at birthday parties with them and has to act maternal.
She is so completely disconnected with her kids, and that’s the way she likes it.
Julian getting excited and asking about GiGi is extremely telling - coupled with his apprehension on calling Tbag “Mommy”, it’s clear who he favours and who raises him.
Poor kid probably cant choose which Mom he loves more - Tata or GiGi. Tracy is a stranger who picks him up sometimes and does nothing fun with him.

Also, I know we’re used to it by now but once again I’ve never seen a Mom with only one kid at a time, all the time.
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She looks like a toothless druggie lol I caught this face right at the perfect moment 🤣 will be my new pic now
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Someone needs to tell Sammy she looks fucking ridiculous sucking in air and holding her breath to make her neck look thinner and more defined in every picture. It drives me nuts it’s literally every picture. Go through her ig and look. It looks so weird and unnatural I cringe every time I see it.
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No one is saying mothers, who are divorced or not don’t deserve free time with their friends, but when you reach your mid thirties a nice dinner with some drinks should be good enough. Getting turned up and taking shots in your mid 30’s is not a good look. Also why the need to post every time you’re partying on social media. She just looks thirsty and pathetic
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Awww Mommy Tata taking care of her kids and taking them out to do KID things while BIG T goes out, AGAIN!!! She says she gets them “85% of the time” - Your Instagram determined that was...a bigger lie than your waistline, Babie Girl.

and may I just add...this tw@t is doing Sammy soooo dirty with her stories.Anyone follow Sammy to see if she posts this hippo in her natural habitat as payback?!
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Full of Baloney

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Any new exes Tracy has acquired have dodged a bullet. It's all fun and games until the honey moon phase is over and real life kicks in with her. It takes more than sex and acting like a sex kitten to keep a man/woman especially at her age. I'm sorry but if you want the role of a stay at home "mom" and you don't clean and cook or atleast attempt to cook if you don't know how any decent person is going to start to hate coming home. We've talked about it before but can you imagine working all day and coming home to your influencer spouse/significant other and the house is destroyed and you have to get on the phone and order take-out 6 out of 7 days of the week every week of your life. No man or woman is trying to play "house" by the age of 35. There's expectations and she sucks in that department. Any man that's an ex that's reading go find yourself a real woman and don't worry about that 34-teen that's got nothing to offer other than sex. Any new man reading you've been warned.
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Let’s see, where do I start….
Fake lashes, fake nails, fake inflated lumpy lips. Fake perky boobs, fake flat stomach, fake thin arms, fake smaller nose, fake smooth skin, fake thin neck, just about every part of your body is photoshopped…. ALL FAKE!!
Fake designer purses and clothing.
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I didn’t think it was that heartwarming, honestly (not to sound mean toward you). I actually felt it was sad and hard to watch when I saw it, she talks so aggressive to him and as someone else said, you can hear the impatient Tone she has 😞 he’s doing so well and it almost seems like it isn’t good enough for her. The way she was scolding him was just very aggressive and nasty almost like he was a dog. She asked his name and he said it and she goes “ya great” or something real bitchy and not warm at all. She just does not seem like a warm and fuzzy person, it’s actually very sad.
Yeah that really rubbed me the wrong way too. Also the way she said “why didn’t you talk upstairs?” Julian said “yeah” and she goes “No not yeah.” Like she sounds like she could care less how far he’s come, it’s not where SHE wants him to be. The not holding his hand in that parking garage or valet area pissed me off too. I just want to scream “get off your damn phone and just be a mother to your child!”
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Tracy, I know math is hard. But from 9/1-12/31 is 122 days. Let’s divide that by half and we get 61. 61 days from today (9/1) is actually November 1st. You’re about two weeks off with being dead center. But I’m proud of you for being close. Maybe next time you will get it 👏🏻 🤣
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Tell me you’re enjoying a kids birthday too much without telling me you’re enjoying a kids birthday party too much… tray will go first…
Does she not know how to read the room?

Everyone is dressed appropriately for a kids party. Even Ashley who is the bday girl's mother did not need to show out. How is she not embarrassed ? No wonder she was sitting alone on the throne. She probably had nothing to contribute to the conversation. I'm sure they were all talking about their kid's progress, school, routine, sports, dance, hobbies etc and here is Miss My kids are a burden to me. Why am I here? I wish I was on a boat right now with Sammy drinking from the same tequila bottle 20 other people drank from.

Was she not raised on a country-club spoiled rich bitch setting? How do her parents not correct her behavior to avoid public humiliation? Didn't the not accept Corey because he wasn't a member of a country club and not up to their standards? How's that Karma working out for you Mr. and Mrs. Maloney?

Never spit in the air because it will fall right back on your face. I cannot tell you how many times Ive seen Karma work in the best ways to so many people.
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