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jackie got this procedure done through them a few weeks ago and they posted a lot of videos of her. Let’s pray they do the same for Tubby T and expose her for what she really is.
Who is paying for all this? This bitch gets lip injections, lashes, hair extensions/color/cuts, laser lips, and nails done on the reg as well as potential weight loss surgery so I just want to know, who is paying? Your mommy & daddy? She buys herself new shit and treatments all of the time but her kids look like they don’t get new clothes or baths, make it make sense y’all. Those poor babies.
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No female should insult another female this way.
Every woman should respect the natural female body. The less we do, the more we also tell men what is ok to say and feel. It’s sad that women ans men call even large young adults breasts sagging if they’re large and hang naturally and aren’t balls of plastic (I have balls of plastic myself so no judgement there… but my point remains, and i can humbly acknowledge the truth). The female body is beautiful and it is not to be perky perfect and flawless like a freshly pubescent body especially after being a portal to bringing souls into this world via pregnancy. I know you all know this too…. You’re just in moments of darkness when you say that stuff; happens to us all . But think about all the women you love… including yourself (I hope)…would you want strangers saying that about you? No excuses either … no saying “I also won’t be photoshopping or getting procedures” etc etc. would you like the feminine body insulted for its authenticity ?! It’s plan and simple question. Unless you don’t buy clothes that you feel flatter yourself, unless you never have a hard time getting ready in the mirror because you didn’t like how things looked. unless you don’t dye your hair, do any beauty treatments… you can’t point so many fingers at this woman . You can’t say that you are in charge of creating a fine line of existence to say what is ok to do for ones appearance and style vs what isn’t ok.
yes she uses Facetune…. Yes she chooses angles… yes she contradictory and hypocritical at times…. But can you say you haven’t been a human ans experienced any of that ? You never tried a filter ans liked it? And what makes us all want to like filters? The judgmental world. “I am human. What is human is not alien to me” Maya Angelou.
Ps men infamously and historically attack the women’s character when they’ve been dumped after f’ing up. Its like they go from anger to sadness to depression and desperation of wanting her back… to getting angry again. It’s the “battle” testosterone in them. It’s the ego and pride. I just hope you ladies don’t have to go through a similar situation because you’ll see quickly how quick a man blames and doesn’t accept accountability. The more she becomes unbothered the more he get activated.
yea she annoys me a lot too and is bitchy to ppl trying to be nice to her but just have a diff opinion. She needs ppl to kiss her ass to laughor smile back it seems. But she also could be in defense protective mode…. An abused dog barks the most… I think Coreyreally fucked get up emotionally ans it’s good she’s getting back as awoman. As for the younger her on the show…., I’m grateful I didn’t have my personality in my 20s videoed for the world lol
You may not like the wording, but people are calling out her photoshopped lies. You are angry with the word choice and choose to overlook the compliments on her hair and outfit. Posters, including myselfThese compliments exist in every thread I’ve seen.

Posters have expressed their concern for her mental health due to the obsession of her ex and that of her children. If it comes across as mean or judge-y due to the wording, then that interpretation belongs to you. We are/were fans until HER behavior broke that.
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I don’t want to say it... But I like the green pants 😬. But can someone tell me what the heck is up with her hips/ waist in those pics? Umm that’s really bad photoshopping!

Tracy should just shut up about Corey’s family.They are not part their messy breakup. She is emotionally manipulating them or forcing them to get involved like this. She knows her (blinded) fans will do her dirty work and Tara’s page is public, so will make comments based on what Tracy says. She is so sly.

Also, Tracy is not a good person. She is so quick to talk herself up while also trying to shame anyone not like her, and this isn’t a one off incident. It’s constant. The whole how she does this and this, is not said in a way that shows support or guidance to others but as she thinks she is so so much superior because she does it this way and that. The way she responds to people is so rude and over the top. Not to mention vulgar. Lately she has calmed down from what I can see on here. But you can tell the tone is there still. She also has this self importance and sense of entitlement that bothers me most. She thinks she deserves more in life than any other mother- oh please! Does it affect my life- absolutely not! Does how she act have anything to do with me- no! But she is on a public platform feeding bs to people, when her life is bs! It’s great that public personalities cannot getaway with a false image and make money of it, as others can declare the truth. I think it’s a public service that people speak out on lies that influencers are promoting because it’s a dangerous game and IMO no person who is bad at its core should be allowed to have a public platform when they have been part of the bullying and racial problem.

Your perspective needs to change if you see people on here as an issue. I don’t like everyone’s post (sometimes I am skimming super fast between pages because I’m so impatient and want to know the latest gossip 😆, other times it’s because I cannot respond with an eye roll, and other times it is because I don’t agree with the whole post), so it’s my choice to like or not, or keep moving on and reading other things. But the point is we are respectful of each other’s opinions without placing judgements on each other. I don’t care to hold Tracy in the same regard- she’s a disrespectful, spiteful and shameful bitch. She doesn’t get the same courtesy that she doesn’t offer anyone else.
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207 "likes" and no comments LMAO just pathetic like Miss Maloney. Somethings off. And the only person who's commenting the most is big T from a week ago. 😂😂😂 View attachment 658682

Edit: just goes to show these wannabe ig bitches ain't shit..
This girl looks fake AF. Well, I know for a fact that big T went to Cuzin's for a free meal. The blonde girl in the picture of them sitting down at the table is the girlfriend of the owner of Cuzins. He was a previously married man with like 5 kids - she used to work there and was having an affair with him for years. Doesn't surprise me that T-Rex is hanging out with nasty bitches like that.
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Reposting what Brielle posted and added that some things never change…
Corey needs to cut her ass off too. Another Tracy 2.0 posting her personal business to people who don't care. Go post some more photoshopped sefies, Brielle. Corey has to focus on being there for his kids - not you. 🙄
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Chatty Member
How are her wide fat feet going to fit in those shoes? They look like the dress up heels they used to sell at Toys R Us
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Full of Baloney

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All that tea yesterday!! I feel like I just watched a season finale of a trashy reality show. 🤷‍♀️😂 I can't believe this is actually all these people's real lives unscripted. My life is so boring compared to all that crap but I'm perfectly okay with that.😂 The funny thing is all is drama is basically coming from Corey's peen 😂. Ready for the next season. 😎🍿🍷
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Full of Baloney

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My mind is going wild. Is she pregnant? Is he a child molester? Is he married in another state? Is it just he cheated? Did he bone the dog? Does he have a shrine of Tracy? Lmao.
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here we go again 🙄
who pretends to have a man at almost 34 years old? It’s giving me so much second hand embarrassment from when I made up having a boyfriend when I was 12!
Yeah co-parenting is going so horribly. he picks up his kids when hes supposed to except when had him for over 3 weekends in a row. he sees them at their graduation, takes them to places, but yet co-parenting is so hard yeah co-parenting is so horrible.

Bitch you should have a dad that's never there, barely calls and doesn't see the kid for years. Let's see how horrible that feels. At least Corey spends time with them when he has them you ungrateful cunt.
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Chatty Member
No female should insult another female this way.
Every woman should respect the natural female body. The less we do, the more we also tell men what is ok to say and feel. It’s sad that women ans men call even large young adults breasts sagging if they’re large and hang naturally and aren’t balls of plastic (I have balls of plastic myself so no judgement there… but my point remains, and i can humbly acknowledge the truth). The female body is beautiful and it is not to be perky perfect and flawless like a freshly pubescent body especially after being a portal to bringing souls into this world via pregnancy. I know you all know this too…. You’re just in moments of darkness when you say that stuff; happens to us all . But think about all the women you love… including yourself (I hope)…would you want strangers saying that about you? No excuses either … no saying “I also won’t be photoshopping or getting procedures” etc etc. would you like the feminine body insulted for its authenticity ?! It’s plan and simple question. Unless you don’t buy clothes that you feel flatter yourself, unless you never have a hard time getting ready in the mirror because you didn’t like how things looked. unless you don’t dye your hair, do any beauty treatments… you can’t point so many fingers at this woman . You can’t say that you are in charge of creating a fine line of existence to say what is ok to do for ones appearance and style vs what isn’t ok.
yes she uses Facetune…. Yes she chooses angles… yes she contradictory and hypocritical at times…. But can you say you haven’t been a human ans experienced any of that ? You never tried a filter ans liked it? And what makes us all want to like filters? The judgmental world. “I am human. What is human is not alien to me” Maya Angelou.
Ps men infamously and historically attack the women’s character when they’ve been dumped after f’ing up. Its like they go from anger to sadness to depression and desperation of wanting her back… to getting angry again. It’s the “battle” testosterone in them. It’s the ego and pride. I just hope you ladies don’t have to go through a similar situation because you’ll see quickly how quick a man blames and doesn’t accept accountability. The more she becomes unbothered the more he get activated.
yea she annoys me a lot too and is bitchy to ppl trying to be nice to her but just have a diff opinion. She needs ppl to kiss her ass to laughor smile back it seems. But she also could be in defense protective mode…. An abused dog barks the most… I think Coreyreally fucked get up emotionally ans it’s good she’s getting back as awoman. As for the younger her on the show…., I’m grateful I didn’t have my personality in my 20s videoed for the world lol
I’m 48, and a single mother of one. I am a size 18, and I accept my body for what it is. I don’t photoshop, nor will I ever. I use to be a fan, and it was Trashbag Tracy, that led me to this site. At first I thought, wow look at all these tattlers just ripping her apart for no reason. Then I came to realize what a phony, and liar she is is. With every lie, photoshop, and x bashing, she just makes herself look worse.
Guess what my cheating no good x-husband, was a drunk, a drug addict, a liar, and so much more. But I divorced him, worked really hard, and raised my daughter on MY OWN, and I didn’t moan and bitch about him every chance I got. I have the best part of him, and I am grateful to him for our daughter that we share together. I have no regrets!
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For someone that talks so much shit about being italian shes acting like a real bitch right now. Yea it was the biggest sports event for the whole continent of europe, why is she upset people on her timeline (who are probably actually italian) were enjoying themselves? Why is she so bitter? Its like if its not about drinking clubbing or sex she has no interest in it, including her kids😒
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My bad! I meant the parent pays the difference of the amount of time they have the kids. So Corey pays 85% and t-bag pays 15%. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Sorry, it’s been a day!

if Corey has to pay $500 at 85% then t-bag has $88 at 15% the combined being $588. THAT would be 29%(or whatever the number was) of their combined income ($2027/week, $105,434/yr). No idea if that make sense or is correct but that’s the way I read it.

here’s my question, is she really looking for Child Support, or does she secretly want Alimony to “hold up a lifestyle she’s become used to” (heavy sarcasm on that one)
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Exactly what I was getting at. You can't pretend to be mother of the year when you consistently don't spend the weekend with them due to do selfish things. It would be different if she actually worked but apparently she's allergic to that (as well as fruit, chocolate, what else is she "allergic" to?)
I've never seen Tracy do an activity with her kids. Like a board game, or hide & seek, or anything that wasn't meant to be recorded for the likes. Her over-the-top 30 second productions with the sappy love music & her doing slut-eyes to the camera while her kids are vying for her attention in slow-mo. Then she posts it and it gets hundreds of "OMG YOuR aN aMaZiiiNg MoM!1!" comments & boom - Tracy is validated in her mind & she really thinks that's all it takes to be a great mom... because her followers said so. That's sick. She needs therapy... a lot of it. But since she won't do that, she needs to get cancelled.
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Chatty Member
So if we go by her approximation that says Corey from March 2020 to March 2021 owes $26,000 that would equal to $2,166.66 a week in child support also equaling $722.22 per child a week.

Doing the NJ Child Support calculator Tracy has them "85%" of the time. If Corey made $185,000 with 3 kids his support would be $731 a week for three kids. So either Corey makes millions a year or math is hard for others
I’d like to see the entire transcript. She cut off the part where the judge laughed at her and asked her where she got those numbers from.
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Corey has confirmed Julian is in the same clothes he had them in yesterday with the pictures tracy posted this morning.
Explains how it takes her thirty minutes to get him ready for school. She literally tugs him out of bed, changes his diaper, shoves a slice of bread in his mouth or dumps a tub of icecream in front of him and then has twenty more minutes to stalk Corey and Brielle’s page, post cryptic memes, Scorpio quotes and a few selfies she had edited the night before. Then 7:25, she takes a few pictures of him to edit later to prove to her saddies that she’s the most hardworking mom after Kris Jenner. 7:30, she pushes him out to get on the bus. World’s best mom!!!! Oh wait, let’s not forget this happens ONLY on Wednesdays during her ‘85% oF tHe tImE’ weekly visits.
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I have NEVER seen someone that needs so much attention!!! She constantly needs to be told how amazing and wonderful she is. I dont understand this. Im over the age of 40 and never have seen this in my life. Kim K and Kourtney K have 7 kids between them and are single moms. I never see people telling them they do a great job parenting. OMG everytime i see these comments i get soo annoyed. This cow always needs a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum. She has the kids this week but just posted shes going to get a procedure done on Wed. must be nice to be a single mom with no money of me time with kids 85% of the time and get work done on yourself. Poor you!!!
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