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If her ass was so big. Why didn't she just film herself turning around?? Why did she need to practically pull a muscle just to arch it that way.
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Are Breille and Tracy working together
Brielle is a fucking jokeeee. every couple of weeks she does this but then will have him back inside of her in a couple days.. honey go back to decorating your house and walking your dogs like SmotPoker said.. leave this man alone. He’s got 3 kids to focus on 🥴🤢
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Because according to them he is a deadbeat and he isn't allowed to go out. Only Tracy is allowed to spend money on herself. It isn't even her money 🤦🏻‍♀️ Tracy is the thief
If you go back to thread 42 and start on page 21 you will see that on June 19 Tracy didn’t have the kids either. Tara had all of the kids that Saturday and they had already been with her since that Thursday. Even though that Sunday was Father’s Day it wasn’t Corey’s weekend, but Tracy’s parents were on a trip and our girl can’t be alone with the kids without supervision, so it was a good excuse for her to dump them with Tara for the rest of the week/ weekend. Big T was busy getting her nails done, going to Queens NY, and making cringey tiktoks in her fake glasses while Corey was working and playing slots on his time off. Instead of worrying about why Corey was at the casino maybe they should worry about what the true deadbeat was doing on the 19. I’d just like to thank Tracy for posting every detail of her pathetic life. It makes it so easy to pull up the receipts.
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Lmao bitch just hears "$26,000" and jumps to answer "YES!" Let the person finish their sentence you money-hungry hoebag.
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I wish there was a way Corey could get a lawyer and get her served stating that she is not allowed to speak of his name on social media, post his kids, or release the tell all for the next 10 years or else she would be fined big time. She would fuckin go nuts!!!

John Cena the wrestler did that to Nikki Bella. She isnt allowed to release any info regarding their relationship for the next 10 years unless its positive.
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Full of Baloney

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No female should insult another female this way.
Every woman should respect the natural female body. The less we do, the more we also tell men what is ok to say and feel. It’s sad that women ans men call even large young adults breasts sagging if they’re large and hang naturally and aren’t balls of plastic (I have balls of plastic myself so no judgement there… but my point remains, and i can humbly acknowledge the truth). The female body is beautiful and it is not to be perky perfect and flawless like a freshly pubescent body especially after being a portal to bringing souls into this world via pregnancy. I know you all know this too…. You’re just in moments of darkness when you say that stuff; happens to us all . But think about all the women you love… including yourself (I hope)…would you want strangers saying that about you? No excuses either … no saying “I also won’t be photoshopping or getting procedures” etc etc. would you like the feminine body insulted for its authenticity ?! It’s plan and simple question. Unless you don’t buy clothes that you feel flatter yourself, unless you never have a hard time getting ready in the mirror because you didn’t like how things looked. unless you don’t dye your hair, do any beauty treatments… you can’t point so many fingers at this woman . You can’t say that you are in charge of creating a fine line of existence to say what is ok to do for ones appearance and style vs what isn’t ok.
yes she uses Facetune…. Yes she chooses angles… yes she contradictory and hypocritical at times…. But can you say you haven’t been a human ans experienced any of that ? You never tried a filter ans liked it? And what makes us all want to like filters? The judgmental world. “I am human. What is human is not alien to me” Maya Angelou.
Ps men infamously and historically attack the women’s character when they’ve been dumped after f’ing up. Its like they go from anger to sadness to depression and desperation of wanting her back… to getting angry again. It’s the “battle” testosterone in them. It’s the ego and pride. I just hope you ladies don’t have to go through a similar situation because you’ll see quickly how quick a man blames and doesn’t accept accountability. The more she becomes unbothered the more he get activated.
yea she annoys me a lot too and is bitchy to ppl trying to be nice to her but just have a diff opinion. She needs ppl to kiss her ass to laughor smile back it seems. But she also could be in defense protective mode…. An abused dog barks the most… I think Coreyreally fucked get up emotionally ans it’s good she’s getting back as awoman. As for the younger her on the show…., I’m grateful I didn’t have my personality in my 20s videoed for the world lol
I'll bite.
I don't use all that stuff except for a filter but even if I did I'm not on a public platform with fans trying to act like that's how I really look. Plus she's a nasty condescending person. She has also said nasty things to people herself. Two wrongs don't make a right but sometimes I throw that shit out of the window for special circumstances like this bitch. She's also a victim of her own choices and needs to be accountable not coddled. It's not like she didn't have guidance in her life. I don't feel bad for people who make poor decisions and then are upset because of the consequences that come with their poor decisions. As far as talking shit about her it comes from her lying and making herself seem like she's more special than the average woman and has this perfect body after having 3 kids because when people ask her stuff she lies and talks down to them. So for me she's free game. 🤷‍♀️ If I was trying to be morally correct with everything in my life I wouldn't be on this page even reading 😏😉.
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Chatty Member
No female should insult another female this way.
Every woman should respect the natural female body. The less we do, the more we also tell men what is ok to say and feel. It’s sad that women ans men call even large young adults breasts sagging if they’re large and hang naturally and aren’t balls of plastic (I have balls of plastic myself so no judgement there… but my point remains, and i can humbly acknowledge the truth). The female body is beautiful and it is not to be perky perfect and flawless like a freshly pubescent body especially after being a portal to bringing souls into this world via pregnancy. I know you all know this too…. You’re just in moments of darkness when you say that stuff; happens to us all . But think about all the women you love… including yourself (I hope)…would you want strangers saying that about you? No excuses either … no saying “I also won’t be photoshopping or getting procedures” etc etc. would you like the feminine body insulted for its authenticity ?! It’s plan and simple question. Unless you don’t buy clothes that you feel flatter yourself, unless you never have a hard time getting ready in the mirror because you didn’t like how things looked. unless you don’t dye your hair, do any beauty treatments… you can’t point so many fingers at this woman . You can’t say that you are in charge of creating a fine line of existence to say what is ok to do for ones appearance and style vs what isn’t ok.
yes she uses Facetune…. Yes she chooses angles… yes she contradictory and hypocritical at times…. But can you say you haven’t been a human ans experienced any of that ? You never tried a filter ans liked it? And what makes us all want to like filters? The judgmental world. “I am human. What is human is not alien to me” Maya Angelou.
Ps men infamously and historically attack the women’s character when they’ve been dumped after f’ing up. Its like they go from anger to sadness to depression and desperation of wanting her back… to getting angry again. It’s the “battle” testosterone in them. It’s the ego and pride. I just hope you ladies don’t have to go through a similar situation because you’ll see quickly how quick a man blames and doesn’t accept accountability. The more she becomes unbothered the more he get activated.
yea she annoys me a lot too and is bitchy to ppl trying to be nice to her but just have a diff opinion. She needs ppl to kiss her ass to laughor smile back it seems. But she also could be in defense protective mode…. An abused dog barks the most… I think Coreyreally fucked get up emotionally ans it’s good she’s getting back as awoman. As for the younger her on the show…., I’m grateful I didn’t have my personality in my 20s videoed for the world lol
Girl you’re wasting your time here go back to club saddie. I promise you we don’t care.
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Is it wrong that even though she posts these "receipts" and has a tell all coming out, I still dont feel bad for her. Like we get it he owes you money but you havent even tried to get a 9-5 to support your kids yourself. You rely on mommy and daddy to help you.
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The only reason she’d want to baptize him is so that she can put him in a fugly all white fake Gucci outfit with some gold cross chain and talk about the patriarchy Godfather style. Oh and the nasty all white Oreos and envelopes of cash “for Julian”. She’ll probably do it on the 18th of whatever month to fit her style
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I am so not surprised about what Brielle said. When Corey mentioned the only fans thing on his IG a while back I replied to his story saying “DO IT!!” Cause I like to stir the pot hehe and knowing if he did it would piss off that hippo whale trashy , and then he requested to follow me and I accepted whatever. Then he messaged me back saying something like yeah I should do it huh, and I’m like sure whatever floats your boat! And THEN he’s full on flirting with me and I’m like dude I’m married and arent you with Brielle? (Which HE WAS) and he fully said things are that good right now blah blah blah and THEN he asks if he could send me pictures that he wants to post on only fans and I’m like nahhhh nahh nahhh this mans about to send me a dick pic or something and so I blocked him 🤣🤣
he’s deff a ✨fuck boy✨ and it’s sad he’s wasting/wasted Brielle’s time. I can only imagine how many other girls he’s flirted with and most likely hooked up with via IG! I’m not team trash or team Corey , they both need help. Tracy is just fucking ugly and vile on the inside and she will never find a good man. Tracy hunny, no matter how much you change your appearance on the outside YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A SCUMBAG SKANK, SELFISH, DIRTY, CANT CLEAN OR COOK ASS HOE!! It won’t be because you have 3 precious children, no honey no it’s because you’re rotten on the inside... And Maybe Corey will just stay a fuck boy, whatever dude karma will come when your girls grow up and deal with boys like you, but don’t be in a relationship, work on yourself and do better for your kids. Tracy needs to do the same, they have three SMALL CHILDREN! Yet they’re acting like early 20s dickheads. Get help, both of you.
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Wow so suddenly being a social media influencer isnt one of her four jobs? When people asked her why she was home on her ass on her phone all day she said it was because her jobs were on her phone🙄 she's honestly losing her mind. If shes not an influencer why does she charge money to promote businesses on her instagram? 😒 also corey is at the carnival with tara and the kids so good for him for being present. How can she say hes a deadbeat when hes there playing with his kids at a carnival?? She clearly is just upset about the money. She thought she was going to divorce him and keep living her same life paid for by him and she deluded herself into thinking a new man would scoop her up and take care of her but shes not stopping to ask herself, what does she bring to a relationship? She doesnt work, has no home, doesnt enjoy cooking or cleaning, she doesnt know asl, she doesnt do anything, she even said she would never have another kid, so she just wants a man to come in and pay for her and her kids and also compliment her all day while she sits at home and buys fake LV bags???
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View attachment 659070
It’s SO SO SO much easier now that she’s given up the responsibility of taking care of her other two kids. Before it used to be so dang hard for Tray. Whatever happened to the girls love to pick their own outfit??? She’s got a lot to say about Corey having his sisters feed and bathe his children but can’t even look after them herself
But I thought she got all the kids up and ready and out the door in 30 minutes and said it was easy?🤪
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Oh I know it was an “allowed” visit, but her stupid followers also act like it’s good for Tracy, bad for Corey.

Also… those shoes were not free. Ms I get no child support dropped $200 on herself but Julian’s clothes are too big and Jayden and Skylar’s are too small.
How did you find out she paid for them? It's so obvious she doesn't put any money towards those babies. Probably in her mind since she put so much into them for the first 6 years of her life she feels that they got too much and she got nothing during it all. This is "her money" no one elses.

But what I want to know is how did the court just NOW find out hes on unemployment? 🙄 she's lying, yet again.

Hey Tracy, hospitals are hiring for call center help. If you wanna be on your ass all day, and phone all day apply. They'll pay you an actual paycheck that gets deposited into a bank account. It's amazing how that works. You'd be able to pay for your own things, including those innocent three kids. Isn't that amazing, how single moms and full time mom can manage to work, provide, pay bills, etc and here you are, doing nothing with so much help 🤣 put your negative draining energy into something positive and powerful, you fucking BOMPY 👏🏼ya👏🏼wel 👏🏼 come 👏🏼

Its also comical she thinks she's a large 🤣 babygirl, I'm 5'8 155 lbs and wear a large for shirts and medium size 4 or 6 in pants. But yeah, Tracy the 200 lb 'influencer' is a large and not a 1x or 2x
Just going to post this. This photo is a year after my child was born. August 2019. That outfit is an L and tryst, you could see the fupa and the extra love handles I still had. Was fucking confident and still ROCKED my post babe body because what all women's body's do is AMAZING and not a damn one should be shamed by some crappy washed up ex reality star.

That is all 🤣


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Chocolate Pretzel

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Thats because I sent her a video of tracy saying the n-word & called them out. I posted on Twitter and soon it will blow up lol it just takes 1 person to send it to everyone 💅
I tried looking for your tweet but found these instead 👀 are you ladies on here?!


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Do we really believe she has threesomes? Was their any proof of that? Idk why I can't actually picture her let another girl touch her "man". I feel like she just says this shit to seem like she's this chill cool girl down for anything when she clearly has issues if you look at her the wrong way.
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She’s the worst...
"legal decision-maker of the family" determines if he gets baptized or gets a bar mitzvah? LMAO its a religious/spiritual event, nothing that requires legal decisions. So if Corey wants to hold a bar mitzvah for him he can't? lolol
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