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Lol she wants that $26K so she can throw herself the biggest birthday in November.
33 & Free... psh. Welcome to 34 & still a whore.
Can't wait for the "scorpion" cake 😂
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Well-known member
No female should insult another female this way.
Every woman should respect the natural female body. The less we do, the more we also tell men what is ok to say and feel. It’s sad that women ans men call even large young adults breasts sagging if they’re large and hang naturally and aren’t balls of plastic (I have balls of plastic myself so no judgement there… but my point remains, and i can humbly acknowledge the truth). The female body is beautiful and it is not to be perky perfect and flawless like a freshly pubescent body especially after being a portal to bringing souls into this world via pregnancy. I know you all know this too…. You’re just in moments of darkness when you say that stuff; happens to us all . But think about all the women you love… including yourself (I hope)…would you want strangers saying that about you? No excuses either … no saying “I also won’t be photoshopping or getting procedures” etc etc. would you like the feminine body insulted for its authenticity ?! It’s plan and simple question. Unless you don’t buy clothes that you feel flatter yourself, unless you never have a hard time getting ready in the mirror because you didn’t like how things looked. unless you don’t dye your hair, do any beauty treatments… you can’t point so many fingers at this woman . You can’t say that you are in charge of creating a fine line of existence to say what is ok to do for ones appearance and style vs what isn’t ok.
yes she uses Facetune…. Yes she chooses angles… yes she contradictory and hypocritical at times…. But can you say you haven’t been a human ans experienced any of that ? You never tried a filter ans liked it? And what makes us all want to like filters? The judgmental world. “I am human. What is human is not alien to me” Maya Angelou.
Ps men infamously and historically attack the women’s character when they’ve been dumped after f’ing up. Its like they go from anger to sadness to depression and desperation of wanting her back… to getting angry again. It’s the “battle” testosterone in them. It’s the ego and pride. I just hope you ladies don’t have to go through a similar situation because you’ll see quickly how quick a man blames and doesn’t accept accountability. The more she becomes unbothered the more he get activated.
yea she annoys me a lot too and is bitchy to ppl trying to be nice to her but just have a diff opinion. She needs ppl to kiss her ass to laughor smile back it seems. But she also could be in defense protective mode…. An abused dog barks the most… I think Coreyreally fucked get up emotionally ans it’s good she’s getting back as awoman. As for the younger her on the show…., I’m grateful I didn’t have my personality in my 20s videoed for the world lol
I feel like Tracy sent a missionary to preach the women empowerment gospel.

Welp, I can’t say your opinion is wrong or call you out on much because believe it or not.. yes this is a gossip form but we’re not evil like Trashy. You’re allowed to come here and have a different opinion without yourself or your children being attacked or having your business ran through the mud. (like she attacks everyone who has a different opinion than her)

Everyone on here is actually very nice to each other and we almost have our own little support group. Keep in mind.. the majority of us were literally fans supporting her for years. What we say about her, it’s literally just for her. Many of us have the same body type that we either struggle with or embrace but we’re not out here photoshopping double digit pounds off our body to post online. She is a horrible influencer and a horrible role model. She is a DANGER to women’s self esteem. She takes on the self proclaimed responsibility of having a platform and being and influencer. Being an influencer is a responsibility. Have you listened to her podcast? Have you heard her shame women for being the reason their husbands cheat because they don’t give good blowjobs? She lives in a pretend land and is trying to be someone she is not. She wants to look like she has it all together and she is better than anyone else who has 3 kids, a body from having 3 kids and relationship struggles. SHE is the girl people watch and then look at themselves in the mirror with disappointment for not looking like her after kids... when in reality SHE DOESN’T EVEN LOOK LIKE HER.

Go on Tracy’s Instagram right now and comment a different opinion than her.. I’m sure she will insult your appearance and tell you to keep your man out of her DM’s, wishes for your children to get bullied and send her crazy saddies after you and allow a comment thread of hateful comments by 15 different women because they feel as if they are standing up for her. Then, you can come back here and we’ll talk. Sure.. we can chalk her jerseylicious behaviour up to being in her 20s.. but what about currently at almost 34 with three young impressionable children? Still ok? Anyways, to each their own.
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VIP Member
Just for you to see? Or because you don’t want anyone to see your true body 🙄 as others have stated there is nothing wrong with being plus size or a bigger girl. Own it and flaunt it don’t hide behind the filters and photoshop
So you post your ass hanging out in a bathing suit, but wont show an after result? you post pictures of getting the procedure, but not after? you want to be private? a little late for that arent we?
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New member
As a mother I feel compelled not give my 2 cents. I have had an open child support case since my first child was born almost 13 years ago. I have never relied or depended on child support money. I have worked my ass off to make sure my 2 kids have any and everything they need or want, cause I am a mother. Anyone who relies on child support like it's income is pathetic.!get off the internet, get dressed and get a job instead of bitching every single day what a deadbeat your kids dad is.
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How is child support based on what he has the potential to make? How is that possible? Can this make sense please?
And her comment about find another job, she could also do the same.
WOW. "He stopped working. That doesn't mean kids stop needing food or shelter. Find a different job."

The AUDACITY coming from a broke ex reality star who throws her kids to whoever will take them so she can have "me" time. Her three jobs obviously don't make enough money if she can't even provide food and shelter for the children SHE brought into this world. Um I think it's called... motherly instinct? She doesn't have a shred of it. She's a teenager stuck in a grown woman's body. She thinks the world revolves around her and everyone needs to bow down to Tracy. How about YOU find a different job? You know.. one that actually pays.
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VIP Member
No female should insult another female this way.
Every woman should respect the natural female body. The less we do, the more we also tell men what is ok to say and feel. It’s sad that women ans men call even large young adults breasts sagging if they’re large and hang naturally and aren’t balls of plastic (I have balls of plastic myself so no judgement there… but my point remains, and i can humbly acknowledge the truth). The female body is beautiful and it is not to be perky perfect and flawless like a freshly pubescent body especially after being a portal to bringing souls into this world via pregnancy. I know you all know this too…. You’re just in moments of darkness when you say that stuff; happens to us all . But think about all the women you love… including yourself (I hope)…would you want strangers saying that about you? No excuses either … no saying “I also won’t be photoshopping or getting procedures” etc etc. would you like the feminine body insulted for its authenticity ?! It’s plan and simple question. Unless you don’t buy clothes that you feel flatter yourself, unless you never have a hard time getting ready in the mirror because you didn’t like how things looked. unless you don’t dye your hair, do any beauty treatments… you can’t point so many fingers at this woman . You can’t say that you are in charge of creating a fine line of existence to say what is ok to do for ones appearance and style vs what isn’t ok.
yes she uses Facetune…. Yes she chooses angles… yes she contradictory and hypocritical at times…. But can you say you haven’t been a human ans experienced any of that ? You never tried a filter ans liked it? And what makes us all want to like filters? The judgmental world. “I am human. What is human is not alien to me” Maya Angelou.
Ps men infamously and historically attack the women’s character when they’ve been dumped after f’ing up. Its like they go from anger to sadness to depression and desperation of wanting her back… to getting angry again. It’s the “battle” testosterone in them. It’s the ego and pride. I just hope you ladies don’t have to go through a similar situation because you’ll see quickly how quick a man blames and doesn’t accept accountability. The more she becomes unbothered the more he get activated.
yea she annoys me a lot too and is bitchy to ppl trying to be nice to her but just have a diff opinion. She needs ppl to kiss her ass to laughor smile back it seems. But she also could be in defense protective mode…. An abused dog barks the most… I think Coreyreally fucked get up emotionally ans it’s good she’s getting back as awoman. As for the younger her on the show…., I’m grateful I didn’t have my personality in my 20s videoed for the world lol
Since you’re new here I’ll elaborate: the ONLY difference from 20 yr old Tracy on Jerseylicious and 33 yr old Tracy on IG is that 20 yr old Tracy was a hustler and hard worker. EVERYTHING else is the same!

The majority of women here are fed up with her constant lies, photoshop, and attack on Corey. Google the effects of filters and photoshop on society bcos the kardashians are getting attacked for their lies so why shouldn’t a nobody?! Also, there have been some wonderful women in here who have given her AMAZING advice on life, coparenting, growing her iG, embracing her body/circumstance. I’m not one of them bcos I’m too fucking petty for that shit. I’m here to watch Karma pay that bitch a visit and laugh about it with my newfound friends.

so, check yourself before you come here preaching to people. Take it to HER and let her know the damaging effects of her actions. But, she will never take accountability becos it’s NEVER her fault 🙄🙄
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Well-known member
Is your son watching when you have your flabby pancake ass out posting thirst traps? Is he watching when you non-stop bash his father? Is he watching when you go on your alcoholic benders with a bunch of strangers for attention? What about when you do your podcast and talk nothing but your obsession with getting D? Yup, he’s watching and he sees what trash you are.
Everyone loves a gentleman🥴
This is hands down the most cringeworthy maternity shoot I’ve ever seen.
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VIP Member
This is her transcript. She is the one alleging "$26,000". Words directly from her mouth, her estimate, attributed to her in court.

The judge/attorney didn't state those numbers as official on record with documentation to back.

This again is all her perspective.
So if we go by her approximation that says Corey from March 2020 to March 2021 owes $26,000 that would equal to $2,166.66 a week in child support also equaling $722.22 per child a week.

Doing the NJ Child Support calculator Tracy has them "85%" of the time. If Corey made $185,000 with 3 kids his support would be $731 a week for three kids. So either Corey makes millions a year or math is hard for others
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Love how she managed to make her besties birthday post somehow all about herself and how great she is …how do people not see this !!!!!
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Wait.. lemme get this straight. She blocked out his name in someone’s opinion for “legal reasons”, but it’s totally ok to post a private convo from him and court documents? Make it make sense.
So now he is ugly AF , but when they were together he was the hottest thing roaming the planet.

Also, I see why she kept boasting of all the mEn In HeR dMs and all the Hand pics she was taking of her dates. It's because Corey told her noone would want her with 3 kids, so she had to prove him wrong.

Yes, she can get a one night stand, a quickie in the back of the car, be a side piece, etc.
I think he meant noone would settle down with her with 3 kids
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VIP Member
Wow so divorce equals religion change? Like? Corey is still his father. Just wow. Also now its "that whole family"? Sooo tara is just chopped liver now even though she has done the mosttttt for those kids? Wow.
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Chatty Member
You mean thank you to your mom for taking the kids EVERY NIGHT
Is she seriously acting like she never gets a night out and her mom is doing her a big favor? Is she kidding? And why is she wearing the same outfit she wore to get her ass fixed today? No shower? You are wearing a bralette in a restaurant. That is not how you are supposed to wear it. This bralette is the new black tank.
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VIP Member
No female should insult another female this way.
Every woman should respect the natural female body. The less we do, the more we also tell men what is ok to say and feel. It’s sad that women ans men call even large young adults breasts sagging if they’re large and hang naturally and aren’t balls of plastic (I have balls of plastic myself so no judgement there… but my point remains, and i can humbly acknowledge the truth). The female body is beautiful and it is not to be perky perfect and flawless like a freshly pubescent body especially after being a portal to bringing souls into this world via pregnancy. I know you all know this too…. You’re just in moments of darkness when you say that stuff; happens to us all . But think about all the women you love… including yourself (I hope)…would you want strangers saying that about you? No excuses either … no saying “I also won’t be photoshopping or getting procedures” etc etc. would you like the feminine body insulted for its authenticity ?! It’s plan and simple question. Unless you don’t buy clothes that you feel flatter yourself, unless you never have a hard time getting ready in the mirror because you didn’t like how things looked. unless you don’t dye your hair, do any beauty treatments… you can’t point so many fingers at this woman . You can’t say that you are in charge of creating a fine line of existence to say what is ok to do for ones appearance and style vs what isn’t ok.
yes she uses Facetune…. Yes she chooses angles… yes she contradictory and hypocritical at times…. But can you say you haven’t been a human ans experienced any of that ? You never tried a filter ans liked it? And what makes us all want to like filters? The judgmental world. “I am human. What is human is not alien to me” Maya Angelou.
Ps men infamously and historically attack the women’s character when they’ve been dumped after f’ing up. Its like they go from anger to sadness to depression and desperation of wanting her back… to getting angry again. It’s the “battle” testosterone in them. It’s the ego and pride. I just hope you ladies don’t have to go through a similar situation because you’ll see quickly how quick a man blames and doesn’t accept accountability. The more she becomes unbothered the more he get activated.
yea she annoys me a lot too and is bitchy to ppl trying to be nice to her but just have a diff opinion. She needs ppl to kiss her ass to laughor smile back it seems. But she also could be in defense protective mode…. An abused dog barks the most… I think Coreyreally fucked get up emotionally ans it’s good she’s getting back as awoman. As for the younger her on the show…., I’m grateful I didn’t have my personality in my 20s videoed for the world lol
Take that bullshit to Tracy's page when she photoshops her own children. Fuck outta here. You and your little new member minions too.
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Well-known member
Tracey is a phony .. all her pictures are photoshopped I’m not body shaming anyone but why make yourself look like that when you don’t in real like…
I have seen her and she looks nothing like her IG pictures … she photoshops her kids as well … be confident in what you look like

As far as the threesomes… yes it’s true !!! And when she was pregnant she would find the girls for Corey and rent hotel rooms set it all up and sit and watch …

he should have s tell all …

I’m not a Corey fan Because he’s just as at fault as her especially as parents not neither one of them should have those kids …
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