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It’s sad a couple of women in their mid thirties getting drunk sweating over the DJ who’s married w/ a child 🤦🏻‍♀️
Notice how a few of her friends came through for a short while? Ashley, Annemarie. Noone stayed 4 days like her and Sammy. Julie didn't even come at all neither did BBworldwide. Maybe it's because they all have a life , job, responsibilities, would rather be home with their kids.
How does she think partying for 4 days is cool and aspiring ? Is she doing it because her grandfather told her to ? 🤡🤡 She is so corny. Yes, we all deserve a break, but this one acts like she was a surrogate 3 times and does not have any kids. iTs NoT mY wEeKeNd.
For someone with 3 UnDeR 6 who has them AlL tHe TiMe WiTh No HeLp, shouldn't she be tired? Shouldn't she catch up on chores and errands? Wouldn't she want quiet time ?.
I don't like that she wrote in her caption "celebrating" the lives lost, the families praying etc
You dont celebrate those things you fucken moron. You HONOR them, you remember them, you pray for them.
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Ok but why are her and Sammy the ONLY ones around this DJ? Lmao I wish I was a passerby watching her film herself next to this DJ with no crowd of people listening to the music
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I don’t bash children but Jayden is the prettiest
child. She will also have coreys family genetics. Skylar is pretty in the generic blond blue eyed America way but she’ll be prone to weight gain.

I also find it so cheeky to link sammy as the “best aunt” when Tara had the kids over the weekend and we could see how interactive she was with her nieces and nephew. Definitely a dig 🤦🏽

I wonder if Tracy will find sammy as her bestie when sammy marries and has kids. She doesn’t find sammy threatening in terms of looks and because she’s single? 🥸🥸🥸
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It’s not about being a perfect mom. This is your child’s life you dumb bitch
Hey T-Rex there’s a magical word you can use with your kids.........”NO”
It’s crazy.
They want a bottle at 5 years old?
They want to hit their sisters all the time?
They want to undo their seatbelts?
See.........? Magic......✨ 🤦🏻‍♀️
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My excuse is I’m home on my ass suffering from allergies so I have time to post. If I were out with friends the last thing I’d be doing is worrying what other people think of me.

And I still don’t buy she has those kids every night and takes them to school every day. 🙄🙄🙄
Imagine being so obsessed and pressed about a website that even on your vacation and time off from “Mommin so hard”, you feel the need to check on us and post this to your stories!!!! Lmao 🤣 Unbothered? Not even close hun! You’re so pressed it’s hilarious! Going out to a bar with your friends and still feeling the need to check on Tattle life! 😂 Admit it - your a fan cause you know what we say & often speculate is the truth. 🤐
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1. Anyone who truly parents their kids full time would not consider a full solo 3 day holiday weekend to be a “short” break. In the 8’years I’ve been a mom I’ve spent 2 nights away from them on 3 occasions and one was for work. It’s nice and refreshing but also sad and you miss them. I consider a solid trip to the grocery store a “short break” 😂

2. no sign of those deadly allergies even today with the sun out. Hallelujah she’s cured...until her kids want to go outside or someone suggests adding a walk into her routine

3. I walked past a beach bar today with my husband and kids. I danced with my babies on the boardwalk to an old club song the DJ played and then we all went to get ice cream. I remember being heartbroken when I graduated college because I thought nothing in life would ever be as fun as getting wasted and dancing all night with my best friends night after night. But now this life as a mom has that beat by a mile. There’s truly nothing better. And it’s sad that Tracy will never understand that and her kids will never feel valued by her.

I didn’t say she’s over her... I said she seems like she can only tolerate her in small doses now. They were together like all the time but since Tracy’s bullshit at the memorial for the parents that died from Covid, Sammy has seemed to distance herself from Tracy to a degree. As for things like injections and treatments... Sammy definitely pays top dollar and gets her money’s worth.
Without a doubt, they’re both very insecure in their social media presence... but I think Sammy has more going for her than Tracy.... but I do think Tracy chases away anybody that grabs Sammy’s attention..... Sammy seems like she just uses Tracy when she wants to be reckless for a few days..... so there has definitely been a shift in their friendship in the last year or so.
I think once you get to a certain age and you’re single without kids, your friends circle just naturally gets much smaller. I see it in my own friends. In our 30s there’s very few of us that want to/can go out and dance and drink regularly. The ones that are left kind of band together out of necessity. I think Sammy loves Tracy as an old friend but I also think she doesn’t have a lot of options left when it comes to dancing and drinking for 3 days straight.

Anddddd another thing 😂
In that last video she captions it “mezo with the record button” but clearly DJ Mezo is not holding the phone. He’s next to her DJing. That phone isn’t moving at all. No one is recording her. That phone is propped on something and she’s singing and dancing to it on purpose. She’s trying to make it like he randomly recorded her when that’s clearly not what happened. It’s the only video she didn’t tag him in too because she knows what she did.


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Yes this has all been posted many times before.

Don’t forget that Corey and her got their white Toyota Highlander repo’d because they weren’t making the payments.
Where does this crazy information come from? Did she say that happened? 🤣

I love that you stayed around! Are you friends with Renee?
Ha ha, no I was but not now - Thanks love! I just had to let that first adrenaline rush slide off my back from my initial post and now I feel great after speaking my mind. In reality what could she do, photoshop me? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I hate making fun of her for her weight. I feel like we are no better than her. However i will make fun of her for her photo shop. That’s just ridiculous.
I’ve said since I came here I will never body shame her. I’m a big girl. We mock her unwillingness to accept she’s a big girl. And her horrible and inconsistent photoshop skills. 🙄
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Chatty Member
When all 3 of your kids drink out of bottles until 5 years of age (it wasn’t that long ago I saw sky with a bottle in her mouth) the problem isn’t the child needs comfort the problem is YOU Tracy! Any child dentist would be asking you about your child’s eating and drinking habits at their appointments and if you told them your child was going to bed with a bottle of milk in their mouth they would tell you there are natural sugars in milk that will sit on your child’s teeth overnight and rot them! But you don’t take your kids to the dentist!!!!!

Also, Julian is in his bed wearing the clothes he wore all day, probably to school, the park, and then filthy with icecream. This woman couldn’t even give this poor kid a bath and clean pajamas for bed? I can just imagine how sticky that child is right now. Be a better mother Tracy! Ugh! This makes me so mad. Quick to post on Instagram that she got her child to bed early like she’s a hero meanwhile she gave the kid no care before bed. My heart truly truly breaks for these kids.
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Full of Baloney

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I have second hand embarrassment and I don't know her or them. She really out did herself here. Someone talk to her about age and gravity. 😳
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She prob got home read here saw that while she was off embarrassing herself all weekend trying to capture her lost youth the epstiens were actually caring for the children so she needed to post a pic of her alarms so she can feel better about herself as a mom 🙄
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Cute devil ears, forgot your so hard coming from a country club childhood. And Babie girl - this is your weekend with your children. You know - the ones you claim to have custody of. Your ex had them all last weekend as you made a fool of yourself on social media. Even got called annoying by the DJ. So please, let’s not pretend you have a man. When you should be home - caring for those three kids you claim you have 85% of the time ....
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I understand what you’re saying but covid is not politics, it’s an actual virus and I know healthy people that have died from it and some that got it and survived. Being that covid caused me to lose my infant daughter, I can’t help but mention that it’s not an opinion, it’s a disease and she should shut up about it. I’ve never brought up politics but covid is an illness more comparable to having a deaf child that needs medical intervention rather than being like politics. She says the most ignorant things. She’s a giant asshole and o think it’s fine to point out her pure stupidity. No political talk from me but I’m not ignoring her denying something that killed my daughter and hundreds of thousands of others. Lastly, I do respect those that don’t want to hear about the virus anymore and I only comment on it when her dumb ass posts about it.
Thank you👏🏻👏🏻! I’m STILL dealing with side effects of covid I contracted in 2019. Yes, 2019! I have underlying issues and asthma so ok.....but I have to see my cousin have to possibly retire from the police force at under 40 due to the debilitating effects of covid, tho, and that sets me off. My cousin is the epitome of health and, honestly, a physical fucking specimen. But now can barely make it through the day and MUST take meds daily or WONT make it through the day. But yea, bigT, keep saying it’s fake and masks do nothing. It’s not political, my cousin and I are on opposite sides of the fence politically, but that doesn’t mean shit to me and doesn’t come up when I’m spouting that covid is real.

And sorry if this sounds like bashing bcos it isn’t, I just feel that covid has impacted so many people in a way that can’t be ignored and for others to say it’s fake, it doesn’t matter, or they don’t want to hear about it, it comes off like all that pain and suffering is bullshit and for naught. Just be empathetic about what others have gone through. This is very real for many of us and we still live with it and the side effects of it. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk .
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If the proof is just him saying that he hooked up with her.. I wouldn’t believe it anyway lmfaoo he doesn’t seem like a credible source. I thought the proof would be like her giving her famous A1 bj in the office on security camera.

Even though I love a good gossip train, I think he definitely wanted to hook up with her just by the way he was acting and defending her against every negative comment on his IG, but let’s be real he’s not her type of man in the slightest. I think she repulses him and once he got turned down for good he unfollowed & would totally make up a lie like sleeping with her. I remember a tattler posted messages he sent her about doing it raw dog after 5mins of following him 🥴🥴🥴 He could have been sending those kind of messages to Big T and she blocked him. She used him for a free tattoo, end of story.
I mean...sure. But I know for a fact he did. He's an absolute scumbag but he really is a good looking guy and he can also be very charming. I've seen it first hand.
...and then he flips. And does shit like rage and punch holes in walls...which is why I'd rather not show what I've seen and have it come back on me since he absolutely has someone reporting back to him.
And yea. You think the raw dog comment was bad? I've seen SO much worse from him. He's an absolute troll and gets off on that shit.
(I also saw the DM's between them pre-tattoo)
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I don’t think the Apple falls far from the tree with Tracy and Mama Gigi. I think she enables Tracy because they’re very much alike. She created the beast. I don’t think either of them are super bright. I get the idea that Gigi likes to show off as much as Tracy but she does it in a classy way by having money, traveling, having a nice home etc. But my bet is shes been cared for her whole life and never had to earn any of that. She lives in her upper class bubble and raised Tracy in it too. Tracy doesn’t have money so she needs to show off in other ways by pretending to be sexy and a “style icon”. She was also hoping to never have to actually earn a living and be taken care of like mom was. Neither of them have ever had to rub 2 brain cells together to get anything.
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So now she’s hinting to being abused?
Except she beat the shit out of Corey...but go ahead Tracy, keep playing that little innocent card you like to play when people start calling you out.
She also has ZERO fucking room to talk about narcissistic partners. My best friend, she's like a sister to me; left to be with her narcissistic, abusive boyfriend at the time. This kid lied, forced her into things she was uncomfortable with, made her leave her family and friends behind with ZERO explanation on where she was and what she was doing. He fucking hit her and left a mark on her face that she HID from me when I saw her the following day when her father drove to go get her and file a restraining order. My friend still to this day almost 4-5 years later still has trauma nightmares randomly. Between that kid who proudly showed his nasty side to dating and falling in love with a kid who did the same shit but gaslight her 24/7. You know what she does, works on herself, focuses on her dream job, and doesn't bash him on social. A fucking 26 year old is more mature than Tracy, miss absentee mother of three at 33 🙄 spare me.
Tracy is the narcissistic abuser in EVERY. SINGLE. SITUATION she gets in.
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Chatty Member
Can we please stop arguing about things that aren’t about Tracy?

anyways,Raven read my message. Hasn’t responded yet. Last time she read it and answered a few hours later. We’ll see.
I wanna see Raven pull up to Tracy's rented townhouse on her ex MIL credit (allegedly) and pop her in the faux lips 🤣
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If she did hook up with him, just shows she is giving away herself for free. No respect for herself. She doesnt know how to play the game and get a man. She is literally ad "thing" for men to use and throw away. Thats what she likes to portray herself as too, so when you act like trash you attract trash. She probably talked up her A1 BJ skills and she was horrible and he found out that it wasnt worth the aggravation.

I also get from her Stage 5 clinger type. She meets a guy and is single white female crazy and men run away as fast as possible. I see her sending paragraphs of text messages, showing up at their work, their house, knowing their every move and stalking them.
I must live in a bubble. I seriously want to throw up. I know she's classless but I always believed it to be a whole tough girl bad ass wannabe persona. You mean to tell me she sucked dick for a shitty tattoo? It really happened? 🤮🤮🤮. And she is over here dragging Corey for escorts? What is the damn difference? Make it, make sense!

Also, to each their own, but this guy didn't give me good looking or charming vibes at all. He looked really short with a broad upper half a la Johnny Bravo. Not dragging him but def not my type. The body, the filthy mouth add in rage and yeah, issa no for me.
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