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Please tell me this complete narcissist did NOT wear white to someone else’s wedding. She would have been crying about it FOUR-EVER. I can’t stand her. Why does everyone in her personal life let her do whatever she wants. She’s like Damien from the Omen
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Chocolate Pretzel

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Why does everyone in her family stand like they don’t want to be standing next to her?
2nd picture is like she purposely put herself in the middle so that her brother and father couldn’t diss her again 🤣
Also, maybe it’s me, but I hope they put away all the personalized items like the tacky pillows and books Tracy makes for her parents... never know what kind of person you’re renting to.
Her father is probably silently crying thinking “I paid for beauty school and my daughter can’t even do her hair nice for my friggen birthday”
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Look here YOU LOSER CUNT BITCH! Today is for the members of the military who died. They’re DEAD. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, like my family member who died last July in a military training accident at 22 years old. He did MORE in his life and death than you could do I 1,000 years!!!!!! It’s not about partying.

And your ENTIRE LIFE is a break. You don’t have full time custody of your kids and we know it. You’re so bothered by us and that we can see through you and your fake bag hiding your FUPA!!! Just fuck off! FUCK OFF HARD!
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Stephs hair looks very heat damaged and uncomfortably dry. I guess she’s not following Tbags special Sc0rPi0 hair regimen of LeAvINg In CoNdiTioNer 🥴

this really caught me off guard 😂 ... either she’s pushing her boob into him with EXTREME FORCE. or it’s just a photoshop fail from trying to raise her chest higher with the magical editing app 🤢🥴😂

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edit: honestly the family pics are uncomfy to look at and a little sad. I think she definitely has daddy issues. The fact that he always puts his hand in his pocket & won’t put his arm around her is weird to me. He also made a choice to not be there to walk his only daughter down the isle at her wedding... if Corey took a pic and did that to Skylar or Jayden, there would be a bashing war on social media. Also one of the brothers last name isn’t Maloney or Schroeder (or DiMarco lmfaooo) on social media. I feel like this family has so many skeletons. They’re white trash with money and a bunch of C0UnTry ClUb secrets
I wonder if Tracy was close with her dad up until the show and that’s when something switched. She mentioned that they wanted nothing to do with the show, so maybe the show is what made her the black sheep of the family? I definitely think there’s a long standing history and I don’t think the show is the sole reason her dad wanted nothing to do with the wedding. It was mentioned many threads back that Stephanie needed intense therapy with everything that happened with Tracy and the wedding and the show.... and I guess her parents have a good relationship like that where Tracy’s dad holds Tracy’s behavior accountable for the mother’s mental breakdown?
I think Tracy’s behavior makes her the outsider of her own family.
There’s definitely a lot of skeletons and a backstory that Tracy’s family/ her dad... wanted absolutely nothing to do with her or the show during that time. Too bad someone from her family won’t do a tell all tik Tok like many politician’s family meme bees are doing. 🤣

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Someones bothered by us again 😝
This is a joke right? I take care of veterans (my oldest vet served in WWII) and none of them have ever talked like this about Memorial Day. (And some of them have lost a good chunk of their memory).... but none of them talk like this.... try again Tracy.... stop trying to justify your ratchet ass behaviors.
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Full of Baloney

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Once again talking about getting her BREAK because you know she NEVER gets one, and oh she thanks vets for her right to party for free and get shit faced
Successful 🤔🤣 ummm it poured all weekend and you hung out kidless with a bunch of 60 year olds whose kid's are grown and doing something with their life. Now your lame ass and your lame ass friend is dancing to a dj on an empty patio trying to get attention. Well you got it...people found you annoying. Lmfao. I suppose it's nice you got to hang out with your family who you ditched for years. That's about it.
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If I were at a club with one of my friends who is “a busy mom of 3 kids who has them all of the time and never gets a break” stayed on her phone recording at the club I would ask her to put it down and be present in the moment since she doesn’t get a lot of me time and never gets to go out.
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🤯Perhaps I’m late to comment, but Holy Hell, who in their right mind wears an outfit like that to a Wedding?!? Complete and “udder”(pun intended) TRASH. She looks like she is going out for lunch with Friends, NOT to a freaking Wedding. I’d be mortified to know, that someone I invited to my Wedding came dressed like that!🤯 Damn, have some self worth, no need to dress like a $2 hooker!
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While tracy is worried about making jello shots for days the epstiens step up and take those kids out. And look im sure tara and corey are far from perfect but at least they spend time with those kids and try. Tracy literally posts her kids in boutique ish for the free clothes and then uses them to make videos about moms needing a break. 😒 and i know tara prob posted videos of corey for us but no matter what else he might be at least hes there and not on his phone and maybe he is a weekend dad but at least hes there. Tracy is selfish af. Shes only happy when the kids are with someone else. Another tattler pointed it out and its soo true she never looks as happy as when shes partying. She should never have had kids let alone three in such fast succession

Tara literally is teaching him to speak and sign meanwhile tracy videos herself talking to him when he has no ears on and hes not even looking 🤦🏻‍♀️
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I gotta hand it to her. I didn't think she could get any trashier than she's already proven to be. But she's totally outdone herself with tonight's wedding ensemble. *insert slow clap* 👏
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Chatty Member
Happy Friday Loves!

I’ve been up all night waiting to pick up my cat from the vet (he’s fine thank jeebus) SOO I had the time and wanted to start your Friday off with some of that good good!

Firstly: I was curious how TBag got the public figure status on Instagram; please see photos for a good laugh. Sooo... she set her status to a “business account” but your content is your kids in 2 day old clothes eating off paper plates and selfies with trout mouth lips? 😂😂😂 you need help sis

Secondly: I took one for the team and signed up for a social blade account to see her recent stats as we all know she went from 535k followers down to 529k in the matter of a couple months. So as you’ll notice she lost over 200 followers on May 22nd. I took a look at what she posted on that day and... I JUS ABOUT DIED LAUGHING 💀💀💀

Last but not least: I searched badexamplespodcast on social blade to check out their stats. The message popped up as seen in the photo below. Soooo hold up.. your account that’s supposed to be an ACTUAL business/creator account ISNT, but you’re basic bitch stuck in 2005 thirsty personal account is? 🤣 priorities sweeetieeeee — check yours

Someone remind me to check next week as we all know TBag reads here and I’m sure she’ll change it 💀 but ya HOT MESS EXPRESS TO LOSERVILLEEEE PARTY OF 1 FULL TRAIN TO FIT YOUR FATASS AND ALL YOUR DELUSIONSSSSS - ALL ABOUT TRACY MALONEY 🚂


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My excuse is I’m home on my ass suffering from allergies so I have time to post. If I were out with friends the last thing I’d be doing is worrying what other people think of me.

And I still don’t buy she has those kids every night and takes them to school every day. 🙄🙄🙄
Once again she’s proving she reads here and just can’t stay away from us.
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Chocolate Pretzel

Active member

what about all the evil she has done 🤔

My excuse is I’m home on my ass suffering from allergies so I have time to post. If I were out with friends the last thing I’d be doing is worrying what other people think of me.

And I still don’t buy she has those kids every night and takes them to school every day. 🙄🙄🙄
So she’s out having a “good” time yet she’s reading here while out at the bar 🤔🤔 girl please go see a therapist
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