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Gimme All the Tea

Chatty Member
Omg what the hell? That picture on the left. 😳😲

Oh my GOSH!!!!! I hate this cunt. Fluoridation and texas are the only fucking idiot states to open completely because they deny science and are still up Trump’s ASS!!! I literally don’t know how her friend whose parents died can be friend with this low life piece of trash. She is mot a doctor, or a scientist, or even a MOM! I’m in California and on 6/15 we’re getting back to close to normal. But what about all the dead people does she not get. It was a GLOBAL pandemic.

She’s so far up her own ass that she can’t see anything else. It’s all about her and what she wants and her bubble that, honestly, needs to be popped and soon.

Ok so Corey isn’t paying her child support, so she says. YES he needs to. But bitch, get yourself a damn job! Why she thinks she’s too good to work I will never know. When I was a single mom I worked 2 and at one point, 3 jobs to take care of my kids. Then when I finally got my support it was all gravy. But I took care of my kids. I didn’t sit and eat chips and watch Maury all day.

Tracy we know you read here. It’s mot all about you boo! Seek the help you so desperately need. Maybe then you can get extra visitation days for your kids and not just Wednesdays. Fucking bitch.
I’m blocked. Please someone comment OK Trumpster on her post
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Chocolate Pretzel

Active member
Well its just the impression it gives, it's not something we do where I'm from so......
If the customers enjoy it then 🤷‍♀️
We shit on Tracy here - we don't shit on a small businesses that she makes tacky videos for. It's not their fault she did that. It's not like they invited her there.
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VIP Member
Wow this is so filtered its crazy her top lip is like blended into her face. Also her lips look insane and thats with a filter imagine in real life? I honestly didnt even think she looked bad before! She didnt need that liquid nose job or these lip fillers her face was fine before! She could have just changed her harsh makeup and looked great as she was. These filters do nothing positive for anyone
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Full of Baloney

VIP Member
She has to stop. Tiktok was something one 1 year ago at the beginning of the virus and for young people and their relatives, but never and particularly not now for a 33 yo.
If she would just stick to her niche which is hair she'd be so much more interesting.
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VIP Member

I kind of feel this is directed more at Big T than Brielle

and I just went to look at Brielle’s and she deleted it.


So i am not too well versed with low carb/keto. The yogurt is 8net carbs (total carbs - fiber). Per google, an ounce of almond is 3 nets carbs. Not sure if she’s an eating a true ounce. But this snack could range from 8-11 net carbs. Is that a lot for a snack? Or reasonable?
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VIP Member
Watch him hit a kid at school and get hit back and Tracy will lose her shit when in reality it’s all her fault b

While Tara annoys me with her voice and her stupid hashtags it warms my heart to see her interact with Julian and to see him use ASL makes me smile. Why doesn’t his mom do this? She plops him in front of the tv without his ears on and makes TikToks. 🙄 Now if only his dad would be a dad. He never seems to stay with him when it’s his weekend.
could it be possibly that Julian needs to stay with Tara bc of that guardianship/kindship thingy? i forget the technical term - but where TBag was using the excuse of medical insurance, and that's why Julian is with Gigi and Grandpop. Maybe since Corey and Tracy had to sign him over to the grandparents, maybe he needs to stay with Tara on Corey's weekends..
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Chatty Member
I get it now!!! The reason her Photoshopped pictures, are so freaking awful, is because the bitch needs glasses! She can’t see how she crops off her nose, her lips, and different parts of her body. Look at these pictures here, she’s missing parts of her lips, her god awful lumpy not worth the money lips. And what the hell is going on with her skin, she’s got like three or four different colors? This bitch is scary AF, imagine what she looks like up close!?! 🤢🤮🤣
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Well-known member
I was hoping someone here saw it and knows 😂
I watched it this morning. They were speaking about friends calling out friends on their behavior. Lonnie started the topic with a quote from one of Trashy's many quotes. Lonnies words were "reality star Tracy DiMarco recently posted this quite about friends”. They didn’t talk about her. They just talked about the quote. This was the quote they showed.


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VIP Member
Watch out everyone, Tracy just invented nuts and yogurt. Next, she’ll invent an eXoTic frozen treat called açaí!
And that’s when I’ll come for her ass! Not raining on my Brazilian parade 😂🤣

She probably isn't sticking to a strict scientific regimen, I feel she just changed her eating habits a lot with trying to not eat carbs in terms of pasta/bread/sugar. She's still willing to drink alcohol but isn't sitting there eating ice cream like she used to. This is the impression I am getting. So I feel it's like a realistic version of lower carb in general lifestyle change instead of down to the exact number of carbs. I personally cannot do keto type of diets at all. When I tried, not only was I way too miserable but it's not sustainable/realistic for me AND I did not lose any weight at all. Not even one ounce! 😂
Damn, I’m the exact opposite. I’ve done every other diet and it never worked. I hate protein and keto works like a fucking charm. I drown everything in hot sauce!
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Mid madness

VIP Member
She may have her tongue pierced which could be the reason why she talks all weird now. It was in her last story of her dancing. I can’t pause it in the right spot, but I can almost make out a piercing.
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Mid madness

VIP Member
and of course it's hanging off the shoulder.. WHY????? Every single time its off the shoulder. How annoying is it to have soemething falling off. Why not get a cut out shirt like Sammy. That's not sexy at all if that's what she's going for.
She’s like Tiffany on
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New member
Apologies if I’m totally off base but I had an old Jewish coworker who said that the religion is matriarchal so it follows the mother’s religion? So if the mother isn’t Jewish neither are the kids? But again not much knowledge about that so insights are appreciated.
You are right. In the Jewish religion if your mom is Jewish then you are considered Jewish.
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