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Chatty Member
What happened to her voice? Why is it different now? It was very high and girly before. I notice she does it sometimes on the podcast but you can tell it’s because she’s trying so hard. But then she gets carried away talking about something and it goes away and the butchy tracy voice comes out.
Her voice used to go up six octaves because she was so naïve, charismatic, and overly fake… Now life isn’t so rosy, she’s a has been & a newly divorced mother of 3 - in other words she MAD MAD & hella resentful about it & it SHOWS lol 😝

Filippo with the shade lol this has gotta be for tracy lolView attachment 316187View attachment 316188View attachment 316189
I saw all of these and laughed so so hard. I can’t help but think it’s about Tracy…

Guys.... which 1 of you posted the comment on the bottom?? Lmao Love you♡♡♡♡

"Hey guys here's my boom bod. It works so well that i have to go to cool sculpt. Use it 3x a day...... ill be going to dunkin and sonic after this is posted. P.S. it really works"
You caught me!!!!! It was me!!!!! 😂 😆 I even screenshot it in case she deleted it LOL 😂 I couldn’t help myself with the whole two comments there was on this post I mean come on… She obviously buys her followers and likes. 🙊 😅 tryin to low key show these saddies (and anyone else) the Tattle Life Gospel Truth lol 😂 If anyone ever has any questions just shown the unedited pics of Tracy… Need we say more? And no it’s not about her weight for the Bazillion time it’s about her lying about her weight and photo shopping her entire life.


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I’m 100% that chick that picks up accents quick AF. NOT saying this is Tracy as she obviously turns it off and on during lives and TikToks BUT it’s pretty funny to hear me talk when I’m listening to audio books with all kids of accents!
I don’t doubt it! Tattlers get a pass but we all know Tracy fakes it. Just like when she sings along to reggaeton from the early 2000s...

Is she Italian, Spanish, Greek? She’s like the United Nations of desperation.
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Meanwhile Olivia is living the life Tracy wishes she had. Maybe you should listen to someone’s advice and not rushed into getting married and pregnant three times over so quickly. She threw it all away and for what? Those babies are beautiful and I get that part but…

Olivia def won. 🖤 #livingherbestlife


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So, a couple comments tattlers:

1 - So, my 27y old brother and SIL had gotten COVID back in the spring when the shutdowns started to happen here in the USA, and they had horrible cases of it. Like, they thought they were dying, that's how bad it was for them. They're both healthy, don't smoke, don't drink, no pre-existing. They both run 5 miles a day, do cross fit, eat healthy, take the necessary vitamins / supplements, etc. Essentially, textbook health. At the time, it took them both about 2 weeks to recover, but once they were past the initial wave of the virus and cytokine storm, they were left with the lingering cough, etc. Well, today he tells me he was diagnosed with SHINGLES. Theory is that COVID activated latent virus (inflammatory pathways, etc). He's 27, under no physiological stress, didn't feel sick. Again, this virus's lingering, lifelong implications should scare us all. I can't imagine someone as large and unhealthy as Trashy could survive it. Her argument that it has a 99% survival rate is irrelevant - because, yes, now that we know how to treat it, you can survive the initial bout with it. Will you have lifelong health effects? More than likely, yes. She and Jackie and every anti-masker infuriates me. These people think they're being 'cool' and 'hip' by ignoring the mask / quarantine mandates. You ain't being cool, hun. You're instead showing how poorly educated you are and, for lack of a better term, how low-brow you are.

2 - I gave in and listened to the podcast's latest episode and I could only get through about 10-15 minutes of it. Trashy makes corny jokes about everything, and I can't remember who said it, but I know I read it here that someone said she speaks in 'IG memes.' And boy, that's accurate. She kept making these weird statements about 'micro chips' in her brain from a covid test...I'm so unsure of her abilities to function at a basic level.
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I’m confused about the hotel room too? Sammy has an apartment and Tracy has a house to herself, Uber and Lyft are both readily available, why waste money on a hotel room? That’s such a college thing to do...
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I was also confused why she looked so surprised when she brought it up, she had a look like “omg they shouldn’t have!” Like so shocked, even tho she ordered herself the cake lol like what?
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So, I read somewhere Tara quit her job on Wall Street to be a professional nanny? The only kids I know she watches are her nieces and nephew. She's getting that much work where she can quit a 9-5?

Honestly, I don't think I'd want her to watch my children. I mean, I commend her for watching T's 3 babies, they seem to have more stability with her. But something about her never sat right with me.
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I’m sorry, maybe it’s me. I celebrated my birthday with my family. Pre Covid I had plans to go to brunch with my girlfriends but always, ALWAYS intended to have my actual birthday with my family. That’s my ground, my home base, literally. I’m “making plans” loosely for my next birthday, which is milestone (35) and I have a venue already, Covid measures need to lighten in order for it to happen.

i digress, but why WOULDNT Tracy want to spend her birthday with her children and her family surrounding her? Is it me? Am I wrong? I don’t understand the thought process.
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I’m also VERY tired of the “i don’t believe true love exists. It isn’t true. Until someone can prove it wholeheartedly, i don’t believe it.” Sorry hun, you’re really to hump anything with a baby arm but yet you refuse to “make love”... you and Corey had love and a love affair... calm your tits bitch
I believe she had true love with Corey. I think they didn't "date" enough as a married couple and they were always doing their own things. They rushed into children and pets when they would have been better off as a couple.

I feel she won't find anyone with substance with the way she is going and its honestly going to cause her more heartbreak.
If only she believed in therapy and believed in fixing something that was broken, maybe, just maybe she would still be married and happy.
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Tracy is a huge joke. Coming from someone who lives with her parents 80% of the time and mooches off of them 100%.
I saw in the comments of her cool sculpting post, she mentioned that her mom also got it on her belly. So I’m guessing she begged her mom to pay for her own sessions afterwards. I don’t know who’s worse between the enabler, Stephanie and the enabled, Tracy. My mom would literally tell me to work for my own money and pay for my procedure the same way she did. I’m 23 and I feel so ashamed asking my parents for money but I have no choice cos I just graduated last year and then I lost my job due to COVID so I had to move back in with them but you can bet as soon as this pandemic blows over, I’m gonna do the best I can to move out and fend for myself. I couldn’t imagine begging my parents to cater for me and my kids when I’m 33, saying I have an imaginary job and sitting my bum ass on the couch taking selfies all day. How embarrassing!!! They’d be so disappointed.
I was also thinking, I don't know that these treatments work on obese people (not being mean) nor that it is a permanent solution.
I think it is for people who need minimal touch ups, and that's why her mom got it.
But yes, Stephanie is an enabler. It's disgusting how much she gets away with. I will be the first one to help out my children, but there are also limits and they have to help themselves first.
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& shes out drinking
Ewwww. Cause a night of drinking tequila goes OHHHH so well with antibiotics for your bladder infection & crotch itch 🙄 just ew. Does she ever give it a fuckin rest? She will be one of those women who still at the bar single looking like a leather handbag when she’s in her mid 40s, funny thing is Big T looks like she’s in her middle 40s already! HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🥳 🎂 😂
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I’ve noticed that Stephanie seems to follow people that her daughter isn’t on good terms with! A long time ago (like maybe 5-6 yrs ago) I noticed she was following both Olivia and Gigi (after the Tracy/Gigi blowout!!)! She’s not following them anymore to my knowledge, but this shows she follows Corey and I know she follows Jackie who Tracy isn’t friends with anymore cuz she commented on one of Jackie’s political posts in agreement with her. I wouldn’t trust that Stephanie if I were big T! Lol🤔
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don’t worry guys! GIGI STEPH is at the birthday dinner with Sammy and they are bragging on how they have their own table for alcohol
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This guy was just making a statement and look how she reacted. " I had a shitty year, I DESERVE to celebrate my life" 🙄 Selfish. Selfish. Fucking SELFISH!

Since I started working in the hospital I can't go see my parents because my father has diabetes and my poor mother is so anxiety driven by this virus that she doesn't want me there 😭 so, thanks Tracy for being so fucking oblivious to others and to the virus. Not everyone lives after they get it and some of us if not ALL, don't want to lose our family members by being selfish fucking assholes.

The fact is, my son can't see his grandparents and I can't see my own parents because I'm being cautious for their safety.
Now I really do wish evil on her. (Not horrible evil, but for something to highly inconvenience her selfish day)

Belly shirt (she blurred where he fat is and painted it black)
She rounded her ass and attempted to slim her thigh and calf.

I really want to know what her skeleton is shaped like with all the back bending posing she does.

Models don't even go through this kind of bending. Can you image...
She’s 33 not 3. She acts like her birthday is this wonderful national holiday. I’m sorry I enjoy my birthday but I’m not a child who is going to cry and pout that I can’t celebrate this year like I want to. Our county where I’m at just went purple which means outdoor dining only! And it’s November. And cold. Plus I’m not one for eating in parking lots. So my friends and I will do a zoom. We’ll all get takeout and drinks and celebrate that way. My mom, one of my sons and my grandkids are in my bubble so I can celebrate with them too. Once this is over then I’ll do something, or not. This bitch didn’t celebrate her 4 year olds birthday but “had a a shitty year” and feels entitled to celebrate hers. Tracy gtfo with that bullshit. You’re a shitty mom to not realize your kids had a shitty year and continue to have one because you just pass them along. Fuck you bitch.
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