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Ashley's kid always looks so cute, I watch her IG stories and she always has a bow in her hair and a cute outfit on!

And I just saw Gigi is still doing hair and looking great too! I still love Olivia and her style and she still looks good too.

Big T has no excuse, just like the whole cast said back on the show.. she thought she was the best one and now look - she has nothing going for her, shame, but only can blame herself.
Tracy would rather eat dirt, walk on hot coals, endure Chinese water torture before admittng her wrong doing 😂. I've looked at a few IG pags of cast members I could remember and they look happy.
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Sis , if you’re just too lazy say that 🥴 they live with you and you have them 85% of the time right ? So wouldn’t they still see/enjoy it ? Do people only decorate ON Halloween? She’s pushing the “it’s not my weekend” shit so she feels better about getting trashed this weekend , only after reposting the pics Tara is definitely gonna post of her kids on Halloween


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Still associating her child with men who are just trying to get in her fishy leggings then disappear. Her location, I can’t. A grown woman, a mother if you can even call her that acting this way. It’s like watching a 15 year old have a manic episode that never ends. The fact that her and the people around her see that she’s spiraling worse every day and don’t do anything about it is crazy. You’re telling me none of these people including herself see that this is far from normal? I just don’t even know what to say at this point.
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LMAO 😂 Oh? Because what your big secret life? Spending time with your kids LOL you post everything else online so don’t even act like you’re some big secretive double agent big T 🙄 #yaplayedyaself

We need to get to page 50 and close this thread out but heres the new one - go hit the “Watch” button now to get notifications!

Happy Election Day 😘 🇺🇸 #vote


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But Tray- i thought you were all #savethechildren and here you are drooling over a 17 year old? Hi, just as illegal as a 5year old. I literally hate this woman. So contradictory. 🙄 She needs therapy and some soul searching. I remember being so lost and drinking like that at my most depressed. It was an awful fake life I was living.
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If Bonnie and Corey live with Raven and her family, it’s possible Raven didn’t want the kids around until they quarantined appropriately. Which is understandable since Bonnie is a cancer survivor.

Tracy is definitely Narcissistic, and if anybody has ever lived with or was married to a narcissistic person, everything is an act with them, they do nothing wrong, and they look to cut you down at every chance they get. You can give them everything and they’re still going to treat you as if you give them nothing. As if you are the sole issue. As much as she dotes on Skylar and Julian, eventually that will wear off and she will treat them as shitty as she treats Jayden. They play the victim every chance they get. They invalidate the way that make you feel, even if they are 💯 in the wrong.

She can’t wait to give her children up because she truly just cares about herself and nobody else. Her digs at Corey are now just online, before that I’m sure they were directly to his face.

Tracy makes sure she is always done up and “put together” yet her children look like they barely bathe, and hardly change their clothes... and she wants them to remember that she always left the house put together... which translates to, mommy only gave a shit about mommy.

She has 3 beautiful kids, and not a maternal bone in her body, while somewhere out there somebody is aching for a baby.
I used to think it was just PPD.... but it’s more and more evident that she’s a full blown Narcissist.
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I can't believe what TRASHHH Trashy is. She is so hell bent on showing the world she's being intimate with a guy that she takes a picture 🤢🤢 like oh hold still, let me take a pic of your tattoo and post it for 500 k followers because I'm telling everyone I'm v private now. She is so mentally ill. Who over the age of 22 would act this way????? Never mind being a mother. Absolute TRASH
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Sure tray
That stupid disgusting tongue🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
I can’t believe the kisses her kids with that mouth. Or maybe she doesn’t because she doesn’t have an ounce of love to give anyone.

am I the only one waiting for her to catch an STD? She always bragged on the podcast about how she never used protection and always raw dogged it, and now that she’s out sleeping with anyone with a pulse, it’s a matter of time 🤷🏻‍♀️ She disgusts me.
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Shes sooooo desperate to seem like she has all these men and sex. Girl. Who is that for? Cory? He doesnt even seem to wanna see the kids and she thinks he cares about her? Ha! I mean i dont know bcos he doesnt post very much so maybe he sees the kids and we just dont know? Regardless im sure he doesnt care what tracy does anymore so im
Not sure who these comments are for maybe for herself to make herself feel better...sad....go make costumes for your kids! I hate people that have kids and then act like this (and trust me theres a lot of men and women out there like this sadly)
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Amen! As time goes by and she continues to act this way you Stop making excuses for her and call her for what she really is....a narcissistic selfish mean person. She’s even bullying her own kids. (Jayden - the latest video on her tik tok where she was instigating her, it’s sad they need a mother and she’s MIA)
I didn’t get why she just didn’t turn around and tell her to hush. I don’t get the need to act so annoyed. I’m by no means a sweet mom I’m rough as well I would of just turned and told her to hush and that was going to be the last time I’m going to ask her. Handle the issue face look and see why she was yelling and “throwing shit” 🙄 I’m sorry if you record yourself annoyed while your kids are running amuck does it make the kids look bad or you? I get kids can drain you I also have 3 not under 3 but why do they praise her for sitting around being annoyed by her kids? Saddies be like “You poor thing here’s some dunkin for having to witness your children’s misbehavior while you do nothing honestly darling it’s all the dads fault if you ask me”☕
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that live was the stupidest thing I’ve watched
Her references to JL were pathetic and sad. It was so long ago! She wasn’t even tough back then and now people are supposed to be afraid of her? Like no thanks. I feel like she thinks she’s so tough but it’s so transparent she’s fake as fuck. Someone mentioned how bossy she was and honestly if I was that dude I would be like who are you talking to like that.

Her answers about fucking another dude other than the dude she likes were a true testament to the fact she’s immature AF. Sweetie that’s high school games, grow up.
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Wait!! So you made a whole profile to post this picture? To prove what? I think she still looks great here. I think 100lbs heavier she would still be cute. I don’t think anyone here is saying Tracy is not pretty. Tracy is ugly inside she treats her supporters like shit while giving trolls all her energy. She portrays a image that is false and talks shit about others like a hypocrite. She says one thing to praise herself and does another. I think their both beautiful and that’s ok. I don’t get the need to attack Brielle. She literally has done nothing let’s be fucken real. She has never attacked TRex. If I was her oh girl me and Tracy would of already met on Elm St. if I was Brielle and She had been mad disrespectful calling me a fan chacho! She would qualify for a mouth shot sorry I’m not sorry. It would be fair so let’s focus here. Tracy didn’t want Corey she left him. As she always states! Brielle is now dating Corey she’s not dating Tracy so what’s the problem? Honestly does Tracy want him back? I’m sure Brielle would give him back girl!! Dad of three with a crazy witch baby momma who won’t stop talking shit online even though I haven’t said shit. He’s going through a rough divorce ex wife is talking on her podcast and sending fan to spread hate. Like girl I’m sure she’d do a return to sender. You say she’s a fan but baby of what? A show you were on 10 years ago? She’s a fan of who? You? Your dead podcast? Your fifty non existent jobs? Your stylist talent you no longer have? Your ability to do makeup from the 80s? Fan of what? I enjoyed the show because you were a bitch and at 21 that was entertaining to me TEN YEARS AGO!!! Today it’s cringe and hard to watch a woman her age still acting so ugly. Thank her for taking out your trash and move the fuck on like everyone needs to fucken move on. Both don’t want to reconcile we don’t know what their marriage was like just what Trashy portrays and we know she’s a giant liar!!

Girl don’t you know that Brielle is a fan she’s so desperately wants to quit her education required Profession to be a social media influencer like Tracy she just ordered 100 black camisoles and dusters from princess Amor. If she takes Tracy’s bombbod money I’m going to have a bitch fit!!! This is what ppl sound like saying Brielle wants Tracy’s life🤣😂 let’s be serious here Brielle has a real career that faithfully pays. She’s not posting a Venmo and asking ppl to pay to watch her talk about dildos like whose the real fan? I think Tracy is Brielle’s fan clearly
AHHHHHHH EXACTLY! I love everything about your whole entire post mama. 🖤 Tracy is ugly on the inside and that’s what really is important here. There is no comparison between her and Briel. Briel actually has a career and DOES NOT give a f about the “Tracy hate pages” they all follow HER. Not the other way around.
I absolutely agree with you that Tracy does qualify for a few mouth shots but I’m not real so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Tracy LOVESSSSSSSSSS to throw shade and talk MAD shit but When push comes to show of, the bitch is a country club princess and doesn’t know how to throw hands like she likes to pretend. I mean she got kicked in the head by Olivia on JL like LMAO tiny ass little Olivia almost curb stomp that bitch 😂 I am SO over people defending Tracy like she is this victim and poor single mother when she’s depending on her parents and honestly lives quiet a cushy life especially for a newly divorced single mother.

ANYWAYS... I just made an account to say can’t stand TRACY and her bad attitude and ugly behavior towards others 💁🏼‍♀️ 😂 🤣 😉
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Please oh please oh please let that dermatologist office post the before and after photos of Trashy’s triple chin
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