TMPK #10 TMPK rebrand - Tiresome, Morose, Pretentious, Knucklehead

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Serious question…when was the last time The Meal Prep King actually meal prepped??
Weeks ago. His excuse is that he’s selling all his stuff (definitely not because he’s desperate for cash…) - yet this is Mr Drive and Determination who preaches ‘no excuses’ regularly. Different rules for him, you see.
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Weeks ago. His excuse is that he’s selling all his stuff (definitely not because he’s desperate for cash…) - yet this is Mr Drive and Determination who preaches ‘no excuses’ regularly. Different rules for him, you see.
Pathetic. He really is an embarrassment
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What on earth is he talking about “two weeks behind me”? What is he even doing? Certainly not meal prepping. Just claiming he’s losing weight and providing absolutely no receipts for it.

I’m sure Prozis will be delighted by the Grenade bars in his latest rehashed picture.
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Very soon we will be able to say those are photos of meal preps from two properties ago.
And more unrealistic diet and weightloss advice from this charlatan. Let's examine that sales tactic advice a little more closely and realistically. More importantly - honestly.
5 stone loss by Christmas he says - or 70 pounds in 26 weeks.
That's 2.7 pounds a week or a calorie deficit of 1350 calories a day. Every single day. Food will do 500. Any more and you won't be having enough of the right foods or will feel weak and want to over eat. That means you need to exercise every single day of every one of those 26 weeks for another 850 calorie burn. Every day. Unrealistic, possibly harmful and certainly dangerous for some though also accept for a few, it's doable - albeit an absolutely massive ask.
Alternatively, buy his wares, print a calendar, pick a date, cross off days and boom. Sorted.
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Now onto 'ask me a question' he can ask himself some questions! Bring on Charlotte, the new deal, the app!!
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He’s going to do his one to one coaching. He’s going to pick the people, it will be expensive. - in other words he’s going to bully vulnerable women into handing over money.
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Thinks they’ll be a waiting list for his one to one coaching. I’ll give you one thing, John, you crack me up regularly. It is genuinely fascinating watching a complete fantasist operate.
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Coaching?? This is a guy who will find any excuse under the sun not to meal prep. He’s always too busy yet he expects everyone else to do it. Imagine if he has a client who said they’re moving house in 8 weeks so can’t meal prep!? Imagine the abuse he would give them! He’s probably publicly humiliate them on insta as well. He is a complete joke.
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It’s been a minute. Mostly because I got bored. However I would be interested to know why that cunt thinks it’s ok to encourage his dogs to run around retail car parks. He is a fucking idiot.

Still banging on about his not drinking, despite not being asking, suspiciously like someone who is defo still drinking.

You ABSOLUTELY 100% can control EVERYTHING in your life….except the things you can’t.

You are telling me that this Charlatan, who has once again in the last 24 hours recycled meal prep from nearly two houses ago, just so happened to have those slides ready for someone to ask him what he would do to lose 5 stone before Christmas? Righto John.

Once again, just complete bullshit. The prick has been losing the same two stone for the last 10 years and so have most people but they aren’t scamming people over it. He does not understand basic nutrition, different between weight and fat loss, etc.

At the most basic level, this is a chaotic alcoholic trying to tell people how to live their lives. Insane.
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What a load of crap! Ooh Turkey in a tin ….yummy and the rest is just pure and . Try finishing your nutrition course mate and the eating clean that you professed at one point. What’s he gonna do now binge that so he doesn’t have to take to new house
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It is a joke isn’t it “Brand I am working with” I’m assuming he means he got the standard 10% off we all get and he’s placed this order. I can only assume that given that 1. What sort of lunatic would collaborate with him generally and 2. Even by his standards, it was piss poor “collagen - don’t know what it is but someone will tell me” He then follows it up with a clip of him taking supplements and bee pollen for “health” despite not knowing what they are because he doesn’t take them regularly and we all know that explaining any of it and, randomly, four boiled eggs?!

I don’t even get mad anymore, it’s all so pathetic and no one seems to be buying anymore. I’m just wondering if the full breakdown will happen before or after this move. I’m still fairly convinced he isn’t buying a house at all and this is all smoke and mirrors.
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So basically he’s paid for that stuff with a measly 10% off the order, and now he’s spending time he should be spending working on his own business promoting someone else’s instead… make it make sense John. He could be doing exactly what prozis have done and built up an empire that others shout about but he’s massively failed, no one likes him, even he himself can’t be arsed to meal prep so now he’s being your basic instacunt and buying shit to promote earning himself around 50p per order. He’s be far better off getting himself down the jobcentre!
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It’s appalling he has books/app etc all based on his whole ethos of meal prepping which if consistent would be perfect in the run up to a house move - saving time/stress and keeping diet on track but no and he’s not going to Mealprep - just eat random shit and promote a batch of chemicals that he’s not even tried yet himself and not declaring as an ad! All for some minuscule commission rate.
He had an omelette the other day to use his last 3 eggs up then suddenly had 4 more eggs last nite. Appalling unbalanced food. I would be fuming as an CrApp user as he’s not living by the plan he’s marketing. He’s never said what benefit the bee pollen gives etc

Still no mention of second house yet doing the paperwork, insurances for one would require diffferent aspects for one he’s presumably renting out.
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I can guarantee he’s already regretting signing up with these charlatans. The absolute crap he’s having to flog, its embarrassing - that line about collagen will go down in JtC infamy though. Just a total chancer. Counting down the days until the house move with my calendar.
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Am still waiting for Lulu to go into season. That will be a car crash if it happens during the move and the bespoke dog kennel won’t be ready and he won’t want her upstairs on carpet. Ofc he’s made his life more difficult sourcing all new furniture etc to arrive around moving in date. Also will need to do exit clean of current rental - that sofa

Seriously can’t believe someone’s bought his bed/mattress and he’s still sleeping in it He’s so greasy and clammy!
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