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I think it was right after Bandit passed. There was a “we’re gonna open our three backlog of mail everyone sent” and somebody had knitted a blanket for Bandit. I think that might have sent her over the edge, probably a lot of guilt for being lazy and not opening mail, that and getting kicked off the media list probably didn’t do well for her mental well being. I’ve worked in finance for a long time and people end up going bat shit crazy when they see threats to their income streams.
Funny enough I don’t think she really loved Bandit. Just another prop in their arsenal. I think you might be right about the snap being when she and Tim were called out for their racism and homophobia. Trying to scramble back from that and it’s just been impossible
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All the folks I know keep their houses set at 65, I bring my boots and snow shovel when visiting.
This is so true! I have friends in Fl we’ve visited and their homes are so cold. I’ve asked them why they live in Fl if they prefer it so cold and they will say the weather. And then they’ve visited me in MN in spring when it’s the warm, strong sun kind of 65 and they are freezing and say they could never live here. This is the temperature of your home all of the time! Temperature relativity/perception is such a strange phenomenon.
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Eh, I haven't clicked to "ignore" anyone on this thread, so you can unwad your panties or your jockstrap.

There's at least one on here that @HereForTheT3a22 and I agree on - that two other lovely rarely-commenting posters came out from the shadows to infer we were "mean girls" about while we were on few days' "hiatus" (funny timing, huh?) - BUT I actually haven't even "ignored" this person - or, again, anyone on here. This person has, so far, calmed down a bit (and it had nothing to do with opposing opinions, BTW, just more of a hugely overinflated ego and some contradictions)

Side note - I will be so happy when the fucking holier-than-thou "do better" line gets retired already. :rolleyes:
OMG we got called mean girls and I missed it?!?

what ever will I do with myself now that some internet randos think I’m “mean” for choosing to ignore a very select few people in the inter webs 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I mean they need snackies and they certainly aren’t getting them at Target when they’re vlogging those expensive $4 Target toddler tshirts.

If they would only hire out their household chores, odd jobs (akafixthedamnshelf), and maybe hire a nanny for their kid to spend time with a few afternoons so they can vlog, they would be in good shape. Oh and maybe a nutritionist/personal trainer? And a pool boy for Tim.
Tim worked in construction- surely he knows some handyman he trusts. I think it’s an ego thing. He doesn’t want someone doing chores he can, but he can’t be organized enough to do them! He has to entertain the kid while Jenn “edits”. Seriously- the last vlog was an entire day of them doing what? Eating two meals & going to Target. They waste days & days on nothing.
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I think it was right after Bandit passed. There was a “we’re gonna open our three backlog of mail everyone sent” and somebody had knitted a blanket for Bandit. I think that might have sent her over the edge, probably a lot of guilt for being lazy and not opening mail, that and getting kicked off the media list probably didn’t do well for her mental well being. I’ve worked in finance for a long time and people end up going bat shit crazy when they see threats to their income streams.
Yeah, now that you mention it, that's probably a really legit reason why she's spiraling downward. The loss of #hosted #media cred.

But I still think other things are brewing and may not having anything to do with that, or even Jackson. The two of them just are together TOO MUCH and too much - even with one's spouse - is not a good thing. You need SOME time apart.

Hell, I remember when I worked at Disney 20 years ago, I had a fellow CM in his 70s who got a job at Disney because he said both he and his wife were retired and if they spent 24x7x365 together, they'd end up hating one another!

I think that's what's happening to Tim and Jenn.
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I DO remember that! I also remember there was a huge no filming policy at EPCOT during any of the concerts. When cameras started coming out with an ability to film live footage, I was approached by a CM and told to stop filming. When, in reality, I just had my camera up to take rapid shots in succession to try and get a good one!

I really think they became lax with that rule once smartphones came out and everyone could start filming on their phones.
I vividly recall Chubby Checker coming down off the Epcot stage to where a guy had his camera set up on a tripod. He picked the whole thing up and turned it around and told the guy no video allowed. Then he twisted his way back up the aisle and onto the stage.
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We have a hippo that goes on the faucet for the tub. If they’d do some research...oh wait...that requires reading.
Luckily Tim has a nice chair in the yard where he can sit down and read about those things made to baby proof your house. The book will have to have pictures.
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She has some pretty obvious narcissistic tendencies. Playing victim and storytelling to get people to your side to preempt people questioning is a big one. Most people thought, “they couldn’t have babies and now they have one, how could anyone not find joy in that for someone else” and didn’t question further so she got to control the narrative. Saw it play out on a few Disney forums I’m on. I admit I didn’t question it too much at first until I thought about it a bit more.

And playing to Tim’s ego and need to protect his family is a huge way to control him and make him feel closer. They really have an unhealthy relationship.

The Tim Tracker #25- Start losing weight like you lose friends!
If she did that she could be a diet guru. “How to use and abuse your pounds so it walks itself off. A step by step guide to make your fat sick of making you fat”.
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Dinner at the end of the most recent video has Jackson being completely distracted by doc mcstuffins...

they never sit together as a family and engage during dinner...
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That sofa position is terrifying.. and yet they seem to see the balloon as the biggest danger. He could literally kill himself falling from there.
Right? They make NO sense. They let him slam doors he can get his fingers caught in, they don't baby proof the coffee table, they let him climb on a couch next to a railing where he could fall and die, but that damn balloon must go! They have the most screwed up priorities when it comes to his safety.
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I keep thinking about them possibly not being vaccinated. These people filmed the birth of their child for their YouTube channel. Why the F would they not have filmed themselves or even at least inserted *complete with camera noise* photos of them getting it… I 100% believe T&J are following some conspiracy nut job and think they don’t need to get it since they are SO YOUNG AND HEALTHY ;) but know that their fans would have a backlash if they didn’t say they got it. I want the proof and they didn’t give any. And they also conveniently forgot to update everyone with their 2nd shot symptoms. Don’t know why but I’m still stewing about this…:unsure:
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I wish they would have denied them entry. It would have been epic to see. I can't believe she's feeding him whole grapes. She has no clue....ugh...
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I know someone who knew them personally and the CMs are correct, they’re snobby assholes who feel like they are entitled to anything. Meanwhile, they’re just Youtubers. We met him a few years ago and my daughter wanted a photo with him and I had posted it on my FB page and no one, but 1 person knew who he was. I think they are more famous in their heads than anywhere else.
Btw he’s super awkward in person. He seemed nice but like almost too nice that it was fake.
I can confirm. Super SUPER awkward and cannot hold a conversation. My husband, toddler (at the time), and I ran into him in Universal one time. I was a “fan” at the time but not a Stan. I said “hey Tim!” In passing and he like stopped and dawdled awkwardly without saying anything and just posed like I was paparazzi ready to snap a pic. We weren’t even interested in taking a photo. I just wanted to congratulate him on the upcoming birth of their first child. Jenn had waxed poetic about how amazing Tim is with kids…FALSE. My little guy is super friendly and hugged EVERYONE (pre pandemic of course, that was a hard habit for him to break poor thing is a lover) and of course he went running at Tim for a hug. Tim acted like rabid animal was about to accost him and eat his brains…it was a 3 year old who wanted a hug like he does from everyone.

anyway, it was SO awkward that even my socially awkward self wondered how he gets on being “so famous”🙄🙄🙄🙄
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I felt like the people that gave it to them were really genuine about the gift, and I could just envision Jenn pushing as far back in the closet as she could make it go.
I did too. I know that some people kinda made fun of Ronnie's art on Guru but man, I sure as hell can't paint like that!

AND I totally felt he was so genuine and so sweet in gifting that to them. His words to them were so heartfelt.

They are honestly good people. Tyler too.

Too good for the Trackers, IMHO.
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Well Timbo is still on the Seaworld media list. They just uploaded a Seaworld media event vlog. He doesn't get his ass there until 1 pm. I'm just into it a few minutes and I gotta say the Seaworld entertainment exec isn't anymore professional than the Slackers. She's struggling. Shoulda rehearsed more.
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Hello, I don’t remember if I brought this up here or elsewhere, so here goes: when a certain person got named community manager and had friends in social media and pr, that was the beginning of a nightmare. The trackers walked around like they were the CEO of the property. Also I know I brought up Universal hinting at Jenn to apply to the social media team. They were insufferable that year- more so than now
lol! How stupid was Universal’s media team to offer Jenn an application? Talk about pr nightmare
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She blames Jackson for not showering, not cleaning her house, not doing laundry, not cooking, etc. The list goes on and on.
School is going to be a horrible experience for Jackson. We all know kids are cruel even at a young age.
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